Empath Rising

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Empath Rising Page 9

by Archibald Bradford

  Something about her behavior this morning had Nameless a bit curious. He wasn’t sure how to broach the subject though. Finally he gave up and just asked, with a bit of pink in his cheeks at the nature of his question.

  “M-Milly, er, I don’t know how to phrase this. Um, this morning you seem, really… composed?” She tilted her head curiously; “That is to say, you haven’t tried to… touch me or anything yet today, not really.” His slight blush had turned into a full blush, especially at her smile as his meaning dawned on her.

  “Would you like me to, Master?” She teased with a giggle before she explained; “It’s not that I don’t want to touch you, but I know that you don’t want me to so…” She gave a nonchalant shrug.

  “I see, so the uh, the effect of the b-bonding is fading?”

  “You mean how I was ready to tear your clothes off and drag you into a dark room and ravish you until we both collapsed from exhaustion?” She asked innocently with one delicate eyebrow raised.

  He swallowed, and gave a jerky nod.

  “Nope, still want to do that.” She said happily.

  A poignant silence hung over the room for several moments as she watched him with naked lust in her eyes.

  He swallowed.

  “R-right. Um anyways, if we are going to start selling your m-milk, then we should go and talk with Paul again.” It was his turn to look nervous; “Milly, he offered us a cottage on his property, to rent for now and then maybe to buy some day.”

  Her eyes widened as she thought about living on the beautiful land. Not that she really minded his dank basement, anywhere they could be together would be fine with her, but a proper field to graze in would be a dream come true for the abused Minotaur.

  “Would you… that is, would you like that?” He asked.

  “Master! That would be incredible! When can we move, can we go today?”

  “Well, we need to talk to Paul first. About your milk and stuff so-”

  He found himself abruptly pulled to his feet by the excited girl.

  “Then let’s get going Master, he’s probably awake right?” She stopped short and gave him a coy look; “Unless you want to have breakfast first?”

  Something in the way she said that, combined with the way she pulled at the hem of her shirt made him think she wasn’t talking about cereal.

  “N-no, if we’re going to m-milk you we should go to Paul’s first.”

  She huffed in disappointment but once again got excited about the prospect of saving her sister and pulled him out the door.

  Chapter 7:

  Fresh Start

  “If your offer still stands, Milly and I would like to accept it.” Nameless, his voice somewhat formal, asked Paul.

  Shortly after giving him her gift, Milly had all but dragged him out to the old farmer’s house again.

  “Hellfire boy! No need to be so serious! And yes my offer still stands!” Paul slapped him on the back heartily, his blows surprisingly strong given his advanced age; “I’ll take ya’ll over to the cottage in a while but first…” He turned to address Milly; “Your man milked you yet Moon-Pie?”

  She blushed prettily.

  “No, we didn’t have a bucket or anything.”

  “Yeah I figured you wouldn’t. Well don’t you worry none, I have everything you need ready in the guest room. I gotta take the hens out so you’ll have your privacy!” He chuckled, then noticed the braid around Nameless’s neck and he outstretched a finger to feel it, curious; “Well I’ll be, this from your tail hun?”

  Milly nodded, proud of her work but curious what the old famer had to say about it. Surprisingly, his eyes got a little misty. He barked a laugh after a moment though.

  “That is damn clever of you girl! Don’t think I ever woulda thought of that! That braid, it gunna come undone?” Milly shook her head, her chest puffed up with pride; “Good work then. Anyways, I’ll show you what’s what so you can tend to your girl.”

  He showed them the space he had cleared in his ice box for the cream, then without preamble he ushered the couple into the guest room and closed the door. They heard him bustling about for a few minutes and then silence as he went to walk with his Cockatrices.

  Milly and Nameless were having a hard time making eye contact, both unsure of how to proceed.

  Eventually Milly broke the stalemate.

  “Master, if you aren’t ready for this-”

  “No! Sorry… no, I’m ready. You need this right?” She nodded; “Then I’m going to take care of you. That’s my responsibility now and I am happy to do it.”

