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SASSY IN STILETTOS ARe version Page 23

by Nana Malone

  He dragged her through the throngs and out a side exit. Quickly, he looked around, but he had no idea which conference rooms weren’t taken. Dragging her up two floors by the stairs, he used his all-access key and prayed there was no one in the room.

  Luck was on his side, and the room was dark and empty. With the bed made and spotless bathroom, he figured it was safe to borrow for a little while.

  “Caleb, what are you doing? This could be someone’s room.”

  “What’s this? The great Micha Bennett is afraid of getting caught?” He dragged her to him for a kiss. Savoring her flavor, he ran his tongue over hers and sighed. “You taste incredible, do you know that?”

  She smirked at him. “You know the only reason I’m still great is because I’ve never been arrested. I try not to do anything that I can’t talk my way out of.”

  “Hm-hm.” He was too busy nuzzling her neck.

  She giggled as he nibbled her ear. “I get the distinct impression you’re not listening to me.”

  “Sorry, I have a one-track mind. My brain is focused on burying my dick inside you and showing you how much I’ve been missing you today.”

  “You’re incorrigible. We made love this morning before I left to get my hair and makeup done.”

  He hissed as she wrapped her hand around his thick erection. “Exactly what I mean, way too long.”

  Caleb dipped his head and kissed her again, coaxing her lips apart and exploring her mouth with his tongue. He reached for hers and suckled it. With her little gasp, he hiked up her dress. “Now tell me there is a God, and you’re not wearing any—” He growled low when his palms met bare ass. “Sweetheart, you’re not wearing any underwear.”

  Micha fumbled for his belt and released his straining cock from its confines. “I had it on good authority that you like things to be easy access, and I want to keep my man happy.”

  He lifted her up so she wrapped her legs around him. His cock immediately sought her slick, wet heat. When the tip of it grazed her sex, he swore.

  Caleb braced her back against the door, and in one sure stoke, he slid home. He’d planned for a little more seduction, but something about Micha always had him changing his plans. He worried he was hurting her when she started gasping, and he slowed down his strokes.

  Her hands fisted in his hair, and she forced him to meet her dark, grey eyes. “Don’t you dare stop. Not when I’m this close, not when it feels this good.”

  Looking into the eyes of the woman he loved, he deepened his strokes, watching those eyes of hers turn silver as his cock rubbed over her G-spot.

  “Yes, Caleb, yes, I love….I love…I love when you do that.”

  Caleb’s orgasm started to rocket through him as he heard the word love on her lips. The muscles of her slick core worked him as she followed him into orgasm, holding him tight and promising to never let him go.

  Chapter 28

  Caleb watched Micha from the patio of Currant restaurant. Ever since their trip to L.A., he’d tried to give her a little breathing room. He still had a man posted in her office 24/7, and he still had someone tailing her and a GPS unit on her at all times, but he didn’t have anyone on her physical person all the time. They hadn’t heard anything from her stalker in weeks, but he wasn’t going to be any less vigilant with her life. He wasn’t trying to smother her now either.

  She wore a fitted, white dress that came to below her knees and those red and gold shoes she’d been wearing everywhere lately. Her curls hung around her shoulders, wild and free, and he had the urge to tug on one of the spirals.

  She looked good enough to eat.

  He’d seen her get ready this morning. Hell, he’d even undressed her once today already, but that didn’t mean the need for her was anywhere near tempered. In fact, it was worse. He knew that underneath the dress she wore one of those see-through bras that barely covered her nipples. Considering her substantial rack, he wandered how the hell the flimsy thing even held her breasts up. The same for that thing she called a thong which was barely a patch of fabric and some string. Not that he was complaining. Problem was, it didn’t matter to him that her whole body was covered. He kept imagining her as she’d been in her bra and panties, and he’d been unable to get any work done.

  When she hit the light, she put her phone back in her purse and caught him staring at her. The smile she gave him was so brilliant and so unguarded that his heart squeezed. She was his. He didn’t know for how long or if it would last, but for right now she was his. And she looked pleased as punch about it. Damn, he loved this woman and all her stubborn, infuriating ways. For that smile alone he loved her. She was joined at the stoplight by a group of teenagers and an elderly man with a cane.

