Stronger Than the Rest

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Stronger Than the Rest Page 20

by Shirleen Davies


  Jamie watched through slits in the curtains and listened from his position near the front corner. He noticed papers on a nearby table, but couldn’t make out Drago’s words as he spoke in soft tones. The lights were low. Eloise was reclined on a settee, Drago on a chair in front of her, his hands resting on her legs. Jamie watched for another moment, trying to detect if the woman was encouraging the actions or being forced. He couldn’t tell from his position but noticed the vacant look in her eyes. They stared beyond Drago, not at him. At least she was alive. He looked towards the back at Niall, who crouched low behind a group of rocks.

  Luther had been standing outside when Niall first knelt behind the rocks. The large, imposing man looked around and, satisfied nothing was amiss, disappeared into the kitchen. The outlaw watching the horses had disappeared into the trees. Jericho had been charged with taking care of the guard. Niall watched another minute until Jericho appeared and nodded, then signaled to Will at the other corner.

  Will moved along the side but saw nothing. There were no windows or door at this end. He suspected there were more men upstairs, but couldn’t tell from his position. He joined Drew at the far front corner of the house.

  Drew turned and moved toward the front. He passed what appeared to be a bedroom but moved on to the next window. He stayed close to the house and didn’t move when he saw a figure approach the window.

  The man inside was alert, watching, but he didn’t spot Drew.

  Drew retraced his steps several feet and knelt below the window he’d passed, then raised up to peer through the slight opening in the curtains. What he saw sickened him. Tess was on the bed, Ira standing over her. Her head moved toward the window, but she didn’t see Drew. She had a vacant look in her eyes, blank and staring into space. Her eyes moved back to Ira. Her hands weren’t bound. Drew cursed. He wanted to jump through the window and wrap his hand around Ira’s throat. Squeeze the life out of the miserable human who stood, leering at Tess. But he held his anger. If he acted on it others could die, including Tess. He looked toward Jamie’s position. They had to move fast.

  Drew signaled to Grant, now hidden just inside the barn. Instead of signaling to move in, he gave him the sign to wait. He moved toward Jamie’s position. They needed to regroup.

  Drew slipped under the windows to the side where Jamie knelt. Niall had joined him. He was momentarily stunned to see Frank Alts, but acknowledged the lawman with a nod. Will had made his way along the back of the house and now knelt next to Drew.

  “Drago has Eloise in the living room,” Jamie informed them.

  “Ira Walsh has Tess in a back bedroom,” Drew hissed in frustration then took a deep breath. “There’s another man in the office. I didn’t see Amanda or Kate. My guess is they’re upstairs along with at least two of Ira’s men.”

  “Luther and one other are in the kitchen. Looks like Jericho took care of the one watching their horses.” Niall glanced behind him and saw Jericho’s large form standing next to a group of pines.

  “I saw no one, but heard movement upstairs. Could be Amanda and Kate, but my guess it’s the other two men,” Will added.

  “All right. We know that Ira’s in the bedroom, one’s in the office, Drago’s in the front, Luther and another are in the kitchen. Jericho got one, so that leaves two upstairs, correct?” Jamie asked. They all nodded.

  “Frank, you keep watch on Drago from here. Shoot him if he makes any move to hurt Eloise. I’ll go in the front with Drew. Drew, as soon as we get in, you go after Ira.” Jamie looked at his brother. “You okay with that?”

  “Oh yeah,” Drew answered, eager to kill the man who held Tess.

  “Good. I’ll get the one in the office.”

  “Will and Niall need to take care of Luther and the other man, then go upstairs to find Kate and Amanda. We need to move fast, before they try to use the women as shields. As soon as the shooting starts, Grant and Jericho will scatter the horses then be prepared to fire if any of the men get past us.”

  Each man absorbed their assignment.

  Jamie looked at Niall and Will. “Move in as soon as you hear my shots. All right, let’s go.” Jamie moved toward the front of the house, Drew right behind.


