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Savor Page 18

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “But you live on an island with no cars.”

  “Like I said earlier, I took several trips off the island.”

  “And learned how to hot wire a car? Gotcha.” Maybe he had more useful knowledge than I thought.

  Vera and Gemma laughed. At least I still had that.

  With Slade sitting in the driver’s seat, I got into the back. I didn’t particularly feel like sitting next to the bear, and I still needed to rest for a few minutes. I preferred to do that more inconspicuously.

  “You can sit up front,” Gemma said sweetly to Vera.

  “No thanks, it’s all yours.”

  “Really I insist. We can’t have our future leader sitting in the backseat, can we?”

  Vera opened the back door and took a seat. “I want to sit in the back.”

  Gemma nodded and got into the front.

  “You wouldn’t happen to know the directions would you?”

  “We need to find a main road.”

  “I figured that much.” Slade backed out of the carport.

  “Thanks for getting the car moving.” I rested my head against the worn fabric seat.

  “I’m sure you could have done it yourself.”

  “Sure, but you saved us some time.”

  “No problem.” He glanced at me in the rearview mirror. Hopefully my thank you would keep his attitude at bay for a few hours.

  No one said anything as we drove down the dirt road. The old truck was low to the ground and we felt every bump, but I didn’t care. We were on our way, and at least we were all alive. So far. There’d been a few close calls on the island, and I didn’t like the idea of bringing the girls closer to danger again. Even with our new super-strength we weren’t invincible, and it was going to make us more of a target.

  Vera rested her head on my shoulder. “I’m going in with you.”

  “No, you’re not.” I enjoyed the feel of her leaning against me. It felt right, even though I wished it didn’t.

  “Yes, I am.” She wrapped her arm around mine. “We’re staying together.”

  “That isn’t part of the plan.”

  “It can be. It can be that I only helped you escape from Tiffany because I was protecting Casey. I never switched sides. Our passion for each other is stronger since we’re both so dedicated to their cause.”

  I ran my fingers over her cheek. “Good try.”

  “It will work. You need me with you.”

  “I don’t need anyone with me. I’ve always worked best alone.” I had. I always got pissed when Owen decided to tag along or when Levi insisted I couldn’t do something alone. It seemed like he didn’t trust me, and that stung more than most things.

  “Well that was then, and this is now. We stay together.”

  “I can’t be worried about you. I’m going to have enough to worry about.” I tried to whisper. Slade and Gemma could probably still hear us over the engine, but I had to at least try. I’d been avoiding this conversation since I brought up the plan. I’d known what Vera’s reaction would be.

  “You really think that’s going to be the case? You’re going to have to worry about me?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “You’ll distract me.” I back peddled a little. I didn’t want Vera to think I was underestimating her. That wouldn’t end well.

  “That’s your problem, not mine. I’m coming. I have as much at stake here as you.”

  “I’m not denying that, but my plan will work.”

  “Glad you’re confidence is back, but I’m not putting the fate of my people solely in your hands.” Vera looked shocked by her words.

  Gemma turned around and grinned. “I knew you’d accept who you were!”

  “Hey, don’t get ahead of yourself. Who said anything about accepting things? I just don’t want to watch a bunch of psycho witches and jerk bears hurt innocent people.”

  “You said your people. That means so much. We’re going to be okay.” Gemma grinned from ear to ear.

  “Ok, stop. My saying a few words changes nothing. We’re going to be okay, but it’s not because I’m doing or saying anything. We’re going to be okay because we have a plan, and we’re dedicated.”

  “And you’re acknowledging your rightful place.” Gemma gave a bright smile before turning around in her seat.

  “Annoying little bugger isn’t she?” Vera hissed.

  I laughed. “I love this side of you, babe.”

  If Gemma heard the comment, she ignored it. “So I know the plan is for us to just walk in… but what else is there?”

  Vera leaned forward. “He thinks he’s going in alone.”

  “Not a chance!” Gemma turned around again. “We’re a team.”

  “How is this going to work? No one is going to believe we’re all just working together and switching sides.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I work alone. Everyone knows that.”

  “Times change. People change.”

  “Not that quickly and completely. Besides, everyone also knows how I feel about lower shifters.” I regretted the term as soon as it slipped out of my mouth. I was too tired to watch myself.

  Slade grunted. “Lower shifters?”

  “I’m not looking for a fight, but you know how Pterons think.”

  “Yes, but now that you’re planning to mate with an Ursus, I’d have thought that changed.” Gemma wagged a finger at me.

  “I admit bears are stronger than I’ve given them credit for.”

  Vera ran her hand up her arm. “That’s a good start. Let’s continue.”

  “I thought you were the one telling me to get my confidence back. How does admitting bears are good help?”

  “Because admitting we’re strong doesn’t take away from your strength. You’re not strong because you’re a Pteron. You’re a Pteron who happens to be strong.”

  “I liked the old you better.”

