Empath Rising

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Empath Rising Page 12

by Archibald Bradford

  “You… you did?” The shocked expression on the portly man’s face gave way to an evil smile unlike any he’d ever had; “That’s brilliant! The man hit me over the head with a bedpan. A bedpan! So… er… where is he? He’s not… he’s not dead is he?” He sounded somewhat hopeful at the last statement.

  Nameless explained the situation to him, glossing over the excessive force that Milly had brought to bear on the man and soon the lawkeeper trundled off to re-capture his suspect.

  An awkward silence settled on the two until Nameless couldn’t take it anymore and took Milly by the hand in an effort to regain their earlier enthusiasm.

  “Come on Milly, let’s get the ice and everything else we need so we can go home and put this day behind us!”

  Milly was skeptical at first, but seemed to agree with his approach.

  “Okay Master, let’s do that!”

  There first stop was Nameless’s dingy basement apartment, he had paid the rent up to the end of the month but wanted to square things with his landlord. It was an odd conversation, the man was overly enthusiastic about seeing him go; evidently he was worried that Milly was going to wreck the place somehow.

  They had managed to get all of his belongings into the cart with room to spare; he was a penniless orphan so he didn’t have much.

  They decided to pop in and visit Mistress Ophelia before they went to the market, Nameless was concerned about her. When they arrived though, the place looked deserted except for a man who was taking measurements in the yard.

  Curious, Nameless approached him.

  “Excuse me, but who are you and where is Mistress Ophelia?”

  The man jumped slightly, he looked almost guilty for a second, before he composed himself.

  “The lady with the wings? Yeah she took the kids off somewhere, they’re leaving today so she wanted to get them some sweets or something.”

  Nameless frowned; he hadn’t answered his first question and didn’t seem overly inclined to.

  Something about the man set him on edge.

  “And you are?”

  “Ha! My manners! Thaddeus Kirk, at your service!” He extended a hand which Nameless took with great reluctance.

  He was a greasy looking fellow, his hair slicked back and wearing a tacky looking black jacket, greatly at odds with the rural setting of Kettering.

  “Well, Mr. Kirk, what exactly are you doing here?”

  “Oh! Why, I’m the new owner of this property you see, or at least I will be at the end of the week!” He leaned in conspiratorially to the young man, placing one arm over his shoulders to bring him in close; “When you’re older, you might just have cause to visit the establishment that I’m putting together here…”

  His breath stank. Nameless couldn’t think of a single individual he had ever met who was more off-putting. The man oozed sleaziness and he was more than a bit concerned about the arrangement he had made with Ophelia. He was an inexperienced man but he doubted that she got a fair price for the orphanage.

  He broke away from him abruptly.

  “Thank you Mister Kirk but I doubt that very much, this was my home and I would prefer my memories of it remain intact.”

  “Oh kid, don’t be like that now, you seem a poor fellow and I am a man of means, why! I would be happy to take your Minotaur of your hands at a fair market price so that you could buy yourself some clothes that actually fit!”

  The thin veneer of his civility had slipped away and Thaddeus smirked at him condescendingly, openly ogling Milly’s firm breasts… right up until she placed herself between him and her master with a huff of annoyance.

  “Already today someone tried to steal me from my master. I’m not in the mood for a second attempt.”

  She had her arms crossed over her magnificent chest, blocking his view; the oily man’s gaze was fixed on her face now, however.

  “Ah! My apologies sweetheart! I didn’t know that you were bonded!” His greasy civility was back in spades, and the greed on his face was readily apparent; “You no doubt produce milk for your master I would guess?” He shifted to one side to bring Nameless into view again, but Milly moved right with him.

  Neither of them answered.

  “Oh but now you and I just must be friends kiddo! I could do you a great service, you probably know that her milk has some value to it and I would be happy to purchase it from you, at a fair market price of course.”

  Nameless got the impression the man used those words a lot.

