My Miracle

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My Miracle Page 1

by C. M. Steele

  My Miracle

  A Rough Hands Novella

  C.M. Steele

  Copyright © 2018 by C.M. Steele

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


  Copyright © 2018 by C.M. Steele

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover: C.M. Steele

  Image: Shutterstock

  Ben and Mira

  Never mess with a girl and her books.

  Miracle Richmond was in the midst of losing her mind as she hunted down her missing treasure. Her beloved aunt left her with an unbelievable piece of literary history, but it grew legs and disappeared. She wasn’t going to stop until she found it.

  Benedict Carrington can’t believe someone is in the attic in this heat. From what his foreman said, it had to the be one of the sellers of the estate. He ran up to find her before she passed out.

  What neither of them expected was to find something they weren’t looking for.

  Chapter 1


  Several work trucks and vans with Rough Hands Builders logo line my aunt’s driveway, rather her old driveway. I park alongside one of them, hoping they don’t give me any trouble. This had once been my sanctuary when my mother died and until I left for college. My beloved aunt died three months ago unexpectedly, and her sons have been moving at lightning speed to get everything divvied out. I’m hoping that I can find what’s missing.

  They’re preparing the house for sale, even though it really doesn’t need much work at all. The estate is large and ornate. It brings a tear to my eyes how it’ll be quickly modernized and no longer have that luxurious Victorian appearance.

  I pull myself together and enter through the open front door. I have to hunt everywhere I can to find this book. With my hair tied tight and up high, I can hope to not bake in this heat. It’s an unseasonably hot start to summer. It’s the first week of June, and it’s in the high eighties. I make it past the foyer only to trip over a small stack of two by fours. A man in jeans and a white tee helps me to my feet.

  “Miss, you shouldn’t be in here. It’s dangerous. And this is private property,” he chides. He’s a handsome, semi-slender man for a construction type guy. I guess the buff models posing as construction workers are just an illusion, a wicked fantasy.

  “I know it’s private. I’m one of the sellers. I need to go through some of my aunt’s belongings for a missing item.”

  “Okay, ma’am, but please be more careful.” I nod to the guy, then walk up the three flights of stairs to the attic door. This is not going to be fun at all, but it’s supposed to be up here.

  I have been digging through boxes labeled books, and yet they’re not here. I can’t believe it’s missing. I wipe the sweat from my forehead with my dusty, dirty hands. The grit on my skin reminds me that I must look like a total freaking mess. I brush my hands on my jeans and decide to call the search for the night. I stand up and bump my head on the angled roof because I’m five-six. “Damn it,” I curse out. After rubbing the bruised area, I pull out my hair tie, then comb my thick brown hair with my fingers before putting my hair back into a neat ponytail.

  I visited my aunt a week before her death, and the beloved treasure was in the case inside the library where it’s been forever. At my aunt’s will reading, I learned it couldn’t be found. Austen is magical, but the books can’t get up and walk themselves out of the house. It’s definitely not missing. More than likely it’s been stolen by my shitty cousins.

  I step down and out of the hot, ancient attic. The sun is almost about to go down, but my eyes are still adjusting to the light change when I careen into a wall. I start feeling around as my vision clears, realizing it’s not a wall at all. Instead, it’s a large, firm man. I jump back, nearly falling down the stairs.

  He catches me, pulling me into his chest. As soon as I’m set right, my eyes connect with the man in front of me. He stares at me with a scowl on his face. If he wasn’t looking at me with the urge to throttle me, I’d find him sexy. Heavens, who am I kidding? I find him sexy either way. He’s a whole foot taller than me, broad shoulders, a strong, manly expression with just enough facial hair for a shave, but not a full-grown bread. A muscle in his jaw tics, forcing me to see his eyes. They’re a shade of brown that matches perfectly with his dark wavy hair that’s brushed back and trimmed to look neat. He’s dressed like the other guy, but he’s bigger a lot bigger. He has a tool belt on his hip, and it’s so sexy that I’m feeling faint.

  He's holding onto my arms tightly, glaring at me. “What are you doing up there? It’s almost ninety fucking degrees which means it’s about a hundred and twenty up there?”

  “Looking for something. Who are you?” I ask, stepping to the side away from the beastly construction guy.

  “Ben,” he says. “This is private property.”

  I narrow my eyes at him, giving him my damnedest mean look with my hands on my hips. At my size, I look like a Chihuahua against a mastiff, but I’m too pissed to care. “This is my aunt’s home. And is still not sold. So mind your business.”

  He shakes head. “I am minding my business. We’re working on the home. Did you find what you were looking for?”

  I raise my hands. “Obviously not.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. I’m fine.”

  “You’re obviously not.” He’s right, I think just as I pass out.

  Chapter 2


  Fuck. I catch her in my arms, then carry her into the one bedroom down on the next floor below. I lay her on the bed, tugging off her shoes while whipping out my cell phone. “Dane, get me one of the coolers.”

  “The whole thing?” he asks. She moans, and I wonder if I should take her to the hospital or get her hydrated first.