  Unaware of what was happening outside, Ira touched his mouth to Tess’s for a brief moment before traveling his lips down her neck, settling at the base of her throat. His hand moved up her stomach. She didn’t try to push him away this time. Instead, her hand covered his and moved it higher, encouraging him to cup her breast. Tess arched her body into his hand, attempting to tell him what she wanted. Her breath became labored. Glassy eyes, a mellow stare, and soft smile told him she was ready, eager for him. He shifted and began to lower his mouth to hers when a gun blast split the night.

  Walsh jumped from the bed and grabbed his gun. He started out the door and looked over his shoulder at the woman on the bed, knowing she was unaware of what was happening around her. Two more shots rang out and Ira eased into the hall.

  He looked toward the kitchen and saw a man on the floor, his legs twitching. Luther. Another stood with his arms in the air, his back to Ira.

  “Stay where you are or I’ll put a bullet in the woman.” Ira recognized the voice as Drago’s.

  Ira wondered if Stiles was alive or dead. Didn’t matter, he had to get out while he could. He slid back into the bedroom and closed the door.

  “There are four of us, Drago, and two more outside. There’s no chance you’ll get out of here alive, with or without her. She’s an innocent—let her go.” Jamie walked closer as he spoke to the outlaw who used Eloise as a shield. He wanted to distract the gunman, let Frank get into position outside. Jamie knew Drago would never leave the house alive.


  Kate and Amanda heard the gunshots and prayed that help had come. They moved to the door and looked out. One man stood at a window at the end of the hall, the other had just walked out of one of the rooms. Kate aimed and fired. One man fell as the other pivoted and pulled the trigger. Kate and Amanda ducked back into the room as the gun blast split the wood around the door.

  The men glanced up when they heard shots from upstairs. Niall, Drew, and Will stood in place, not wanting to provoke Drago, but anxious to get to the other women. Drew’s hands clenched at his sides, the chamber of his gun still full. Jamie had dropped Stiles with his first shot. Niall looked across the room at Will. Their wives were upstairs, they were sure of it. They wanted to go after them, now.

  Jamie realized that Drew stood outside of Drago’s view. His eyes shifted to his brother and he gestured with his head a fraction, but it was enough for Drew to know what was needed. He slipped out the door and made his way to the outside of the bedroom where Ira held Tess.


  Connor and Pierce watched as the men outside circled the house, preparing to enter. When the shooting began, two other men untied the horses and let them go. One of them was Jericho, Connor’s colleague, friend, and another employee of Louis Dunnigan. Connor and Pierce made a path to Jericho. The man turned just as they were within a few feet and pointed his gun.

  “Wondered when you boys would show up.” Jericho lowered his weapon.

  “See Ira?”

  “Drew says he has Tess Taylor in a back bedroom. He’s going after him.”

  “I’d like to get in there, but not go through the doors. You see a way?” Connor whispered to his brother.

  The ex-thief glanced at the roofline and cocked his head to one side, then the next before he pointed to a spot near the other corner. “Right there. Easy as anything.”

  They moved through the trees and Pierce helped Connor up, then watched as he slid through an upstairs bedroom window.

  Connor dropped inside without a sound. Gun drawn, he made his way to the door and peered out down the long hallway. He heard movement to his right and turned to see a man crouched, his rifle pointed at him. Connor didn’t hesitate. Before the man knew what had hit him, he was on the ground,
a bullet through his heart.

  “Never hesitate,” Connor whispered as he grabbed the dead man’s rifle and made his way down the hall. He passed one door and opened it. A narrow staircase, the type often used back East for servants. It looked as if it hadn’t been used in years.

  He walked toward the main stairway, checking doors as he went. Four empty, one left to check. He had just reached for the knob when the door cracked open and he stared at the softest blue eyes he’d ever seen. Blond hair fell in strands from atop her head. She started to scream, but he pushed her back into the room, covered her mouth, and positioned himself against a wall with her in front of him. He saw the second woman, another beauty with ink black hair, similar to his, but eyes the color of a dark blue sea. And they were raging at him.

  “Don’t scream,” Connor muttered. “I work for Louis Dunnigan.”

  The black-haired woman continued to glare, unsure if he told the truth or not.

  “He hired me to spy on Ira Walsh. I’m here to help.” He let his hand slip from the blond woman’s mouth. “I’m Connor.”