  Vera pushed my shoulder. “Hey, I’m being helpful here. You need to start valuing yourself for more than your form.”

  “And you value yourself separately from your bear form?”

  “Yes,” all three said at once.

  Gemma turned around. “Our bear is separate so we view ourselves as two wholes. Both are important. Pterons don’t view things that way, do they?”

  “No, because they aren’t truly separate.”

  “Are you sure? Right now, are you human or Pteron?”

  “Pteron. I’m never human.” That was one of the first things you learn as a kid. Pterons are not human. They can never forget that.

  “Sure you are. You’re human when you keep your Pteron side in check.”

  “What does any of this have to do with our mission?”

  “Everything. You need to remember that you’re still part human. It’s what connects you to everyone else. Whether witch, or bear, or humans. Pterons think they’re better, and I’m not about to get into a debate on superiority because you know I’m, uh, impressed with your physical specimen.” Gemma grinned. “But that isn’t what is important right now. You can’t lose sight of what’s important, and how many people’s lives rest on you pulling this off.”

  “Gee, way to take the pressure off.”

  “Why should we take the pressure off?” Slade asked. “You want this as much as we do. You want your mother and to protect The Society, because you must realize The Society will be their primary target. They’ve already tried unsuccessfully to take it down.”

  “From the inside,” I mumbled. I’d never forgive my father and brother for their role in all this. How they could turn their back on the family who made them what they were.

  “You’re not your father or brother.” Vera put a hand on my leg.

  “Enough with this psycho-analysis bullshit. I’m fine. I realize I’m not evil. Right now I’m tired from flying all of you off the island. Maybe instead of over analyzing me you could thank me for saving you and let me rest for five minutes.”

  “Absolutely.” Gemma turned toward the fro

  “I’ll wake you up when we get closer.” Vera kept her hand on my leg. I hoped she didn’t move it.

  “Just find the main road.”

  “I’m capable of driving.” Slade’s attitude was back.

  “Good.” I closed my eyes and leaned back against the seat.

  I woke up with a start as the truck came to a screeching halt.

  “What the hell are you—” the words stuck in my throat as I realized exactly why Slade had hit the brakes.

  “I assume he’s here for you.” Slade stared straight ahead.

  “I assume so too.”

  Vera put her hand on the door handle. I stopped her. “Give me a second first.”

  She nodded, surprising me with her willingness to wait.

  I pushed open my door and walked to the front of the truck. “What are you doing here?” I took in the sight of the Pteron standing in front of me. He was still transformed, but as I walked toward him he retracted his wings.

  “Nice to see you too, Jared.” Levi smirked. “By the way, love the makeup.”

  I wiped my cheek with the back of my hand. “What are you doing here? Did you follow me?” I’d purposely left him out of the whole mess. I was hoping to at least get my mom out before bringing The Society into the fold.

  “I’m the King of The Society. It’s my job to know everything that’s happening in my kingdom. You think I wouldn’t find out about a massive battle?” He arched an eyebrow.

  “Word travels fast.” He was probably going to lay into me for not calling it in, but I didn’t work for The Society anymore. I wasn’t required to.

  “It does. Faster than you, I see. I must have missed your phone call. Took care of the mess on the island anyway, if you were wondering.”

  “I was going to tell you eventually, but I didn’t want to unnecessarily involve you.” I glanced up. The sun would be rising any minute.

  “Everything that happens involves me.”

  “Some might say that sounds narcissistic.” Most people wouldn’t joke around with a king at a moment like this, but I was used to saying what I wanted around him.

  “And some would say you’re crazy. Actually many did say it when the news hit.”

  “Was Owen one of the ones to say it?” I’d always had a strained relationship with the king’s chief advisor. We were all friends as kids, but really it was Levi who was friends with us both. Left to our own devices, we probably never would have been.

  “Yes, but he wasn’t the only one.”

  “How’s Allie?”

  Levi laughed. “Asking about my wife isn’t getting you out of this one.”

  “I’m just asking.”

  “She’s fine. Worried, but fine.”

  “What’s she worried about?”

  “Mostly you, but also Vera.”

  “Do tell her I appreciate her concern.” I had a strangely good relationship with the queen. I’d have never believed it when I first met her. In some ways Vera reminded me of her, but I wasn’t going to tell either of them that.

  “Maybe you could tell her yourself. You know, come home one of these days.”

  “I can’t do that right now.”

  “I know.” He shifted his weight from foot to foot.

  “If you knew then why did you ask?”

  “It seemed like the appropriate thing to say.”

  “Yes, and you are all about what’s appropriate.”

  “I know Vera’s in the back seat, but who are the others?” He pointed at the truck.

  “Two bears. One’s a healer, one’s a champion log thrower.”

  “Log thrower, eh?”

  “It sounds crazy, but he’s a nice guy to have on your side in a fight.”

  Levi laughed. “Are you going soft on me? Complimenting a bear?”

  “Don’t go there.” My time on Norco was short, but I’d grown to like the Clan. I felt defensive of them.

