The Store Boy

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The Store Boy Page 15

by Jr. Horatio Alger

  "Four thousand," answered Ben mechanically.

  "Consider yourself worth fourth thousand dollars, then."

  "But this is too much, Mrs. Hamilton," said Ben, scarcely creditinghis good fortune.

  "Then give half of it to your mother," said Mrs. Hamilton, smiling.

  "Now we can pay off the mortgage!" exclaimed Ben, joyfully.

  "What mortgage?"

  Ben told the story, and it aroused the lively sympathy of hispatroness.

  "As soon as the purchase money is paid," she said, "you shall have youcommission, and sooner if it is needed."


  Ben resumed his place as the secretary and confidential clerk of Mrs.Hamilton. He found his position more agreeable when Mrs. Hill andConrad were fairly out of the house. In place of the first apleasant-faced German woman was engaged, and there were no more sourlooks and sneering words.

  Of course Ben kept up a weekly correspondence with his mother. He didnot tell her the extent of his good fortune--he wished that to be asurprise, when the time came. From his mother, too, he receivedweekly letters, telling him not unfrequently how she missed him,though she was glad he was doing so well.

  One day beside his mother's letter was another. He did not know thehandwriting, but, looking eagerly to the end, he saw the name of RoseGardiner.

  "What would Rose say," Ben asked himself, "if she knew that I am worthfour thousand dollars?"

  The money had been paid to Ben, and was deposited in four differentsavings banks, till he could decide on a better investment. So he wasquite sure of having more than enough to pay off the mortgage andredeem the cottage.

  "Since mother is worrying, I must write and set her mind at rest," hedecided.

  He wrote accordingly, telling his mother not to feel anxious, for hehad wealthy friends, and he felt sure, with their help, of paying offthe mortgage. "But don't tell anybody this," he continued, "for Iwant to give the squire and Mr. Kirk a disagreeable surprise. I shallcome to Pentonville two days before, and may stay a week."

  He had already spoken to Mrs. Hamilton about having this week as avacation.


  On the eighteenth of December Ben arrived in Pentonville. It was hisfirst visit since he went up to New York for good. He reached homewithout observation, and found his mother overjoyed to see him.

  "It has seemed a long, long time that you have been away, Ben," shesaid.

  "Yes, mother; but I did a good thing in going to New York."

  "You are looking well, Ben, and you have grown."

  "Yes, mother; and best of all, I have prospered. Squire Davenportcan't have the house!"

  "You don't mean to say, Ben, that you have the money to pay it off?"asked his mother, with eager hope.

  "Yes, mother; and, better still, the money is my own."

  "This can't be true, Ben!" she said incredulously.

  "Yes, but it is, though! You are to ask me no questions until afterthe twentieth. Then I will tell you all."

  "I am afraid I shall have to send you to the store, for I am out ofgroceries."

  A list was given, and Ben started for the store.

  Mr. Kirk looked up in surprise as he entered.

  "You're the Barclay boy, ain't you?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "I thought you were in New York."

  "I was, but I have just got home."

  "Couldn't make it, go, hey?"

  Ben smiled, but did not answer.

  "I may give you something to do," said Kirk, in a patronizing tone."You've been employed in this store, I believe."

  "Yes, I was here some months."

  "I'll give you two dollars a week."

  "Thank you," said Ben meekly, "but I shall have to take a little timeto decide--say the rest of the week."

  "I suppose you want to help your mother move?"

  "She couldn't move alone."

  "Very well; you can begin next Monday."

  When Ben was going home, he met his old enemy, Tom Davenport. Tom'seyes lighted up when he saw Ben, and he crossed the street to speak tohim. It may be mentioned that, though Ben had a new and stylish suitof clothes, he came home in the old suit he had worn away, and hisappearance, therefore, by no means betokened prosperity.

  "So you're back again!" said Tom abruptly.


  "I always said you'd come back."

  "Are you going to look for something to do?" Tom asked.

  "Mr. Kirk has offered me a place in the store."

  "How much pay?"

  "Two dollars a week."

  "You'd better take it."

  "I hardly think I can work at that figure," said Ben, mildly.

  "Kirk won't pay you any more."

  "I'll think of it. By the way, Tom, call around and see me sometime."

  "I hardly think I shall have time," said Tom haughtily. "He talks asif I were his equal!" he said to himself.

