Seal'd to Her: A Billionaire Second Chance Romance

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Seal'd to Her: A Billionaire Second Chance Romance Page 18

by Piper Sullivan

  “Wait, I don’t think I can leave, Gavin. Sam and Janet might be looking for me,” I said as I peered again over the groups of people standing around reminiscing. They were evidently nowhere to be seen, and I blushed a little as I realized how stupid I was making myself look. I came off as a shy teenage girl. I could have told him the real reason that I was afraid of anything happening between us, leaving me with a new whore label in the morning, but I spoke as safely as I could.

  He looked a little hurt by this, and strangely, that flattered me a little. “Come on. Just a quick stroll along the grounds. It’d be nice to get away from all this eighties music. High school was great, but the music of that era isn’t something I miss. Let’s go somewhere quiet. I promise not to bore you with my depression anymore,” he said, grabbing my arm and linking it with his. He led me out the side door next to the stage before I could even put up so much as a protest. I had gone from being paralyzed to being a puppet and he had the strings, my body moved automatically wherever he took me. The departure was much less noticeable than walking the entire length of the gym to the front doors. I had forgotten these doors were even here. The doors were perfect for our getaway out into the darkness.

  Chapter 6

  The tension between us had been slowly raising to a fever pitch, partly because our arms were still linked as we walked down the sidewalk by the playground, and partly because I was running out of things to contribute to our small talk, but mostly because every glance I stole of him overwhelmed me more than the last. Gavin’s biceps felt much larger than I remember seeing them as a kid, which was understandable. He had grown into a respectable looking man. I was still a little confused as to how we ended up here together, and what we were doing out there on that chilly October night. Gavin was walking and staring straight forward down the path. He seemed like he was out of small talk topics and was figuring out what to say too.

  “What are we doing out here, Gavin?”

  I hated to put pressure on him with my question. I would have loved for the moment to be full of pure, unadulterated, romance and the things dreams are made of, but this was becoming a little too weird for me. As I looked up at his face, it was so fashioned for a profile, almost statuesque. Even though I had known him as long as I can remember, I felt I really didn’t know him now. He was a stranger that had just whisked me up within a few moments of meeting me, and already had me outside, in the dark without anyone else around. The music was blaring inside. If I had read this scenario incorrectly, no one would hear my calls for help. I wasn’t pinning him as a serial killer or anything, but the entire moment had made me paranoid somewhat. This could be a prank that I was paying for years later. Had I done anything to Gavin that I didn’t remember? This could play out a million ways. More years had passed that that lifetime we held, and mostly in the eyes of children for us. The last fifteen minutes I had experienced with Gavin were too odd not to question. His angelic presence had gone from bedazzling to unsettling, and his charms were starting to seem more devilish than anything. I had to get some sort of answers, I hoped they would give me some feeling of security.

  “I haven’t seen you in so long. We’ve both changed so much. We hardly talked much in high school. What is all of this? Why are we out here?” I pulled my arm out of his and turned towards him. I crossed them in front of my chest, which until this moment had almost been heaving in delight as this handsome man was paying attention to me out of everyone here.

  Gavin let out a little laugh, and it caught me off guard. “What’s so funny?” I asked.

  “Teresa, you really don’t remember much, do you?” This just confused me a whole lot more.

  “What are you talking about?” I pressed.

  “I know we hardly talked much in high school, but I did say something pretty significant after prom, didn’t I? But I don’t really blame you if you can’t remember, we were all a little drunk at the time. I know I wouldn’t have had the courage to say anything if I hadn’t had that much to drink.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck. It was the first sign of insecurity I had seen on him, and it felt so sincere it was heartwarming. And then it hit me, I did recall what he said.

  “You said, you had a giant crush on me since the third grade, and you had never had the confidence to tell me until that moment,” I didn’t want to finish what he said, the last part was far too ridiculous.

  “That’s not all I said. I said one day, when I had something to offer you. I would come back for you.” He said, and my heart froze. It was irrational to think that he had kept his crush on me going for all these years, and it was even more irrational to think that he thought it was worth bringing up right now.

  Gavin grabbed my hand and pulled me closer. “Teresa, I have kept up with you all of these years. I ask my grandparents about you all of the time. They told me that they are in your restaurant quite often. Didn’t they ever mention it?” He looked me right in the eyes. He sounded so sincere.

  He also looked very smooth, and I was falling into the grasp of a fast talker that somehow knew what I wanted to hear. I had never dreamed I would be the object of anyone’s crush, and for this length of time – it was borderline obsession. I was scared before, and this was supposed to make it worse, but it didn’t. How many women could say they had a deity of a man obsessed with them? I squinted my eyes and stared him up and down. He was smooth. He was oh so smooth. There wasn’t one flaw to him. I couldn’t fall into his trap without finding out more about where all of this was coming from.