  Seeing Levi reminded me of a conversation I’d had with Gareth. “You need to double check security at The Society prison.”

  “Worried?” His brow furrowed. Gareth was right about one thing, Levi still listened to me. He took what I had to say seriously.

  “Just a hunch that my dad and Tiffany might have some outside help.”

  “We’ve got everyone on full alert, but it would be better if my director of security was still around.”

  “I have other things to attend to.” That was putting it mildly.

  “Where are you guys going?” He stared into the front windshield of the truck. I couldn’t image how freaked out the bears were. Levi was intimidating when he wasn’t your best friend.

  I wasn’t sure how much to share. Eventually he needed to know everything, but I didn’t want to make a mess of things by getting him involved too early. “If you know about what happened on Norco, I also assume you know who was behind it?”

  “The witches… yes. They’re a bigger problem than I originally thought. Like I said the island is taken care of.”

  “What did you find?” I glanced back at the truck. I was glad to be having this conversation without the others. I wanted to know the damage.

  “Someone warned them we were coming, but we have a few witches in custody. The chief is gone though. His wife too. I’m not looking forward to Casey hearing the news.”

  “Yeah, well my, uh, friends aren’t going to take too well to that news either.” And neither was I. What did this mean? Were the crystals secure?

  “What do you know that you’re not telling me?” Levi leaned in. “Is there anything else about the island I need to know?”

  “Nothing you need to know.” Normally I’d have told him everything, but I couldn’t. I trusted him completely, but could I be sure about everyone else that worked for him? Bryant and my father had betrayed The Society before, and now someone on the inside of Gareth’s ranks betrayed him.

  “I’m king.”

  “Yes, you like to remind me of that.”

  Levi sighed. “You wanted a break, I gave it to you. Does that mean you’ve lost your loyalty to The Society?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Then why are you holding back?”

  “Because you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” I heard the sound of a door. I hoped it was Vera and not the others. At least she knew Levi already.

  “He’s not kidding, you won’t believe him.” Vera stood beside me. “Nice to see you, Levi.”

  “Always a pleasure, Vera. Your sister misses you.”

  “Is she around?”

  “She’s heading for Norco.”

  “What?” Vera froze. “No. You can’t let her do that.”

  “Relax.” Levi held out a hand in front of him. “She’s with Toby and two dozen of my men. They’ve already been on the island to assess the damage.”

  “I guess we just missed you.” I hoped he wouldn’t mention Gareth and Taliana. I needed to be the one to tell her.

  “You’re going up to the witches’ haven.” He wasn’t asking a question this time.


  “I’ve done some of my own research.”

  “What kind of research?” I asked tentatively. I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear the answer.

  “There’s something you need to know before you go up there.” He eyed Vera. “Can you give us a second?”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m not being left out of this.”

  Levi laughed. “You sure picked a mouthy one.”

  I shook my head. “And you should talk?”

  “Should I tell Allie you called her mouthy?”

  “No. Please don’t.”

  “You really want to talk in front of her?” He gestured to Vera.

  I nodded. “Yes.” If I couldn’t trust Vera, we were all seriously screwed.

  “How much do you know about the haven?”

  “Not much. I know my mom is there.”

  His lips pressed into a firm line. “I talked to my dad more about your mom.”


  “There’s something you need to know about her.” His body stiffened. I wasn’t going to like what he had to share.

  “I already know she’s being held by witches against her will.”

  “That’s the thing, Jared.”

  “What?” My body tensed.

  He cleared his throat and looked me square in the eyes. “Your mom is a witch.”

  The only thing I was aware of was the feel of Vera’s hand wrapped around mine.

  Vera and Jared’s story continues in Storm (The Empire Chronicles #5)!

  Want more Chronicles? Check out the other series set in the Chronicles world.

  The Crescent Chronicles, The Allure Chronicles, and The Dire Wolves Chronicles.

  Keep reading for a preview of Seduction’s Kiss, the prequel novella to the Allure Chronicles.




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  To stay up to date on Alyssa’s new releases, join her mailing list.

  Seduction’s Kiss

  An Allure Chronicles Prequel

  Alyssa Rose Ivy

  Never agree to a road trip to New Orleans with your roommate. At least not when your roommate is dragging you along while she reconnects with an ex-boyfriend. Possible consequences of failing to take my advice:

  Unknowingly going out with a vampire stripper.

  Getting kidnapped by said vampire’s nest mates.

  Falling head over heels for your winged hero.

  Believe it or not number 3 is the worst one, especially when no one believes you that he exists.


  You’re probably not going to believe a word I say. If you’re like everyone else I’ve told, you’re going to read this and tell me to get help. That’s fine, because the only thing I care about is finding my winged hero. So whether you believe me or not, if you see him, tell him I’m searching for him, and I have no plans to give up. Because when a man can kiss like that—can make you feel alive in every grain of your being—there’s no comparison. The only clue I have to find him is his first name. Owen.


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