  “Yes, water and all. The little trespasser passed out,” I scold him. I had no idea someone was in the house besides the crew. She had been here for over two hours when Dane said something in passing about her. Fuck, that’s what I needed. She could sue us or that dipshit family lawyer of hers could.

  Honestly, that’s not why I’m upset. When I saw those bright hazel eyes meet mine, I knew something in me changed. She’s stunningly beautiful with a perfectly taut body and just the right amount of curves. I take in her dirty face. It’s still flush. Damn it, Dane is taking too long for my own tastes. I run into the bathroom, grabbing my bandana from my back pocket and soaking it under cold water. I wring it out as fast as possible only to see Dane sitting on the bed beside her, giving her a water bottle.

  “Get up,” I growl out. Dane stands up in one quick motion, catching my glare in the process.

  “I’m sorry, boss. I had no idea she was still here. I thought maybe she left.” He thinks that’s why I’m pissed, but as much as I should be, it has nothing to do with it. He’s sitting too damn close to her, taking my place in caring for her. I felt an instant territoriality that’s unexplainable.

  “Well, she didn’t.” I turn to her and see her staring straight at me. “How are you feeling?” I asked the brown-haired beauty. She looks at me with a hint of embarrassment and something along the lines of interest. And fuck if that doesn’t make me feel like a beast. I want her for myself to keep, to touch, and worship.

etter, I suppose,” she admits, releasing a sigh.

  “Dane, has the rest of the crew left?” I ask, wanting all of them leaving us alone.

  “Just about. We’re going to be here early in the morning.”

  “Okay, take off now. I want you ready to tackle the rest of the project as the lead on the crew tomorrow.”

  “See you tomorrow. I’m really sorry about this,” Dane says to the both of us.

  “Thank you for the water.” I bite back a groan, but the tension radiates off me.

  “How are you feeling?” I ask, forgetting I just asked that.

  “Much better. I didn’t mean to freak you out by passing out. I need to get out of here.” She swings her legs off the bed. I want to put them back up there, but I don’t know who this bed belongs to. I don’t want her in another man’s bed, even if related. Dane said she was the niece of the woman who owned it.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I tell her while taking a seat next to her on the bed.

  “Well, thanks, but I’m not staying here tonight.”

  “Okay. Let me drive you to your place.”

  “Not going to happen. I don’t care how sexy you are…” She clasps her hand to her mouth, catching herself before she said anything else inviting. Fuck, knowing that she’s attracted to me doesn’t make this easier.

  I smirk, then shake my head just enough to hide my elation. “I’m not the kind of guy who takes advantage of a woman. Not that I don’t find you sexy either, but you collapsed from the heat, and that shit’s not cool. I should be taking you to the ER.”

  “I’m okay. I got dizzy. The change in lighting messed with my eyes and I lost my balance. I promise I’m all good now. I have to go.”

  “Let me at least follow you to make sure you don’t crash.”

  “It’s not a good idea. I work in Chicago.”

  “So, are you saying I need an armor-plated truck? Or is it that it’s about a hundred miles away.”

  “Bingo on the latter,” she says with a wink, a click of her teeth, and the snap and point of her fingers.

  “As it happens, I’m headed that way myself, and maybe we can have dinner?” I toss out.

  “I’m not that hungry. I’m just going to pick up something from the hotdog stand by on my apartment.”

  “Well how about this. I’ll follow there and we sit down inside and eat? Does the place have seating?”

  “Yes, it does. That works for me.”

  Chapter 3


  I’m mentally praying that I don’t eat like a pig in front of this man because every part of my body is electrified with sexual tension. The entire drive, I kept thinking of ways to let him come back to my place. It’s beyond anything that I would have ever considered before, but something about Ben has my panties soaked, and my thoughts all filthy. Maybe it’s the way he stared at me, or his muscular arms holding me to his chest when he carried me. Even in my semi-conscious state, I felt safe and secure in his arms.

  I get out of my car, just as he does the same. He makes his way around and takes my hand as if this is a date or something. “So tell me what made you climb into the dark and broiling attic?”

  “It’s a long story, but my aunt left something in her will for me that magically grew legs and ran away.”

  We stand in line, but I don’t want to have this personal discussion right here, so I ask, “What are you going to get?”

  “I’m starving right now, so probably a cheeseburger and fries. You?”

  “Gyro plate. I’m pretty hungry, too.”

  We order and get our food with a little small talk. Once we sit down he goes back to grilling me on my hunt. “It’s an 1813 first edition copy with original cover of Pride and Prejudice. It comes in three volume set.”

  “Wow, that sounds expensive,” Ben remarks, clearly believing that’s why I want it.

  “It’s more than just the price to me. It’s not that expensive. There are far more expensive books. It happens to have been passed down through generations in my family. It was a gift from a great uncle to his American bride. I know my cousins sold it or at least have it hidden from me. Legally it’s mine. Of course, I have no extra money to sue them, but it was left to me in her will which means that I have the rights to it.”