  "Well, good afternoon. Remember me to your father."

  Tom stared at Ben in surprise. Really the store boy was getting verypresumptuous he thought.


  On the evening of the nineteenth of December, Ben stood on the piazzaof the village hotel when the stage returned from the depot. Heexamined anxiously the passengers who got out. His eyes lighted upjoyfully as he recognized in one the man he was looking for.

  "Mr. Dinsmore," he said, coming forward hastily.

  "You see I have kept my word," said Harvey Dinsmore, with a smile.

  "I feared you would not come."

  "I wished to see the discomfiture of our friend Squire Davenport. Soto-morrow is the day?"


  "I should like to be on hand when the squire calls."

  "That will be at twelve o'clock. My mother has received a note fromhim fixing that hour."

  "Then I will come over at half-past eleven if you will allow me."

  "Come; we will expect you."

  "And how have you fared since I saw you, my young friend?"

  "I have been wonderfully fortunate, but I have kept my good fortune asecret from all, even my mother. It will come out to-morrow."

  "Your mother can feel quite at ease about the mortgage."

  "Yes, even if you had not come I am able to pay it."

  "Whew! then you have indeed been fortunate for a boy. I suppose youborrowed the money?"

  "No; I earned it."

  "Evidently you were born to succeed. Will you take supper with me?"

  "Thank you. Mother will expect me at home."

  At half-past eleven the next forenoon the stranger called at door ofMrs. Barclay. He was admitted by Ben.

  "Mother," said Ben, "this is Mr. Harvey Dinsmore."

  "I believe we have met before," said Dinsmore, smiling. "I fear myfirst visit was not welcome. To-day I come in more respectable guiseand as a friend."

  "You are welcome, sir," said the widow courteously. "I am glad to seeyou. I should hardly have known you."

  "I take that as a compliment. I am a tramp no longer, but arespectable and, I may add, well-to-do citizen. Now I have a favor toask."

  "Name it, sir."

  "Place me, if convenient, where I can hear the interview between Mr.Davenport and yourself without myself being seen."

  Ben conducted Dinsmore into the kitchen opening out of the sittingroom, and gave him a chair.

  At five minute to twelve there was a knock at the outer door, and Benadmitted Squire Davenport.

  "So you are home again, Benjamin," said the squire. "Had enough of thecity?"

  "I am taking a vacation. I thought mother would need me to-day."

  "She will--to help her move."

  "Step in, sir."

  Squire Davenport, with the air of a master, followed Ben into thesitting room. Mrs. Barclay sat quietly at the table with her sewingin hand.

  "Good-day, widow," said the squire patronizingly.<
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  He was rather surprised at her quiet, unruffled, demeanor. Heexpected to find her tearful and sad.

  "Good-day, Squire Davenport," she said quietly. "Is your familywell?"

  "Zounds! she takes it coolly," thought the squire.

  "Very well," he said dryly. "I suppose you know my business?"

  "You come about the mortgage?"

  "Yes; have you decided where to move?"

  "My mother does not propose to move," said Ben calmly.

  "Oho! that's your opinion, is it? I apprehend it is not for you tosay."

  "That's where we differ. We intend to stay."

  "Without consulting me, eh?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "You are impudent, boy!" said the squire, waxing wrathful. "I shallgive you just three days to find another home, though I could forceyou to leave at once."

  "This house belongs to my mother."

  "You are mistaken. It belongs to me."

  "When did you buy it?"

  "You are talking foolishly. I hold a mortgage for seven hundreddollars on the property, and you can't pay it. I am willing to cancelthe mortgage and pay your mother three hundred dollars cash for theplace."

  "It is worth a good deal more."

  "Who will pay more?" demanded the quire, throwing himself back in hischair.

  "I will," answered Ben.

  "Ho, ho! that's a good joke," said the squire. "Why, you are notworth five dollars in the world."

  "It doesn't matter whether I am or not. My mother won't sell."

  "Then pay the mortgage," said the squire angrily.

  "I am prepared to do so. Have you a release with you?"

  Squire Davenport stared at Ben in amazement.

  "Enough of this folly!" he said sternly. I am not in the humor forjokes."

  "Squire Davenport, I am not joking. I have here money enough to paythe mortgage," and Ben drew from his pocket a thick roll of bills.

  "Where did you get that money?" asked Squire Davenport, in evidentdiscomfiture.

