Empath Rising

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Empath Rising Page 35

by Archibald Bradford

  Once again all of the Amazons present took a knee before a very embarrassed Nameless.

  “Seriously though, where the hell is my hammer?” Nina asked, oblivious to the solemnity of the warriors surrounding them.

  Nameless sighed.

  Paul and Jan kept laughing.


  Fitting In and Setting Out

  Nina sat on her hammer outside the cottage while Nameless and the other girls were inside. She bounced her feet against the black iron of the weapon, betraying her nerves.

  She knew that she was what they would be discussing.

  Inside, Nameless stood before the girls who had arranged themselves on the loveseats. Nobody seemed to know how to begin. His eyes shifted between them with apprehension.

  Ophelia was calm and patient as usual; Erica was as agitated as him, her tail swishing and Milly…

  He couldn’t tell what Milly was thinking.

  “I’m so sorry.” His found his voice as his eyes dropped to the floor.

  The girls looked at each other, wordlessly determining who should speak first.

  Ophelia began.

  “Dearheart, what happened?”

  “She was… so very lonely. She didn’t have anyone anymore and she wanted to know who I was…”

  “So she bonded with you?”

  He nodded.

  She sighed.

  “Master, my love, we’re not angry with you, or at least, I’m not.” Her eyes flicked to Milly, before returning to his.

  “I-I know, it’s just. I keep doing this. Miranda was right to yell at me again.”

  Erica broke in.

  “Baby, it’s okay, I mean I’m not thrilled but you did it to save her right?”

  He shook his head, not wanting them to get the wrong idea.

  “No, her eyes were already bright again. It was after we had sorted through her memories; she said she would never trust a human with her heartstone again. She wanted to know me though, so I let her in, she knows all of you, at least, a little bit. And she asked if I would accept her too...”

  “And you said yes.” Milly finally spoke, her voice neutral.

  “Sh-she was so lonely. The only person she ever loved… she gave him her heart… and he put her in the arena.”

  The girls sucked in air after that, taking a few moments to absorb the knowledge.

  “ARGH!” Erica burst out; “You are too good Master! If this keeps up we’ll have to build a second cottage!”

  “I’m so sorry.” He repeated again.

  “Would you cast her aside?” Ophelia asked, her tone neutral.

  “Wh-what? I couldn’t… n-not after what she went through…”

  “Then stop saying you’re sorry!” Milly snapped.

  He swallowed nervously at her red-faced glare.

  She was mad, and for the first time since he had met her she was angry with him.

  “We talked about this. Do you remember? In Wayfelt after you saved Erica. You told us that if we brought in another girl it would be because we agreed to! With Ophelia, it was different; she bonded with you ages before us and loved you for years, so she had more of a claim then we did. It was so easy to accept her, to love her just as I do Erica!”

  “Milly…” Ophelia spoke, her voice choked with emotion.

  Erica moved to sit next to her, putting her arms around the emotional Flutterby.

  “We told you that you were our sister now, and we meant it.” She licked her face several times, her tongue soft, the woman turned into her arms and embraced her firmly.

  Milly softened somewhat at the touching scene, and then continued as tears strolled down Nameless’s face at her rebuke.

  “Master, why didn’t you tell her no?” Her tone was more pleading now, her anger mostly spent.

  “Same reason he cried the first time you had sex.” Nina’s voice broke in, she was standing in the doorway now, having been drawn in by Milly’s angry voice; “Same reason he lets the cat girl walk all over him in the sack, and the same reason he looks for the butterfly’s approval before doing anything.”

  Her gaze swept the room at all of the curious faces.

  “Because he’s a pussy.”

  “WHAT!?” Erica was on her feet, her hug with Ophelia abandoned in her outrage.

  Nina raised one hand placatingly, Nameless saw that she left her hammer outside and was glad of it.

  “I mean it in a good way!” At Erica’s incredulous look she huffed and crossed her arms; “Oh like you don’t get wet every time he looks at you with those big brown eyes, all emotional and shit!”

  Erica didn’t deny it so she continued.

  “He didn’t refuse me because he couldn’t refuse me; he is too soft. I was in his head at the time, or he was in mine, still not really clear how he did all of that… anyways, I saw his whole thought process, and it was like watching butter melt. He did think about saying no, he even worried about how you all would react, but in the end, he saw that I had never had a real friend in my life and so he took the job on the spot.”

  Her voice carried little emotion, but Nameless could sense how strongly she felt at that moment.

  “He is a pussy. He is puny and he is soft and he is weak. And it is for those reasons that I bonded to him, and will love him for all time; because in my life I have had precious little that was soft.”

  The other girls were wide eyed at her words; Erica slumped back down next to Ophelia.

  “But here is what he didn’t count on: I knew that his acceptance alone wouldn’t be enough, and I knew that you lot would have the final say. Puny, give me my heartstone.”

  A very nervous Nameless handed her the ruby coloured gem.

