Racetrack Romance BOX SET (Books 1-3)

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Racetrack Romance BOX SET (Books 1-3) Page 20

by Bev Pettersen

  “I’d like you to ride my horses now, Julie,” he said. “After your doughnut and coffee, of course. Ace is entered for tomorrow.”

  “Certainly. Just let me know when he’s ready.”

  Kurt’s mouth compressed. He'd assumed she would watch while he saddled the horse, the way she always did. After another solitary evening, he’d been looking forward to some company. Yet if she preferred to eat doughnuts and giggle with Cody, the so-called trainer of the week, that was fine too.

  Exactly what he wanted.

  “Lazer will be ready in ten minutes,” he said. But he lingered in the doorway, reluctant to move. Cody had shifted on the cot. His leg pressed against Julie’s and she didn’t inch away, not like she did with Kurt.

  “Let’s get them ready, Martin.” Kurt jerked away from the door.

  Martin scrambled off the cot, snagging another doughnut on the way out. Kurt strode to Lazer’s stall, Martin by his side, contentedly munching.

  “I’ve already brushed Lazer,” Martin said. “He only tried to kick me once.”

  “You did a good job too,” Kurt said as he bridled the glistening colt. “I’ll take Cisco and Ace out after we finish with this guy. You’ve got chocolate on your chin.”

  Martin ducked his head, wiped his face with his sleeve, then crammed the last piece of doughnut into his mouth. “The double chocolate ones are the best, but these are pretty good too,” he said, his words sounding smothered. He swallowed and looked gratefully at Kurt. “This has gotta be the best job in the world. Being around all the horses, all the nice people.”

  “Yeah, it’s nice.” But Kurt’s fingers turned awkward as he struggled with the buckle on Lazer’s blinkers, and he didn’t want to look at Martin’s trusting, young face any longer. He turned Lazer and led him down the aisle, longing to return to his real racing business where there was no need to lie to good people.

  He stopped Lazer outside Sandra’s tack room, outside the circle of carefree laughter and easy voices, and wished he could join in. Lazer pawed, and the impatient horse yanked him back to reality.

  Dammit. He had a job to do. Hadn’t come to make friends. And Julie worked for him. He shouldn’t be doing this—delivering a horse to a rider simply because he felt a bit of guilt. In fact, he should fire her ass.

  But he sighed and led Lazer even closer to the open door.

  “Milady, your mount is ready,” he said, resisting the urge to drop a deep bow. “I assume you want to use your own saddle?”

  “Definitely.” She rose, scooping up her weathered exercise saddle—the one she always insisted on using—from Sandra’s rack. “See you later. Thanks, Cody.”

  They silently saddled Lazer. As Kurt bent to leg her up, a black blur streaked beneath his arm, dodging a path between the colt’s legs. Lazer leaped sideways. Clipped Julie’s shoulder. She stumbled, almost fell but he reached out and hauled her to his chest.

  “Damn cat,” he muttered. “You okay?” He sucked in Julie’s smell, enjoying the feel of her in his arms.

  She nodded and quickly stepped away, while Lazer yanked at the reins, snorting, and scanning the aisle for the terrifying cat. The colt suddenly looked too big, too rambunctious, too dangerous for an apprentice. But she’d already walked back to his side, and Kurt automatically legged her into the saddle.

  She glanced down, her gaze steady while she awaited his instructions. “You sure you’re all right?” he asked, dragging his hand off her boot.

  She nodded again and looked so disdainful he pushed away the unsettling notion that Lazer was too much horse.

  “He bucks a bit when he’s feeling good.” Kurt’s voice was gruff as he led the prancing colt down the aisle. “Get him moving right away. Three laps, same as yesterday, but with a little more gas down the stretch.”

  He wanted to warn her to keep Lazer’s head up, to be careful of the colt’s stunts, but the haughty tilt of her nose suggested surplus conversation wouldn’t be appreciated. He needed her to look at him though, to smile at him the way she had with Cody, and suddenly the reasons for distancing himself seemed unimportant.

  Friedman was in their sights. Julie wasn’t a suspect and had no new information pertaining to the case. He wasn’t going to spill his guts like he had with Anne Marie—no chance of that—so there was no reason why he shouldn’t enjoy Julie’s company. No reason at all.

