Empath Rising

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Empath Rising Page 22

by Archibald Bradford

  “I feel the need to point out that I slept on Milly after our first time.”

  Erica huffed.

  “Yes well Milly is an important exception. She has those two perfect pillows, so I’ve slept on her tits before too.”

  Milly giggled and finally spoke.

  “You were always after my milk you naughty kitty!”

  “Oh no, we didn’t wake you did we?” Erica asked with false concern.

  Nameless laughed at that as both girls settled on either side of him.

  “I’m so happy for you two.” Milly whispered, raw emotion in her voice.

  Erica said nothing, instead leaning over him to kiss the Minotaur passionately.

  Nameless discovered that the soft sucking of the sisters kissing was a lovely sound to fall asleep to.

  Chapter 16:

  Morning Glory

  Nameless woke to Erica and Milly having a private conversation.

  He could hear them through the doorway to the front room, whispering covertly. He would have left them to their secrets but his curiosity got the better of him so he got out of bed, slipped into his pants and a shirt and padded nearer.

  “You have the braid, which I am super jealous of and proud of you for by the way! It suits you two perfectly. I need something like that.” Erica was speaking, seemingly lost in thought.

  Nameless heard Milly whisper something back but didn’t catch it so he moved closer to the door in time to hear Erica’s response.

  “No it can’t be done, especially with your hair, there’s no adding to that masterpiece, my stone would have had to be added alongside yours with the original braid. No, I need to do something that’s personal to us…”

  Able to pick up both sides of the conversation now, Nameless listened intently, too interested to back away.

  “Well maybe a second braid? You taught me how to do it, so really it is more your thing than mine, we could use some of your hair mixed in with mine to give it some colour and make it more…you?”

  Erica seemed to consider that for a moment before she rejected the idea.

  “As lovely as the image is Milly, my hair isn’t indestructible, it’s just hair, and that would compromise the braid. I think… I think I want something… kind of naughty. I am a whore after all.”

  “Don’t call yourself that Erica! You know I hate that, and I know Master does too!”

  Nameless could feel Milly’s distress and considered interrupting the conversation, but ultimately decided this was something the girls needed to work through.

  Plus, he wanted to know what they came up with.

  “Milly, I’m…I was in the tents for a really long time, longer than we were together. It’s hard for me to think of myself as anything else. But I’ll try, for you I’ll try.”

  He could hear them embracing and felt a lump in his throat. He edged closer, a slight squeak in the floorboards made him wince but they didn’t seem to notice.

  “Why don’t you get a piercing like Miranda has? She keeps Jan in her belly button, it’s really cute!”

  Erica snorted at the mention of Miranda.

  “Hmm… the idea is for Master to have some way to carry my heart, not me… somehow I don’t think a belly button piercing would look right on him. Maybe a nipple ring?”

  Nameless was slightly nervous at that point.

  Milly giggled.

  “That’s a fun image!”

  “No… hang on… Ha! Milly you’re a genius! You remember I told you that I had Master slip my stone inside me?”

  Nameless certainly remembered, but wasn’t sure he liked where this was going.

  “Yeah, I was a little jealous of that, I should’ve thought of it before I made him the braid. Ooooh! Erica can you image both our stones inside you!”

  “Oh my gawd that is sooo hot, you are a naughty cow… no! We’re getting sidetracked! The answer is so simple Milly! I’m surprised you haven’t seen it!”

  “Hey! Are you saying I’m simple?!”

  “What?! No! I’m saying we should pierce Master’s cock!”

  Nameless felt a sudden urge to run like hell.

  “…What? You mean… like a penis… ring?”

  “They’re called cock-rings Milly, I’ve fucked a few guys that had them, they were shit in bed but the ring felt really good while they lasted. I wonder if anyone in town has the things I’d need...”

  “Hang on Erica, what if Master doesn’t want another hole in his… thingy?”

  “Honestly girl, say it with me: cock, dick, meat-sword, man-hammer, javelin of truth, pleasure tube, any one of those would be better than just ‘thingy’.”