  “No thank you, we already have someone taking care of that for us.”

  “But who? No doubt some ignorant local who has the best of intentions but doesn’t know how to get the best value out of the product.”

  Milly answered him before Nameless could, and there was something uncharacteristically devious in her tone.

  “Yes, his name is Paul Fletcher, if you want to speak with him about my milk then by my guest.”

  The man all but oozed gratitude.

  “Thank you sweetheart, I can tell that this is going to be a wonderful, not to mention profitable, relationship.”

  At that they said their goodbyes, glad to be away from the unpleasant man.

  Once out of earshot Nameless turned to Milly.

  “Why did you tell him about Paul? I really don’t trust that guy.”

  “Neither do I Master, and neither will Paul, and I would bet our bond that Paul Fletcher will know how best to deal with a man like him!”

  Nameless took a moment to picture the world-wise farmer and Thaddeus in a room together, and in his mind it never ended well for the oily man. He chuckled a bit at that, but then grew pensive as his thoughts drifted to Ophelia again.

  “I guess it’s true then, she really did sell the orphanage.”

  “I’m sorry Master; I know how much this place meant to you…” She drifted off as she saw him shaking his head.

  “It’s not the place, it’s her. This was just a building, but when I was growing up, I never felt safer then when she held me in her arms. I’ve missed her for the last couple years but I stayed away, I didn’t want to be a burden, and she was always so busy with the kids… but now that she’s leaving-” His voice cut off at the thought, a lump in his throat.

  “I doubt she ever saw you as a burden, she cares for you. I know she does.”

  “You’re right Milly, you’re always right. Come on! Let’s get what we need and maybe we’ll see her in the market.”

  Milly nodded, she quite liked the kindly and elegant Flutterby and hoped to see more of her.

  Soon they had acquired everything they needed to make the cottage livable for a time, though they would have to make another trip in a few days as their cart was now more than full. They saw no sign of Ophelia in town and the afternoon had given way to early evening so they set out for Paul’s farm.

  On the road they passed a very smug lawkeeper who was breathing heavily as he awkwardly pushed a wheelbarrow full of broken criminal back into town.

  Clint looked very much worse than the couple remembered, and as soon as he caught sight of Milly, with not one but two black eyes, he started whimpering and begging her not to wear him as a hat.

  For her part Milly was more confused than angry at seeing him again.

  “I don’t remember doing that to his face…”

  “Um… Milly I think maybe Paul had a hand, or rather a fist, in that.”

  “Oh… good.”

  He went quiet after that; the sight of the man unnerved him somewhat. He had been hurt by him twice now and couldn’t help the shiver of fear that even his broken visage brought out it him.

  Wordlessly, Milly placed the cart down and embraced him, licking his head several times to comfort him.

  Like the hugs, he was getting used to the licking, much to his surprise.

  “Milly, I’m fine, really. Let’s get back to our new home, and get settled in.”

  “Okay Master, but if you need to fondle my breasts again just let me know.” She said thi
s cheekily and loudly enough for several nearby folk to hear.

  His ears reddened as he garnered more than a few scandalized glances and speculative looks.

  That old lady just WINKED at me!

  Bemused, he and Milly made the journey out to Paul’s farm, the Farmer wasn’t at the homestead when the returned so they opted to head straight to the cottage.

  Once they got there they found that Paul had brought them several sundries that they hadn’t thought of; extra blankets, soap and towels and the like for the spacious bathroom. They were both touched at his thoughtfulness and grateful to know the kindly old man.

  Milly pulled all of the bedding back into the bedroom, much fresher smelling now from its time in the sun, while Nameless sorted out the ice box and brought out the pails in preparation for the nightly milking.

  Once she saw his intentions she wordlessly removed her shirt, he surprised her though when he refused the ladle.

  “Milly, I know I said we got carried away earlier, but I also meant what I said about wanting your milk. From now on, if you’ll let me, I’ll always drink straight from you, though we should probably do that after we’ve filled the pails...”

