A Flash In The Densest Shadow: From Forest To Flames #2

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A Flash In The Densest Shadow: From Forest To Flames #2 Page 10

by K. Lyn Hill

  Just to make her even more uncomfortable, he slid his hand towards her bottom. He heard gasps around him, knowing they still had an audience. He was making a fool out of himself but still relished the idea of how much more humiliating this would be for her.

  He thrived off it.

  She wasn’t as confident when it wasn’t her in control.

  A throat cleared behind her and he broke away but still held her close. Staring into her eyes, he saw defiance but underneath a shimmer of fear. Good. He wanted her to fear him. Maybe it would cut her little game short.

  “Speak!” He barked at the man who awaited his attention while he kept his eyes trained on hers.

  She would suffer for what she had done. Of that he would make sure.

  “Your Highness, I have a message from the king.” With one last dark grin, he released her. He could have sworn he heard her suck in a huge breath.

  “I’ll hear it in my office.”

  They strolled down the hall while he tried to control his sporadic breathing. When they reached the door leading to his sanctuary, they shuffled inside. The messenger shut the door behind him. “What is it?”

  “We heard another word from the king.” Damien knew it was only a matter of time before his father would return. When he had been informed a few days ago, he knew the clock was ticking and his time was running out. It wasn’t anything new or surprising but the idea of his father’s return caused a sickening chain reaction to erupt in his stomach. His father was the epitome of everything he despised. People thought Damien was the monster in the family.

  They had no idea.

  “Where is he?” Was all he could spit out. With all that had transpired while the king was away, it would only encourage his father’s animosity towards him. With the village in shambles and everything with Aerity underfoot...Yes, his return would be far less than welcomed.

  “He passed by Oliopin a few days ago. I’d say he’s probably another day out.”

  Damien nodded while waiting for that to penetrate. The idea of his freedom slipping away in a day had him craving to see Aerity one last time. He had to make sure she was okay and well hidden. He had set a plan into motion but Aerity needed to reach the destination safely for his plan to work. Carly hadn’t specified how her brother would help them get there, only that he had a way.

  The messenger stood still before inching towards the door. “By your leave, Your Highness...”

  Damien waved his hand in answer only to pause and stop the man. “Wait.”

  The messenger turned back around almost fearful of what would be asked of him.

  “I need you to get a message to someone in the castle. Find a maid named Carly and tell her to come here immediately.”

  The man nodded once before hurriedly disappearing through the door.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “We need to move her.” Darius stood as a menacing presence in the doorway to the barn.

  “Are you insane?” Eli hissed. “She not completely coherent. Moving her in this rain will make her even worse!”

  Darius ignored him and began picking up necessary items from around the barn and shoving them in a saddle bag. “Your little diversion won’t last long. The trail will lead back to here. Everyone in the castle was aware of Aerity’s and Carly’s friendship. You won’t be safe here much longer. She won’t be able to heal if all of us are already dead.”

  “Where are we supposed to go? Let her heal in a bed of leaves in the forest? She’s not bloody sleeping beauty!”

  Their eyes connected in a heated exchange. “I set up arrangements with some of the merchants I do business with. The crown prince gave you money. All they require is payment for your voyage.”

  Eli looked at him skeptically. “Voyage where?”

  “You’re going overseas. On a boat in the middle of the ocean. The captain doesn’t set port for a few more days but it will give her time to heal.” He nudged his head in Aerity’s direction. “The captain promised you could stay in their hut until they set out for port. It’s not the best but it will have to do. It’s your only option. Be thankful Damien helped you out.” He nodded to the bag of gold coins in his hand as he tossed it in the bag as well.

  “How far away is the port? We just up and go? Dragging her off to sea?”

  “If she’s as strong as you say she is, she will be fine.”

  Eli resisted releasing the growl building in his throat. Darius tossed the saddle bag at his face. He caught it with a snarl, but Darius ignored him.

  “I’ll take you to the docks but that’s as far as I go.”

  “Are you really that much of a coward? Hiding in the shadows while everyone else fights?”

  “I’ll fight when I believe in what I’m fighting for and trust who I’m fighting with. Right now. I have no cause for either of those things. Saddle up your horse. It’s time for you to go.”

  After Eli saddled up the horse, he gathered Aerity’s still limp body in his arm as he heaved her as gently as possible onto the horse. Jumping up behind her, her body lulled against his chest. Careful not to disrupt her bandage, he placed his arm gently around her chest to hold her in place. Darius sat upon a horse at their side, then pushed in front of them to lead the way.

  Thankfully the ride to the docks wasn’t as far as Eli had presumed. He couldn’t focus on anything other than panic for his best friend lying unconscious in his arms. After an excruciatingly silent, tension filled ride, they arrived. Sails of all different colors and emblems whipped in the wind as the boats rocked on the stormy water.

  Eli kept their hoods drawn as they made their way down the pier. Men hustled and bustled, throwing around heavy crates. They landed with loud thugs as chains and rigs hauled down the line. Rain pelted them in the face as the fisherman cleared it from their eyes only to have more blur their features a second later. Winds from the water pushed their sides as their path slightly tilted. He kicked his foot and the horse righted their course, getting back in line with Darius.

