Rough Road to Happiness

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Rough Road to Happiness Page 2

by Drew Hunt

  “You wanna do that, stud? I know you live a ways away from the base, but I should be able to spend some off-duty time with you now and again.”

  David realized he hadn’t answered Bud’s question. “Uh, sure, that’d be great, thanks.”

  “Don’t know how often I’ll be able to come visit, but I’m sure we can work something out.”

  David wasn’t sure if there was a double meaning in Bud’s words, but the thought of the handsome hunk in his basement on a regular basis gave him a warm glow.

  “We’ve both got a long journey ahead of us tomorrow, so what say we hit the hay?” Bud stood and took off his robe. “I’ll just use the head, then it’s all yours.”

  David watched the delicious ass mounds move in their milk chocolate coating as Bud walked to the bathroom. David was hard, so painfully hard, but he knew he wouldn’t have time to jerk off before Bud came back. Trying, but failing miserably, he willed his erection down with images of road-kill, sagging breasts on wrinkled up old ladies, kissing his old sixth grade English teacher. Nothing worked, his mind kept going back to glorious visions of Bud’s naked body.

  “You sure got a problem there, stud.” Bud’s voice close to his ear caused David to jump, he’d not heard the Marine come back into the room. “Want a hand to deal with it?”

  “Um, uh, sorry. I—” David stuttered to a halt.

  “Looks like a mighty fine and tasty problem, that’s for sure.” Bud took hold of said problem.

  “Ahh!” David almost came at the feel of the huge paw lightly wrapping itself around his dick.

  “Hair trigger?”

  “No, I—it’s just that, well, it’s been a long time since…”

  “We’ll go as slow and as gentle as you need to, stud. I don’t wanna scare ya.”

  “You couldn’t do that, Bud, you’re awesome. I mean…” Heat suffused David’s cheeks again.

  “You’re a sweet man. I’m sure glad you ain’t afraid of Ole Bud, he’d never hurt you.”

  David could feel the onset of tears. It had been so long since anyone had bothered to care. “Please, could you, please, just hold me for a minute?”

  “Sure.” Bud enfolded David in his strong powerful arms and hugged him close. “That better?”

  “I’m in heaven,” David said, little above a whisper.

  Bud moved his lips to David’s and kissed him softly. David’s sense of contentment became total, so did the hardness of his penis.

  “Let’s take care of business, then maybe you’ll be able to sleep.”

  Bud took hold of David again and slowly massaged his aching dick. After a minute of David just lying there soaking up the attention, he realized he ought to reciprocate.

  “Oh, man, you got a great touch,” Bud said once David had taken hold of the large lengthf of brown flesh.

  What had been seven inches soft, had grown to a magnificent nine inches when fully hard. Bud’s penis curved slightly upward. David mused about how glorious it would feel up his anal chute.

  The two lay side by side, each pleasuring the other. David knew he wouldn’t last long, Bud, despite having recently showered, exuded a deep man-musk, which David could quite easily become addicted to.

  Looking into Bud’s brown eyes, David lost all sense of time and place. Someone was groaning. It wasn’t until he exploded in an avalanche of pleasure that David realized it was him.

  Coming back to himself, David found he still had hold of the Marine’s equipment, but had stopped working on it. Redoubling his efforts to bring Bud to climax, David sped up his ministrations. It was a real treat to watch the hunky Marine’s awesome body stiffen, his eyes close, and a look of exacting concentration wash over his face as the big man rocketed out several volleys of semen. The pearly whiteness of the ejaculate stood out in sharp contrast against the coffee skin. Without consciously deciding, David leaned forward and lapped up Bud’s spent seed. The Marine had a strong taste. Just like its owner, David thought, savoring the final few strands. He knew he could get seriously used to a regular supply of this brand of protein.

  Two huge hands gently cradled David’s head and lifted it up until he was face to face with a grinning Bud. “Enjoying yourself?”

  “You’re delicious,” David said, licking his lips. Strangely he didn’t feel embarrassed by his admission.