  He just had a little backtracking to do. A big weight slid off his shoulders. “How’s my mare settling?” he asked.

  “She’s fine.”

  “Blue isn’t hassling her too much?”

  “Of course not,” Julie said. “He never bothers the animals.”

  “He looks like a dog who’d enjoy getting close to the stock,” Kurt said.

  “Well, maybe he heels her a bit,” she admitted, with such an adorable flush it was hard to pull his gaze away. “But it’s all in play.”

  “We need to have a chat, Julie.”

  “It’s okay,” she said. “Blue won’t hurt her.”

  “A chat about us,” he said.

  Dismay swept her face. Obviously she didn't want to dredge up Sunday's events. Further words stuck in his throat; no doubt she’d written him off, just as he’d set her up to do. They reached the gap where he fiddled with the bridle, reluctant to let her go.

  “Keep a tight hold,” he said, pretending to adjust a buckle. “He’s feeling good so I switched to a ring bit. And these blinkers are new. Probably why he reacted to the cat. He's had an open cup before, and they didn't help with his focus. But let me know what you think.”

  Both she and Lazer looked impatient to get on the track, and there was simply nothing left to say. He released the colt and stepped back, joining another trainer watching from the rail.

  “Your horse looks fit,” the man said. “Good-looking animal.”

  Kurt pulled his gaze off Julie and turned to the man beside him.

  “My name's Red Jollymore. That’s my three-year-old coming now, Sweating Bullet.” The trainer beamed with pride as he pointed at a big bay. The horse was clearly eager to run, his head bent to his chest as he strained at the bit. “You entering the allowance race Friday night?” the man asked.

  “That’s the plan.” Kurt stuck out his hand. “I'm Kurt MacKinnon.”

  Jollymore pumped his hand, his mouth stretching in an eager smile that revealed a chipped front tooth. “Yeah, I know. Spent a month at Gulfstream. Saw your horses run there. We're honored to have you in Alberta. You here for the Derby?”

  Kurt stalled, pretending to check his watch. The Alberta Derby was a month away. No way would he be around for that. But the Derby was the only race that made sense. Jollymore knew the caliber of his horses and would question why he’d shipped all the way out for a lowly allowance race.

  “That’s right. I’m here for the Derby,” Kurt said as Sweating Bullet charged down the stretch. “Your colt looks strong. I see we won’t steal any wins. Guess we'll meet next month.”

  Jollymore puffed out his chest at the praise. “We’ll meet before the Derby. I’m entering for Friday too. It’s a good prep. Bull hasn’t lost yet, and I’ve got Bixton riding. Who you putting up on your colt?”


  “Julie? The West girl? Isn’t that a big race for an apprentice?”

  “She can handle it,” Kurt said. “She’s a quiet rider, a thinking rider. And the horses respond to her.”

  “No shit. Guess any red-blooded male would respond to that.”

  Kurt stared coldly at Jollymore. The man sobered and looked away, his chuckle fading to an embarrassed cough.

  “Looks aside, she’s plucky and a hard worker,” Kurt said, easing up on the man. “None of the regular jockeys are out here galloping. And I like a rider to work with my horse going into a race.”

  “Guess you’re right.” Jollymore’s forehead crinkled in thought. “Maybe I should give her a chance. Be nice to get the weight allowance.”

  “Well, I'd be using her even if sh
e weren't an apprentice. She’s got talent.”

  Jollymore stared across the track, nodding solemnly.

  There you go, Julie, Kurt thought. That should boost your career. And Jollymore was listed as one of the top local trainers. She'd be safer riding for his barn than scrambling for mounts from hobby horse hackers. He turned his attention to Lazer, warmed with a mixture of satisfaction and relief. Finally he’d done something good for her.

  Lazer had stretched out, sweeping around the turn. He passed on the outside of Sweating Bullet, who’d slowed before the clubhouse turn.

  Kurt stiffened as Jollymore’s horse broke away from his rider’s hold and chased after Lazer. The two colts matched each other, stride for stride, ears flattened as they galloped in tandem around the turn, both riders fighting desperately to stop the premature duel.

