Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda

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Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda Page 8

by Joseph Farrell

  But, equally “coincidental” is the shape of Iapetus’ inclined orbit... and its precise distance from Saturn. Iapetus’ orbit is extremely close to being circular — with an eccentricity of only 0.0283 departing from a perfect circle by slightly less than 3%. (By comparison, our Moon’s orbital eccentricity... is 0.0549 or ~6%...essentially twice as eccentric as Iapetus!)

  For an almost circular, very high inclination orbit to have formed through “random chance” is really pushing coincidence — if the agent for achieving that low eccentricity and the high inclination is supposed to be the same “random” collisional event, back when Iapetus was forming.108

  As I have noted elsewhere, such orbital mechanics in the case of our own Moon has led some scientists, particularly in Russia, to have concluded that the Earth’s own satellite exists in an artificial and deliberately created orbit, as it has also led some to argue that our own Moon may be an artificial body.109

  But, as Hoagland quips, “there’s more”:The sharp reader will have noticed, from the preceding references, that Iapetus orbits slightly less than 60 radii away from Saturn (59.09) radii, to be exact...). This discrepancy, 0.15% — in the artificial model that precisely 60 radii was originally intended — would represent how much Iapetus has drifted since it was “parked” (as a designed “station”) in Saturn’s orbit. That rate of drift, either due to Saturnian/sun tides, or other forces...could give another way to estimate — other than by counting craters — roughly “when” this entire scenario in fact occurred. ...110

  As I noted elsewhere, what Hoagland is referring to is the fact “that Iapetus orbits Saturn some two million miles from the planet, which is almost exactly sixty times the radius of Saturn.”111 By now that number — sixty — should sound very familiar, for it is the whole basis of the Sumerian sexagesimal numerical system! Hoagland is quick to see this, for “that ‘ideal’ Iapetus distance from Saturn just ‘happens’ to also be base 60... suddenly appearing in the first Sumerian civilization on Earth some 6000 years ago...”112 To put it as succinctly as possible: it would appear that someone had “parked” Iapetus in an orbit around Saturn using the very basis of a sexagesimal system that only emerged on Earth sometime later, and thus, that there may indeed be a cultural connection between Sumeria and an artificial body in our solar system millions of miles from the Earth!

  3. A Chronological Conundrum

  All this places the origin of Megalithic measures, and the probable role of an elite in deriving them, into an entirely different context, and it raises profound and thorny chronological questions. As I outlined in my previous book The Cosmic War, if such an interplanetary war did occur, it most likely occurred ca. 3.2 million years ago.113 But the measuring activity represented by the Megalithic builders at best represents an activity that was begun no earlier than 10,000–12,000 years ago,114 and in the case of the British Megalithic builders, an activity only a few thousand or so years older than the Great Pyramid.115 This places the chronological problem into stark relief, for presumably such measuring activity would have begun shortly after the conclusion of the war, yet the evidence suggests it was begun some three million years later. While there is no easy way around this problem, it is possible that such activity may have begun when those surviving elites thought the population of the Earth had been restored to a sufficient level to warrant their activities in creating the necessities of civilization. Nonetheless, the problem remains, and there may be as yet undiscovered facts that would fill in this lengthy gap more plausibly.


  So what may be concluded from the existence of the Megalithic measures and their incredible basis in accurate astronomical measurement? What may be concluded from the presence of Sumerian measures in the orbital mechanics of Saturn’s “moon” Iapetus? What agenda or agendas do these dimly disclose? From what has been examined thus far we may comfortably conclude the following:

  1. The mere existence of the Megalithic measures, their accuracy, the inclusion within them of accurate and sophisticated astronomical and physics data — including the velocity of light and the mass of the Earth — point to the existence of a surviving elite from a civilization at least as advanced as our own.This observation requires some commentary. In Babylon’s Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance, and Ancient Religion, I noted that the bullion exchange policies of the ancient Occident — Babylonia, Rome, and so on — were oddly coordinated with the bullion exchange policies of the ancient Orient — India and China. This, I noted, would have led inevitably to the rise of an international mercantile and bullion-trading class. I then asked two questions: “Is it possible that, rather than such a class having emerged as a consequence of such governmental policies and trade, that the converse is true? Is it possible that there existed such a class of “international bullion brokers” who created these policies in various parts of the world, policies which would enhance their own power and wealth? If so, then how did they achieve and orchestrate this?”116 The answer may now be given, for in view of the fact that such an elite would have required accurate units of measure to even be able to conduct trade, the early emergence of the use of such measures long before the rise of classical civilizations compels to the conclusion that in fact that elite did pre-exist those policies and the cultures that created them by several millennia. Moreover, as we shall see in the last chapter of this book, there is a significant piece of evidence that trade itself existed long before the establishment of these units of measure in Neolithic times.

