The Shadow Guide (Challenging the Fates)

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The Shadow Guide (Challenging the Fates) Page 13

by Victoria Smith

  He tossed her the bag of clothes he’d sent Mick to retrieve, not thrilled Mick had gone through her underwear drawer. After he’d gotten to Alaina’s, Mick called to make sure she was still alive because of the amount of blood she’d lost. At least the blood would be cleaned up by the time they returned. He hoped. That would be if Mick hadn’t spent all his time in the underwear drawer.

  “Fine, but the doctor has to release you.” He pressed the call button and relayed Alaina’s request to be discharged.

  He waited on the other side of the curtain while the doctor checked Alaina over and a nurse helped her dress. Tonight Patrick’s entire crew planned to be at Alaina’s to help and offer support. Patrick wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Putting himself in danger was one thing, but he couldn’t impact innocent lives regardless of what they said or wanted. Their insistence touched him in a way he couldn’t describe though. After he made his little speech he’d accept whatever decision they made and think no less of them if they took his warnings to heart and went home to be with their families.

  This thing had to end. They had to figure out what the damned three-headed monstrosity kept repeating. Alaina was strong, and growing stronger, even with her injuries. Patrick didn’t think she had any idea how powerful she was or would be. Fear continued to shade her reactions and decisions, but her abilities simmered under the surface. It did something to him—something he didn’t like. As much as he wanted to walk away from this situation, the compulsion to stick around was stronger.

  “I meant what I said, you know.” Alaina clutched the bag Mick packed for her in her lap, refusing to give it up when he reached to take the load from her.

  “So did I.” He pushed her wheelchair out of the lobby and into the patient drop-off zone in the front of the hospital. An orderly waited to return the chair, glowering at Patrick for his refusal of assistance in getting Alaina to his truck.

  He lifted her, setting her on the seat and getting his hand slapped away when he tried to help with her seatbelt. “I’m not an invalid.” Her smile softened the blow of her words.

  “Only a partial one.” He closed the door on her fake offense with a grin. He enjoyed the sense of humor always lurking under the surface of the woman he’d grown to appreciate.

  “The doctor said you have to stay off your feet as much as possible,” he said after closing his door and buckling his own seatbelt.

  “I’m not deaf, either.” She winced as she adjusted in the seat, though her teasing tone remained. “And I’ll take my antibiotics, but probably not the pain medicine.”

  “And why not the pain medicine?” He maneuvered the midday traffic. “You’ll probably need it.”

  “I can’t be drugged and unable to do my job. It’s too dangerous. Patrick, how are we going to end this?”

  He stopped for a red signal, glancing at her. The sight of her chewing her lower lip brought erotic images to mind and obliterated the seriousness of her question for a few moments.

  “You have to end it. I’m only here for support.”

  “How am I supposed to do that?” She turned toward the window.

  “I don’t know. The only thing I know is I’m supposed to help you. Your strength has grown but you still have a lot to learn.”

  She’d turned her head. “Is that why I can sense the emotions of people around me now?”

  “Yeah, among other things you’ll discover soon. Not fighting the change makes it easier, even if it’s unfair.” He kept his eyes on the road. “Let’s get through this first, and then we’ll talk about the rest.” He sensed her withdrawal.

  An ominous air hovered around the house as he parked in Alaina’s driveway. Alaina shivered as she stared at the Victorian monstrosity. He resisted the urge to wrap his arms around her. Helping her was the right thing to do, but he couldn’t get more involved with her despite the fantastic sex. He was done with committed relationships.

  ~ ~ ~

  The old house appeared menacing. Alaina studied the windows on the second floor with a shiver. Even with the bright sun the house put off an eerie aura. The houses to each side of Gram’s appeared cheerful and pleasant, in direct contrast to the well-kept Victorian that was now her burden.

  “You ready?” Patrick asked, not meeting her eyes.

  “No.” She laughed but opened her door anyway, forgetting she wasn’t supposed to walk on her tender, abused feet.

  “Wait. You can’t walk.” Patrick hurried out of the truck, rushing around to lift her out.

  She somehow managed to unlock the front door from her position in Patrick’s arms, all the while hating the symbolism of him carrying her over the threshold. He smelled way too good. His arms around her gave her a sense of comfort, and need, she wanted to deny. He didn’t put her down until he reached her bedroom. She searched the floor, but there was no evidence of the blood that had flooded the floor when they left for the hospital.

  “Mick cleaned it up. I didn’t want you to have to face the mess after everything.” He didn’t make eye contact as he fiddled with the pillows he tucked under her aching feet.

  The thoughtfulness of the gesture touched her somewhere deep inside. “Thank you. I appreciate it.” More than she could ever tell him.

  He finally winked, dissolving her insides and increasing her need for him. She swallowed hard, finally turning her head to break the hold he had on her.


  His face was inches from hers. “I’m sorry about everything. None of this should have happened.”

  “You already apologized. Please don’t say it anymore. I don’t blame you.” She breathed him in, wanting to bury her face in his chest that was now close enough to touch.

