The Marcelli Bride

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The Marcelli Bride Page 19

by Susan Mallery

  “And this one?” she asked before tonguing another spot on his back.

  “Not a clue.” He picked up one of her hands and brought it to his mouth, where he bit down on the swell of flesh below her thumb and licked her palm.

  “You can’t remember?” she asked, her voice breathless.

  “I have a lot of scars.”

  “So I see. Sit down and take off your shoes and socks.”

  He stepped away and did as she requested. Then he stood again and removed his slacks and briefs. When he was naked, he turned toward her, waiting for more instructions.

  Her gaze swept his body, pausing on his erection.

  “Nice,” she said with a smile. “Lie down on your stomach.”

  He did and watched as she slipped off her bra and panties. He had about two seconds to enjoy the view before she moved onto the bed, then straddled him just below his butt.

  She leaned forward so the very tips of her breasts brushed across his back. The light touch drove him crazy, especially as she rocked her hips slightly, grinding his dick into the bed. It was just enough friction to be dangerous.

  But he didn’t tell her to stop. Not when she kissed and nibbled her way across his shoulders.

  “You’re so strong,” she whispered. “You carry so much weight and worry. You can let it go, just for a few minutes. Just for now.”

  Under any other circumstances, he probably would have told her to keep her emotional mumbo jumbo to herself, but right then, the words made sense. He did want to give up the burden for a little while. To not think about anything except how she made him feel. But kisses on his shoulders and back weren’t going to get it done, despite how nice they were.

  In one quick move, he flipped over. He grabbed her around the waist, keeping her in place. Only now her hot, wet center was directly on his.

  She sighed. “That’s what I get for playing with an expert, huh?”


  He could have pushed inside of her. A large part of his body wanted just that. To bury himself inside and let the feelings take him away. But not just yet, he thought, thinking about things he could do to her and how good they would feel.

  So he stayed in place, and when she moved up his body so she could kiss him, he didn’t stop her.

  Instead he claimed her with a deep kiss. He traced her tongue with his, to explore the soft sweetness of her mouth. He slid his hands to her breasts and cupped them. When he teased her tight nipples, she groaned.

  That throaty, hungry sound was his undoing. Suddenly he had to have all of her. He had to touch her and taste her everywhere, except he didn’t want to stop kissing her. Not yet.

  He ignored the throbbing between his legs and concentrated on her pleasure. When she raised her head to catch her breath, he drew her up so that he could suck on her breasts.

  First one and then the other. Her breathing increased and he felt her body tremble. He urged her up onto her knees as he slid down a little. For the first time, she hesitated.

  “No, that’s okay.”

  Joe looked at the beautiful naked woman straddling his chest and knew he needed her more than he’d ever needed anyone before.

  “I want to,” he told her.

  She made a vague motion with her hands. “It’s um…just…I don’t know. I’m fine.”

  He didn’t want her fine. He wanted her writhing and panting and completely out of control. Had some guy refused, saying it wasn’t his thing? Had some bastard hurt her by going down on her? Or was this her first time?

  He had a fantasy of her straddling his face, hanging on to the headboard and riding him to heaven. But that would have to wait for another time. In one quick series of grabs, shifts, and drops, he had her on her back with him between her legs.

  “Jeez, how do you do that?” she asked. “I need more self-defense lessons if I’m going to keep up with you.”

  He thought about telling her she couldn’t possibly keep up, but that it was okay because he had no intention of leaving her behind. He opened his mouth to say just that, but instead he realized he was inches above her belly and that any conversation could be had another time. Right now he had important erotic work to do.

  He kissed her stomach, then along the top of her thighs. She squirmed, but it wasn’t in a good way. Her hands pushed at him.

  “Please,” she said.

  He braced himself on one elbow and looked at her. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  Color stained her cheeks. “Nothing. It’s not important.”

  “It is to me.”