  Nameless could practically hear Erica doing the air-quotes, but he was too concerned about the direction this conversation had gone to be amused by Milly’s refusal to call his penis anything remotely naughty.

  “Whatever! What if he doesn’t want ‘The Nameless God’ damaged?”

  “Hah! You said yourself he would love anything I gave him, we’ll do it in his sleep so he won’t feel it and then he’ll just have to get over it. It only hurts for a few days… er, weeks… unless it gets infected, then he might lose his dick… but we have your milk so it should be fine!”

  Nameless was in a cold sweat at that point. He’d just started using his dick; he wasn’t ready to lose it!

  “Well, I suppose your right. I do like the idea of him thrusting your heartstone inside of me.”

  “Great! With you onboard, he’ll definitely be okay with it!”

  No he won’t!!

  Nameless was practically in tears, he wanted to make his girls happy, but not like this!

  “And then maybe he’ll actually be good in bed.”

  Milly had said that.

  Sweet. Honest. Loving. Milly.

  She actually just said that. Nameless was stunned.

  “Yeah, I know what you mean, his heart is in the right place but he just kind of… sticks it in and wiggles it around a bunch. Poor guy could use every advantage!”

  Erica, you too?

  “Yeah I haven’t been satisfied yet, so I think it best that we get Master the penis-ring. For his own good, really.”

  Nameless was doomed, life was over.

  “Cock-ring Milly, it’s called a cock-ring.”

  “Right, whatever.” Milly paused, her voice dropped lower; “Do you think that’s enough?”

  Nameless dully wondered what horrible thing she referred to now.

  “I don’t know, he’s pretty dense. Like, two girls who can read his emotions, one of which has an excellent sense of smell and exceptional hearing, you’d think he’d know better than to even try.”

  Nameless was genuinely curious what the hell they were talking about, did he snore? Did he need to bathe more? He took a cautious sniff of one arm-pit.

  When he looked up both girls were suddenly standing in front of him, trying not to laugh through their frowns.

  “Yeah Master, you should know better than to try to eavesdrop on private conversations.” Milly did her best to look stern but she just didn’t have the temperament for it.

  The girls held their frowns for a few more seconds before their laughter escaped them.

  Nameless took a beat to figure out that he had been the butt of a joke, he was put out by it for a moment, but then, he had been eavesdropping.

  After a few more moments of their laughter he smiled wryly.

  “I suppose I deserved that. So… I’m not bad in bed then?”

  “Best I ever had!” Milly enthused.

  “Pffft! Only you’ve ever had.” Erica said with a teasing poke at Milly’s side.

  “Oh hush! I know Master is the best you’ve had too, you already told me so.”

  Nameless’s world made sense again, right up until Erica gave it another spin.

  “Yeah, I still think a cock-ring would be great though…”

  Milly rolled her eyes then winced and Nameless realized that she was in pain from her hooves.

“Milly! You’re not supposed to be on your feet!”

  “Oh, you want me on my knees?” She asked coyly; “Hmmm, Master, now that you’re up is there something that you need? Perhaps something that Erica and I could do for you…or do to you? To make up for our teasing…” Milly’s eyes were full of heat as she pulled him into the front room, limping a bit.

  “I... uh… well gee...”

  “She’s asking if you want the two of us to suck you off. Right here. Right now.”

  He had learned that Erica was a very direct sort of girl.

  “Was that what I was asking? I don’t think so… I think I was asking what Master wanted…”

  “Ooooh, you’re right Milly. Since he was being naughty. He should have to say it.” Erica’s eyes were fierce as one claw lifted her shirt, exposing her tanned skin to his lecherous gaze.

  He really liked those black panties.

  “Uh... I… uh…”

  Milly just looked at him expectantly.

  Erica’s lips drew into a pout at his hedging, until, tired of waiting, she leaned in with a helpful whisper that set his blood on fire.

  “Say it Master… say what you want us to do… tell me to suck your cock… tell Milly to suck your cock. We won’t do it if you don’t.” She stuck her tongue deep into his ear, and he shuddered.