  “Like I said, a pussy.” She muttered at his immediate obedience and then tossed the stone into Milly’s shocked hands; “So here is the deal, girls: it isn’t up to him whether I stay or go, it is up to you. Because I am NOT a pussy, I am not weak, and I am not soft. I am Gigas! And I am strong as the mountains from which I was born. Just knowing that this little weakling here exists in this world will keep my stone bright for all time, so I can leave, right now, because I refuse to mess things up for this annoying little man with his mates. Just know that if anyone ever fucks with you, I will be there with my hammer to fuck with them. So talk it over.” Abruptly she grabbed Nameless by one arm, and dragged him out of the cottage.

  As they walked off of the porch she scooped up her hammer with one hand, her other still an iron manacle around his wrist.

  “N-Nina, I am so-”

  “If you apologize to me again I will level that fucking hut you live in.” Unlike when she was inside, her voice was now thick with emotion as she stomped deeper into the field of long grass, for her it came up to her shoulders; “And you need to mow your fucking lawn.”

  “It’s f-for Milly, she needs it for grazing.”

  “Oh, well I guess that’s okay then.”

  After a few minutes she stopped and all but threw him to the ground, straddling his lap when he sat up.

  “Nina what are you-”

  “I already know what those girls of yours are going to decide, so I have a request.”

  “I can’t have sex with you.” He said immediately.

  “Ha! Your dick is probably way too small for me anyways, no, not my request.” Her face softened and she licked her lips; “Just once, once before I leave, I want to know what it feels like to kiss a man that I love.”

  His heart pounded at her sudden vulnerability.


  “Actually, it’s not a request.” With that she closed her eyes and pressed the tiny bow of her mouth against his lips.

  He couldn’t help but kiss her back, softly, sweetly.

  She entwined her arms around his neck, no longer gripping him tightly though he could feel the tiny peaks of her breasts poking him just below his collarbones. Her small tongue sought entry into his mouth and his own tongue greeted her. She couldn’t help but grind her hips again
st him and let out an uncharacteristically delicate moan.

  After several moments their lips parted with a gentle noise of suction and their eyes fluttered open. She let out a huff.

  “Well shit.”

  A gentle cough was heard from above them and Ophelia fluttered down next to them.

  “Ophelia I’m-” As the tiny girl in his lap looked away he changed what he was about to say; “-not sorry. Not for that.”

  Nina’s head snapped back towards him and her tiny lips gave a joyous smile.

  “There’s hope for you yet, tiny man.”

  Ophelia settled down into the grass with them and surprised them both by pulling the Gigas into her sweet embrace.

  “You might not be sorry but I am.” She murmured into the petite girl’s magenta locks, her arms wrapped over her shoulders.

  “Okay, confused now. How come you smell so good?” Nina sniffed a few time into Ophelia’s cleavage.

  “Flower petals in my bath water dear.”

  “Oh, neat.”

  “I came out to bring you both back inside; we reached a decision almost before you were off the porch.” Nina stiffened slightly in her arms.

  Together they made their way back inside, and no sooner were they through the door than Milly and Erica dropped to their knees and wrapped themselves around a flabbergasted Nina.

  “More confused.”

  Milly sobbed and Erica tried to explain as the Minotaur licked at a frozen Nina’s hair.

  “She remembered you! From the arena, you were there for her when I couldn’t be. She said that you protected her! Thank you so much!” Erica joined Milly in sobbing on the perturbed giant.

  Awkwardly, Nina patted at their backs as best as she could.

  “Look it was no big deal and I didn’t really protect her-”

  “You pulled your punches when you didn’t have to, when my sister was at her most vulnerable you held back from hurting her.” Erica’s tongue joined Milly’s at licking at the giant’s head.

  “Okay, what is with the licking? Can we stop with the licking?”

  “Not likely.” Nameless spoke up, one arm around Ophelia who was stroking his hair.

  “The licking is a good sign dearheart, it means they want you to stay. So do I for that matter, though I shall keep my tongue to myself… for now.” Ophelia demurred.

  “Wait… you want me to stay? You… want me?” Nina’s voice dropped to a squeaky whisper as her emotions got the better of her again.

  “Yes!” Milly sobbed out, her tongue back in her mouth; “You were right about what you said, it’s not that our man can’t keep his stupid thing in his pant, it’s that he can’t keep his stupid heart in his chest!”

  She broke away from the suddenly emotional giant and stood up, pulling Nameless into her cleavage.

  “I’m sorry that I was so hard on you before Master! I was mad for all the wrong reasons!”

  His reply was lost in a muffle as he talked into her breasts, his arms wrapped around her waist.

  Nina, her arm free of the Minotaur’s bulk, brought one hand up to her face and wiped away a single tear, she seemed shocked to find it there.

  Erica still drew her barbed tongue through her hair repeatedly, purring loudly.

  Nina had one arm around the Katje, her surprise fading as joy took its place.

  “Thank you, I swear to you, you won’t regret this! I’ll-I’ll lick all of your pussies one after another! And I’ll even see if I can choke down the weakling’s cum!”

  Erica snarfled a laugh into her hair and Milly’s breasts jiggled around their mates face as she joined in.

  Ophelia chuckled a bit as well, but then her tone grew pensive.