  She closed her eyes. “I’ve only slept with a couple of guys. I was always afraid of who would talk and what they’d say. Maybe to the press or something.”

  “Makes sense.”

  “Well, the first one was someone from college. I thought he was really special. I thought I was in love with him.” She opened her eyes and looked at him. “I wasn’t. But before I found that out, I suggested we try, you know, oral sex. He got all disgusted and said it was gross and he couldn’t believe I’d asked.”

  “Which made you embarrassed.”

  “Among other things. It was a couple of days before Christmas and I was taking him home to meet my family. On Christmas afternoon I overheard him coming on to my sister. He said that he and I were only friends, that he had a real thing for her, and that he wanted to make love with her. Then he detailed exactly what he wanted to do with her, including that.”

  Joe wanted to go find the bastard and pound him into a bloodstain on the sand. Instead he kissed her thigh and asked, “What did Lauren do?”

  “Slapped him as hard as she could, called him a sex-crazed asshole, and told him to get out of the house.”

  He thought about saying he liked Lauren, but he figured Darcy would misunderstand his words.

  “I’ve been a little sensitive about the whole thing ever since,” she said.

  “Makes sense. Give me five minutes.”

  “Joe, don’t.”

  He moved between her thighs. “Five minutes and if you hate it, I’ll stop.”

  She twisted away. “But you don’t have to—”

  “I got that. I want to, and I took this correspondence class on some real interesting techniques. You might like them.”

  Her eyes widened, then she started to laugh. “You did not,” she said.

  “I can show you my certificate. I graduated at the top of my class.”

  Then while she was still laughing, he used his fingers to part her and lightly stroke his tongue against her swollen center.

  Darcy had big plans to endure the five minutes, then push him away. Sure she’d heard that some men liked that sort of thing and she was curious, but Greg’s reaction had scarred her in a way she’d never forgotten. The look of absolute disgust and horror on his face had pretty much shattered her tiny burst of confidence.

  With her second lover, she’d been passive, not daring to ask for anything in case he reacted the same way. Joe had been her third foray into sexuality, and their passionate encounter hadn’t left any time for doubts.

  But now she could think, and once she started, it was impossible to stop her brain.

  The first brush of his tongue felt good. Really good. The second set nerve endings to humming in a way she’d never felt before. Her legs fell open, her hips tilted toward him, and suddenly breathing didn’t seem all that important.

  He licked her over and over. It was different from being touched by his fingers. More intimate. Softer, but more direct. She could feel his breath. His shoulders pushed against her thighs. She was torn, wanting him inside of her and never, ever wanting this to stop.

  Which, of course, it did.

  She opened her eyes and stared at him. Fear swept through her. He hadn’t liked it. He hadn’t liked doing it to her. He hadn’t—

  “Relax,” he said. “Give me your hands. Hold yourself open.”

  He positioned her fingers so she parted herself for him. She felt exposed and stupid, but
before she could ask what he was doing, he returned his mouth to her body and rational thought fled.

  The licking, gentle sucking, circling, breathing all continued. Tension moved through her body, starting at her toes and working its way up. At one point she thought she might have felt his teeth lightly graze that one most sensitive spot, but then there was his tongue again and a slight pressure at the opening.

  Then she was caught up in a whirlwind of sensation. Even as he continued to use his mouth on her, he slipped in first one finger, then another. He filled her in a slow, steady rhythm designed to make her scream and beg.

  She drew her legs back and dug her heels into the mattress. She rocked her hips and tried to catch her breath. Need swept through her. It was hot and thick and too powerful to ignore. Closer, she thought as pleasure tightened and grew. She was so close.

  His fingers moved faster, sliding in and out of her. His tongue kept pace. Suddenly her body was out of her control. She shuddered into her release as incredible sensations washed through her. She bucked against him, desperate to keep him there, touching her everywhere.

  He read her mind, slowing but not stopping. Again and again she came until the climaxes slowed and her body relaxed.