  Their lips closed the gap between them, David opening up to accept Bud’s probing tongue. He gladly submitted to the dominant man’s explorations, knowing now that the big Marine wouldn’t hurt or take advantage.

  Pulling away, Bud said, “Wow, that was great.”

  “For me, too.”

  “Let me get a washcloth, and clean us both up.”

  “No, I’ll do it. You just—”

  “Uh.” He shook his finger at David. “You stay right there. I’m in charge of looking after you.”

  David thought he’d bust out crying. Every minute he spent in Bud’s presence, he appeared more and more perfect. A small part of his conscience told him that they’d only just met, and he knew little to nothing about the Marine. But he quickly silenced the nagging thoughts. He was completely captivated by the irresistible mixture of power and gentleness that Bud exhibited.

  * * * *

  Morning came way too quickly for David. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept so soundly, cradled as he was in the secure embrace of his Marine.

  “Should start thinking about shipping out soon, stud,” Bud said softly in David’s ear.

  “Just a couple more minutes. Please?”

  “Whatever you say.” Bud kissed the back of David’s neck, causing the older man to purr.

  All too soon the two minutes elapsed, and David reluctantly allowed Bud to get out of bed. He watched with rapt attention as Bud first went into the bathroom to shave and shower, then he was treated to a fine show of the hunky Marine getting dressed in his wrinkled, but no less sexy, olive greens.

  “You gonna stay there all day?” Bud asked when he’d finished dressing.

  “Uh, no, suppose not.” David battled to stay happy, he’d been granted the amazing privilege of spending the night with this god, he should be grateful for what he’d had. “Will you still be here when I’ve finished in there?” he asked, pointing to the bathroom. He was fearful that Bud would say no, but something inside of him still had to ask.

  “Sure, I want to see that you get a good breakfast inside of you before we head out.”

  David had to make haste for the bathroom, not wanting Bud to see the tears that were coursing down his face. He’d been convinced when he woke up there’d be a note on the other pillow, or more likely just an empty space in the bed. But no, Bud had stayed and wanted to make sure he ate something before leaving.

  God, I made a fool of myself out there, David thought as he wiped his eyes before taking care of his morning routines.

  Even though Bud had promised to stay in touch, even come visit him from time to time, David didn’t dare press his luck by asking Bud about it or offering his address details. He concluded it was better to walk away with happy thoughts than run the risk of being rejected by Bud not wanting, or only taking out of politeness, his address and phone number.

  Therefore, it came as a wonderful surprise when, after a good home style breakfast at the diner opposite the motel, Bud got out a piece of paper from his wallet and asked for David’s address.

  It didn’t strike David until later, when he was singing along to his car radio, that Bud hadn’t offered his own contact details. That realization caused David to sober up. He tried rationalizing Bud had just forgotten, or maybe it wasn’t easy for him to receive personal phone calls or visits because of his position in the military. However, he couldn’t shake the feeling he’d never see the beautiful Marine ever again.

  Chapter 2

  Three weeks went by with no word from Bud. Each time the phone rang, David’s heart had leapt to his throat. But it had always been someone else. Slowly, David began to realize the conclu
sion he’d reached on his journey back home had been correct. Far from making him sad, David was able to replay the events of that wonderful night in Crescent City; drawing strength and comfort from the fact that, for a short time at least, he had been loved. He wished it could have been for longer, but nonetheless, for a few brief hours, he’d known total contentment.

  It came as a major surprise therefore one Friday afternoon, just as David had come home after finishing a particularly tiresome day at school, he heard his phone ringing. At first he thought about letting the machine take care of it, but something made him lift the kitchen extension and take the call.


  “Is that my favorite school teacher?”

  The wave of warmth that swept over David momentarily rendered him speechless and unable to move. Bud had called, he hadn’t abandoned him, he wanted to speak to him, and maybe…

  “David? You still there?”

  “Oh, uh, yeah. I’m here.”

  “Everything all right?” The concern in the deep voice brought tears to David’s eyes.