  She met his now-determined gaze, her eyes welling a bit. With a little moo she took him into a gentle hug, smooshing his face into her breasts. He could feel one hardened nipple pressing against his ear through her shirt. He returned her hug, less hesitant with each one he received.

  After a few moments they broke apart.

  “So… um, if you could take of your shirt…”

  “Oh! Of course!”

  Paul had left them with two small buckets with lids that clamped on tight to prevent spillage as well as a tapered drinking ladle and a damp towel. Nameless brought these over as Milly pulled her shirt over her head.

  His heart pounded; the rustling of the fabric and the knowledge of what was about to happen excited him to no small degree.

  “I’m ready for you Master.” Milly’s hushed voice cut through the silence.

  He turned to her. She wore only her brief cut-offs, with her heavy chest naked to his gaze. He couldn’t help but stare at her pink nipples.

  Okay… be direct… I can do this…

  “M-Milly, they’re beautiful, your b-breasts, I mean.”

  Her blush deepened and her stance turned coquettish, her eyes drifted down and to one side.

  “…Do you really think so?” The whisper of her voice belied her vulnerability to his words.

  “I would never lie to you Milly.” He swore; “B-but um… how do I-” He gestured vaguely to her teats with one hand.

  She giggled.

  “It will be easy Master, I promise.” She got down on all fours next to the ready buckets, sliding one into place under her breast; “Sit beside me, we’ll do them one at a time.” She smiled up at him encouragingly.

  He nodded and, trembling slightly, he sank to the softly carpeted floor beside her. With her naked back exposed he couldn’t help but admire the expanse of creamy flesh before him.

  “Now all you have to do… is massage my udder with both hands, and I will definitely produce for you…” Feeling how nervous her master was, she spoke soothingly; “I know this is hard for you Master, if you want, just try touching me first.”


  She giggled again.

  “Anywhere you like.” Her tail gently swished between her legs, back and forth, back and forth.

  He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a steadying breath. Slowly his arms outstretched…

  His eyes flew open again when his questing fingers met with the silky skin of her back, one below her shoulder, the other above her waist.

  She gave another pleased low, her droopy ears flicked a bit in excitement.

  “That tickles Master.” Her tone was blissful.

  The initial contact between them broke down some of his inhibitions and his touch grew in confidence, firmly running his hands over the muscles of her back.

  “Mmmmm… Master, you spoil me…” Her eyes heavily lidded, she glanced over her shoulder with a gentle smile for him.

  He returned it with an awkward grin as his hands massaged her flesh.

  “I haven’t even started yet.”

  “Don’t worry Master, everything that I am… belongs to you. I will always be open to your touch.”

  The invitation was clear in her tone, and in the gentle heat of her eyes.

  He swallowed, suddenly afraid of the unknown delights she offered. Then, unable to speak, he returned to the task at hand, his hands drifted down her flanks towards her pendu
lous breast. He traced the edges of it with his fingers, and with agonizing slowness he drifted his palms underneath her, encircling her mound with great tenderness, hefting the surprising weight in his palms.

  She gave a long low of desire as his hands moved into position. Her head forwards again, neck outstretched, eyes closed.

  “That’s… perfect Master, now just squeeze me…”Her voice whimpered out.

  The feeling of her breast was incredible. He marveled at how something could be so soft, yet so firm. He was terrified, but more aroused than he had ever been in his life. After a few moments to gather nerve he gave her flesh an exploratory squeeze.

  The sound of her milk hitting the bottom of the metal container was a shocking sizzle in the pregnant silence of the room.

  “Ahhh! Good Master… if you… if you start near the base and work your way down to the tip… ah! It will work better I think.” She panted a bit now.

  He adjusted his grip, no longer hesitant in the face of the intimacy of the moment.

  She was right.

  Her erect nipple released pulses of her milk rhythmically as he massaged her, encouraging her flesh to relinquish her creamy load. Over and over he repeated the motions, gaining confidence and finding which movements were most effective.