  2. The existence of an artificial moon — Iapetus — parked in a very “Sumerian” orbit around Saturn suggests strongly that the level of scientific and technological achievement of that civilization was much higher than our own;

  3. The elite or elites that survived that ancient cosmic destruction eventually engaged in the “re-measuring of the structure of the Deep,” a step necessarily disclosing two possible agendas, and thereby, two possibly competing elites:a. The establishment of accurate units of measure of distance, volume, and weight could only be accomplished by the constancy of astronomical observation, and was a necessary step to the establishment of trade sufficient to sustain advanced civilizations and eventually to restore a global civilization. The restoration of such a civilization was necessary if those elites were ever to return to a similar apogee of social and scientific development. If this agenda represents that of one elite, then one may conclude that the agenda is relatively benign, being simply one of ushering humanity to, or back to, a similar pitch of social, spiritual, and scientific development;

  b. The accurate measuring of “the Deep” was also a necessary step to the restoration of the sophisticated science and technology with which that ancient “Cosmic War” was fought, and possibly also to the use of any technologies that survived from that war. If this agenda represents the agenda of a different elite, then one may conclude that this agenda is malign and for the sole purpose of enhancing the power of the elite pursuing it by reacquiring the technology of hegemony. Needless to say, this activity would also require the reestablishment of trade and civilization, so it becomes difficult to disentangle these two elites and their agendas — if indeed there are two — on the basis of the measuring activity alone.

  Thus far, of course, we have evidence only of the measuring activity, and therefore of the first or benign elite’s agenda. It is when we turn to consider the other major preoccupation of that “post-Cosmic War” elite — religion — that the plot, and the agendas, begin to thicken considerably.




  “...In 1973, Dr. Joseph Sharp, of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, expanded on Frey’s work in an experiment where the subject — in this case, Sharp himself — ‘heard’ and understood spoken words delivered via a pulsed-microwave analog of the speaker’s sound vibrations.”

  — Martin Cannon117
/>   “In some patients electrical stimulation of the exposed temporal lobe has produced the perception of music. Occasionally it was a determined tune which could be recognized and hummed by the subject, and in some cases it was as if a radio or record were being played in the operating room. The sound did not seem to be a recollection but resembled an actual experience in which instruments of an orchestra or words of a song were heard.”

  — Jose M.R. Delgado, M.D.118

  WHEN ONE INTRODUCES the assumption of a very ancient, Very High Civilization, with a science and technology exceeding that of our own, into the picture of ancient history and the civilizations of Sumer and Egypt, the entire basis of interpreting their monuments and texts changes, for the pos- sibilities of interpretation — and agendas at work behind the scenes — increases exponentially. This is nowhere more true than of religion itself, for if one assumes the existence of such scientific sophistication, then perforce one assumes the existence of what might be termed “the oracular technologies of special revelation,” or at least of the possibility of constructing them.

  One event in modern times highlights, as does no other, the possibilities of the “oracular technologies of revelation,” and of the implications of those technologies for the claims of ancient revelations. That the technologies currently exist to manipulate the mind, the emotions, and to do so at a distance is no longer in doubt. But what most people do not realize is that those technologies have been taken far beyond the induction of generalized psychological states through direct physiological stimulation of the human brain. Those technologies are now capable of making people think they are seeing specific visions and hearing voices that say specific things. They are powerful technologies that, used with or without conjunction with other technologies, could even lead people to believe that they are receiving special revelations and instructions from God Himself.

  The ethical problem posed by the existence of such technologies is further compounded when one considers the moral problems they engender, i.e., when one considers what those “special revelations” might be telling people to do, either to themselves, or to others. Additionally, their possible existence and use in ancient times poses difficult theological and apologetic problems for religions claiming a basis on the special revelations given to isolated individuals, as recorded in any number of sacred scriptures of various religions.

  Outlining such a case, however, is fraught with difficulties, since so few people know of the existence of such technologies, much less of the degree of perfection that they are known to exhibit, much less the actual degree of development which remains cloaked in secrecy. Fewer still are aware of the distinctive datasets that eerily connect the details of claimed ancient special revelations and oracles with the capabilities of those modern technologies. Accordingly, we shall outline them as thoroughly as possible, and then turn to the unusual arguments and data points that connect the modern technologies to the indications of their possible use in ancient times. Again, the reader is reminded of what was said in the preface to this book: these possibilities of interpretation are raised to highlight the looming problems for religious apologetics, and those problems will only grow and increase, not decrease, with time, as the technological sophistication of modern society lays bare ever more and more interpretive possibilities in ancient texts.

  The modern event that highlights the dangerous potentialities of such technologies within the context of religion is the siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, in 1993.