  “Yeah, it’s just I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “Is this a bad time? Should I call back later, or—”

  “No, no, not at all. It’s wonderful to hear your voice again.”

  Bud’s slow quiet chuckle caused a rapid tightening in David’s boxer shorts.

  “Just wondered if you’d have some free time over the weekend? Remember I promised I’d come and figure out an exercise program for you.”

  “Uh, yeah, I’m free all weekend.” David had made tentative plans to help a friend move into a new condo across town, but he rapidly formulated an excuse for not being available.

  “Great. I’ll be at your place in a couple of hours if that’s all right.”

  “No problem. Will you have eaten, can I fix you something?”

  “Sure, stud, that’d be great, but after the workout, okay?”

  “Okay, and thank you.”

  More chuckling. “You might not be thanking me when I’ve put you through your paces on the weights.”

  David started to leak pre-cum in his shorts. “Be gentle with me, Bud.”

  “You got it, stud.”

  The phone went dead. David held the receiver to his chest while a wide grin split his face. The thought of being able to spend the evening with his Marine made his cup of joy overflow.

  As he made a quick visit to the grocery store to buy extra provisions, David wondered if Bud would be staying the night. He hoped so, but knew he’d never ask. David had decided that being a Marine, Bud would want to eat meat. They’d eaten steak that night in the motel room, but he wanted to do something different. Deciding on chicken, he got a large pack of skinless breasts. He picked up some other items to make a marinade, as well as salad fixings. David knew Bud had to eat somewhat sensibly in order to maintain his size and awesome musculature.

  “Feeding the five thousand?” the check out operator asked as she rang up his purchases.

  David just smiled in response.

  * * * *

  He had only just got everything squared away in the kitchen when the doorbell rang. From the size of the shadow cast on the door’s frosted glass panel, David knew who the visitor was. Schooling his features in an effort not to appear too needy or desperate, David approached and opened the door. He was engulfed in a massive bear hug.

  “God, I missed you, little stud.”

  “I missed you, too,” David said, his words muffled in Bud’s jacket. Not many people could call the 6 feet even David little, but the well-built 6 feet 5 inch Marine could.

  “Hope you’re ready for a good work out. It’s been a couple of days since I could get to the gym,” Bud said, holding David at arm’s length.

  “Yeah, I’m ready for you to put me through my paces.”

  Squeezing the back of David’s neck, Bud laughed. “But I’ll live up to my promise of taking things easy with you. Though you’ll probably call me a liar tomorrow when you’re so sore you can hardly walk.”

  David felt his cheeks go bright red at the possible double-entendre.

  “It’s down here, the basement I mean,” David said, turning away from Bud’s face with those eyes that seemed to miss nothing.

  * * * *

  Bud had been right, David’s muscles were aching, and it had only been a couple of hours since the workout. However, the warm bubbles provided by the hot-tub located on his deck helped ease away the stiffness in his joints. One part of David remained all too stiff. He lay in the churning water, hoping it would hide the problem.

  “Your periscope is up and looking around.”

  Shit, doesn’t he miss anything? David thought. “Well, what’d you expect?” He realized he’d spoken out loud, but being in Bud’s presence made him less reticent about speaking his mind.

  His words were greeted by a low chuckle. “You flatter me, David.”

  “Bullshit. You’re fucking awesome, and you know it. God, I bet you have a real job fighting off the women.”

  “Yeah, well. Listen, didn’t you say you were gonna feed me?”

  “Oh, um, yeah. Marinated chicken cooked on the grill okay?”

  “Sounds great.”

  “There’s some imported German lager, if you won’t be driving back later.”

  David could have slapped himself. Hadn’t he promised not to bring up the subject of Bud staying the night? Any time he could spend with the beautiful hunk opposite was a bonus, he shouldn’t push his luck.

  “You really know the right way to a man’s heart, don’t you?”

  David got all flustered, what with the compliment and the likelihood that Bud would be spending the night.