  The traffic on Broadway was such that the main lights sometimes took up to five minutes to change. Combined with the one-way rules, traffic in downtown San Diego was in full force. When the light finally changed, the teenagers bounded across the street without even a glance for the stopped, oncoming traffic. Micha began crossing at the same time the elderly man with a cane did. They both paused at the sound of an oncoming car.

  Caleb’s eyes flickered to Fourth Avenue and the direction of the engine sounds. The only problem was Fourth Avenue was one-way and that traffic was sitting at a red light. A late model Ford Mustang screeched down the street. Caleb’s eyes flickered to Micha again. The hairs on his arms stood at attention. He stood and jumped over the wrought iron fence before his brain consciously registered the commands for movement.

  The turning lane traffic had a red light, and the traffic from Fourth was about to get a green. The Mustang still barreled down Fourth with loud rap music blaring in the direction of oncoming traffic.

  Micha glanced at the oncoming traffic, swiveled her head to glance at the charging car and saw him running. She froze instantly, but then she tried to grab the old man and haul him to the relative safety of the center divider.

  Only the old man wasn’t interested in heading to the center divider. He grabbed Micha’s arm and shoved her to the ground, then took off at a dead sprint down Broadway. The Mustang closed in on Micha in the middle of the street. She tried to stand, but her foot caught on the grate in the street. As she frantically tried to free her foot, the Mustang closed in. One hundred yards. Seventy-five. Fifty.

  The drivers in the oncoming cars on Fourth slowed as they saw Micha frozen in the crosswalk. A man in his Volvo stopped and jumped out to try to help. Caleb vaulted over pedestrians and skateboarders and dogs and wove between the now-stalled cars on Fourth and nearly knocked over the good samaritan.

  In the span of thirty seconds, the Mustang screeched around the corner of Broadway. Caleb hauled Micha free and vaulted her to the center divider, narrowly following suit. The good samaritan landed on his ass in the middle of the street, and Caleb dragged him behind him. When the Mustang missed the three of them, Caleb’s heart and lungs nearly exploded in his body they worked so quickly to get oxygen and blood flowing.

  Caleb mumbled into his earpiece as his men all screamed at him, asking what the fuck had just happened. He squinted as he read the plate on the Mustang. In that instant, the rear window rolled down and the barrel of a gun jutted out. On autopilot, he immediately hauled himself over Micha’s body and covered her with his. Shots rang out, and he gritted his teeth against the sound.

  Bystanders hit the ground and ducked. People jumped out of their cars and hit the pavement. Screams filtered into his stream of consciousness. But all he listened intently for was the sound of Micha breathing. And she was breathing all right. A string of inventive epithets spewed out of her mouth. Relief washed through him. If she was swearing, she was alive. Now all he had to do was keep her that way.

  Two more shots rang out before the Mustang was out of his range, but he screamed orders to his men to follow and track the fucking car. As calmly as possible, he gave the plates and instructions. The sound of wailing sirens had him gritting his teeth. What he wanted to do was get Micha the fuck out of here
. He would find the car faster than the cops. But he’d have to rely on his guys right now. Micha was his priority.

  He finally shifted off her to allow her to sit up. His hands roved over her, checking her for wounds or injury. “You weren’t hit?”

  She shook her head, eyes a little wild. “N-no. Do you think that was my stalker?”

  His stomach rolled. Micha’s stalker, while dangerous, wasn’t that bold. The asshole had gone for sneaky attacks that protected identity. To go after her in such a bold and flagrant manner suggested someone who didn’t give a fuck about getting caught. Someone who wanted to send a very specific message. Someone like Cabrillo.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “You know, maybe, just maybe, people could stop trying to kill me?”

  He cupped her cheek in his palm. “I swear to you. I will catch and annihilate whoever did this.”

  She covered his hand with hers. “I think the word you’re looking for is we. We will catch and annihilate.”