  Kate turned to stare at the man and froze. My God, he looks like Niall. They shared the same hair, eyes, skins tones, height.

  Connor saw the confusion on the woman’s face. “I promise I’ll explain as soon as I’m sure your men downstairs have everything under control.” He turned and slipped out into the hall, leaving Kate and Amanda to gape after him.

  Connor went straight for the back staircase and made his way down. He doubted anyone but the owner knew it existed. He came out in a small alcove, invisible from the other rooms, and waited.


  Drew crouched below the window then leaned up to look inside. Ira Walsh moved in his direction, toward the window, his eyes narrowed, focused. Tess lay on the bed, her clothes mussed. Drew’s stomach tightened. He couldn’t think about what had happened between the two before he’d arrived. He had to focus on Ira and stopping him.

  Ira moved the curtains and peered out. He opened the window just as Drew stood and rammed the butt of his rifle into Ira’s gut. Walsh slammed backwards and lost his footing, his gun discharging into the floor.

  Drew dropped the rifle and vaulted into the room, his Colt pointed at Ira.

  “Don’t move, Walsh,” Drew ordered.

  Ira ignored the warning. He lifted his gun toward Drew when he felt a sharp pain cut through his chest. Ira looked down to see blood covering his shirt. His wide eyes found Drew, then he slumped against the wall and slid to the floor.

  His gun still smoking, Drew moved toward the dead man.

  Connor heard a gunshot in a room next to the alcove where he stood. Connor moved to the other side, behind the main stairs to get a better view and saw Jericho enter the kitchen from the back followed by Pierce, both with guns drawn. They saw Connor, nodded. Connor moved to the bedroom doorway and peered in. He saw Ira laying in a pool of blood.

  Drew hadn’t checked for a pulse, but there was no need. The man was dead. His eyes traveled up to the bed and the woman he loved. What happened here tonight, he wondered. His eyes sought hers. He saw no recognition. It was as if she was in some sort of dream, only her eyes were open.

  Drew walked to the other side of the bed and sat. Tess’s breathing was somewhat labored. He noticed a slight bruise on her cheek, courtesy of Ira, he was sure, but nothing to help him discover what had transpired in this room.

  He laid his gun on the spread and traced the slender column of her neck with his fingers. They stopped at one corner of her mouth. He traced her lips, then ran his thumb over the lush bottom one. The one he would capture between his teeth when they made love. He bent and placed a kiss on her mouth, then one on each eye.

  He felt a hand come up and caress his jaw and cheek, then move up into his hair. She pulled him more fully into her for a kiss that was passionate and bold, given that their families were just outside the door. He enjoyed the feeling a few more moments before he pushed away on a ragged breath.

  “Tess, we can’t do this here, now.”

  “Yes,” Tess responded in a throaty, sexy voice that had Drew confused. She looked down his body, her hand following the path of her eyes, and placed it on the bulge he couldn’t hide. “Yes, Drew. Make love to me. Now.” Her whispered plea was followed by her hand reaching behind his neck and drawing him down. He followed her lead for an instant before grabbing both of her wrists in his hands and holding them above her head.

  “Tess, we have to stop…” he began. Then he heard a gun cock and turned to see Ira Walsh supporting himself with his arms on the bed, one hand holding Drew’s Colt.

  “So, she is your woman,” Ira choked out. His face was ashen and his hand wasn’t steady, but Drew’s gun was loaded and a mere two feet way. “I wondered,” he coughed again, began to topple, but caught himself and continued to point the weapon at the man who now held the woman Ira wanted. “Too bad you’ll never have her again.”

  Ira’s gun began to rise, his arm extending toward Drew. The end came with one shot. Ira slumped to the floor, a bullet hole placed neatly above his left ear.

  Drew’s eyes swung to the door to see Ira’s man, the one he’d met in the saloon, who’d taken him back to his office after Luther broke his wheelchair, staring at the body with a satisfied expression.

  Connor holstered his gun and walked over to Drew, extending his hand. "Nice to see you again, Drew. You may not remember me. I'm Connor MacLaren." The two men stared at each other. "Your cousin."

