Empath Rising

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Empath Rising Page 3

by Archibald Bradford

  Nameless gave an involuntary shudder as her breath caressed his cheek. Her face was dangerously close.

  “Why would your master change your name? Milly is a lovely name.” He commented without thinking.

  He felt another surge of warmth, this time he couldn’t tell if it came from the stone in his hand or the tit-flesh that encompassed his arm. Milly let out a contented sigh and murmured her gratitude as she clutched him even closer.

  Miranda saw the tell-tale light from the orb he still clung to, and her eyes narrowed. She recognized the signs and knew that she was in for a headache if this kid was as young as he looked- But the stubble!

  “Right, Nameless and Milly. Well you two both need to get cleaned up and that wound probably needs stitching, I’ll see if there is a doctor-”

  “I will take care of him!” Milly practically shouted, before realizing how loud she was being. Her beautiful blue eyes met with his muddy browns; “I-I mean, I CAN take care of you. If you want…”

  Miranda’s arms crossed in front of her forming a giant X with her fingers outstretched.

  “Okay. Full stop. I’ll admit this is a unique situation but there is no way in hell I’m leaving you alone to ‘take care’ of a minor, especially one you’ve bonded with!”

  Nameless looked confused but Miranda had struck a chord: Minor?

  “Hey! I’m nineteen! And what do you mean bonded?”

  His indignation was short lived however as the beautiful woman on his arm got to her hooves and scooped him into a huge hug, a happy smile on her face.

  “See? Master is of age so I can bond with him any way he wants, every way he wants!”

  At five foot naught his face was eye level with her bountiful bosom. He found himself struggling to breathe with his face smooshed in between her naked peaks and wondering if he really needed air or if he could just get by on pure bliss.

  Miranda was still processing his age when she noticed that he was rapidly turning blue in the iron grip of the exuberant girl. She heaved a long suffered sigh and addressed the happy cow.

  “Milly, he won’t be able to bond with anything except other ghosts if you turn him into one.”

  “Hmmm?” The blissful cow took a moment to clue in to what Miranda was saying before she shuddered and grasped her new master tighter to her breast; “Ghosts are scary!”


  Miranda managed to snap her out of her reverie long enough for Nameless to catch a much needed breath.

  “Please Mistress Ophelia I don’t wanna go to school, I wanna stay in the Divine Valley of Creamy Goodness!”

  A blissful smile on his face, the lack of oxygen had clearly had an effect.

  Suddenly his eyes popped open.

  “Wait, MASTER?!”

  Chapter 2:

  Awkward First Aid

  Due to her constant nearness, Nameless couldn’t help but get a good look at the Minotaur known as Milly.

  Her face was rounded without being chubby, with a tantalizing cleft to her chin; her chocolate brown hair was cropped short and her eyes were a rich shade of blue. From the hips up, with the exception of her tail, floppy ears, and horns, she was all womanly curves. From what Nameless could see of her below the waist (she wore scandalously short jean shorts) her outer thighs and down to her hooves had the black and white patterned hide of a jersey cow.

  Towering over him at six foot six he found her to be quiet lovely to look at, even smeared with mud as she was. He had given her his ripped shirt in an attempt to preserve her modesty. Her eyes had welled up at the gesture and she had scrambled into it as quickly as she could, not caring that it was covered in mud and blood.

  Despite being much too large for him, his shirt barely contained her impressive breasts and with the addition of the tear from the whip they threatened to spill over the top.

  It was… rather eye-catching and he was having a hard time keeping his gaze appropriate.

  She noticed, and, if anything, wiggled herself against him in such a way to make for a more appealing picture. She was clinging to his arm still, resting one boob on his shoulder as they walked.

  “Will you just cool it until we get to the bathhouse!” Miranda was exasperated with the cow girl; she had somehow forgotten what a new bond could be like for a monster.

  Even then though, this bond seemed… especially potent.

