Empath Rising

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Empath Rising Page 33

by Archibald Bradford

  Xalanth had long since fetched a chair from the house and forced her bond-mate to seat herself, assuming a ready pose behind her, clawed gauntlets resting on her love’s shoulders.

  Sadie watched with a look of deep sorrow on her face. She felt every one of her years, crushing her with the memories of friends long gone.

  Miranda and her girls stood huddled together, except for Kala who knelt amongst her war-sisters.

  Paul Fletcher watched the whole thing from his perch on his porch railing, placidly smoking his pipe. His Cockatrices were still hidden from the terrifying Dragon.

  The silence finally broke when Sadie heaved a sigh and addressed his mates.

  “I am so very sorry, all of you. He ignored my warnings and has gone too far, I can no longer reach him. I should never have allowed this.” Her tone was mournful.

  “Don’t write the kid off yet, little lady.” Paul puffed out quietly, smoke wreathing his face; “He’s got the biggest heart of anybody I ever met. And if I’m to rightly understand this empathy business, that’s rather important.”

  Sadie didn’t answer, her head hung low.

  “When will we know? When will we know if…” Miranda couldn’t bring herself to finish the thought.

  “When the heartstone in his hand turns to dust, and she dies.” Xalanth stated calmly.

  From her point of view, the threat posed by the Tenebrae was over. Her only concern was for her mistress, as the loss of the new Empath would hurt her gravely.

  She had been so excited to meet him.

  “I thought they were indestructible…” Jan muttered, her eyes wide.

  “They are, except in this very rare case. He is blocking all of the negative emotions coming from her stone, turning them in on themselves. This causes a terrible strain on a monster’s heart and if it continues long enough then…” Lady Essig answered, with her face still in her hands.

  “That will not happen!” Erica’s voice rang out; “Master saved me and he will save her, no matter how long it takes, he won’t give up!”

  “That’s right! Our mate is strong!” Milly agreed.

  “He will come back to us. He will bring this poor girl back into the light. Count on it.” Ophelia’s steady voice joined her bond-sisters.

  Silence returned as no one had anything to say to that.


  Nameless had screwed up.

  He was lost, he could still sense the light of his anchors, but he could no longer see them. He knew that he had gone too far, too deep into the strange mountainous whirlwind. His psyche had been ravaged to the breaking point by the broken glass of feelings, and he felt his grip on his own mind slipping.

  But he would not yield.

  He gritted mental teeth as he threw everything he had into his quest, willing his mind into every agonizing valley in search of any sign, no matter how remote, of the lost soul he had to save.

  What are you willing to give up to save her?

  A voice rang out within his tattered mind, musical and feminine, yet with more than a hint of steel to it.

  Startled, Nameless answered without thinking.


  Why? She is not one of your wives. The voice was curious now; it had a strange archaic formality that he found intriguing.

  So? She needs my help and so I WILL help her!

  Even if it were to cost you your own mind?

  Even if it costs me my life! His answer was immediate and unflinching.

  Mmmm, such sacrifice… such selflessness… I have not felt these qualities so strongly from a human in nearly a thousand years. Her tone was suddenly heated, and if he could blush he would have.

  He wasn’t sure how to respond, vaguely he felt the chaos around him, he had forgotten about it in the midst of the strange encounter.

  Uh… look, I kinda need to go save this girl so…

  Indeed you do, but sadly we both know that you cannot.


  You have the will, without a doubt my noble friend, but you lack the strength. You spent too long in this place and soon it will consume you utterly.

  No! I have to save her!

  Mmmm, yes, as I said, selfless: facing your own ruin and your first thought is for a girl you have never met... Once again the heat in her tone made his imaginary knees weak; Very well, if you are willing to sacrifice everything you have left, then I shall lend my will to yours. Know however, that what is about to be wrought cannot be undone. It is not something I do lightly. Will you accept this gift? Will you accept this burden? Will you accept me?

  Wh-who are you?

  Ha! Manners! Forgive me! I have not spoken with another in so very long. I am Volka and if you wish for us to save this girl then we must act soon.

  Yes! If you can help me save her then I will give you everything!

  Mmmm, such sweet promises you make! Very well then Husband, I will use my will to protect you while you search. Together we shall save this girl, and then, perhaps you will come save me!”

  Do you need help too? His worry turned to her, completely missing the appellation she had given him.

  He felt warmth coming from nowhere and everywhere at his earnest question.

  You will be easy to love I think, so quickly your thoughts bend to others in need. The gentle warmth of your spirit even now calls to mine. Fear not for me; I have endured for a thousand years, I am far safer then this wretched creature. But come! Let us go to her aid!

  Nameless felt a sudden heat in his breast, light blossoming from everywhere at once and his flagging strength was renewed, and then increased tenfold: he felt another anchor take hold, a golden glow that was all around him.

  Volka’s voice echoed in his mind, suddenly much closer, more intimate then before.

  Lead on Husband!

  Bemused but reinvigorated he resumed his search.