  She gave an emotional low of gratitude and her smile was glorious.

  “Thank you Master!”

  Several minutes later, with two fresh pails stored in the full icebox, Milly was lying back on the recliner with him on her lap, suckling insistently at her nipples as she intimately cooed and mooed at him, when he finished he once again licked and massaged her tender breasts, his arousal evident through his trousers.

  Milly kept herself from pulling him into another kiss.


  After he finished, they each took a shower and prepared for bed. Milly didn’t bother putting her shirt back on, before or after her shower, and he didn’t ask her to, greatly enjoying the sight of her swaying breasts in the darkened cottage.

  This is her home now, and I want her to be comfortable here.

  At last they went to bed, seeing Milly’s longing gaze, Nameless didn’t sleep on the floor or out in the living room; the bed was more than big enough for the two of them. Wearing nothing but his ratty pajama pants, and Milly wearing nothing at all, they were underneath the covers.

  She pulled him into her arms, his back pressing into her yielding breasts, and licked at the back of his head, grooming him absently.

  “Milly, on the road before… I’m really sorry.”

  “Master, I know. And I’m sorry too. I’m trying to be patient but…”

  “Would it be easier if I did sleep in the other room?”

  He felt her clutch him tighter, her soft mounds warming him more than the blankets ever could.

  “Please stay Master. I want to be near you as much as you’ll let me.” Her voice was a whisper.




  There was a pause as Milly gathered her courage.

  “I don’t want to embarrass you, but I know that you are… well… that your thing is…” Her voice faltered and he felt her skin heat against his.

  “Milly what’s wrong?”

  “Master, if you won’t let me take care of you… please at least take care of yourself.”

  “Milly what do you… oh! Oh… no that’s okay, I’m fine!” his skin soon matched hers, his blush deep.

  “It’s okay, I can go into the front room, or for a walk…” her voice dropped, sultry now; “Or I could just close my eyes, lie back and you could look at me while you…”

  “No thank you Milly!” He squeaked out.

  “Master, I don’t want you to get backed up at all.”

  “I-I’m not backed up I’m just really tired, a lot of things happened today so I would like to sleep now please!” His voice was desperate, Milly might not have any of her flesh pressed against his hard-on but she could certainly sense his arousal through her heartstone.

  She sighed in exasperation.

  “Master, your thingy… it’s hard right now right? It’s okay, you can touch it. I won’t do anything but hold you like this.” He felt her nipples harden against his back as she spooned him tighter, her breath hot in his ear.

  “Milly, please…”

  She could feel his arousal, but it was tinged heavily with fear now and suddenly she felt guilty.

  “Master… I’m sorry. I guess it was me that got carried away this time.”

  “I-It’s okay M-Milly.” He was cooling off, very slowly, as the potential of the sexually charged moment drifted away.

  “Can I ask you something master?”

  “Of course Milly.”

  “Do you… do you find me attractive… in that way?” Her voice was vulnerable.

  “Milly! Of course I do, you’re beautiful!”

  “It’s just, a lot of people don’t like monster girls, they don’t like all the ways we differ from human women.”

  “Well, a lot of people are stupid! Milly, my th-thingy has been hard for the last few days all because of you.”

  Nameless was suddenly mortified; he couldn’t believe he just said that. But she sounded so sad and he wanted to reassure her.

  He succeeded.

  “Really Master?! You got hard because of me?” She was thrilled; she couldn’t help but wiggle her naked groin against his butt.

  “Y-yeah, but Milly… I’m not-“

  “Not ready! And I am fine with that master!” She sounded so happy now; “Just promise me one thing?”

  He swallowed, afraid of what she would ask but not wanting to upset her again.


  “When you are ready, for anything, don’t hold back okay? Like, if you’re hard and you want to… you know… with yourself. I’ll do anything to help-”

  “Milly please!” He was painfully hard again, afraid that if she kept talking he would make a mess in their fresh sheets.