  Having confirmed that he was, in fact, of age, they had left the market place and headed towards the public bathhouse outside of town to get cleaned up. Jan had followed her scent and caught up to them once the prisoner was safely locked away. She now walked along beside Miranda humming loudly and tunelessly to herself as her tail wagged absently; dried mud covered the simple grey vest she wore as well as the strange tight pants that came down to just passed her knees.

  Miranda knew that despite her carefree attitude Jan’s shaggy grey ears were scanning the trees on either side of the road for any hint of danger. Insufferably flighty as she could be sometimes, she was well trained.

  With the road dust and then the mud from the brawl Miranda was more than ready for a bath; Nameless had informed her that she could have her clothes cleaned by the caretakers of the bathhouse for a small fee while she bathed. And, on duty or not, the thought of being completely clean for the first time in days was too tempting to pass up.

  The fact that her charges also needed a bath simply served to legitimize her own hygienic needs.

  “So, what happens to me, to us, now?”

  Nameless had managed to tear his eyes, not to mention the rest of his face, from Milly’s ample cleavage. His chest still throbbed, but the poultice that Miranda had given him blunted the worst of the pain, he still wasn’t clear exactly how Milly was going to ‘take care’ of him.

  “Pretty standard stuff, since her former owner didn’t have any papers, not to mention blatantly violated Aegis’s charter, she was free to bond with whomever she liked. Given your, ah, heroics, I’m not surprised her heartstone reacted so strongly to you. Minotaurs, especially heifers, are known to favour men who stand up for those in need. Although, I am curious why you felt the need to do a face plant in the mud with an open wound just to keep her heart from getting dirty, as grand gestures go, I’ve heard of better.”

  His eyebrows rose in surprise, as he blushed and took a second to formulate his response.

  “But, I thought that it might shatter if it hit a rock or something.” He trailed off at Miranda’s incredulous look.

  “Shatter? Boy what did you learn in school?! A full grown gigas could hit that thing with a gravity hammer from orbit and not even scratch the surface!”

  His eyes boggled a bit as his jaw dropped.

  “But it looks so delicate!”

  He drew the orb up to his face and looked at it with a wondrous expression on his face. Milly’s cheeks turned slightly pink at being called delicate.

  “Of course it does!” Jan piped in; “A girl’s heart IS delicate, especially to the boy she looooves.” She drew out the last word teasingly while clenching her hands together to her cheek in a parody of a girl freshly wooed.

  Miranda stifled a groan at her partner’s antics. She glanced at the monster seemingly glued to the boy’s shoulder before continuing.

  “They are a pretty gentle breed, unless pissed off of course, as numb-nuts learned once he threatened her bond-mate. You’re actually really lucky; it takes a brave soul to mess with a Minotaur’s mate. That and her milk will fetch a pretty penny for you if you can get her to produce-”

  “Oh I’ll produce,” Milly suddenly jumped into the conversation, her eyes smoldered as she cut off Miranda’s exposition and gazed lustily at her new master; “You can drink from me every day, I’ll fill you up until you are fit to burst, Master.” She squeezed him tight again as her breasts bulged over the top of his torn shirt.

  Unaccustomed to such suggestive language and unsure how to respond to her unbridled lust, Nameless just smiled nervously up at her.

randa rolled her eyes.

  “Yeah don’t worry, that’ll wear off. Er, it should anyways. Think of it as being… well, in heat.” Miranda gave a slight smile; “She’ll be especially affectionate towards you for at least a few days. Having said all of that-”

  Her smile shifted into an equally slight frown and she gave him a no-nonsense look.

  “She might be okay bonding with you but, unless you secretly got all of your permits in order when I wasn’t looking you’ll have some hoops to jump through. That is-” Miranda stopped walking, the bathhouse now in sight. She looked at Nameless, taking care to keep her expression and her tone neutral; “If you decide that you want to keep her.”

  There was a pause as everyone absorbed that statement and Miranda took a deep breath.

  “You wouldn’t be the first human to ignore a bond. Sadly the monster girl is the only one forced into feeling anything by it. I am obliged to inform you that, given that the contact between you and her heartstone was essentially accidental, according to Aegis’s charter you have no legal, ethical, or moral obligation to respond to her bond in any way.”