  Light burst from around Nameless’s prone form, everyone covered their eyes at the abrupt golden radiance. Shouts of alarm sounded as arms instinctively covered faces at the unexpected brightness.

  The light was incandescent for several seconds before it finally dimmed to a soft glow that seemed to permeate his entire body, pulsating gently.

  “Wh-what is happening?” Erica called out, her stinging eyes seeking out Lady Essig.

  But the lady was just as dumbfounded as the rest of them.

  Xalanth had thrown her wings around her mate protectively in reaction to the light, whilst the Amazons abandoned their kneeling stance and took up their spears, prepared to battle whatever foe emerged.

  More confused shouts rang out, but nothing further happened.

  “Lady Essig, what is this?” Miranda asked after several beats.

  “I… I have no idea. I have never seen anything like this! Xalanth?”

  The Dragon shook her head, her wings relaxing somewhat.

  “We can but wait and see Milady, same as before. It would seem there is more to this story then I thought, the young Empath… we may yet have cause for hope.”

  Nameless’s mates all stared wide-eyed at his still form, each thinking the same thing: if he was going to save the girl he could stand to hurry it up a bit!


  Nameless was excited, after joining with the armoured mind of Volka he was searching without fear of the dark emotions around him.

  And he had found something.

  A whisper of a memory.

  It was some sort of chant; he willed their shared mind closer to the strange murmuring, until he could make out the words.

  Bones of the mountain, heart of the furnace, soul of the warrior, gracious in victory, proud in defeat.

  Over and over it repeated.

  The words were bored into his brain and the more he focused on them the stronger they became, until a form slowly began to materialize out of the chaotic shadows.

  A girl.

  She was tiny, at least two feet shorter than him. Her skin was a dusky red, her hair a si
milar colour but a few shades darker.

  Her eyes were black as they stared at him, head tilted to one side.

  Hello, what is your name? Nameless thought at her.

  I know your voice. You have been calling me for hours. Why?

  Her tone was flat, abrupt, but not unfriendly.

  Because I want to help you.

  You… want to help… me?


  That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. You are puny; I think it is you who needs help. I can see it in your mind, people have hurt you and you have simply let them.

  Nameless was taken aback some, she was surprisingly lucid, compared to how Erica was.

  Um… yes I am not very big, and some girls were kinda mean to me a long time ago, but I still want to help you.

  Well, you cannot. So go away now.

  She turned to leave but found that no matter which way she faced, he was there.

  Stop doing that. It is annoying. Her tone continued to be completely flat.

  Sorry, I can’t help it, I came here to save you and I am not leaving until I do.

  You are not listening, I cannot be saved.

  Cannot? Or don’t want to be?

  I… I don’t know, one of those, maybe both. For the first time her voice was uncertain.

  Please, will you at least tell me your name?

  My name? That is irrelevant, I don’t want to be saved and therefore you cannot save me. Her voice was decisive now, though there was a hint of curiosity in it; Why did you come here to try to save me anyways?

  Nameless brought his mind closer to hers, Volka still shielding him from the negative maelstrom which didn’t seem to have any effect on the tiny girl.

  I came to save you because you deserve to be saved. To be free. To be happy.

  That’s a stupid reason. You know nothing about me; I deserve none of those things.

  Why not?


  Why don’t you deserve those things?

  I… I don’t know… She was uncertain again.

  If you don’t know why, then how could you possibly know why not?

  There was a pause as she considered him for a few moments, looking him up and down.

  You are kind of annoying. Her tone was slightly miffed.

  Maybe, but if me being annoying gets you to let me help you… I can live with that.

  Hmmm… you aren’t going to go away are you?

  Not anytime soon no, I’d say I was sorry but I’m not.

  Yeah, I get that sense from you. If we go and find why I belong here will you leave me alone?

  Why don’t we go and find out who you are and then decide? He compromised.

  Mmmm, yes, you are really annoying. Very well. I will show you.

  The darkness whirled around them, calmer now as her will directed it to form into her memories.

  A crude arena formed around them and they saw her in it, although now she wielded a giant hammer.

  That thing is almost as tall as she is!

  I can still hear you, you know.

  Right! Sorry…

  Whatever… where is my hammer anyways? I feel naked without it.

  I don’t know, sorry.

  You apologize a lot. It’s annoying.

  Um… sorry?

  She gave him an exasperated look as the shady memory played out around them. Another figure had entered the arena; this one was much taller than her and wielded a giant sword with ease. The girl was reptilian in appearance with a large tail and armoured claws and forelegs.

  As they watched the two circled each other.

  That’s right. They said you fought in the arenas…

  Be quiet, I’m trying to watch this.

  Nameless was about to apologize again but thought better of it.

  Together they watched the fight play out.

  From the very beginning it was clear the reptilian girl was outmatched. She lunged forwards and brought her sword down with terrible force but the tiny girl blocked it with one bare forearm, her other hand loosely holding her hammer. As he watched in amazement he saw that the girls arm barely had a bruise.

