American Dream

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American Dream Page 50

by Jason DeParle

  Others to whom I owe thanks include: Jeff Aiken, Peggy Anderson, Ken Apfel, Jose Arteaga, Don Baer, Ruthie Mae Bailey, Hundley Batts, Richard Bavier, Jeremy Ben-Ami, Gordon Berlin, Doug Besharov, Bill Biggs, Helen Blank, Rebecca Blank, Tony Blankley, Andrew Bluth, Mary Bourdette, Heather Boushey, Sheila Burke, Vee Burke, Gary Burtless, Dick Buschmann, Adam Carasso, Felmers Chaney, Lindsay Chase-Lansdale, Henry Cisneros, Richard Cloward, James Cobb, Deborah Colton, Tom Corbett, Wesley Crenshaw, Ellen Dadisman, Kristina Daugirtas, Pat DeLessio, Seth Diamond, Jonah Edelman, Peter Edelman, James Fallows, Lester Feder, Pam Fendt, Don Fierce, Ari Fleischer, Tillie Fowler, Henry Freedman, Bruce Fuller, John Gardner, Keith Garland, Mona Garland, James Gibney, Ed Gillespie, Newt Gingrich, Karen Goldmeier, Marjorie Goldsborough, Linda Gordon, Peter Gottschalk, Bob Greenstein, Mary Gross, Jimmy Hayes, Chris Henick, Kathe Hollingshaus, Harry Holzer, Jack Howard, Paul Jargowsky, Chris Jennings, Julie Kerksick, Nick Kotz, Julie Sorrentino Kresge, Ed Kutler, Rachel Langenohl, Robert Lerman, John Lewis, Pamela Loprest, Ed Lorenzen, Tamara Stanton Luzzatto, Gary Mailman, Bob Matsui, Cindy Mann, Mary Kay Mantho, Jai Marin, Will Marshall, Joyce McFarland, Sara McLanahan, Lawrence Mead, Jan Meyers, Ron Mincy, Robert Moffitt, Kristin Moore, Dick Morris, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Richard Nathan, Leon Panetta, David J. Pate Jr., John Pawasarat, Frances Fox Piven, Susan Pogodzinksi, LeAnne Redick, Mary Lou Reed, Tara Reed, Grace Reef, Robert Reich, Barbara Reinhold, Lou Richman, Cynthia Rice, Bridgette Ridgeway, Alice Rivlin, Laurie Rubiner, Paul Saeman, Isaac Shapiro, Doug Schoen, Clay Shaw, Ron Skarzenski, Margaret Stapleton, George Stephanopoulos, Gene Steurle, Julie Strawn, Paul Stuiber, James Talent, John Tapogna, Rich Tarplin, Julia Taylor, Barry Toiv, Vicki Turetsky, Jack Tweedie, Stephanie Ventura, Melanne Verveer, Barclay Walsh, John Wancheck, Kent Weaver, Jim Weill, Marcus White, David Whitman, Julie Wilson, Michael Wiseman, and Wendy Woolcott-Steele.

  Along with time and sources, a writer needs a publisher. At Viking, Wendy Wolf’s enthusiasm for this project won me over eight years ago, and for her unflagging commitment I’ve been grateful many times since. A book that juggles dozens of characters across several centuries requires a special set of editing skills, and Wendy, a special editor, kept the narrative train moving. For her patience, and her impatience, I’m equally grateful. To her assistant, Cliff Corcoran, a word of thanks, too. My copy editor, Juli Barbato, gave the manuscript a careful read and saved me from several bad errors. Viking’s production editor, Kate Griggs, showed great concern for getting things right, even as my last-minute revisions threw the schedule woefully off-course. For putting me in their good hands and goading me along, I’m grateful to my agent, Chuck Verrill, whose devotion to this book has run deep. Lastly, a special word of thanks to Katy Varney, Andrew Maraniss, and their associates at McNeely Pigott & Fox, for their spirit and skill in giving this book its launch. They give PR a good name.