  He opened his mouth to argue with her, but she placed her fingertips against his lips. “You came after me. Into oncoming traffic and a charging car and gunshots.”

  “Yeah.” He blinked at her, wondering if she was going into shock. She seemed lucid enough, but he couldn’t be sure. He’d need to have her checked out by the paramedics.

  She kissed him briefly on the lips. “Thank you, Caleb. Without you, I’d likely be dead.”

  “I told you. Nothing is going to happen to you. Not while I’m here.”


  Two hours after the cops and the statements and the check overs by EMTs, Caleb was still trying to convince Micha to get seen by a doctor. “You need to go to the hospital.”

  She scowled as she stepped past him into the lobby of her building. “Are you kidding me right now? I have to finish up edits for the interview. Prep for all the promo spots, and believe it or not, since I’m still senior features editor, I have a magazine to get out. I did that in-depth piece for the magazine on Simon, and I have to make sure it’s good to go. Plus, I still have to select the final two advertising spots for the issue. I’m sorry. I don’t have time to sit in the hospital all day. Especially when the paramedics say I’m fine.”

  “Look, I know. Can’t you have Ryan bring everything you need to the hospital? I would feel better.”

  “Find me a doctor who will come to the office. I’m sure Adele has one on speed dial. Or I’m sure, given what you do, you have a doctor or two who owes you a favor. If you’re so worried, have one come in, but I’m working today.”

  Fine, she thought she could skirt the issue. He would have a doctor come in to make sure. He’d almost lost her once today. He sure as hell wasn’t taking chances. She hadn’t been hit, but he’d taken her down pretty hard, and he didn’t want her to have a sprained or broken anything. And while her eyes were clear, she still shook a little, even though she was trying to hide the telltale tremor of her hands.

  As soon as they walked into SDM, Ryan took one look at her and froze, his face a mask of horror. “Micha, what the hell happened?” He then shot Caleb an accusatory look as he rushed over to take her purse and scarf.

  “Nothing happened. I’m fine. I fell in the street is all. Can you get me the art department and Mike from advertising? I want to put the issue to bed. Then have Adam and the other segment producers bring the equipment up here so I can see what’s been edited of the interview so far.”

  She was all business giving Ryan clipped instructions, which her assistant jotted down with efficiency, all the while hanging her purse and scarf, getting her a glass of water, and a power bar, as well as an aspirin. All placed on her desk before Micha could even sit down. Shit, how the hell did he get an assistant like that?

  As soon as Ryan hurried off to carry out her demands, Micha turned to Caleb. “Look, you don’t have to shadow me anymore. You said yourself that you don’t think it was my stalker, right? I have work to do, and so do you. Annie needs you too. You can’t be in two places at once.”

  He ground his teeth. He already had Annie at Alec’s under around-the-clock watch. He had no doubt Sabine was looking for the girl. “I know, but you can see how I’m worried. Right?”

  Micha sighed and stalked over to him. She stood in front of him, meeting him almost eye to eye, and he couldn’t help a quick kiss. When she responded with a smile, he tried to pull her in for a deeper kiss, but she put a hand on his chest.

  “Caleb, I was meeting you for a quick lunch, remember? I wanted to see you, but I still have a shit ton of work to do. We agreed that I wouldn’t need the shadow this week. You have guys outside the office and everyone checks my person, and my purse, and my car, and any food and water that are brought in before I even touch it. I’m surprised you haven’t arranged for a food tester. Are you hovering because of what I said?”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Let’s be really clear. I love you. I have for a long time now. Something threatens the woman I love, I’m bound to hover.”

  She sucked in a breath. Then released it slowly. “I get it. But before lunch you loved me and you were giving me some space. One little scare, and now you’re all over me like oil on a Hawaiian Tropic girl. Nothing’s changed, Caleb. I still need to be able to work. You still need to be able to work. Neither one of us can do what we need to do with you hovering.”

  Except everything had changed. He cracked his neck. She did have a point. “I hear you. I don’t like it. But I hear you. I’ll give you some breathing room. But you’re not to leave this building without me or one of my guys that you recognize. I don’t want you driving yourself home.”

