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Savor Page 6

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  Something nonverbal crossed between them, and I wondered what they’d been discussing when sitting together. I’d been too fixated on my own conversation to listen in.

  “Would you two like to head back to the house right away?” Gareth asked.

  “Is there something else we could be doing?” I wasn’t up on the social opportunities of the island.

  “Sure. There’s bound to be something happening in the glade tonight. That’s where most of the young people spend their evenings.”

  “Young people?” I raised an eyebrow.

  “The ones without kids and under the age of forty.”

  “Oh, right.”

  “Will there be more of that Pesco liquor there?” Jared laughed.

  “I’m sure there will be.”

  “Maybe we should check it out.”

  I couldn’t get a read on him to know if he was being serious or not. Did he actually want to go?

  “Sounds like a great idea.” Mom smiled. “It will give us time to get your rooms ready.”

  “You get the rooms ready yourself?” Weren’t they in charge? I assumed that entitled them to domestic help.

  “We are capable of it, yes.” Mom shook her head. “Want us to show you where to go?”

  “Is the glade back around north of the main compound?” Jared asked.

  “Yes.” Gareth nodded. “Only about a half mile from it.”

  “We’ll find our way.”

  “See you two later.” Gareth took Mom’s hand and they started heading in the opposite direction from where we’d come. Maybe they were going for a walk.

  I leaned in to Jared. “You know your way around already?”

  “You know I have a good sense of direction.”

  “You do like to remind me.”

  “Would you have preferred to have stayed with your parents longer? You seemed ready for a break.”

  He was right. I was in no way ready for more parent time. “No, this works. Can’t wait to discover what fun and excitement the glade holds.”

  He laughed a deeper laugh than usual. “I’m sure it’s going to be an interesting experience.”

  “What’s going on with you?” Something was different, and I needed to get to the bottom of it.

  “Shouldn’t I ask you that? Although I’m glad to see you standing up straight now.”

  “Very funny.” I put a hand on my hip. “But I mean, you’re not being you.”

  “Is there a particular way I should be?” He started to walk back up the hill.

  “Just you. You’re too easy going.”

  “So you only like me when I’m a jerk?” He folded his arms over his chest.

  “No.” I shook my head. “This has nothing to do with me liking you. It has to do with you being you.”

  “Why are you so concerned with people acting a certain way? Why does everyone have to fit into the role you want ?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I stopped short.

  “I get it.” He walked faster.

  “You get what?” I jogged to catch back up to him.

  “You wanted me to come with you so I could make a scene and get everyone mad. You thought that would give you the perfect excuse to leave and to stay away from your family.” He stopped suddenly and looked at me. “Am I right?”

  His words hit me hard in the gut. Once again he was completely right about my thoughts and motivations. “Did you just figure that out?”

  “No. It was pretty obvious, but it’s time to drop it. You’re not a little kid. You’re a grown woman, and you need to face your life. You’re lucky. You’ve got great parents and a place you belong.”

  I stiffened. “You have a place you belong. In New Orleans.”

  “I don’t belong there anymore.” Sadness washed over his face, and I realized how hard leaving had been for him.

  “Do you really believe that?” I grabbed his arm to make him stop again. “Do you really think you don’t belong there?”

  “I don’t know what I believe about it, but I need to believe I can find answers and do something with my life.”

  We weren’t going to find answers that night, so I suggested the only thing we could do. “Let’s go find the glade.”

  “No getting trashed though.”

  “I’m not getting trashed, but why do you care?” I pushed his arm lightly. “Why does it matter to you?”

  “Because that would be another way to avoid facing life. You need to face your parents so you can help me.”

  “I’m not getting trashed.” I repeated myself.

  “Good.” He continued walking, and we entered another forest.