  I started this book on the verge of getting married and ended it as a father of two. My sons, Nicholas and Zachary, have never known a world in which their father wasn’t in the room next to theirs, engaged in the mysteriously intense work - they’ve come to call “making the book.” They grew faster than it did, and one of the serendipitous rewards of this project was that it kept me nearby, where I - COULD watch their young lives unfold. I can’t imagine a writer’s garret that offered a happier view. My friend Joe Lelyveld advises authors to eschew spousal encomia in print and indulge them in real life. I’ll ignore his advice just long enough to say that Nancy-Ann DeParle is the best thing that ever happened to me.


  Aaron, Henry

  Abernathy, Ralph

  Acs, Gregory

  African Americans

  “crossroads” neighborhoods of

  lynchings of

  northern migration of

  poverty rates among

  as sharecroppers

  in single-parent families

  on welfare

  white attitudes toward

  see also slavery

  After Freedom (Powdermaker)

  Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)

  establishment of

  repeal of

  see also welfare

  Allen, George

  Allen, Rosalie

  All Our Kin (Stack)

  Apfel, Ken

  Arteaga, Jose

  Ashcroft, John

  Atlantic, The

  Auletta, Ken

  Bane, Mary Jo

  Barron, Curley

  Bell Curve, The (Murray and Herrnstein)

  Bennett, William

  Bentsen, Lloyd

  Besharov, Doug

  Biggs, Bill

  Black Picket Fences (Pattillo-McCoy)

  blacks, see African Americans

  Blank, Rebecca M.

  Block, Shelley

  block grants

  NGA debate on

  Republican support for

  Bo (Opal’s boyfriend)

  Bridges, Carrie Ann

  Brown, Samuel

  Brown vs. Board of Education

  Bunning, Jim

  Burke, Sheila

  Bush, George H. W.

  Bush, George W.

  Califano, Joseph

  Cancian, Maria

  Caples, Brierra

  Caples, Frank

  Caples, Frank (grandson)

  Caples, Hyram (slave)

  Caples, Kierra

  Caples, ’Lij

  Caples, “Little Bo,” 331

  Caples, Lula Bell

  Caples, Mack

  Caples, Mama Hattie

  Caples, Mayola

  Caples, Myerra

  Caples, Opal

  at Angie’s

  Angie’s apartment left by

  Bo’s relationship with

  childhood of

  children taken from

  in crack house

  drug addiction of

  drug treatment of

  in Goodwill program

  jobs held by

  Kenny’s relationship with

  and life on First Street

  marriage of

  at MaxAcademy

  in Maximus program

  in OIC program

  pregnancies of

  shoplifting incident and

  Steinborn as caseworker for

  as welfare recipient

  after welfare bill

  Caples, Pie Eddie

  Caples, Pop

  Caples, Ruthie Mae

  Caples, Samuel

  Caples, Sierra

  Caples, Squeaky

  murder of

  Caples, Tierra

  Caples, Vidalia

  Caples, Virginia

  Caples, Wiley

  Caples, Will

  CARES computer program

  ineffectiveness of

  Carter, Jimmy

  caseload reduction credit


  at Maximus, Inc.

  see also Cooper, Darcy; Daniels, Corey; Gordon, Sonya; Steinborn, Michael

  Chaney, Felmers O.

  Chicago .

  black migration to

  drugs in

  gangs in

  ghettos in

  welfare benefits in

  Chicago Tribune

  Children’s Bureau of the Labor Department

  Children’s Defense Fund

  Christian Coalition

  Church, Frank

  Citizens Council

  Civil War, U.S.