  Julie braced her feet in the stirrups, pulling on the right rein and forcing Lazer to the middle of the track. Kurt watched her deftly regain control, settling Lazer back into a steady gallop on the inner rail.

  Sweating Bullet, however, continued to power around the track.

  “Pull him up! Pull him up!” Red Jollymore hollered, waving his stopwatch as Sweating Bullet pounded past, still flat out.

  “Goddammit!” Jollymore’s voice quivered with rage. “Strongest exercise rider here and the idiot can’t hold my horse.” He glanced at Julie with new respect. “I see what you mean. Damn smart rider. Don’t know how I missed it.”

  Kurt smiled and stepped up to the gap. Both Lazer and Julie were breathing heavily, and he snagged the horse quickly so she could recover.

  “Good job out there,” he said, but his smile disappeared when he saw her pained expression. Something was obviously wrong. Not Lazer, the horse had trotted back fine. But she looked stricken. Maybe her shoulder? Lazer had clipped her when he spooked at the cat. “What's wrong?” he asked.

  She leaned down, eyes regretful. “It wasn’t all good. At first he wanted to run with Jollymore's horse and really pulled. But it was that chestnut on the outside that slowed him. Lazer started looking around and just stopped trying. I have to say, the blinkers didn’t help at all. I’m sorry, Kurt.”

  He couldn’t speak for a moment, weakened with relief. She was fine, just fine. Her concern was with Lazer. And the way she looked at him now, with such empathy, made his breath thicken. She didn’t know Lazer was a throwaway, that the race was meaningless. She was pouring her heart and soul into his training, staking her career on a horse that was mentally immature and didn’t give a shit about running.

  “It’s okay.” He coughed to hide his gruffness. “Lazer might not make a racehorse. Just remember if he comes last, it’s no worse than what he’s been doing. He’s had enough chances.”

  “But you didn’t drive all the way from Ontario to run last. And Lazer is fast. He just doesn’t try.” She shook her head, her voice turning thoughtful. “Maybe one of Sandra’s magnets would help. They use them on children with attention issues. They helped Sandra’s sister, and I’ve heard they can calm animals too.”

  Hope blazed on her face, and he gave a quick swallow. She was genuinely concerned about him and his lazy horse. “I’m willing to listen.” He coughed again, desperate to clear his throat. “You can tell me more about these magnets while Martin gets Ace ready.”

  And I’ll tell you a few things too, he thought, setting his jaw.

  He led Lazer to the barn and handed him over to Martin. “Cool him out and wrap his legs. We’re taking Cisco and Ace out next, but Julie and I need to have a meeting first.”

  And the meeting would be about much more than magnets. He waited for her to precede him into the tack room then shut the door with a decisive click.

  “I've been using magnetic wraps and blankets for a long time,” he said, “but I don’t know much about this attention thing.”

  “Well,” she waved her hands, eyes eager, “you already know magnets speed healing by helping cells. So if we help the cells in Lazer's brain, it might help him focus.” She tapped her forehead, so enthusiastic he couldn’t help but grin.

  “The magnets are no joke. Just try it.” She took a step closer. “There’s no bad effect either, and they might really help.”


  “Okay?” She tilted her head in surprise. “You mean you'll try it? Don't you want to talk to Sandra first?”

  “I'd rather talk to you. I want to apologize for the way I acted yesterday. Sort of…withdrawn.”

  “Withdrawn!” She crossed the small room, her voice rising. “Bullshit. You were rude and mean.”

  “Maybe,” he said. “But at the time I thought we should step back, especially since I won’t be here long—you know, since Lazer isn't panning out. I don't want a permanent relationship. You're very inexperienced—I'm not.” Her eyes narrowed, and he rushed to deflect her. Didn’t want her asking tough questions, didn’t want to make up any more lies. “But I'd really like to see you while I'm here,” he said quickly. “What do you think? Can you handle that, knowing I’m leaving soon?”

  The corners of her lips quivered.

  Shit, she was going to cry. Nothing made him run faster than tears. Yet he moved forward and instinctively wrapped her in his arms. Dipped his head to find her lips, comforting her in the easiest way he knew.