  “Oh!” She giggled suddenly, shaking them both before she hugged him yet tighter; “Sorry Master, it’s... well I guess it’s a fantasy of mine, but I can wait, um, that is if you promise?”

  Nameless was in a tight spot, literally she was holding him so tight it was starting to get uncomfortable, but he had just said that he would promise her anything…

  “O-okay, Milly.”

  “Okay… what, Master?”

  “I promise.” He managed.

  But Milly wasn’t satisfied.

  “You promise… what?” Her tone was light, yet smoldering; openly teasing, and somehow still serious.

  Nameless knew she wouldn’t let it drop unless he said the words.

  “I-I promise to… I promise the next time I… with myself… I’ll let you help.”

  He suddenly felt her tongue amorously licking his head again, running all through his hair and making a mess of it until she was satisfied.

  “Thank you Master!” Suddenly she yawned; “You’re right, it was a long day! I’m going to go to sleep now. Goodnight!” She closed her eyes and was out within a few minutes.

  Nameless didn’t get to sleep for hours.

  Chapter 10:

  Getting to Work

  The following morning a bleary eyed Nameless woke before Milly. Her grip had slackened during the night, so he was able to get up without waking her.

  He took a moment to admire her sleeping face in the sunrise, she looked so very innocent. And then he remembered their intense conversation from the night before and hastily fled into the bathroom to wash up.

  Every touch and embrace set him on edge, the sincere girl was pulling down his boundaries faster than he could erect them. He found himself looking forward to her morning milking, and what was likely going to be his only breakfast…

  He shook the erotic thoughts out of his head, they had a long day today, Paul had told him the day before that he would arrange for Joe Rigby to come by and help with their roof sometime in the late morning. When not drunk on cooking sherry and risking death at the hands of Jane
t Skinner in an attempt to bed her entire Blomma garden, Joe was a Master Thatcher.

  Nameless attended to a few chores around the cottage. He was sweeping the floor in the kitchen when Milly awoke and wandered into the living room naked from the waist up, having donned only her shorts knowing that she would need to be milked. His eyes once again had trouble looking away from her pink tips, especially when she pulled his face into her breasts for a morning greeting.

  “Hungry Master?” She asked archly. He laughed into her flesh.


  “Well, you’d better drink up, because we have a lot of work to do, right?”

  He nodded and enjoyed a balanced breakfast; balanced in that he drank equally from each of her nipples.

  Afterwards he cleaned her up and milked her properly, mentally kicking himself; they were supposed to milk her into the buckets before he drank his fill. She had her own breakfast of oats, making much less of a mess then she had in Paul’s kitchen and then they set off to deliver the cream.

  They now had just over five gallons of her milk between the night before and the morning. They were going to run out of buckets if she continued to produce so much; which was Paul’s reaction when he saw the cart with the thick cream aboard.

  “Ha! Well done Moon-Pie! I’ll see about picking up a couple of proper milking pails today; if I can find two of the six gallon ones then that should be more than enough, you just bring one to me every morning and I’ll have the other empty ready to go for you. I bottled all of the milk from yesterday morning already, so once we bottle the rest we’ll bring the whole lot to market and then start inquiring after the milking pails.”

  The farmer was in a good mood and the reason became apparent as they toted the pails into his barn and walked over the still figure of Thaddeus Kirk. He was face down in the dirt and stiff as a board; clearly the crooked man had run afoul of the farmer’s Cockatrice flock, his fancy clothes a tattered mess from the girls’ talons.

  Paul stepped over him and into the barn to show them how to bottle the milk hygienically.

  Once they finished they loaded up the cart with the bottles and Thaddeus, and Paul and Milly took the load to market. Paul had explained that people would appreciate getting a look at the heifer, a simple way to reassure folk that what they were selling was the real deal.


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