  “But I think we ought to take care of your not so little problem first. I wouldn’t want you to mistake what you’re sporting for something that ought to go on the grill.”

  With a speed that surprised David, Bud leaped across the tub and was atop him, rubbing his awesome, broad hairy chest on his less developed and much smoother body. Also, David couldn’t fail to feel Bud’s erect manhood sliding across his groin. After recovering from the shock, David reached a wet hand around Bud’s neck and pulled him into a deep kiss.

  Pulling away slightly, Bud said, “I’ve wanted to do that ever since I arrived.”

  “So, why didn’t you?” David ran the tips of his fingers through Bud’s high and tight.

  “I didn’t want to come across as too forward. I’ve always been a take charge sort of a guy, and,” he cupped David’s face in his hands, “I didn’t want to trample on you, force you into doing things I want rather than you want.”

  “Oh, Bud. It’s great when you take charge. It’s, well it turns me on. I wouldn’t want you to get too rough or dominating, but…” David bit his bottom lip. “What you do makes me feel safe, cared for.” He wanted to add loved, but felt that might make Bud uncomfortable.

  “You’re a really special guy, you know that?”

  David wanted to protest, say he was just plain and ordinary, but his response was cut off by Bud raping his mouth and sucking his tongue into Bud’s own mouth. All through this, the lower part of Bud’s body kept rubbing against David’s belly, crotch and steely hard penis. David felt Bud’s enormous manhood expand to even greater proportions before it began twitching, throbbing out its load. That was all David needed to be pushed over the edge, too. His mouth opened wider in a silent scream of pleasure, Bud taking the opportunity to seize further ground inside David’s mouth.

  David felt as though Bud was making love to his whole body. Bud’s tongue was in his mouth, Bud’s penis was pressed against David’s own. In addition, large hands were busy stroking, teasing and caressing all of David’s skin that they could reach.

  David knew he’d never been made love to so completely before. He found himself going limp. If it weren’t for Bud taking hold of him, he would have slid under the water and drowned.

  Eventually, through the fog of absolute contentment, David heard B
ud’s voice. “Did I remember you saying something about feeding me?”

  David tried to focus his eyes on the angelic vision hovering above him. “Uh, yeah.”

  Bud chuckled. “You seem kind of out of it, stud.”

  “Yeah, far out, man.”

  Bud’s amusement turned into full blown laughter. “You’re really something else, David, you really are.”

  “So are you, my beautiful Marine.”

  “Awe, shucks.”

  David smiled. He actually said awe shucks, didn’t he? “Let me go then, and I’ll fire up the grill.”

  Bud complied, and David reached for a terry robe and stepped out of the still-bubbling tub.

  * * * *

  During the meal, which Bud devoured, the Marine began to reveal parts of his past. He told David about the hell of being raised in a succession of group homes. “I’m not saying it was like what you’d read in a Dickens novel or anything, but growing up in an orphanage ‘cause your parents didn’t want you, takes some getting used to. ‘Specially when you went to school and saw all the kids from normal homes in their nicer clothes, playing with nicer toys and all that.”

  “I’m sorry. I just can’t imagine what you went through.” David had enjoyed a stable upbringing in a nice neighborhood, with a dad who went to work, and a mom who stayed at home. Not exactly Leave It to Beaver, but not too far off.

  “We’d never get enough to eat, and what we did get was shit. I know some of the kids got sick ‘cause of the bad food.”

  “Didn’t child services or somebody do anything?”

  Bud gave out a cynical laugh. “They didn’t care. Nope, us kids were on our own. I was lucky, or luckier than most ‘cause of my size, the staff at the homes wouldn’t beat me much.”

  “They beat you? That’s…disgraceful!”

  “Yeah,” Bud sighed. “I’d do my best to protect some of the smaller kids, but there was always too many to watch.”

  “I bet they were grateful for what you could do, though.”

  “I guess.”

  Bud seemed to grow quiet then. David didn’t think he should interrupt, so the two ate in silence for a while.


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