  She opened her eyes and saw him smiling at her.

  “Not bad for a rookie,” he told her, then he pushed into a kneeling position and shifted closer. He thrust into her, filling her completely.

  Understanding dawned.

  “You’re still hard,” she whispered.

  “Very hard. I liked doing that. A lot.”

  Difficult not to believe him when the proof pushed in deep enough to make her clench around him.

  Gratitude made her ache. Not only because he’d pleasured her, but also because he’d replaced a horrible memory with one that bordered on spectacular.

  In a matter of seconds, the steady rhythm had her on the edge again. She wrapped her legs around him, drawing him closer, then quickly lost herself in more waves of release. Two thrusts later, he followed, groaning her name and hanging on as if he would never let go.

  • • •

  When they’d recovered enough to speak, Joe rolled off her and pulled her against him. He settled her head on his shoulder and wrapped his arm around her.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  Darcy snuggled close. “I believe that’s my line,” she whispered. “You were great.” With more than just sex, she thought. In all of it.

  “I needed to be with you.”

  His words did a funny thing to her heart. It sort of stuttered a beat, before returning to the regular pace.

  Danger, she told herself. This was the wrong man. She needed someone to love her back, not run for the emotional hills.

  Oh but she wanted him to be different. She wanted him to care. But Joe had pushed away one wife and the entire Marcelli family. Why would she be any different?

  “You need to get back,” she said, giving him a little shove, knowing that if he stayed with her much longer, she was at risk of saying something that could embarrass them both.

  “I don’t want to.”

  “Perfectly understandable, but I’m not excited at the thought of someone in your family coming looking for you and finding you here. They already know about the last time.”

  “Good point.” He kissed her, then sat up and reached for his clothes. “I wish you could come.”

  “Me, too. But Paige and Alex are right. Better for me to stay securely hidden away.”

  He dressed quickly and left. When she was alone again, Darcy dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, then stretched out on the bed. Now what? Everything had changed, and she didn’t know how to make it go back. Falling in love with Joe was a huge mistake. Was it too late to protect herself? And even if she could stop herself from caring about him, however was she going to get over falling for his whole family?

  • • •

  Three days after the funeral Darcy walked into the kitchen and found Grandma Tessa sitting alone at the kitchen table. It was so strange to see the tiny woman simply sitting. Grandma Tessa was always on the move—carrying, chopping, stirring, serving.

  When she saw Darcy, she stood up. “It’s nearly lunchtime,” she said briskly. “I’ll fix you something.”

  Darcy knew the whole “food is love” talk. She’d given it to Joe more than once. But just this once she couldn’t listen to her own advice.

  “No,” she said gently, pushing Tessa back in her chair. “Let me bring you something.”

  Tears filled Tessa’s eyes, although she did her best to blink them away. “You’re a good girl, Darcy. It’s been a blessing to have you here.” She fingered the rosary beads on the table in front of her. “Honestly, I’m not hungry. I know I have to eat, but not yet. I miss him too much.”

  Darcy sank down next to her and took her free hand. “I know. You’ve loved him a whole lifetime. It’s only been a few days. You’re allowed to grieve.”

  Tessa nodded and squeezed her fingers. “I keep expecting to see him walk into the room. I can’t sleep. The bed, it’s so big. When did it get so big?”

  Not knowing what else to do, Darcy hugged her. Tessa held on tight.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” she said. “With the girls all gone, the house is so quiet. You bring us life again.”

  Darcy thought that might be an exaggeration, but she knew having people around gave Tessa something to think about other than her sadness. She wished she had something to say, something that would help ease the other woman’s pain. But there weren’t any words.

  So they sat together, hugging and rocking, not speaking. Darcy breathed in the scent of spices and rose soap and did her best to be strong.

  The back door opened. She glanced up, hoping to see Joe. He’d been busy with family stuff for the past couple of days, and they hadn’t had any time alone. But instead of him, Paige walked into the kitchen.