  He had a sudden, although related, question.

  “Erica… your t-tongue… how is it so soft now? It was rough before… wasn’t it?”

  She giggled, took him by the ear and licked him from chin to temple. Her tongue scraping along his flesh pleasantly, though he knew if she did that too much it would definitely start to hurt.

  Then she leaned away from him and stuck her tongue out for him to get a closer look. It was bizarre; she was flexing the muscle in little waves, the barbs of her tongue rippling across the surface.

  She withdrew it back into her mouth with a sultry smile.

  “I’m a Katje, everything about us is geared for sex. My tongue is rough when it needs to be. Maybe you’ll like it a little bit rough on your cock-head… just one or two little licks? Or are you worried Master… worried that I’ll lick your dick raw?”

  Nameless was panting.

  Milly slowly pulled up Erica’s shirt. The cat girl outstretched her arm so that she could remove it entirely, the fabric tousling her hair as it came off.

  “Look at her skin, look at how tan she is compared to me. Imagine what your stuff will look like, all over her.”

  Milly ran one hand over Erica’s pert breasts, they were so much smaller than hers, but perfect for her size, her dark brown nipples hardened, exposed to the air.

  “Of course, you’ll have to ask for it…” Erica purred, gently removing Milly’s questing hand.

  “Yeah, tell us what you want Master…” Milly unsnapped one shoulder of her denim overalls, one breast mostly spilling out; “Say the words…and we’ll do it for you…”

  “Just say the words lover… I don’t know how much longer I can wait. I need your cum all over me, all over my rough tongue…” Erica stuck her tongue out again making the same rippling motion as before.

  Nameless was in agony.

  The girls teasing had made him rock hard, but he knew they wouldn’t do anything about it unless he asked them to. He swallowed, his mouth watering.

  It’s so dirty sounding though!

  “Please… can you, please…”

  “Please what Master?” Milly asked, her voice breathy.

  “Please… you? All you have to do is say those three little words…” Erica moaned.

  He could see her moist cleft through her panties as she unsnapped Milly’s other shoulder strap, allowing her creamy breasts to spill out.

  She deftly drew her tongue across one of Milly’s pink nipples. He could hear the faint rasp as Milly tossed her head back and mooed.

  “Ah... Erica, so rough! Please-”

  “Shhh baby… it’s all for our man, soon… he’s about to say it… I can tell.”

  The tension in Nameless snapped at the image before him, it was too much.

  “Suck my cock! Oh god please, get on the floor and suck my cock!” His voice was hoarse with desire.

  Milly and Erica shared a slow passionate kiss, before they turned and spoke in unison, dropping to their knees before him.

  “Yes, Master.”

  His legs were weak and he was ready to explode already.

  Sensing this, both girls stroked his thighs for a moment before they worked together to slowly draw down his pants.

  “Shhh… Master, it’s alright… no need to rush. We want this to last.”

  “Yeah lover, we want you in our mouths for a good long time, if you pop too soon, well then we’ll just have to keep going until you pop again!” Erica’s voice was so sultry he thought he would get off just from that.

  His pajama pants fell to his ankles. Wordlessly the girls helped him get them completely off, supporting his weight while he got his feet out one at a time, his erection flopping wildly before their eyes. They giggled at the sight. He tore off his shirt as well, rapidly overheating.

  “Oh no, Milly… it looks like we made him too hard, should I take the first lick then?”

  “Yes, sister. Show me how you please our man. I want to see it.” Milly’s voice was a whisper as she settled on the floor.

  “Oooh, I love you Milly. Thank you for sharing him with me.”

  Eyes brimming with sudden emotion, Erica leaned into her bond-sister and kissed her passionately. Her tongue, soft now, swirling around her sister’s as they made out before their man, their faces inches from his cock.

  They each ran one hand slowly up his thighs, their other arms circling around each other in a sideways hug, one of Erica’s tanned breasts smooshing against Milly’s milky mound.