  He didn’t answer. Instead, he kissed her before he moved away. She took a deep breath, wanting much more, but afraid at the same time. She craved his touch. He was so conflicted she didn’t want to put him in a position where he would again berate himself when it was over.

  Of course, she hadn’t once sensed any dismay over their love-making. Typical male behavior, she figured, but still. As much as she hated the idea of casual sex, Patrick was different. If that was all he could ever offer her, she’d probably accept. Who in their right mind would knowingly get involved with her considering the burden she would carry for the rest of her life?

  He returned to nip her lip gently with his teeth. The bottom dropped out of Alaina’s minimal resistance. She didn’t know exactly what she felt for Patrick, but the lines between fun sex and tendrils of forever were quickly becoming blurred. She didn’t know what to think anymore. Alaina opened her mouth under his, accepting whatever he was willing to offer.

  ~ ~ ~

  Patrick snored softly when she opened her eyes. She wondered how much sleep he’d missed. Guilt worked in with the tranquility, and she blinked back tears. Patrick opened his eyes as if he knew she needed him, and then he gently cradled her in his arms while she struggled to get her emotions under control. Wiping the tears from his bare chest, she rested her head against the pillows as he moved so he could see her face.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Everything. I have no real idea. I fell asleep while you were kissing me.” She tried for a laugh, but only a strangled hiccup came out.

  “That you did. It’s okay. You needed to sleep and there was no way we could have made love with the way you’re ripped up.” He kissed her forehead.

  “I need to take a shower.”

  “Ha. Sorry, babe, not going to happen. The doctor said no shower until tomorrow because of the stitches.” He picked up her hand and inspected the bandage.

  “Ugh. I feel like a crud ball.” She wiggled a little to give him access to her other hand. Usually the attention would tick her off, but as he moved to her knees she couldn’t find the emotion.

  “You could watch me s
hower. That might help.” He grinned, stripping off his shirt.

  At least ten dirty thoughts popped into her head. Too bad she wasn’t bold enough to suggest any of them. At least not yet.

  “Sorry. No deal. I have to wash up.” She moved his arm and sat up, forgetting she wasn’t supposed to walk until her sore feet hit the floor and she yelped with pain.

  “Not supposed to do that,” he teased as he lifted her into his arms before she could think of a snappy comeback.

  “You’re going to get sick of carrying me around all the time.” She hoped not.

  “I doubt it. Though if you start gaining weight I might have to hire a body builder to carry you for me.”

  “Ooh, a body builder? Can I pick him out? I need ice cream.” She loved the flash of jealousy streaking across his handsome face.

  “Ha ha. Cute.” He sat her on the closed lid of the toilet and dropped his jeans to the floor. “Strip.”

  He turned to fill a basin in the tub, leaving her with a glorious view of his naked back and butt as she removed her shirt.

  “I’ve decided I don’t want a body builder. You’ll have to keep carrying me.” She reached forward and lightly pinched his butt.

  “Is that a fact?” His eyes were full of playfulness and desire when he faced her.

  “Absolutely. You might have to start lifting weights for when I get fat.”

  He slowly scanned her face. “You’d be beautiful no matter what.”

  The teasing ended as he helped her out of her underwear and pajama pants before lifting her to the towel-covered stool he’d placed in the tub. He lathered a washcloth and handed it to her, doing the same with another and cleaning the dried blood the hospital had missed from her legs.

  “I’ll change your bandages when we’re done. The crew is coming soon.”

  “You don’t sound happy.” She filled a plastic cup with water and rinsed her neck and arms.

  “It’s too dangerous. I don’t even want you here.” He cursed as he rinsed her leg and saturated the bandages on her feet.

  “I have to be here. We still don’t know what we’re doing.” The memory was like a bucket of cold water.

  “We’ll figure something out. Mick was working on the recordings from the hall last night. I’m glad I left the audio running. Maybe we’ll learn enough to begin to figure this out.”

  Alaina didn’t answer as she quickly finished washing and moved her head so Patrick could help with her hair. By the time she dried her hair, Patrick had all of the necessary supplies for changing the bandages laid out.

  She tried not to let her dismay at the long line of stitches on her knees and hands show. Apparently, she didn’t do a very good job.

  “They won’t scar too much.” Patrick ran a line of antibiotic ointment over the rigid line.

  “I don’t care about scars. I didn’t realize how bad it was.” She hadn’t even seen her feet yet.

  “You’re lucky you didn’t lose more blood. Or fall on your face.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?” She lifted his chin so she could see him.

  “Mick said there wasn’t a bit of glass in the trash can when he came to clean up.”

  That was no big surprise. “And?”

  “And there was a message written in blood on the wall in the hallway.”

  “Are you going to tell me what it said?” She tried to keep her impatience to herself.

  He studied her for a moment. “Get out or die.”

  The shock hadn’t worn off by the time he carried her to the study. Neither had said a word. No wonder he’d been in such a crappy mood since talking to Mick yesterday.

  He settled her on the couch, propping her feet on throw pillows he’d placed on the coffee table. “Mick’s bringing dinner.”

  Something thumped over their heads. Loud scraping noises followed, sounding like large pieces of furniture were being moved around. She stared at the ceiling, the blood-written threat hovering in her mind.