  "I don't think it necessary to answer that question; but there isanother matter I wish to speak to you about. When will you be readyto pay the sum you owe my father's estate?"

  Squire Davenport started violently.

  "What do you mean?" he demanded hoarsely.

  Harvey Dinsmore entered the room from the kitchen at that point.

  "I will answer that question," he said. "Ben refers to a note for athousand dollars signed by you, which was found on his father's personat the time of his death."

  "No such note is in existence," said the squire triumphantly. Heremembered that he had burned it.

  "You are mistaken. That note you burned was only a copy! I have theoriginal with me."

  "You treacherous rascal!" exclaimed the squire, in great excitement.

  "When I have dealings with a knave I am not very scrupulous," saidDinsmore coolly.

  "I won't pay the note you have trumped up. This is a conspiracy."

  "Then," said Ben, "the note will be placed in the hands of a lawyer."

  "This is a conspiracy to prevent my foreclosing the mortgage. But itwon't work," said the squire angrily.

  "There you are mistaken. I will pay the mortgage now in the presenceof Mr. Dinsmore, and let the other matter be settled hereafter.Please prepare the necessary papers."

  Suddenly the squire did as requested. The money was paid over, andBen, turning to his mother, said:

  "Mother, the house is ours once more without incumbrance."

  "Thank God!" ejaculated the widow.

  "Mr. Dinsmore," said Squire Davenport, when the business wasconcluded, "may I have a private word with you? Please accompany meto my house."

  "As you please, sir."

  When they emerged into the street Squire Davenport said:

  "Of course this is all a humbug. You can't have the original withyou?"

  "But I have, sir. You should have looked more closely at the one youburned."

  "Can't we compromise this matter?" asked the squire, in an insinuatingtone.

  "No sir," said Dinsmore with emphasis. "I have got through withrascality. You can't tempt me. If I were as hard up as when I calledupon you before, I might not be able to resist you; but I am worthover ten thousand dollars, and--"

  "Have you broken into a bank?" asked Squire Davenport, with a sneer.

  "I have come into a legacy. To cut matters short, it will be for yourinterest to pay this claim, and not allow the story to be made known.It would damage your reputation."

  In the end this was what the squire was forced very unwillingly to do.The amount he had to pay to the estate of the man whose family he hadsought to defraud was nearly fifteen hundred dollars. This, added toBen's four thousand, made the family very comfortable. Mr. Kirk wascompelled to look elsewhere for a house. No one was more chagrined atthe unexpected issue of the affair than Tom Davenport, whose mean andjealous disposition made more intense his hatred of Ben.

  * * * * * * * * *

  Several years have elapsed. Ben is in the office of a real estatelawyer in New York, as junior partner. All Mrs. Hamilton's businessis in his hands, and it is generally thought that he will receive ahandsome legacy from her eventually. Mrs. Barclay prefers to live inPentonville, but Ben often visits her. Whenever he goes toPentonville he never fails to call on Rose Gardiner, now a beautifulyoung lady of marriageable age. She has lost none of her partialityfor Ben, and it is generally understood that they are engaged. I havereason to think that the rumor is correct and that Rose will changeher name to Barclay within a year. Nothing could be more agreeable toMrs. Barclay, who has long looked upon Rose as a daughter.

  Tom Davenport is now in the city, but his course is far fromcreditable. His father has more than once been compelled to pay hisdebts, and has angrily refused to do so again. In fact, he has lost alarge part of his once handsome fortune, and bids fair to close hislife in penury. Success has come to Ben because he deserved it, andwell-merited retribution to Tom Davenport. Harvey Dinsmore, oncegiven over to evil courses, has redeemed himself, and is a reputablebusiness man in New York. Mrs. Hamilton still lives, happy in thesuccess of her protege. Conrad and his mother have tried more thanonce to regain their positions in her household, but in vain. None ofmy young readers will pity them. They are fully rewarded for theirtreachery.

  Transcriber's comments:Typographical errors have been left as in the original book. Specifically, meaness, companoin's, housekeper

  Repeated or incorrect words have been left as in the original book.For example how do do, turn to looked, worth fourth thousand

  In a couble of places, the original material is illegible. This ismarked in the text.

  Occassional missing quote marks have been fixed.

  Accented characters have been replaced with plain ones in matineeand protege.


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