  Damn, she felt good. Her mouth moved under his, and he scooped her closer, drinking in her taste. This was much better than talking anyway. She wasn’t even angry, thank God. She’d slid her hand beneath his shirt, skimming her fingers over his chest, dipping along the barrier of his jeans, caressing, teasing.

  He closed his eyes wondering where her little hand might explore next. Things were definitely looking up. He’d been nuts to pass this up—

  Shit! He jerked his eyes open. Those sweet fingers had just twisted his nipple. Hard. He stared at her, incredulous, unwilling to believe she’d faked that kind of response.

  But no, she clearly was all huffy, hands on her hips, eyes blazing and so angry she sputtered. “So you wonder if poor inexperienced me can handle seeing you. For a short while? Gosh, this is such an honor. Now let me think.”

  He raised his palms and edged back. “I didn't mean it like that.”

  “Oh?” She stepped forward, rapping a finger against his chest and backing him against the wall. “Exactly how did you mean it?”

  “You hadn’t had sex for a long time,” he said cautiously. “You don’t sleep around. That made me think—”

  “That I wouldn’t fit in with your stable of willing women?”

  “There are no other women, willing or otherwise,” he muttered, perturbed he couldn't read her quite as well as he'd thought.

  “Really. Then why did you say you always had sex with anyone willing?”

  His hands felt sweaty. He didn’t like the way she chipped away at his feelings, cracking him open, leaving him exposed.

  “Look,” he said, “I was just talking. You surprised me, okay. And I didn't expect it, wasn't looking for it, don't want it.” He crossed his arms, hiding behind a belligerent glower.

  But she wouldn’t back off and even had the gall to give a scornful snort. “You need to change your method. That bad-eyed scowl doesn’t work anymore.”

  “All right.” He lowered his arms. “What method do you want?”

  “Honesty, that's all. A little attention. And no mood swings. That's the woman’s job.” She rose on her tiptoes and gave his chest another saucy jab. “And I'm going to be angry a lot longer than this. You have some major sucking up to do.”

  His arms snaked out, making her squeal as he pinned her against the wall. “This is my major sucking up,” he said. “But if you want more attention, I'm prepared to work on that. Quite diligently.”


  “As diligently as you'll let me,” he said. “That’s a promise.”

  Her suspicious expression tore at him, but he had to admit her instincts were excellent. He wasn't the kind of man she needed or want
ed. However, his attraction to her was potent, and he didn’t intend to waste any more time. Time was already in short supply.

  “Let's start again,” he said quietly. “Just see where this thing takes us. Are you free for dinner tonight?”

  She paused so long, he stopped breathing. Finally. “Yes, I’m free.”

  He blew out a relieved sigh and dipped his face in her hair, hiding his expression as he sucked in her familiar smell. “You don’t know how much I want you,” he whispered.

  “I feel the same when you kiss me,” she said. Her voice was so certain, so honest, it frightened him. Good thing she was with him and not that steroid-stuffed Cody.

  “Jesus, Julie. Never tell a man that.”

  “Except for you.” She gave a teasing smile.

  “Exactly. Now you understand.” He stroked a possessive finger over her cheek, watching as her expression turned pensive.

  “I'm not sure,” she tugged at her lower lip. “Well, I’ll probably go right home after dinner.” Her words came out in a rush, but he understood what she meant.

  “That’s fine. Just dinner will be perfect,” he said, and to his surprise, he meant it. “Let’s get the horses.” He pressed a chaste kiss on her forehead.

  “You’re riding Cisco today?” she asked.

  “I want to give Ace a horse to chase and afterwards go for some paddock work. Cisco’s company will steady him.” And he didn’t plan to let Julie out of his sight.

  Hooves clattered, oddly close, and they both turned toward the door.

  “Sounds like a horse is coming right into the tack room,” Julie said.

  “That’s Ace. He swings his right front out. You can hear a slight hesitation when he walks,” Kurt said. “One of the reasons he was cheap.”

  Julie pressed her ear to the door, eyes bright with interest. “I hear it now,” she said in a conspiratorial whisper.

  “Martin probably heard you squeal and is rushing to the rescue. If he wasn’t such a good hand, I’d fire him.” Kurt squeezed her hand, feeling absurdly happy. “Trainers should be able to ravish riders whenever they please,” he added with a grin.


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