  As they reached the end of the dock, he swung off the back of his saddle and came to help Aerity off the horse. Eli followed behind, stopping at a green roofed hut. Darius kicked the door with his booted foot in a way of knocking.

  It swung open a few minutes later; a dark-skinned female standing in the doorway. She appeared to be around thirty with dreads piled up in a knot on the top of her head. A feather hung from one braid, seeming to have fallen loose from her tie. She looked down at the still girl Darius still held in his arms.

  A strong accent greeted them when she opened her mouth and spoke. “Hurry up. Come inside before you flood my hut.” As they entered, Eli took note of the interior. The walls were practically bare. Only a wooden ship wheel decorated the space. A bookshelf stood in the corner with a few books placed neatly in a row. A compass sat in the back, along with various knickknacks in an organized formation. Two simple mattresses were in the center of the room with pristinely folded blankets on top of them, one slightly wider than the other.

  “Put her on Malachi’s bed. We can share mine.”

  Darius plopped Aerity down on the mattress and she hissed as she collided with the bed. Eli shot him a glaring look but Darius didn’t seem phased. His focus was trained on the woman. “Where is he?”

  Her cold eyes hardened even further at the question. “Out. None of your concern.”

  His lips pinched as his jaw clenched. “I want to see him Natalia. I have a right to.”

  Seeming to forget Eli was still in the room, Natalia stepped closer to Darius, sucking all the air out of the room as she did it. “You made your choice. You have no rights. You should be happy I’m even doing this for you.” Ignoring Darius’ growing tempter, she spun around and acknowledged Eli who was just standing there awkwardly observing the two. “What happened to the girl? And why is she worth inconveniencing me?”


  These two were just peas in a pod.

  Grabbing the bag of coins he had
shoved in his pocket, he gave one hard look at Darius, who nodded, and tossed the bag on the bigger bed. Coins spilled out and a light glistened in her eyes as she took in the money that was surely worth a small fortune. It wasn’t all the money they had but it made a dent in their remaining amount. “That is a worthy reason. Now what happened to her?”

  “She was injured. The wound became infected.” He answered simply.

  The woman chuckled. “And yet you are hiding and trying to escape on a boat to the middle of nowhere. There’s more to this story, Monsieur. I do not take anyone onto my ship without first knowing if they are a danger to my crew.”

  “It’s an extremely long story and you wouldn’t believe me even if I tried to explain it.” Everything in him was exhausted. He just wanted this to be over.

  “I am from the Nanafala tribe. You would be very surprised what I do and don’t believe.”

  He had no clue what that meant but he had no other choice. She looked at him expectedly. He sighed but she cut him off. “There is a princess on the throne who looks identical to the girl thrashing on this bed. You resemble the prince’s general. There are reasons for me keeping to the sea when there are so many otherworldly beasts roaming the land.”

  Eli couldn’t keep his jaw from dropping to the ground. A devious smile lit up her face as she surveyed his reaction, exposing pearly whites. Was it his imagination or where those canines sharp? He was always so sure that Aerity would end up in a mental hospital. Now he was confident he would be joining her.

  “It doesn’t seem like you need to hear my story after all.”

  She broke eye contact and walked over to the wall with the ships wheel on it. Without turning around to face him she spoke again. “My men tend to get very superstitious when it comes to woman on boards their ship. It’s considered bad luck.”

  “And yet you’re their captain?” He asked sounding exasperated.

  Pot. Kettle. Black.

  “Actions speak louder than gender.” A contemplative expression overcame her frown as she looked down at Aerity. Eli couldn’t tell what she saw when looking at her and by the look on her face, he didn’t think he wanted to know. “What do her actions speak of?”

  Darius snorted.

  Eli was tempted to bash his face in. “I promise you her actions are worthy of your help.”

  It was unnerving how long she peered at him. It was as if she was looking into his soul.

  He shivered at the invasion.

  She clicked her tongue in thought.

  After a few more unnerving minutes, she seemed to decide. “I suppose we shall see. We leave in two days. Let’s hope her fever breaks by then. Otherwise, you will not be enjoying her company on a rocking boat.”



  Carly ignored all the obnoxious, incessant chatter surrounding her as the servant relayed his message. The other workers looked at her with a mix of incredulity and curious enthusiasm. As soon as she saw the messenger, she knew the rumors would begin to fly. Once she stepped into the prince’s hallway, they would only get worse.

  They were far from her usual rounds as she could get and yet he was summoning her to him. Everyone had seen his and the princess’ display of affection earlier in the dining room. Already, talk had spread about the final straw that proved the prince had finally gone mad. Babbling and shallow opinions had been spurred on ever since.

  They all seemed to have differing ideas. Some believed the prince was forcing the princess with threats and lies. Others claimed she liked the rough masculine aura he exuded. Though, none of the different things she had heard were correct.

  The truth she knew so well.