  He found that, eroticism aside, he enjoyed the intimate contact: The trust she showed in him was touching to the lonely orphan.

  The container was full before her breast was empty. He switched to the other bucket and resumed his caressing strokes.

  Milly was in heaven.

  When she had bonded, she knew she would give him her milk but she underestimated the pleasure it would bring her to do so.

  He soon switched to her other side and her other breast, not wanting to overfill the second bucket.

  As the second one filled she whispered, turning back to him again.

  “Master, are you thirsty?”

  He was parched.

  The tantalizing smell of her cream had permeated the room and he realized the purpose of the ladle.

  That old man thinks of everything!

  Wordlessly he dipped the tapered instrument into her thick cream and under her watchful stare he lifted the ladle to his lips and drank deeply.

  She pouted a bit.

  “Master, I was hoping you would drink directly from me again…” He nearly choked on the precious liquid.

  “Er… no thank you Milly, not this time, I have the spoon and all so…”

  Her pout deepened and lasted until his hands returned to her flesh; after several heavy ladle-fulls he had drank his fill and returned to milking her into the much emptier bucket.

  Eventually, with both buckets filled, not to mention a certain individual who shall remain nameless, they had to stop.

  “Will you be alright with that?” He asked, he could tell she still had more to give.

  “Yes Master,” She leaned back on her thighs and proffered her breasts towards him; “Unless you are still thirsty?”

  He shook his head and made to hand her the wet towel that Paul had thoughtfully provided for cleanup. Her pout returned with a vengeance and she put both hands behind her back, refusing to take the washcloth.

  “Take responsibility Master, you made a mess, so you should have to clean it up.”

  Evidently she wasn’t done being spoiled yet. With her milky tips still pressed forwards for him she sulked as milk dribbled down her breasts. Not having seen this side of her before, Nameless found himself amused.

  After everything she’s been through, she deserves to be pampered a bit.

  He leaned in and gently wiped the wet material over her milky tits. She gasped as the fabric made contact with her sensitive areolas. She hadn’t thought he would do it and was overjoyed when he did. He chased down every rogue droplet that ran down her mammaries, even stooping to wipe up the little that had dribbled down to her tummy and thighs.

  He did this all with an indulgent smile on his lips.

  Once she was cleaned up, he impulsively pulled her into another embrace, with her on her knees and his head on her shoulder. She returned it eagerly, pressing her clean skin against his chest. After a few moments he leaned away and picked up her shirt and passed it to her.

  She felt his arousal through her heartstone and more than matched it with her own.

  But he wasn’t ready. She could also sense his nerves, and so she tamped down her desires and pulled her shirt back on over her head; still, she was pleased to see his gaze linger on her breasts, as reluctant to see them go as she was to put them away.

  The moment had to end eventually though, as they heard Paul in the house again, his walk over.

  The blushing pair exited the guestroom, Milly carrying the heavy buckets, and met up with him in the kitchen.

  His eyes took in the buckets and he actually blinked a few times in surprise as he recognized that they were both full.

  “Hell, I gave you two buckets just to be safe! I didn’t think you’d fill them both clear to the top! That’s almost three gallons! I’ll have to find some proper milking pails in town if you’re going to produce that much!”

  He opened the icebox as a very smug Minotaur shuffled towards him and carefully stowed the precious cream.

  “Feeling better darlin’?”

  “Oh much! Thank you Paul!” She enthused.

  “Hah! I’ll bet, alright, well I have a few things here to show you, Nameless my boy. You’ll recall we talked about them the other day while Moon-Pie was having her breakfast.” He gestured towards a number of items that he had set on the kitchen table; “These are the tools for taking care of her feet, careful, that blade is sharp. This is the polish for her horns and hooves, I knew you’d appreciate that Milly, he asked for them special!” He winked at the pair of them, Milly looked thrilled, Nameless flustered at the farmer’s innocent lie.