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Jamie stood in the doorway, his gun trained on Drago. Will and Niall stood at the entrance to the kitchen, both their pistols aimed at the same man. The only thing stopping them from shooting was the woman Drago used as a shield. Eloise. The outlaw was unaware of Frank’s rifle pointed at his head.

  “I’m leaving, with the woman. Don’t be foolish and try to stop me or you’ll never see Mrs. Bierdan again. At least not alive,” Drago said as he shifted his gaze from Jamie to Niall, then to Will. The brothers glanced at each other, all three aware that Frank stood outside, positioned to drop Drago with one shot.

  Frank sighted the rifle, took a calming breath, and squeezed the trigger.

  Jamie rushed to grab Eloise before she hit the floor while Drago pitched to the side, toppling a table, and landing with a dull thud.

  Frank dashed around front and into the house, gently taking Eloise from Jamie’s grasp. She looked into his eyes and sighed, then wrapped both arms around his neck. He sat with her while the others carried the bodies out and brought Amanda and Kate downstairs. Amanda and Kate hurried to help Tess and Eloise, but had no idea what to do with women who’d been given opium.

  As soon as Jamie spotted the saddle bags and pouches, then put a finger in the cold tea left in the pan, he knew what had happened. Jamie told them it would run its course within eight to twelve hours but that they should take them both to the Taylor’s and send for the doctor. No one asked about his knowledge of the drug.

  Jeff and the men had returned in time to see bodies being carried from the house and two women, wrapped in blankets, being laid in the back of a wagon. Jeff dismounted and ran over, moving the blanket enough to see that one was Eloise Bierdan.

  “What happened? Is she hurt?” Jeff’s eyes were filled with worry.

  “No,” Frank responded. “Not the way you mean. I’ll explain, but I need someone to ride to town and bring Doc Wheaton to the Taylor’s. You got someone?”

  “Jay and Stan, ride to town, get the doc, and make sure he gets to the Taylor ranch. Both Mrs. Bierdan and Miss Taylor need his help.”

  “Yes, sir,” both men responded. They were dog tired, but either would do anything for Eloise Bierdan.

  Frank looked at Jeff. “I know you’ve had a long day, but why don’t you get your men settled and ride over with us. You need to hear it all.”


  The doctor spent a couple of hours at the Taylor’s then, echoing what Jamie had told them, said Tess
and Eloise would be tired but fine the next day. He’d seen the use of opium during the war. Whoever gave the women the tea knew enough to not overdose them.

  Eloise asked Frank to stay, which he was glad to do. He held her hand until she fell into a fitful sleep, then slept in the chair next to her bed.

  Drew refused to leave Tess alone. Her reaction to the drug seemed more pronounced than Eloise’s. He sure as hell wasn’t going to leave any of the other men with her. He and Frank had sat in the back of the wagon with the two women on the way back. Amanda and Kate had ridden in the front with Amanda driving. Tess had opened her eyes several times, looked toward him and reached out. She had tried to pull him down to her, but he took her hand, and held it tight.

  When they’d arrived at the ranch, Eloise had wrapped her arms around Frank’s neck and quietly let him take her inside. Tess had wrapped her arms around Drew, then snuggled in, nuzzling his neck, and placing soft kisses on his face. His brothers had stood back and watched. He could still hear their laughter as he walked into the house with her. Bastards.


  Everyone was in bed, asleep. It was after midnight, the four brothers and their cousins sat in the dining room with Aunt Alicia, sipping whiskey or coffee, and coming to grips with the fact that there were two more MacLarens. Men they’d never met, yet who seemed to know everything about them.

  Connor and Pierce MacLaren.

  When they’d ridden in that night, Aunt Alicia had walked out of the house, down the steps, and straight up to them. She’d stood before the men a moment, as if inspecting each, then turned to Connor. “I know we met in Denver, but who are you, Connor?”

  He’d known who she was the minute he’d seen her. It had been hard not to tell her of their connection, but his job with Louis had prevented it. Now it was over and he could let the truth come out.

  “I am Connor MacLaren and this is my brother, Pierce. Our father was Hugh MacLaren.” He watched as Alicia absorbed his words.


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