  He couldn’t help what happened next.

  “Oh god! I’m sorry, I can’t, it’s too much!”

  Without either of them ever touching him he was going to cum, the sight of them kissing so passionately overwhelmed him.

  He thrust his cock towards their surprised faces, unable to stop himself from seeking out the stimulation of their touch. He roughly gripped each of them by the head and pulled them towards him.

  He had barely pressed his swollen head to their lips when he began to spurt. Their cheeks together, they kissed his head in tandem, tongues swirling around his knob and into each other’s mouths as he released all of the tension they had built in him over the last several minutes.

  They never stopped the movements of their tongues, even when both of their mouths were overflowing; his seed spilled onto their breasts, much of it rebounded onto his stomach, his cock and his aching balls. He continued to blast his cum at them, gripping them tight to his flesh.

  Eventually, true to her word Erica licked his sensitive head with her rough tongue. Twice.

  The intensity of it in the middle of his release was too much, and he gave another hoarse cry as his cock sought refuge from that rough tongue in Milly’s open mouth. He pulled her deep to him, still cumming.

  Erica laughed openly at his chicken-shit maneuver, licking at the semen on Milly’s face while she took his spurting erection, sucking hard as her mouth filled up.

  He could hear the rasp of her tongue against Milly’s cheek, his cock still hidden within.

  Come out and play little chicken-dick…

  Milly bobbed rapidly, she had learned from the last time and was able to swallow his cum with his cock still in her mouth.

  Finally he slowed, his painful grip in their hair turning into a pleasant stroke as he gave a last few jerk of his hips into Milly’s mouth.

  Meanwhile, Erica abandoned her torment of Milly’s cheek and ducked low, Milly read her intention and shifter herself higher, still bobbing. Erica used her tongue to clean all of his cum from his scrotum, before she opened her mouth wide and sucked one testicle between her lips.

  He grunted at the sensation between pleasure and pain as sh
e sucked on his balls one at a time.

  Since the cat decided to behave, he thought she deserved a treat.

  Wordlessly, and with Milly sucking as hard as she could and working her tongue to prevent it, he slid his cock out of her mouth. She pouted but met his eyes, then swallowed his salty cum and used her hand to offer his dribbling cock to Erica.

  The cat licked her lips and took him deep into her mouth, her tongue silk on his flesh. He stroked her hair and ears, the fiery passion of the moment over, she was now tender, sweet, as she slowly bobbed up and down on his over-stimulated flesh, purring intensely.

  Milly returned Erica’s tongue bath, cleaning her lips and cheeks of his seed as her sister sucked their master dry.

  “Good kitty…” He said; his voice raw from yelling his release.

  After another minute of this he shuddered and withdrew from her mouth, entirely spent.

  She swallowed, then turned to Milly and resumed the kiss he had so rudely interrupted, this time their kiss was much sloppier as they shared the remnants of his load.

  Their faces now clean, they took it in turns to lick lower, Milly took Erica’s pert breasts into her mouth, one at a time, cleaning every drop of his seed from her tanned chest before working back up to her neck and finding a trove hidden under her chin as the Katje tilted her head back to allow her access.

  Once the cat girl was clean she turned the tables on the cow: she slid down Milly’s body, licking up every salty dollop of his cum from her creamy skin, inevitably suckling at her nipple while Milly let out plaintive lows of pleasure.

  Oh how the cat purred.

  The mixture of her bond-sister’s and her Master’s cream was so deliciously naughty.

  They continued like this for several minutes.

  Nameless had pulled up a nearby chair to rest as he watched the show. Inevitably, after ten minutes or so he felt himself growing hard again, he was still a teenager after all.

  The girls noticed, and Milly beckoned with one finger.

  “Our lovely kitten didn’t get her fair share of your cream Master, I’m afraid I got most of it…”

  Erica purred, with her eyes hooded as she licked her lips in anticipation.

  “Mmmm… that’s right lover, and I did warn you that if you popped too soon we would just have to keep going, didn’t I sister?”


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