  Milly held her breath, desperately trying not to earn his disapproval at this turn of events.

  I just found him! I can’t give him up! I won’t!

  She let out a barely audible low of desperation and clung even tighter to his shoulder.

  Jan was unusually silent, taking the cue from Miranda to wait for his response. If he rebuffed the poor girl, it was likely she would have to be restrained to keep him safe from her desperate affections. Sadly it was something the veteran operatives had dealt with in the past.

  Jan and Miranda both surreptitiously angled themselves, ready to leap into action if she took his rejection poorly. All three women waited for Nameless to respond.

  His eyes wide, he looked at each of them in confusion before he turned towards Milly.

  But, why would anyone refuse?

  He addressed her directly in an effort to clear the air, as he realized she had been largely neglected in their earlier conversation;

  “M-Milly, if you want me, I mean, I’m short, I’m not good looking and I don’t have any experience with being an owner-” He stopped himself as his throat closed with emotion and he swallowed, tears forming in the corner of his eyes; “If you are okay with b-being with me then I would be, I mean I know we just met, and I’ve never-er- with anyone before, but I am so flattered so-uh… I accept?” He ended lamely with a questioning note to his tone, unsure of how to return a girl’s affections, being largely inexperienced with the fairer sex.

  Miranda breathed a mental sigh of relief, whilst Jan gave a happy bark and clapped her hands together ecstatically, her tail wagging furiously.

  Milly meanwhile let out a deep and joyful low, before scooping him up in her arms and pressing her luscious pink lips to his. He wasn’t prepared for such a passionate embrace and was at a complete loss, especially when her large muscular tongue forced its way into his mouth, erotically grappling with his in a sensation as foreign to him as it was overwhelming.

  She licked over his teeth, his gums, wanting to taste even more of him as his own tongue was limply battered about. She was lost in the moment, happily molesting his molars while he was completely helpless in her incredibly strong embrace. She held his feet off the ground with ease.

  Eventually the aggressive kiss broke; a string of saliva connected their lips for a moment before it too broke. Both parties were breathing heavily and unable to look away from each other; her with unrestrained passion, him with utter disbelief.

  It took a moment for the grappled couple to notice the painfully hard bulge firmly poking her in the stomach. His arms pinned to his side by her firm grip Nameless could do nothing to adjust himself and blushed to the roots of his hair.

  Milly giggled then ran her tongue over his lips and across his cheek, his jaw, until eventually she captured his earlobe with her teeth.

  His bulge hardened even more as she whispered directly in his ear;

  “Don’t worry Master; I said I would… take care of you.” She ran her tongue up the length of his ear; “I want you so badly, I need you so badly.” She lowed again as she ground him against her midsection to feel more of his hardness.

  “M-Milly, please sto-!” He was totally mortified by her uninhibited display of affection until...

  A bucket of very cold water was dumped on them both, he yelped in shock and she let out a much higher moo then her previously passionate ones. Dripping wet, they took stock of their surroundings and remembered that they still had an audience.

  Miranda, her face a storm cloud, handed the bucket back to old Paul Fletcher who accepted it with a smirk; she thanked him between gritted teeth as he chuckled good-heartedly.

  “No problem at all Aegis, I was bonded to a heifer myself once, many years ago, so I remember what it was like.” He looked sad for a moment, his eyes distant; “Yessum, I remember indeed.” He murmured again as he wandered back to the spring outside the bathhouse to refill his pail, lost in his memories.

  “AS I WAS SAYING!” Miranda shouted. Milly reluctantly set her new master back on his feet, her lower lip jutting out in an adorable pout as Miranda resumed; “You have some legal hoops to jump through; technically it was illegal of you to even touch her heartstone without the proper permits.”

  Nameless looked nervous at that point as she continued berating them.

  “Fortunately, given the mitigating circumstances, I will ignore this violation of the charter… IF YOU KEEP YOUR GOD DAMN HANDS TO YOURSELVES UNTIL WE GET INSIDE THE FUCKING BATHHOUSE!”