  “Teresa, please don’t look at me like that,” he said, brushing some of my hair back to get a better view of my eyes. “I think about you often. I keep tabs on you by asking my family how you are doing. You’re right. We didn’t hang out much in high school, but trust me, it wasn’t because I didn’t want to. You were so intimidating back then. I had no self-esteem and definitely not enough balls to talk much to you, let alone ask you out. Now I have a bit more confidence, and I try not to let opportunities pass me by anymore these days.” He shifted his body towards mine, almost touching. I could feel his breath again, and my own started to match his. What this man could do just by breathing into me.

  His touch was so soft as he held my hand, even his hands felt rich. He reached for my other one. I looked at him deeply, feeling as though we had been in this eye lock for a while. The romantic version of a stare down. He was the real life version of my knight in shining armor. He stood there, looking into my eyes, oh so intensely. I didn’t know what to do. It had been so long since I had felt a man’s touch, other than the occasional handshake at the restaurant. The feeling I was getting was tingling in all of the right places. I wanted him to do things to me. I wanted him to do despicable, erotic and dirty things with me, and oh, the things I wanted to do to him. I decided that I’d take a chance. But I didn’t have to make the decision or take a chance. It was in that moment that in one movement Gavin wrapped one arm around me and put his other hand on my face, cupping my cheek. Just as I thought he was going in for a romantic kiss, he gently caressed my long hair back and pulled it playfully, but enough to show his dominance in the situation. He deeply kissed my exposed neckline, and then lingered up to my lips. What was happening? I still hadn’t gotten my answers, but the electric impulses coursing through the nerves on my neck down to my toes made me care no less. Way less. I needed this, even it wasn’t what I had on the agenda for the evening. I deserved to feel good, at least for tonight.

  Chapter 7

  During high school, the baseball dugout was the designated spot for clandestine make out sessions, and so it seemed natural to head there now. After all, it was our high school reunion, and we were kind of reliving the daring of our youth, or at least the daring we wish we had back then. As we walked across the baseball diamond hand in hand, we looked around to be sure that we were alone, and that nobody else was trying to recapture their youth, it was as deserted as ever, and bathed in darkness, ensuring our privacy.

  Gavin led me by the
hand into the dugout and we sat next to each other in the darkness, suddenly shy and a little awkward, it really was almost like being a teenager again. A delicious sense of the elicit stole over me and made me bolder than I had even been before. I had not spent much time in the dugouts as a teenager and had always been a bit envious of those who had, it was time to make up for lost time, and dashed hopes.

  As Gavin leaned in for a kiss, I reached for his hand, and placed it on my breast. He seemed shocked at first, almost like he didn't know what to do, now that his fantasy was becoming reality. The cold night air and my excitement hardened my nipples under his hand, and seemed to break Gavin’s momentary paralysis.

  He leaned back in for a kiss as he began kneading my breast, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and drew him to me as I leaned back so that he ended up on top of me and between my legs. I could feel his erection pressing against the now hot and steamy petals of my sex, our clothes making a barrier between us that I couldn't wait to shed.

  Gavin began working his hands up under my shirt to get at my bare skin. His hands cupping me and almost burned across my skin, hardening my nipples even more, and sharpening the need coursing through me. I wanted to feel his hot hardness in my hands, so I began fumbling with his belt, urgently trying to get into his slacks.

  Taking this as a sign of my willingness, Gavin began his own assault on the buttons of my pants, finally getting them open, he plunged his hand into my panties and found my hot, slippery center, causing me to momentarily forget about getting my hands on his rock hard shaft.

  He eased a thick finger into me, the heel of his hand pressing to my clit, and began to slowly pump it in and out of me, priming me for something more. I was so wet and hot that he was soon able to slide a second finger into me, stretching me slightly and making me want to feel him in me. I felt an overwhelming desire to be filled, and to feel his body pressed against me.

  I pushed him back to a sitting position and renewed my efforts to free his manhood from his pants. He stood to allow me better access, and I couldn't help but be surprised at the obvious size of the member straining his slacks. I worked his pants and boxers down over hips and his hard cock sprang into view. It was glorious, thick, and long, and his testicles were a heavy sack suspended beneath. He was fairly pulsing with arousal, and when I grasped the base of him and squeezed, he groaned and a pearl of arousal formed on the head. With my other hand, I tested the weight of his sack and leaned forward to taste him. It was such a turn on that he was so incredibly hard for me, but I wanted him dizzy with desire.

  I touched my tongue to his tip, tasting his excitement, and he strained forward toward me, allowing me to envelope his ridged head with my mouth. Gavin gasped and thrust his hands into my hair, holding me still until he could get the throbbing of his cock and impending orgasm under control. His breathing was ragged for a moment, and when it evened out, he relaxed his grip on my hair, allowing me to explore his hard length with my lips and tongue.

  After a few moments, he reached down to cup my elbows and drew me to my feet, finding my lips with his as he attempted to work my jeans down over my hips. I toed my shoes off, and then helped him to get my pants down, then holding his hand, I laid down on the bench and pulled him to me.