  They spent the next half hour or so tending to the various responsibilities that her former owners neglected. He showed Nameless the polish and dabbed a small amount on a rag to show him how much to use then watched as Nameless gently applied it to her horns until they gleamed, Milly practically glowed at the attention. As promised, Paul also checked her teeth, and shortly gave her a clean bill of oral health.

  He frowned when he got a closer look at the bottom of her hooves however.

  “When’s the last time you had your nails tended to darlin’?”

  “Um… never.”

  Milly looked ashamed, right up until Paul had one crooked digit waving in her face, the hoof knife hanging loose from his other fingers;

  “Don’t you dare blame anybody but those other worthless rascals for the state of your lovely hooves! Now stand up for me again.”

  Her eyes wide at his intensity, she nodded and did as he asked.

  He pulled Nameless in and pointed at her cloven feet.

  “See the way her toes have pinched inwards? That’s cuz nobody has ever bothered to sort out her nails for her, her weight isn’t balanced. I’ll show you what I mean and how to fix it and then in a year or so when she needs it again I’ll watch to make sure you don’t screw it up, so pay close attention!”

  He had Milly sit down again and showed Nameless the proper way to trim her nails. He then took her measurements, telling them that she should have a pair of shoes just in case. When he was finished, Milly stood and immediately smiled and sighed: for the first time she could remember her toes weren’t pinching together uncomfortably and her feet didn’t hurt. Paul gave a satisfied nod.

  “Good! That’s sorted! Now, I’ll show you two the cottage and we can see what we’re up against.”

  With that he took them out to the field he had showed Nameless on his property map. It was a bit of a walk, during which they discussed the terms of the lease Paul would have him sign, if all went well with Milly’s milk, then by the end of the next year Nameless could be a proud landowner.

  When they arrived at the land he stood to purchase, Nameless’s jaw dropped at the

  He thinks this is a ‘tiny stamp of land’?! I suppose… he owns a lot of land…

  The trail had led them through a small forest and across a stone bridge with a babbling creek in the narrow ravine below. Immediately across the bridge, now roughly a mile and a half from Paul’s home, the woods gave way to a field of thigh-high wild grass, in the center of which was a small rise with a single massive oak tree on it.

  Milly happily started munching on the grass after a nod and a wink from Paul.

  He led them through the field, which he told them was somewhere between two and three acres and down to the edge of the large clear pond with a stand of trees along the opposite shore.

  Paul took them right to the edge of the water and gestured to the trees.

  “I planted those myself some years back, blocks the view from Skinner’s driveway. There, ah… was a lovely Naiad who had taken up residence in this old pond back then and she was a mite shy to strangers peeping on us over the fence when I came to visit.”

  The old farmer actually managed a slight blush.

  “A Naiad?” Nameless asked.

  Miranda was right, he sucked at school.

  “Water spirit, takes form to breed and to play around. She was a sweetie, I tell you.”

  “What happened to her?” Milly was curious.

  “Well, the girl went and bonded with this tax collector feller as he was assaying my property. Lucky sumbitch didn’t even cut me a break on the survey! That was neigh fifty years ago now, and you’ll see the water is still as clear as crystal from her blessings.”

  “That’s a lovely story, I’m glad she found someone to bond with!”

  “Yeah, still wish he’d cut me a break though… anyways, you two should get some use outta that pond; I’ve always found skinny dipping to be a great way to break the ice!”

  This time it was the young couple that blushed, much to Paul’s amusement.

  “Ha! Come on, cottage is just over here.”

  About fifty feet from the edge of the pond was a squat stone structure with a poorly thatched roof.

  Paul made a disgusted noise at the sight of the roof.

  “Sorry about that kids, haven’t actually wandered out this was since mid-winter, had a few nasty storms in the early spring, musta done in the roof then.” He sighed as they walked closer to the cottage; “Nothing for it I’m afraid, whole thing will need to be re-thatched, with summer drawing to a close in a few more weeks you’ll want that roof sorted before the rains start up again.”


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