  “Tell me why we can’t leave here again?” She spoke to his back as he turned on the computer.

  “Too many innocent people would be in danger.”

  A howl erupted around them, sounding like it came from every corner of the room. She bit back her sarcastic response about how she was innocent and so was he. They weren’t. Like it or not, they had to find a way to stop the evil filling every breath she took.

  Patrick went to the door and bent down to check the line of black powder. He checked the windows before scanning the room. “It won’t stop them for long, but we might have enough time to come up with a plan.”

  “What is it?” That definitely wasn’t the herb and salt mixture she’d used.

  “Don’t ask. It’s old magic. I’ll explain later.”

  Noise from the corner drew her attention. Despite the fear gnawing at her gut, she moved enough to peer around the edge of the chair. The constant drone sounded almost mechanical. Expecting to find a malfunctioning tape recorder, she let out a scream when she finally saw the cause.

  A small gnomish creature was between the wall and a short table, hands clamped over its ears. She decided the thing had to be male, though how she knew, she didn’t know. It looked like one of Gram’s lawn figurines on steroids. His face was pale, making the red hair stand out in an almost comical way. Patrick appeared behind her, his confusion and concern reaching her before he did. She motioned to the small creature as Patrick shook his head.

  The little man finally opened his eyes. He blinked up at her, the constant muttering finally quiet.

  “Make it stop.” The voice was far lower than she expected.

  “Make what stop?” There was no malice in the visitor as far as she could tell. Patrick nodded.

  He lowered his hands from his ears and listened. “Never mind. Gone now. What was it?” He studied her, his gaze resting on the ring on her right hand.

  “I’m not sure. I didn’t hear anything. A lot’s been going on. Where did you come from?”

  “I thought I was dead. I was. A long time gone with much reflection on the poor life I lived. My time in the bad place would soon be gone. I go to plead for my freedom, but then I am like this. The last thing I remember is someone laughing at me. There was a lot of noise, a most annoying noise, and then I’m here.” He turned his head back and forth as if he hadn’t realized his surroundings. “Where is here?”

  “I think a terrible trick has been played on you.” Alaina had no idea how to tell him he had to have somehow been yanked out of Hell. The last thing she needed was for him to freak out on her.

  “That figures. I’d ask for a mirror, but that doesn’t seem like a good idea,” he said, reaching up to touch his long, fat nose. His speech improved the longer he spoke. Alaina figured he’d gone a long time without talking. “I am Cedric.” He bowed low. “You are Alaina and you are Patrick. I am very glad to meet the both of you.”

  She nodded, wanting to ask him so much, but kept her curiosity silent for now.

  “What happened to you?” He stood, his limbs actually creaking as he unfolded his disproportioned body from the small space.

  “The evil in this house did this to me.” The thumping and howling started up again.

  “I can help.” He approached her cautiously. “You are the new one, huh? Your power will be great. Of that there is no doubt. All of this is because of what you can do.”

  He reached for her hand, placing it between his palms. A tingling sensation started at her fingertips and spread to her elbows. She wanted to jerk her hand away, but as the throbbing subsided, she stilled.

  “Take the white things off.” He pointed as he stepped back.

  Patrick unwrapped the bandages he’d recently replaced, shooting her a raised eyebrow.

  Her hands were healed. The only rema
ining evidence of her ordeal was small pink lines were the sutures had been. He nodded before gently picking up her foot and sending the same, almost numbing, effect to her knee.

  “You’ll be fine now. No more worries.” He pushed himself onto the ottoman with a satisfied smile.

  “You probably should still finish the antibiotics,” Patrick said.

  “What finish?” The little man turned fierce eyes on Patrick.

  “It’s medicine to stop infections.”

  “There is none. Not anymore. I took it away. She won’t need to put that poison into her body.” His expression was a challenge that Patrick apparently took to heart.

  “Good. I’m glad to hear it. How can you do that?”

  “A long time ago I was a healer. I could touch someone to find the source of their ill and repair the damage. When my mistakes landed me down there, I tried to use my skills but it was nearly impossible. So much pain.” He shook his head as if struggling with memories before meeting Alaina’s eyes again. “One wants you dead.”

  “I know. But I don’t know what to do.”

  “I do not either. Something must be done soon before the crack enlarges.” He crossed impossibly short legs and studied her.

  “I’m also not sure how to help you.”

  “I know. Do not worry. When the time is right you will discover what to do.” He stretched his arms upward with a big yawn.

  “You’re welcome to rest here until the time comes. Would you like something to eat?”

  “Not today. Perhaps once I’ve rested. The healing takes much, as does your guiding.” He grinned and bowed.

  Alaina directed him to one of the spare rooms, not arguing when he said she was not to leave the room to show him. The whole world was ready to crash down around their heads, and she was playing hostess to a reincarnated lawn gnome.

  “Don’t you worry about me, missy. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Thank you for the place to sleep. I imagine I’ll be speaking with you soon.” He stood, his short legs comical in contrast to the longer length of his torso. “I will sleep for a very long time. The things in this house will not bother me, but please take care of them soon so we can have peace together.”


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