  We walked in silence for a while until the sound of laughing and music filled the air. I was nervous. I had no idea if these people would know who we were, and whether they would question our presence among them. I wasn’t normally insecure, but I’d also avoided social situations for years. Jared didn’t seem to have the same issue. He continued right for the glade as though nothing mattered. I assumed it was his true personality, but for all I knew, it was all an act.

  We stepped out of the forest and into a large open field surrounded on all sides by woods. It was expansive and filled with several hundred people. The area was lit up by large strings of lights hung across the field.

  “You decided to join us!” The guard from Gareth’s house walked over. He was still wearing the white and green uniform that all the guards seemed to wear. “And I take it this is the Pteron?”

  “This is Jared. I’m sorry but I don’t remember your name.” I was pretty sure my mom hadn’t used it.

  “It’s Jaythan.” He didn’t look at Jared.

  “Nice to officially meet you.”

  “I can’t believe you really came back. This is awesome.”

  “And it’s awesome because…?”

  He looked at me funny. “Because you’re back…”

  Jared laughed.

  Jaythan glared at him. “Thank you for escorting our Astrella home, but I’m sure Gareth already explained you are free to go.”

  “No, he actually told me I’m welcome to stay in his home as long as I want.”

  “Oh.” Jaythan grumbled.

  I tried to hide my laugh so I wouldn’t piss them both off. “Yeah, Jared’s going to stay as long as I’m here.”

  Jared shrugged. “Well, I don’t know about that.”

  “Yes, you are.” I linked my arm with his. Jaythan’s eyes had moved down from my eyes to my chest, and I didn’t need to let him think he had a chance in the world. I’d learned my lesson. No more bears.

  Jared took the hint. “What can I do? The lady’s spoken.”

  Jaythan glared. “Great. Well, I’d still like to show you around.”

  “Sure, we wouldn’t mind the tour.”

  His next grumble let me know how much he wanted Jared on the tour.

  “This is the glade,” Jaythan started in a deep and self-important voice. “Its primary use is for recreation, whether of the sports variety, or more social like tonight.”

  “Fascinating.” I rolled my eyes.

  “These events are open to all members of the community, but if you don’t display proper behavior, you may be asked to leave.” He looked right at Jared.

  Jared smirked. “I wouldn’t worry. I’m good at behaving.”

  “I’m not…” Might as well be honest.

  Jared laughed.

  Jaythan didn’t seem to notice. “I’m sure you can meet the standards required of you here.”

  “I’ll try.” My snarky side always came out in situations like that. I didn’t like when people tried to act more important than they really were.

  I zoned out as Jaythan continued to drone on about the glade. He pointed out a few people, but no one caught my interest until he stopped in front of a petite girl who didn’t look a day over sixteen.

  “And this is Gemma. She’s interning with Rayen.”

  “With who?” I asked. There was a lot I s
till didn’t know about this place.

  “With Rayen. She’s the lead healer.”

  “Oh. I wasn’t aware you had one.”

  “You mean we had one.” He over emphasized the word we.

  I shook my head. “No I meant you.”

  “But surely you don’t actually mean that, Astrella. You belong here.” Jaythan leaned in.

  “No… I don’t. I don’t ‘belong’ anywhere, I go where I want.” Air quotes were becoming my new best friend.

  “You’re even prettier than I’d thought.” Gemma smiled.

  “Oh. Thanks. You’re really pretty too.” I had so little experience talking to other girls that I hoped I’d said the right thing.

  Jared nudged me, making me doubt it. “It’s nice to meet you, Gemma.”

  “And I’m ready to rethink everything I’ve ever heard about Pterons.” Her eyes widened as she took in Jared.

  He leaned his head to the side. “I’ll take that as a compliment… I think.”

  “I guess I never thought I’d be attracted to someone with wings.” She put a hand in front of her mouth. “And now I went and said that out loud.”

  For one reason or another I couldn’t stand to see the girl look upset. “It’s fine. Jared has that effect on most girls.”

  She appeared relieved. “Ok, so I’m not making a huge fool of myself?”