  “I have news,” she said.

  Tessa straightened and turned. “Paige. Are you hungry?”

  Paige walked to the older woman and crouched in front of her. “You’ve got to stop feeding me,” she teased. “I’ve gained twenty pounds.”

  Tessa cupped her face. “Maybe, but on you they’re beautiful pounds.”

  “That’s not what my supervisor’s going to say after my next physical.” She straightened and glanced at Darcy. “They’ve caught the last of the kidnappers. Your father will be calling in the next minute or so. The call will be put through here.”

  Darcy wondered if she looked as surprised as she felt. Caught? “Already?”

  Paige smiled. “It’s been nearly four weeks. But the ringleaders had gone pretty far underground.”

  Tessa stood and patted her hair. “The president?” she asked, sounding stunned. “Phoning here?”

  “You look fine,” Paige said with a grin.

  Darcy tried to enjoy the humor of Tessa worried about her appearance for a phone call that wasn’t for her, but she could only deal with her rising panic.

  No! It couldn’t be true. If the men were caught then she was free to leave. Actually, she had to leave. The Marcellis would want their house back.

  But she wasn’t ready. She and Brenna hadn’t finalized the label designs, and the family was still in mourning, and what about Joe? They had to talk and she had to tell him that she….

  The phone rang. Paige reached for it.

  “Agent Newberry,” she said crisply, then nodded at Darcy. “Yes. She’s right here.” She held out the phone.

  Darcy took it. “Hello?”

  “Please hold for the president,” a female voice said as Paige left the kitchen.

  Darcy waited a second, then heard, “Darcy?”

  “Hi, Dad.”

  “You’ve been told?”


  “Good news all-around. The last of them was rounded up this morning.” He laughed gruffly. “I’ll sleep better at night knowing my girls are safe now.”

  Two months ago
Darcy would have dismissed the statement or at least reinterpreted it to mean he was glad Lauren was safe. Now she wasn’t so sure. Maybe he meant it. Maybe she did matter to him.

  “I’ve been talking to your sister,” he continued. “She mentioned you’d like to get more involved with things here at the White House.”

  Darcy winced. That wasn’t exactly what she’d said. “I thought it would be nice to do more.”

  “I’m glad,” he said, sounding as if he meant it. “I always knew your space was important to you.” He hesitated. “Do you young people still talk about having your own space?”

  She smiled. “Not really. But I know what you mean.”

  “Good. When you come home, we can talk. I’d like to have you around more, Darcy. You’re very important to me.”

  “Thanks.” She shifted awkwardly. “Um, you, too,” she mumbled.

  “All right. I have to run. Let me know your travel plans. I can have a plane pick you up whenever you’d like. Maybe in the morning?”

  So soon? She wasn’t ready to go. “I’ll let you know, Dad. Thanks.”

  “All right. Talk to you soon.”

  The line went dead. Darcy handed the phone back to Paige. “He’s ready to have me home.”

  Grandma Tessa stared at her. “Of course you want to go be with your family,” she said. “If you’re safe now.”

  Darcy nodded. Tears burned, but she refused to give in to them. It wasn’t right. “You’ve all been very kind.”

  “Kind.” Tessa dismissed the word. “We like having you here.”

  “I’ve liked being here.”

  “You have things to do, yes? A life?” Tessa asked.

  Darcy shrugged. “I guess.”

  The old woman took her hand. “If you don’t have anything special waiting, you could stay a few days. Maybe a couple of weeks.”

  Darcy wanted to so much it hurt. “But I’m an intrusion. I have a Secret Service team. Less now, but at least two agents.”

  “Two. It’s nothing.” Tessa squeezed her fingers. “Say you’ll stay. We want you here.”

  “But Marco and Colleen may not be happy about—”

  “Of course they’ll be happy,” Tessa said. “I know my own children.”

  Just then Joe walked into the kitchen. Tessa turned to him. “Tell her to stay.”


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