  Thoroughly reprimanded, Nameless nodded vigorously. Milly crossed her arms and let out a great harrumph to voice her displeasure, her tail swishing in agitation. Miranda held the glare on her until Milly finally mumbled her acquiescence, looking decidedly put upon.

  Jan let out a coughing bark of laughter until Miranda transferred her glower to her, by which point Jan had already shifted her pose so that both hands were behind her head as she whistled innocently off to one side.

  Miranda heaved yet another sigh; it was turning into one of those days.


  Miranda groaned as she languished in the steaming bath; the kids were in a co-ed section no doubt doing something she would have to yell at them for later. But at the moment she could care less because Jan’s paws felt so god-damned GOOD. Her modest breasts pressed against the edge of the bath, the roughness of the stone stimulating her hardened nipples while her head rested on her crossed arms.

  Miranda was currently receiving one of Jan’s legendary back rubs, complete with affectionate licks and nips to her shoulders and neck. They had been together for a long time, Jan having bonded to her almost twenty years prior, and as such she knew exactly how her mate liked to be touched.

  In her early forties, Miranda was still young, especially for a bonded tamer. She had some grey in her auburn hair but it only served to accentuate the blue streaks in her mostly grey eyes.

  The bonds she had struck kept her trim and fit. She had bonds with other monsters, but Jan was the only one she had elected to bring with her for this mission, the others lacked the necessary experience and remained at the Aegis compound in Garland, no doubt wrecking the place in her absence.

  The creature that they tracked was too dangerous to have them involved. Jan could be flighty but when the chips were down and lives were on the line, Miranda trusted her to do what needed to be done.

  “Mmmmmm, Mistress, you’re thinking warm thoughts about me again.” Jan dragged her broad tongue up the side of her lover’s head, grooming her hair warmly as her paws continued their massage.

  Her heartstone conveyed the gist of her mistress’s emotions, its amber light pulsing gently from its housing in Miranda’s naval piercing, an exact match to Jan’s eyes. Her mistress’s admiration was deeply pleasurable to Jan; more so than a fresh kill, even better than rolling in the mud.

  Almost better than sex.
  “Ah… keep doing what you’re doing and I’ll love you forever, you are sooo getting a proper belly rub tonight.” Miranda cooed, back arching, her voice muffled by her arms, the tensions of the day, and many of the days prior, eased from her shoulders.

  Jan’s knees weakened a bit as her own nipples hardened. A proper belly rub meant her on her back, legs spread, while Miranda buried her tongue in her pussy and rubbed vigorously at her sensitive tummy.

  She couldn’t wait.

  “So what do you think about this Nameless boy? You think we’ll have to separate them?” Jan hoped not, but she knew that it wasn’t her call in the end.

  “No… ah…” Miranda gasped as Jan kneaded a knot out from her lower back, working her way lower; “I think he is a good kid. But I don’t like how hesitant he is with her affections. You saw how he froze up when she kissed him?”

  “Yeah, although to be fair, if I had kissed you like that when I first bonded with you, your head might have popped clean off…”

  She emphasized her point when she raised her mistress out of the water by her hips and gave her an incredibly long lick, starting at her dripping sex, then continuing deep between her cheeks, giving a lingering swirl over her puckered anus, all the way up her spine, her shoulders, and finally across the side of her face.

  “Ah! Jan! Oh b-baby! Not what I had in mind when I asked for a backrub but I’ll take it…”

  She moaned as Jan returned her lips and her incredible tongue to her rear end; rimming her vigorously and savouring her mistress’s musk as she slipped one clawed finger delicately between her nether lips, fingering her gently.

  After a few moments of this, Jan paused, smiling at Miranda’s disappointed huff.

  “How long do we have the bath for?” She whispered, her husky breath chilling the water on Miranda’s pert butt cheeks as she continued to slowly piston one digit in and out of her pussy, going deeper with each thrust.

  “I, I thought ahead… two hours.” Miranda panted and shivered a bit as she felt her pet’s teeth gently nip her on her right cheek.


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