  I shook my head. “Nope. I did much worse.”

  “Yeah, she couldn’t keep her clothes on around me.”

  I elbowed Jared. Couldn’t he tell she was a teenager?

  She laughed. “That’s a joke, right?”

  “Only partially.” Jared grinned. “We had an interesting first meeting though. Things were pretty tense.”

  “And he insulted me for being a bear.”

  “Would I ever do that?” Jared feigned innocence.

  “Yes. Frequently.”

  Gemma laughed again. “You two make a cute couple.”

  “We’re not a couple,” I quickly corrected. I regretted it when I saw Jaythan’s expression lighten. “I mean not officially.”

  “Gemma, why don’t you fill Jared in on how things work? There are a few more people I want to introduce Astrella to.”

  “The name is Vera. V-E-R-A- got it?”

  “Sorry. We’ve only known you as Astrella.”

  “Well, I’m not going to answer to it.”

  “Is she always like this?” Jaythan turned toward Jared.

  “Pretty much.”

  I put a hand on my hip. “Like you should talk.”

  “Are you sure you guys aren’t a couple?” Gemma ran a hand through her straight long brown hair, and for the first time I wondered if my original assessment of her age was right.

  “We’re not. Vera just puts up with me.” Jared winked.

  “Come As—Vera, I need to introduce you to a few friends.” Jaythan put a hand on my back.

  I thought about dragging Jared along, but he seemed content chatting with Gemma.

  We started to walk away when I heard her giggle. I really hoped I hadn’t been wrong about her age.

  Seeing Vera jealous may have been the most entertaining moment of the trip thus far. From her big eyes to her pout, her feelings were crystal clear on her face. It’s not that I wanted her to feel that way, but I did get some satisfaction from it, especially since I’d been feeling the same way when the idiot guard was falling all over her. I had no claim to her, nor was I sure I wanted one, but that didn’t mean I liked the idea of her with anyone else. By the way she was reacting to Gemma, my guess was she felt the same way about me, and that made it all worth it.

  “Is flying as amazing as it sounds?”

  I tore my eyes away from Vera’s retreating figure to focus on the petite girl in front of me. “Yes. It is.”

  “I’d love to see what that’s like some time.”

  Normally I’d have jumped all over that comment, but I had no interest in giving this girl false hope. Maybe it was her young age, my general rule was always to stay away from younger girls, or that I was more concerned with keeping Vera in my line of sight. “Bears don’t like to fly.”

  “Have you taken Vera?”

  “Yes. But she’s different.”

  “Why is she different?”

  I craned my neck to see over the crowds. How far away was Jaythan taking her?


  “Oh. She just is.” I sounded like my father. Now that was a sobering thought. “Would you excuse me?”

  “She’s fine, and I’m not trying to hit on you.”

  I glanced at her. “I know you’re not hitting on me, but I told Vera I’d stay close.”

  “I’m just curious. I’ve never met a Pteron, and I promise Jaythan would never let something happen to Gareth’s daughter. He wants to keep his position after all.”

  I took a deep breath. She was right. I didn’t need to worry so much. “What are you so curious about?”

  “Everything. How do your wings work? What it’s like when you transform? Do you still feel human, or does the animal take over? For us it’s two different beings. It’s complete.”

  “I don’t really know how to explain it. It is a different feeling, but it depends on how and why you change. Sometimes you can maintain control of your human side and other times you can’t.”

  “And the wings?”

  “They work like normal wings.”

  “But do you have to focus on them to get them to release or retract?”

  “I thought you were interning with a healer, not an engineer.”

  She laughed. “I am. I’m just curious how different paranormal creatures work. I’m hoping to one day be able to help all creatures, not just bears.”

  “You really weren’t hitting on me.”

  She smiled. “Not that you aren’t worth hitting on, but that’s not what I was doing at the moment.” Her cheeks flushed.