  Micha rolled her eyes. “Fine. I’ll do exactly as you ask, because I know you’re worried. Now, would you go? I’m distracted with you here. The adrenaline is running through my body pretty steadily, and it’s making me want to jump your bones in my office.”

  He slid his hands around her waist and pulled her hips into his.

  She moaned. “What happened to letting me work?”

  “That was before you mentioned sex.”


  He grinned. “As soon as we get home, I’m going to show you exactly how happy I am that you’re all right.”

  She smirked. “I’m counting on it.”

  Before he left her office, he added, “Oh, and sweetheart, I’m sending that doctor. I don’t want to hear that you gave him any shit.” When she opened her mouth to complain, he put up a hand. “It’ll make me feel better.”


  “If you do give him shit, I’ll be inclined to spank you later.”

  There was a devilish gleam in her eyes. “Over my dead body.”

  “We’ll see about that.” Considering the hell they’d just been through, he was in a pretty up mood until he hit the hallway outside SDM and Tom met him with a grim expression. “Oh hell, what now?”

  “Ran the plates like you asked. The Mustang was reported stolen this morning.”

  Shit. He’d expected as much, but he’d hoped for good news. “Were you guys able to grab one of the shell casings?”

  “The cops picked them before we could, but I have Esteban hacking their systems.”

  Caleb swore. “Make it clean. I don’t want anyone knowing we were snooping around.”

  “Esteban’s too good to let someone catch on.” Tom rubbed his jaw. “There’s something else.”

  “What’s up?” Caleb didn’t like the look in his eyes.

  “No one knew your movements and Micha hadn’t left her office all day, so she wasn’t followed. Your decision to meet her was kind of impromptu. Do we have a problem?”

  “Someone’s been listening to my conversations.” He clenched and unclenched his fists. Sabine. “I need you to sweep my place and Micha’s. She feels relatively safe at home. I want it to stay that way.”

  “Already done. Her place is clean, but yours wasn’t.” Tom pulled out two small listening devices from his pocket. “The rest of the guys are sweeping your
office and car now. I need your phone.”

  Caleb handed it over without complaint. He didn’t need Tom or his men to tell him anymore. He knew what had happened today. Sabine had tried to send him a message. If he didn’t turn Annie over, Sabine was going to hurt Micha. He wouldn’t let that happen. He would find Sabine and kill her if he had to.

  Chapter 29

  Micha rubbed her eyes as she stared at her computer monitor. Exhausted didn’t even begin to cover how she felt. Her desk phone rang and she picked it up. “SDM, Micha Bennett.”

  “What are you still doing at work?” Ricca ‘s voice was all motherly worry.

  “Ree, I swear, between you and Caleb, I’m surprised I don’t have someone following me around henpecking me. I’m working. You remember that place I go everyday where I wipe asses for a living, then they give me money for it?”

  Ricca gave a snort. “Wow, I did not know you did fetish work. Does it pay well, because—”

  “Hardy har. Don’t you have a boyfriend to go make googley eyes at? Why are you harassing me?”

  Ricca giggled. “I wanted to check on you. Beckett saw Caleb earlier, and he mentioned what happened.”

  Fantastic. “Yeah, it was scary, but honestly, I’m fine now. No big deal. Apparently someone has to try to kill me at least twice a week for my life to be fulfilled.”

  “That’s not funny, My.”

  Micha rolled her eyes. “I’m sorry you were worried. But honestly, I’m fine.”

  “And working. It’s past seven. Doesn’t your man feed you? I swear, he should start taking boyfriend lessons from my fiancé.”

  Micha laughed. “Yes, I’ll tell him he needs boyfriend lessons. We’ll see how well that goes over. He’s actually on his way here, we’re going to grab dinner then he—” Micha’s brain had finally finished processing what Ricca had said. She howled into the phone “Oh, my God, are you fucking serious right now? I mean how can you not come in to tell me? I could kill you, I need the full effect of the ring. Oh, my God, forget Caleb, dinner tonight, Synthesis?”


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