  The girl watched placidly before she muttered to herself.

  She shouldn’t have been put in there with me. I don’t know why they did that.

  Why were you fighting?

  You said yourself, I was an arena fighter.

  Yes, but why were you fighting?

  Because I was in the arena; are you stupid or something?

  Nameless found himself sputtering, trying to articulate himself better, when Volka’s voice sounded in his mind.

  Husband, this gets us nowhere, you must persuade her to open up about her past.

  Who the hell is that? The Gigas looked around, trying to find the source of the voice.

  The fight was nearly finished; the lizard girl was leaning on her sword.

  A man’s voice ordered her to hit the girl again.

  The watching giant froze.

  I know that voice.

  Who is he? Nameless caught what the man had said and decided he didn’t like him very much.

  He… he was my friend.

  Really? That guy?

  The voice was heard, again ordering her to strike her wounded opponent.

  Her memory shook her head at him.

  He wasn’t like that before, I don’t think…

  Well, what was he like?

  I don’t know…

  Maybe we should find out?

  Yeah, I guess so.

  With a whirling shadow of a snowstorm the memory shifted. Suddenly they saw the same man, but skinnier, freezing to death on the slope of a snowy mountain.

  He was so weak when I found him. I thought he was going to die…

  A tiny figure, immediately recognizable by the giant hammer strapped to her back, gently lifted him from the snow.

  The next moment she was calmly spoon feeding him broth in a massive cavern while he recovered his strength.

  “Thank you for saving me.” His voice was weak.

  “Don’t mention it. I was going that way anyways. If you died in the snow then I would have to deal with your body in the spring thaw and that would have been unpleasant.”

  The man coughed on a spoonful of broth at her directness. Then composed himself after a moment.

  “You’re a giant right? A Gigas?”

  “And you’re a human. Now that we have that out of the way, how soon before you are able to leave?”

  “Um… I don’t know, maybe a few days?” His voice was slightly petulant.

  “Really? Days? You humans are even weaker than I had heard.”

  “Well, I’m sorry about that, I nearly died out there!”

  “Yes you did.”

  Her tone held that same emotionless quality and Nameless realized that she was not a very expressive person to begin with.

  Yes I am. You humans are just TOO expressive.

  Nameless opted not to reply, watching as the memory of her nursed the man back to health. He sensed a friendship forming between the two and began to understand why she called him such.

  The memory faded away again; suddenly she was in a different arena.

  “Nina, are you sure you want to do this?” The man asked her, he seemed genuinely concerned.

  “Sure, why not? You said yourself that we need the money.” She shrugged placidly as they stepped into the ring together.

  So your name is Nina?

  Quiet, I’m trying to listen.

  “Thank you! Thank you so much, I know that you see me as a burden but with the money we’ll earn from this fight we’ll have enough to start up our shop!”

  “Eh…it’s no big deal. Now get out of the ring before I squash you by accident.”

  Nameless couldn’t see her opponent, but the fight was over too quickly for it to really matter.

  That’s right, I remember, we were going to spend the money from the fight to start a smithy in Garland. His father was a blacksmith and
I worked in precious metals so…

  You are a smith? That’s really cool!

  For the first time he saw a hint of emotion on her face.

  Is she blushing?

  I can still hear you.

  Oh! Sorry!

  You’re not very good at this are you?

  Well… it’s only my second time…

  I can tell.

  Nameless couldn’t help but feel self-conscious as the girl sized him up. She seemed more interested in him by the second, and he had the strangest sense that she was looking through some of his memories just as he was looking through hers.

  The vision shifted around them to yet another arena, but this time Nameless recognized her opponent all too well.


  Oh, you know the cow chick?

  Yeah, she’s one of my bond-mates!

  You’re bonded to a Minotaur? That’s… actually really impressive.

  They both winced as the memory of the Gigas slammed her fist into Milly’s stomach, dropping the surprised Minotaur.

  The memory stood back from her opponent and spoke.

  “Hey, why aren’t you fighting back?”

  “I… I don’t want to fight, he makes me come into the ring.” Milly coughed out, on all fours.

  “Who does?”

  “My owner…”

  “Well, that sucks. So if you aren’t going to fight you should probably stay down… I would say good match, but I’m a little disappointed really.”

  “Y-you are?” Milly glanced up, eyes wide.

  “Yeah, I heard Minotaurs were really tough, but if you aren’t going to fight me for real then I guess I’ll never know.”

  Milly IS really tough! Nameless remembered all of the times she fought for him.

  Whoa, calm down little fella. In my defense I didn’t know she wasn’t gunna block or anything. The next few times they put her in the ring with me it wasn’t so bad.

  You fought her more than once?!

  Well… “fought” is putting it strongly.

  The image flashed several times, each time it was Milly entering the ring and Nina knocking her down with one blow. Although after the first one, Nameless noticed that her blows were really quiet weak.

  Hey, I didn’t really wanna fight her either.

  Why were you still in the arena anyways? What about the shop?

  Huh… I don’t know. Let’s check.


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