  When her best friend had been dragged out of the dungeon, barely able to stand on her own two feet, she had felt frozen in terror. Now the only thing that burned in her throat was revenge and hatred. The princess would pay for what she had done to Aerity. That much was certain.

  And as much as Damien tried to play his emotion out in front of people who assumed his maddening looks were repressed passion, she was well aware that the same hatred scorching her body, was reflected in his eyes. As much as Darius had tried to reassure her that Aerity would be okay, she still had her own worries. The need to see it with her own eyes. And if she truly had seen what she thought in Damien’s demeanor, then she knew exactly what this little visit entailed. He also needed to make sure Aerity was okay. And he had the ability to find out. She was extremely limited in her freedom. A letter to her brother would take far longer than the connections Damien possessed.

  She hurried towards his office, ignoring all the whispers aimed in her direction. Holding her head up high, she kept a keen eye out for the princess, knowing that having her catch her here was the worst thing that she could do.

  Slipping silently into the office, Damien’s chair spun to face her and the relieved expression on his face had her instantly disarming her bunched up shoulders.

  “Thank you for coming. I hope it doesn’t cost you too much with all the rumors.”

  He knew as well as she did what would happen when he called her here but the concern in his eyes told her it wasn’t an easy decision to made. She could relate and didn’t blame him for it.

  “I would be more concerned about the princess getting wind of it than meaningless gossip.”

  He nodded but the expression on his face placed him far away from the room they were standing in. “Are you aware of why I asked for you to come here?”

  She shook her head, all too aware of the intense look in his eyes. It was hazy, unfocused. It was unlike the fierce look she was used to seeing on him. “I assume it is an update on Aerity?”

  It took him a minute to react but then she saw a subtle motion of his head nodding.

  “My brother took her to our family barn to heal. From there he planned on taking her to one of his friends who sells products overseas.”

  His head snapped to hers. “This captain can get her safely to Ferali?”

  “I think so. Darius seemed confident in it. But we don’t know what the princess is planning. I fear as soon she finds out Aerity escaped, she will send people after her.” She watched his lithe fingers rub frustratingly at the corners of his eyes. He looked older than he had only days before with a haunted look on his face. “I know it isn’t my place to say, Your Highness, but are you alright? Besides the obvious I mean.”

  “At this point, I have more concern about my father returning than what the princess is plotting.” He dragged a hand down his face. “I need to know that she is okay, and I don’t have much time. Aerity is most likely about to board a ship.”

  Carly could tell there was more he wasn’t telling her, but he was a prince and she was a servant. No matter what they shared in common currently, it did nothing to lessen the social barrier between them.

  “Can you give me directions to your family’s farm? I wish to try and catch her before she leaves. Hopefully your brother will be willing to part with where she is.”

  Her brother would have no choice either way. A royal decree was permanent in these parts. No one could refuse. Wordlessly, she went to work on the piece of paper he slid towards her, writing down the most direct route to her home. Sliding her paper back, she looked up only to meet Damien’s determined focus on her drawing.

  She knew she was pushing her luck when she got up the nerve to ask, “Will you let me know how she is when you get back?” She bit her bottom lip as she waited for him to respond.

  To her relief he nodded. “I’ll let you know as discreetly and quickly as I can when I return.” He looked as though he was about to say something more. Opened his mouth only to close it. She backed up to the door before he finally opened it back up again. “Carly?”


  “Thank you.”

  Everyone kept thinking this man was the big bad wolf ready to eat little children in their sleep but here she could see a different side of him. One not distorted with lies. In fact, she and Aerity had
always joked about how although he was attractive, he was a massive jerk. Yet here she stood watching the indecision play over his features. The worry of where Aerity would end up. What would happen to her. He cared about her and it wasn’t a matter of ownership. He truly wanted her safe.

  She was tempted to tell him that she had a good feeling about him and Aerity. Once this was all over, if he decided to drop his mask and showed her who he truly was, she knew Aerity would see it too. But there was this nagging thought that they were far from this being over. Not to mention, she didn’t have the guts to speak up. If they were destined to work out, then fate would find a way. She could only hope that he found her now and that she was okay. Carly could only wish for each moment at a time because the future seemed so uncertain.

  So instead of speaking her mind, she simply nodded and left without saying another word.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Aerity woke to the sound of humming and chanting. She opened her eyes.

  A woman sat at the edge of the bed shaking what totally looked like a rattle.


  Aerity waited for the pain in her body to knock the wind out of her but oddly as she slowly sat up, she only felt a dull ache where her stab wound was. Using her right hand, she felt along her arm in search of any of the bruises that were there previously but felt nothing. Lifting the blanket wrapped around her, she peeled her shirt up and examined the gash. The wound was still raw, but a scab was beginning to form over it.

  Her eyebrows furrowed. It felt like yesterday when she had heard Eli and Darius mention infection.

  The chanting suddenly stopped as the woman noticed her movement. A brilliant smile formed on her face as she swept her gaze along Aerity’s body. “Are you feeling better?” The woman exuded friendliness and warmth. Aerity found herself instantly relaxing, even under the woman’s watchful attention.


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