  Clement Manor

  Clinton, Bill

  and critics of his welfare proposals

  as DLC chairman

  “end welfare” pledge of

  Gingrich’s opposition to welfare bill of

  on Gingrich’s welfare plan

  on importance of work

  indecision of and lack of action by, 108-9

  as member of NGA

  Memphis speech of

  and passing of welfare bill

  political implications of welfare
pledge of

  on success of welfare bill

  vetoes of welfare bills by

  waivers granted by

  welfare budget dilemma and

  see also welfare overhaul

  Clinton, Hillary Rodham

  Cloward, Richard

  “Cocaine Mom” law

  Community Advocates

  Congress, U.S.

  establishment of AFDC by

  nonmarital births debated in

  passage of JOBS program by

  state control of welfare passed by

  welfare debate in

  Congressional Budget Office (CBO)

  Conservative Opportunity Society

  Contract with America

  Cooper, Darcy

  cooperative living

  cotton picker, mechanical

  crack cocaine

  arrival of

  Opal’s addiction to

  sex trade and

  see also drugs

  Crawford, Michelle

  Crenshaw, Hattie Mae

  background of

  in Chicago

  childhood of

  Greg’s arrest and

  pregnancies of

  sexual abuse of

  as welfare recipient

  Crenshaw, Wesley

  Crisis in Black America

  “crossroads” neighborhoods

  Cubin, Barbara

  Cunningham, Kevin

  Cuomo, Mario

  Daniels, Corey

  Danziger, Sheldon

  Daschle, Tom

  Dash, Leon

  Davis, Jefferson

  Davis, Rita

  Deal, Nathan

  Dean, Howard

  Democratic Leadership Council (DLC)

  Democratic party

  block grants and

  division among

  on passing of Gingrich’s bill

  in Senate welfare debate

  and signing of welfare bill

  on welfare proposals

  in Wisconsin’s welfare battles

  Depression, Great


  diversion of welfare applicants

  Dodd, Christopher

  Doddsville, Miss.

  plantation of

  Dole, Bob

  Doty, Dinah


  in Chicago

  in ghettos

  Greg Reed’s dealing of

  see also crack cocaine

  DuBois, W. E. B.

  Dukakis, Michael

  Duke, David

  Dunn, Jennifer

  Earl, Anthony

  Earley, Jackie

  earned income tax credit (EITC)

  Eastland, James

  Eastland, James O.

  racial ideologies of

  as senator

  Eastland, Oliver

  Eastland, Woods

  Eastland plantation, see Doddsville, Miss., plantation of

  Economic Policy Institute

  Edelman, Jonah

  Edelman, Marian Wright

  Edwards, Eula

  Ellwood, David

  background of

  as Clinton’s welfare adviser

  as “godfather” of time limits

  resignation of

  as welfare bill opponent

  welfare safety net study of

  Ellwood, Paul

  Emergency Works Program (of Utah)

  Employment Solutions, Inc.

  End of Equality, The (Kaus)

  Engler, John

  Faircloth, Lauch

  Fair Employment Practices Commission

  fair-housing laws

  Family Assistance Plan

  Family Crisis Center

  Family Support Act

  Fiegel, Tiffany

  Fleischer, Ari


  food stamps

  cutting of

  taxing of

  Ford, Harold

  Fordice, Kirk

  Foster, Vincent

  Friedland, Robert

  Froehlich, Harold

  Furlow, Lori

  GAIN program


  appeal of

  Gangster Disciples

  Gardner, John

  Garland, Keith

  Garland, Mona

  Gautreaux program

  Gee, Carl

  George, Gary

  Georgetown University


  Gephardt, Dick


  in Chicago

  cooperative living in

  “crossroads” neighborhoods and

  drug use in

  emergence and rise of

  formation theories of

  in Milwaukee

  single mothers in

  social disorder in

  Southern roots of

  as viewed by the Right

  Gillespie, Henderson

  Gillespie, Levi

  Gingrich, Newt

  balancing of budget by

  block grants supported by

  Clinton welfare bill opposed by

  discrediting of own cause by

  ending welfare as defined by

  and House welfare bill passage

  “new compassion” of

  and states’ rights

  unlikely support for

  Ginsberg, Mitchell

  Giuliani, Rudolph

  Goldberg vs. Kelly (1970)


  failings of

  see also Employment Solutions, Inc.