  He settled between my thighs, his iron hardness pressed against my molten center, and kissed me as I pressed my hips up, trying to position him to enter me. He drew back, looking me in the eyes, and dragged the tips of his cock down my slit, over my clit, sending a sharp stab of need through me, and placed himself at my opening, as if giving me a chance to change my mind.

  There was no way that was happening though, and I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him towards me with my heels, needing to feel him impale me.

  His broad head pressed into me slowly, giving me time to accommodate him without pain, but I was so wet that I pulled him in hungrily, his shaft invading me, stretching me, and filling me completely. I took him to the hilt and held him there, relishing the feeling of fullness he was giving me. He began to stroke into me dragging his entire length in and out of me in a rhythm that slowly increased until he was slamming into me and I was thrusting my hips to meet his strokes. Together we detonated, growling, panting and grasping at each other until the waves of pleasure receded, leaving us spent.

  Chapter 8

  It had been weeks since the reunion. I was laying in my bed trying to get motivated to get ready for the day. Work was starting in a couple of hours, and I didn’t want to be racing around in a rush. I wasn’t feeling myself lately, I was always tired. This morning was a little different. I almost wondered if I was sick. The wave came over me just then and I jumped from my bed to head to the bathroom. I hugged the toilet as I let out the lasagna I had the night before. I felt disgusting, as I sat on the bathroom floor, wondering if I was going to let out some more. It had been a very long time since I had been sick like this. I couldn’t even remember the last time I threw up. Although, in that minute, I felt like the wave in my stomach was making its own tsunami, and it had to come out. I leaned in one more time, and gave out a dry heave. Maybe I would feel better if I took a shower. I took off my robe and started the water.

  As I got in the shower, I started to think about the night of the reunion. I hadn’t thought much about it over the last few weeks, as I was back in my daily routine. I wasn’t even sure why I was thinking of it now. I never saw Gavin after that night, but I didn’t think much about it. I also had not seen Janet after that night either. I wasn’t surprised in either case. Janet, no doubt, had a one night fling with Sam. I never saw them again after arriving at the reunion. Sam had been in on occasion to the restaurant, but I didn’t bring it up, and neither did he. After all, she was a married woman with children. It was something I’m sure no one would ever speak of again.

  As for Gavin and I, that night was a surprise, as we had ended up in the back seat of his car shortly after our stroll. Now that I look back at it, I did have fun, and it felt good to be someone’s center of attention. I woke up the next day feeling like it had been a dream, a dream that sadly fading away as reality sank in, but I couldn’t believe how much I degraded myself as to end up in the back of Gavin’s Escalade. We were grown adults. Most people would have gone home, or to a hotel. We barely got to the car that night. It all seemed as though Gavin’s obsession had built up so much over all this time that words failed him and he needed to let it all out with his body before he exploded. After it was all over, we talked very briefly about our distance from one another. He was living in New York City, I had found out during all of this. It was inevitable that it was going to be a one night stand, but at the moment, neither of us really cared. I still didn’t. There was something different about this morning though.

  As I finished my shower and started to dry off, it dawned on me, I hadn’t had my period yet. That was weird, since I have had a schedule almost to the minute since I was a teen. I was only a couple of days late, but my throw up show this morning had me worrying. I finished up and put on some clothes. I opened the vanity doors below the sink and dug around all of the essentials a woman needs. Way back in the back, I found the box I was looking for. I had purchased the pregnancy tests after my trip last year. I had a scare at that time too. I wasn’t one for birth control, so I figured it would catch up with me eventually. I opened up the box, scanning the outside of it for an expiration date. I was in luck, still good. I proceeded to do my business on the stick, and then I waited.

  The minutes stood still as I waited for that little stick to tell me my fate. I looked at my phone, one more minute. I counted it down. The numbers seemed to start creeping by. That’s when the second line appeared. It was there in front of me. I was pregnant, and there was only one person that could be the father.

  Chapter 9

  The subsequent months were a blur. I was still working just as much as I ever did. I hadn’t told anyone of my pregnancy, and I hadn’t started showing yet, so I still had time to hold onto my secret.
A lot had happened since I found out I was pregnant, and my emotions were all over the place with my hormones.

  My dad had been hospitalized as winter hit. He had come down with pneumonia, and with his age, it had given him a turn for the worse. I was pretty much running the restaurant at this point, but we had cut back on the hours of operation, since Brian was our only other cook at the time.

  I was standing at the cash register on a cold November afternoon as the phone rang. I think that I almost felt a bad vibe from the phone before I answered it, although I don’t know how that was possible. My head started to spin as I picked up the phone, and I barely managed to get the words out, “Baxter’s Family Restaurant, can I help you?” My voice was hoarse and it cracked.

  “Ms. Baxter. It’s Dr. Mitchell. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news this afternoon but we need you to come down to the hospital. Your father’s condition has worsened and he is in a critical condition. We are doing everything we can to help him, but I would advise you to come over and help him get his affairs in order.”


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