  David Koresh, leader of the Branch Davidian religious compound in Waco, Texas, was (so the official story goes) a man who claimed a special and unique status as a leader within his community.119 According to some newspaper and magazine articles he saw himself as a veritable second Messiah, uniquely plugged into the mind and thoughts of God. From such a privileged position within his community, he led his followers to a ruinous conflagration and death... or so the story goes.

  But few people now recall that during the numerous interviews of “official spokesmen” on the major networks, those spokesmen made no secret that various forms of psychological warfare were being deployed against the Branch Davidians under siege inside their compound, from everything from loud rock music being played 24 hours a day, to other techniques of “inducement.”

  One of those techniques was exposed by researcher Jon Ronson in a book that has recently been made into a movie, The Men Who Stare at Goats, and it affords our entry into the topic of the “oracular technologies of revelation,” or, to put it more succinctly and baldly, mind manipulation. The question that inspired his hunt, and that eventually led him to the Branch Davidians, was innocent enough: “Was there,” he asked, “somewhere out there, a paper trail of patents for subliminal sound technologies, or frequency technologies, that simply vanished into the classified world of the United States government?”120 The answer that he found was not so innocent:On October 27, 1992, Dr. Oliver Lowery, of Georgia, was the recipient of U.S. Patent #5,159,703. His invention was something he called a Silent Subliminal Presentation System:

  “A silent communications system in which non-aural carriers, in the very low or very high audio-frequency range of the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude- or frequency-modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones, or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener.”121

  Note the euphemistic phrase “modulated with the desired intelligence” and the equally euphemistic reference to the “listener” of these amplitude- and frequency-modulated “subliminal presentations,” for amplitude and frequency modulation are, of course, the two types of modulation in use in AM and FM radios, and modulation itself is simply the fancy term for the information being encoded into the radio waves, that is to say, for the information you hear when you turn on your radio. Thus, the phrase “modulated with the desired intelligence” really simply means “modulated with the desired information” that is being “subliminally presented” to the “listener.”

  Just what was the “desired intelligence” or “information” to be subliminally presented to the “listener”? According to Ronson,The following emotional states could, according to Lowery, be induced by his invention:

  Positive emotions: contentment, duty, faith, friendship, hope, innocence, joy, love, pride, respect, self-love, and worship.122

  This is an interesting list in and of itself, given our hypothesis that such technologies might possibly underlie certain special revelations in ancient times. But what of the “negative” emotions? Lowery’s list here is as equally disturbing as the so-called “positive” ones:Negative emotions: anger, anguish, anxiety, contempt, despair, dread, embarrassment, envy, fear, frustration, grief, guilt, hate, indifference, indignation, jealousy, pity, rage, regret, remorse, resentment, sadness, shame, spite, terror, and vanity.123

  But it did not end there, as Ronson soon discovered.

  A mere four years later, on December 13, 1996 to be precise, Ronson discovered that Lowery’s company, called Silent Sounds Inc., had posted a message on its website that made for some very disturbing reading:“All schematics have [now] been classified by the U.S. Government and we are not allowed to reveal the exact details... we make tapes and CDs for the German Government, even the former Soviet Union countries! All with the permission of the U.S. State Department, of course.... The system was used throughout Operation Desert Storm (Iraq) quite successfully.”124

  Apparently Dr. Lowery’s invention had found some rather interesting “buyers” — the United States, Germany, and “former Soviet countries” — as well as some rather unique “listeners,” presumably Iraqi civilians and sol
diers during the First Gulf War.

  But what did all of this have to do with David Koresh and the “evil” Branch Davidians under siege in Waco, Texas, ready to break out and storm the M1A1 Abrams tanks with their assault rifles?

  Ronson dug further with Dr. Lowery, and soon Lowery mentioned the name of a Russian researcher who had invented a very similar technology, Dr. Igor Smirnov.I looked Dr. Smirnov up. I found him in Moscow. I corresponded with his office, and his assistant (Dr. Smirnov speaks little English) told me the following curious story.

  It is a story the FBI has never denied.

  Igor Smirnov was not prospering in the post-Cold War Moscow of 1993. His finances were so bleak that when the Russian mafia turned up at his laboratory one evening, pressed the bell marked, somewhat ominously, “Institute for Psycho-Correction,” and told Igor they’d pay him handsomely if he could subliminally influence certain unwilling businessmen to sign certain contracts, he almost accepted their offer. But in the end it seemed just too frightening and unethical and he turned the gangsters down. His regular clients — the schizophrenics and the drug addicts — may have been poor payers but at least they weren’t the mafia.

  Igor’s day-to-day work in the early 1990s was something like this: A heroin addict would turn up at his lab very upset because he was a father-to-be but try as he might he cared more about the heroin than his unborn child. So he’d lie on a bed, and Igor would blast him with subliminal messages. He’d flash them on a screen in front of the addict’s eyes and blast them through earphones, disguised by white noise, and the messages would say “Be a good father. Fatherhood is more important than heroin.” And so on.


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