  He takes a sip from his milkshake, then says, “I’m sorry. I don’t know how those things work, but if they sell it abroad, there’s a chance you can’t force them to turn it over.”

  “I know. That’s the scary part. Obviously, a collector in England would love to have it, I’m sure. The last copy not in as good of a condition sold for nearly seventy thousand dollars.”

  “Then there are plenty of people who will pay for it.”

  “Yes, so I need to find it. My cousins delayed the will a month as it is, but it’s not your problem. I’m sorry for dragging down the conversation.”

  “No, no. I want to know everything about you and what things are special to you,” Ben admits, smirking at me as he lifts a fry to his perfect lips. The hair on his face is so sexy that I’m only distracted by his strong hands.

  “Thanks, Ben,” I answer, refusing to take my eyes off the virile manliness.

  “Hey, woman. Are you eyeing my fries?”

  “I am not.” I clasp my hands to my chest, feigning shock.

  “Okay…” he chuckles out. He lifts one up, taking his time bringing it to his lips.

  I crack and confess, “I was looking at your hands.”

  “Really? Are they too rough for you?” He arches his brow, giving me that suggestive smirk and there go my panties. Wow, I’m afraid that the seat will be wet when I stand up.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t really noticed.” I lie my ass off. I felt them, and I want them to run over my flesh. “How old are you, Ben?” I ask, changing the subject before I freaking let on how much I want him.

  “I’m twenty-nine. You?”

  “I’m twenty-two. Are you the foreman? Or what is that they call it?” I ask. I’ve never been on a real date before. I’m sure I’m making a fool of myself. I sound like a dumb bimbo.

  “I own the company.”

  Wow, a real leader. “So you work hands-on as well?”

  “Sometimes. I have so many things to do in the office that I don’t always get to do it, but I was very fortunate to work on this project.” He gives me a crooked smile full of implications. His eyes drop to my lips, and I’m panting. He might as well have just kissed me the way my body reacts to his gaze.

  “Um…I think it’s time I go. I have to get to work at eight.”

  “Wow, what do you do?”

  “I work for the Forensics Dept. of the CPD,” I say.

  “That’s pretty cool. Like on the crime shows?”

  “Yes. Today was my off day. Tomorrow is a different story.”

  “Okay, but I want to see you again.”

  “I’d like that.” He takes out his cell phone and plugs in my number as I read it off.

  Seconds later I receive a text. I look down and read it. Thank you, beautiful.

  I know that I’m falling for him. This could get dangerous.

  Chapter 4


  “Brenda, can you come in here?” I shout out from my office.

  “What’s up, boss?”

  “Have you had any luck with the search?”

  “Boss, you gave the project to me this morning. It’s not that easy. The phone has been off the hook all day. You’re a precious commodity, and you spent the day out of the office. You know how much these ladies want you to do an estimate.” I roll my eyes. Somehow it was spread around town how good looking and wealthy I was. I come from family money even though my father doesn’t approve of my blue collar, dirty hands career.

  “Okay, I’ll pay you over time. Go home and get the information I need. Hit the ‘end of the day’ button on the phone lines.”

  “Dang, boss, I like books, but this is excessive.” Brenda has been working for me for si
x years. I trust her opinion, but this is different. Mira’s happiness is all I can think about.

  “Just do it, please.”

  “That’s cool with me. I’ll get the last invoices off my desk then go.”

  “Good.” I go back to work, looking over the six projects running simultaneously with my team of construction workers. She’s right about the calls. Any time I’m away from the office for a damn day, my phone rings incessantly. I need more employees and an operations manager. I like to get my hands dirty, but the project on the old Richmond Estate is important. It’s mine.

  I wonder how upset she’s going to be that I had just closed on the house the day before. It’s not like I knew who she was. But and the big but is that she wasn’t aware that the house was sold. I went into my satchel and pulled out the file folder with the sale information. Miracle? Her name is Miracle. Well that she is. Now, I’m going to need a miracle to make her understand that I had no intentions of keeping it from her.

  She and I need to get together, but I have meetings for the rest of the day.

  I send her a text. Can I see you tonight?

  A minute later Mira replies. Yes. I’m on my way to my apartment right now.

  Okay, message me your address. I can’t hide the smile I’ve got on my face. I look like a jackass and I don’t care.

  An hour later, I’m standing outside her place. Fuck, I’m nervous. I wipe my sweaty hands on my jeans. She answers with a smile on her face. “Are you hungry?” My eyes roam her body, taking in all of her. She has on a pretty little dress with pink flowers on it and a pair of white heels. She looks innocent.

  “Starving.” I stalked forward, stepping into the entrance, and closing the door behind me. Her eyes meet mine, knowing I’m not talking about food. I spin her so that her back hits the wall and I slam my mouth down on hers. She gasps, allowing me to slip my tongue into her warm mouth. One hand slides around, thrusting into her hair, grasping onto her tight ponytail. My other hand cups her round ass. “You’re mine, Mira.”


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