  Gordon, Sonya

  Gore, Al

  Gramm, Phil

  Great Depression

  Greenberg, Mark

  Greenberg, Stan

  “Greyhound therapy,” 6

  Groppi, James

  Gross, Kenny

  in coping with Opal’s addiction

  as recovering addict

  Growing Up with a Single Parent (McLanahan and Sandefur)

  Gueron, Judith

  Haggard, Merle

  Haines, Darlene

  Hamer, Fannie Lou

  Hansen, Kimberly

  Hansen, Mercedes

  Harden, Carlton

  Harden, Lillie

  Haskins, Ron

  Hayes, Jimmy

  Head Start

  Health, Education, and Welfare, Department, U.S.

  health insurance

  see also Medicaid

  Henick, Chris

  Heritage Foundation

  Herr, Toby

  Hills, Angiwetta

  Holbert, Luther

  Horton, Willie

  House of Representatives, U.S.,

  passage of welfare bill in

  Ways and Means Committee of

  Hughes, Langston

  illegitimacy, see nonmarital births

  Jackson, Jesse

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jeffrey Manor

  as “crossroads” neighborhood

  poverty rate in

  single mothers in

  Jim Crow laws

  Job Corps

  Jobe, Angela “Angie,” 4-7

  abortion nearly had by

  adolescent rebellion of

  attempt to get GED by

  background of

  childhood turmoil of

  Greg’s arrest and

  Greg’s imprisonment and

  Greg’s relationship with

  issuing of restraining order against Marcus by

  jobs held by

  in JOBS program

  and life on First Street

  Marcus’s relationship with

  in move to Milwaukee

  as nursing aide

  Opal and

  pregnancies of

  Rodger Scott’s relationship with

  as teen parent

  after welfare bill

  Jobe, Angela “Angie” (cont.)

  on welfare overhaul

  as welfare recipient

  Jobe, Charity

sp; background of

  as caring and strict mother

  divorce of

  Jobe, Darrell

  attention needed by

  Jobe, DeVon “Von,” 7

  father’s imprisonment and

  as student

  Jobe, Dwayne “Redd,” 52

  father’s imprisonment and

  school problems of

  after welfare

  Jobe, LaKesha Elaine “Kesha,” 7

  father’s imprisonment and

  as student

  teenage relationships of

  after welfare

  Jobe, LaNayia LaCherish

  Jobe, Latavia

  Jobe, Roosevelt

  as absent father

  drinking of

  Jobe, Terrance

  Job Opportunities and Basic Skills program (JOBS)

  Angie and

  establishment of

  ineffectiveness of

  Jewell and

  job-search classes

  penalties for missing

  see also Job Opportunities and Basic Skills program (JOBS)

  Johnson, Gary E.

  Johnson, Isaac

  Johnson, Lyndon

  Johnson, Paul

  Johnson, Robert Lee

  Journal of Labor Research

  Kamarck, Elaine

  Kaus, Mickey

  Kemp, Jack

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kennedy, Ted

  Kenosha News

  King, Martin Luther Jr.

  King vs. Smith (1968)

  Knowles, Warren

  Krug, Shirley

  LaGrande, Ore.

  Lake, Celinda

  Lampley, Paula

  Lampley, Romell

  Lampman, Robert

  Larabee, Mary S.


  Legal Aid

  Legal Services Program

  LeGrant . R.

  Lemann, Nicholas

  Leno, Jay

  Leutermann, George

  attempts to win contract by

  lavish spending of funds by

  Lewis, John

  Logan, Robert

  Long, Russell

  Los Angeles Times

  Losing Ground (Murray)

  Lucky (Jewell’s boyfriend)

  drinking of

  Jewell’s split from

  Luntz, Frank


  McDermott, Jim

  McLanahan, Sara

  McSeed, Timothy

  Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation (MDRC)

  welfare-to-work study of

  Marcellus Lounge

  “marriage initiative,” 329-30

  Martin, William

  lavish spending by

  Mastran, David

  Matsui, Robert

  Matus, Elizabeth



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