  “I’m afraid that will have to wait. There is something else we need to talk about: Volka?” Her inflection turned the word into a question.

  “I will lick her pussy too!” Nina said with volume.

  “No, not… ah, who is she?” Ophelia tried again as Milly pulled Nameless up for air.

  “I don’t know.” he swallowed at the memory of the terrible landscape of Nina’s broken mind; “I… I messed up. I was completely lost in her mind, just like Sadie said I would be. I was too focused on saving her and I lost track of everything… and then Volka showed up! Suddenly I had another anchor but it was golden and all around me, keeping the pain away from my mind while I searched. She said that what we did couldn’t be undone…”

  “Sounds like a bond to me…” Mumbled Erica.

  “She saved you?” Milly asked, her eyes wide.

  He nodded, nervous at her response.

  “Then I will happily lick her pussy as well.” Ophelia primly announced to the surprise of all, a slight smirk on her face.

  “But there was more,” Nina interjected before they could get sidetracked; “You said she was to the east?”

  “Yeah, she said after we saved you then maybe I could save her.”

  “So she’s in trouble then? Is she… lost… as well?” Erica tried to be delicate.

  “No, not that, something else…” He closed his eyes as he tried to remember everything about the mysterious girl; “It’s dark where she is but not like an emotional darkness, like a cave or something. And she is lonely… but strong! Like steel... her will is incredible! I got the impression that she could sit for another thousand years and be okay.”

  “Wait, another thousand years?” Milly look was incredulous.

  “Yeah, she said a few times that she was waiting, or hadn’t met anybody in a thousand years or something.” His memory was turning elusive.

  “So we go save her.” Nina announced, her voice steady again as she disentangled Erica from around her.

  Nameless nodded again.

  “We will have to prepare, depending on how far east she is. We’ll have to cross through the lowlands and maybe even go into the Sansee Wastes.” Nina mused.

  “If we can wait a couple days then we can sell off a bunch more milk and then buy whatever supplies we need. We should talk to Paul about what we should bring.” Milly added.

  “Yeah, we’ll need proper gear if we want to go into the wilds!” Erica was getting excited.

  “Oh dear, I think I might have to buy some pants.” Ophelia pouted, she so loved her diaphanous gowns.

  “Hold on, you all don’t have to come, for that matter the weakling can stay too. I have a lot of experience with the adventuring life so-”

  “You need me to find her though.” Nameless cut in.

  “Yeah and I’m his kitty so I stay with him, and if my newest sister is in trouble then I want to help! Right Milly?”

  Milly nodded firmly.

  “If I have to throw more people off of bridges to save her then so be it.”

  “As much as I abhor violence, I have lain with my love only a single time and don’t want to miss a second if he is going to go chase after another girl! So I will be coming along as well. If nothing else I can fly ahead and scout for you. Before I came into the orphanage I traveled a great deal, although never into the wilds…”

  Nina threw up her hands.

  “Fine, we all go traipsing into the wilderness!”

  “Yes, we do.” Miranda voice called out from the door.

  She was leaning against the door jam, looking in at them.

  As they whirled around she smirked at them.

  “You’re a smart kid… well no, actually you’re kind of a dumbass… but even you should have figured out by now that I haven’t been sticking around to ‘mentor’ you! You are the only active Empath in existence and I am under strict orders to see that you stay alive; which means if you go on some hare-brained adventure I have to follow you! Although I’ll be honest, there won’t be much in the wilds that will fuck with a Gigas on purpose.”

  “Hey, thanks Miranda. You’re alright. Sorry about threatening to crush your head earlier.”

  Miranda snorted.

  “No you’re not.”

  “No, I’m not.” Nina confirmed.
br />   “I came out here to just to check in and now I’m going on an adventure into the lowlands. This girl better be worth it kid.”

  “She is.” Nameless said with conviction; “I can feel it, and I haven’t even met her yet.”

  Milly let out a gentle moo as she took him in her arms again.

  Miranda gave a huge huff.

  “You are such a pain in my ass.”

  He smirked at her cheekily from his place in Milly’s breasts.

  “I know.”

  The End

  About The Author

  Make no mistake gentlemen, the time traveling space cat known as Lieutenant Archibald Bradford (Pronounced left-ten-ant like the British say it) loves to write smutty books. And just like all the other deviant housecats out there, he likes his smut to have a decent story to boot…

  Find more at: https://www.amazon.ca/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_1?ie=UTF8&text=Archibald+Bradford&search-alias=digital-text&field-author=Archibald+Bradford&sort=relevancerank

  Or visit http://archbrad.deviantart.com/ where I will post updates of his progress on his next book.

  Other Books By The Lieutenant

  Watch out for book 2, Legacy of the Valkyrie, coming soon.

  Also if this one does well Archie thinks he can crank out 2 or 3 of these bitches a year.

  At least, until he runs out of ideas.

  Can you do my cat a favour?

  Archibald is really new to writing and needs feedback.

  If you enjoyed this book, then Archie would really appreciate it if you would post a short review on Amazon. He reads all the reviews personally so that he can improve his writing.

  If you’d like to leave a review then please visit the link below:





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