  “Don’t read into this, but how old are you?” I wanted to make sure I wasn’t talking to some kid. My comment about seeing Vera naked came back to me. That was dumb.

  “I turned nineteen last week.”

  “You look really young for your age.”

  “I get that a lot, but what can you do?”

  “Nothing. Looking young isn’t a bad thing.”

  “Says the guy who will probably look perpetually twenty-five.”

  “We age, and I’m not twenty-five yet.”

  “I was guessing, but Pteron men keep their looks I’ve heard.” She smiled shyly.

  “Don’t your men?”

  “Not to the same extent.”

  “Your women do.” I thought of Taliana.

  “Yes, we do.” She smiled.

  I wondered if that meant Vera would look younger for longer.

  “If you want, we can find them.”

  “I’m usually not this uh, protective.”

  “I get it. You’re in a new place.”

  “Yeah, that’s it.”

  She laughed. “Your secret is safe with me.”

  We set off through the crowds in search of Vera. Aside from the uniforms many of the men wore, it could have been a party in a field anywhere.

  “Get the hell away from me!” Vera’s yell had me running. I felt my body ready to transform, but once she came into view I stopped and laughed instead.

  Vera was standing there, looking down on a guy who looked completely stunned.

  I stopped right next to her. “What happened?”

  “He tried to kiss me.” She wiped her hand over her mouth.

  “Where’s Jaythan?” So much for him protecting her.

  “Right here!” Jaythan hurried over with two drinks in his hand. “What’s going on?”

  “That idiot tried to kiss me.”

  “I couldn’t help it…” The guy—or really kid— stammered. He couldn’t have been more than eighteen or so, and he stared up at her with stars in his eyes. “And I thought she’d like it.”

  “Learn your
lesson, kid. Don’t ever assume a girl is going to want anything.”

  “Don’t play nice, Jared. Go after him.” Vera fumed.

  “I think you did a good job of that yourself.”

  Gemma laughed. “How did you do that anyway? Eno is a great fighter usually.”

  “It was a surprise attack.” He grimaced.

  “Meaning she kicked you in the balls?” I asked.


  “I’d say I felt bad, but you shouldn’t have messed with her.”

  “I’ve learned my lesson.” He sat up. “I just hope I didn’t lose my ability to have children.”

  “You’ll be fine. Been there.”

  “You’ve been kicked in the balls?” Vera asked. “How on earth could you have ever made a girl angry enough to do that?” She smirked.

  “It wasn’t just once.”

  Gemma laughed. “So this polite gentleman thing is an act? You’re actually a player?”

  “I didn’t realize I was coming off as a gentleman or polite.”

  “You are. I told you that already.” Vera leaned into my side. “You’re not acting like yourself.”

  “Oh no, we’re not back to that, are we?”

  “Do you still want this?” Jaythan held out the cup.

  “That isn’t Pesco is it?” I asked.

  Jaythan shook his head. “Nope. It’s a soda.”

  Vera accepted the cup. “Checking up on my drinking?”

  “I didn’t want to have to bring you home drunk.”

  “Oh, that’s the reason now?” She arched an eyebrow.

  “I didn’t get you one.” Jaythan faked a smile.

  “That’s fine, I’m good.” I’d get some water when we got back to the house.

  “You’ll have to come by the clinic tomorrow so I can show you everything.” Gemma started to rattle on excitedly. “I’m working on some pretty cool pastes.”

  “Pastes? Like the magic kind? No thanks.”

  “I’m not a witch.” She put a hand on her hip. “I’m a healer.”

  “Then why use pastes?”

  “They can help heal.”

  “Forgive him, he’s terrified of witches.” Vera put a hand on my chest.

  “I see. Bad experience?”

  “Very bad.” I wasn’t going to beat around the bush. “I hope to never meet another one.”

  “I promise what I do isn’t like the witches. It’s an ancient healing art. Everything is natural. A lot of it uses dreams.”


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