Between Two Doms [Club of Dominance 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Between Two Doms [Club of Dominance 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 4

by Becca Van

  Don’t worry about that now, Charlie. You need to get going.

  Slipping her feet into her red heels and giving one last critical look at herself, she sighed and turned away from the mirror. She hoped no one checked on the underwear rule either, because Charlie didn’t feel comfortable not wearing panties. Not having a bra was no problem since the corset kept her breasts in place and she wouldn’t be self-conscious about them jiggling everywhere. But to go without her undies was just not her style.

  Nothing was going to change, and there was nothing she could do about her fat body.

  She could hear her mother’s voice in her head whenever she glanced in a mirror. The disparaging comments had started when she wasn’t even in her teens and had continued until she was an adult. Charlie hardly spoke to her mom anymore because all she heard was derogatory aphorisms.

  Your ass is the size of the back of a bus, Charlene. You need to stop eating so much and exercise more. You should be more like your sister, Charity. She knows how to take care of her body.

  No matter what Charlie had done over the years to lose the extra pounds, nothing had ever worked, so she had resigned herself to always being short and dumpy. But what had hurt the most was whenever Charlie had been interested in the opposite sex growing up, Charity had always seemed to know and would end up dating the boy she had been pining after. In the end Charlie had given up trying to please anyone but herself, but she still had low self-esteem where her body was concerned.

  Well, Charlie, there is nothing you can do about it now, so take a deep breath and get your fat ass moving or you’re going to be late on your first night.

  Half an hour later, Charlie pulled up at the side of the club where staff were allowed to park and turned off her ignition. It was still early, but the parking lot was nearly full. Master Turner must have a hell of a lot of people working for him. Or maybe the members parked in the staff lot as well. Yeah, that was probably it. She still had so much to learn, but she gave a little shrug, confident that her work wouldn’t be in question. What worried her most was how she was going to handle seeing the stuff that went on inside the club. She hoped she didn’t spend the whole night with a bright red face.

  Taking a few deep, calming breaths, Charlie grabbed her purse, got out, locked the car, and made her way toward the front entrance. By the time she was on the top landing, her legs were quivering with nervousness and her palms were sweaty, but she was used to hiding her feelings from living with her mom and sister most of her life. Charity’s tongue had often become more malicious if Charlie showed that her sister’s words affected her, but at this moment she thanked her family for the lesson.

  Seeing that one of the large doors was standing open, Charlie entered the foyer and walked over to the reception area, where a man and woman were working and talking behind the counter. She felt even more self-aware when she saw how petite and slim the woman was, but when she looked up at Charlie a wide, welcoming smile crossed her face. The man gave her the once-over and then smiled, but he was so damn big and muscular that his size was intimidating.

  “Hi, you must be Charlene. I’m Aurora and this big brute is Master Tank.”

  “Hi.” She smiled nervously. “Please call me Charlie.”

  Master Tank came out from behind the counter and smiled down at her. “Let me help you with your coat, Charlie.”


  “No problem, sweetie. Aurora, why don’t you take Charlie to the lockers so she can stow her purse?”

  Charlie followed Aurora to a side door that she hadn’t seen the previous day. Aurora showed her which locker was hers and then handed Charlie a key on a chain.

  “Just remember to take that off if you get into any serious play.” Aurora pointed to the chain. “You wouldn’t want to choke or anything.”

  “Play?” Charlie repeated.

  “The boss doesn’t mind if we play on our breaks.” Aurora smiled. “That’s why we’re all here, right?”

  Charlie walked back to the foyer as she replied, “Oh, I’m not…”

  “Hello, Charlene, you’re looking very sexy tonight.”

  Charlie turned and looked up to see Master Barry taking in her outfit. His eyes were so heated and hungry that her breath hitched in her throat.

  “Are you ready, baby?”

  “Yes, let’s get to work.”

  Master Barry moved closer and slung an arm around her shoulders. “Stick close to me tonight, honey. The Doms in here can be quite persistent with their demands, but be assured that no one will touch you or make any sexual requests.”

  “I don’t need any help. I’ve been looking after myself for quite a while now,” Charlie said.

  “This place is a lot different to what you’re used to. The men in here expect to be obeyed by any sub. Even if you’re working, not playing, they can be demanding. Do you remember what the club safe word is, Charlene?” Master Barry led her through the crowded room and over to the bar.


  “Yes, good girl. Just remember to use that word if you find yourself in any trouble. If a Dom asks for your help with anything and you are uncomfortable with what you are being asked to do, use the safe word. Master Turner, myself, or one of the dungeon monitors will come running, but since they all know the rules I don’t really expect you to have any problems. But there are always one or two people in a crowd who will push the boundaries of the rules. You and I both know that not everyone is as law abiding as we are.”

  She gave a nod of her head, letting him know she understood.

  Charlie was aware of the curious stares but ignored them. She couldn’t believe how busy it was. For some reason she had thought the place wouldn’t fill up until much later in the evening.

  Master Barry must have seen her confusion. “The club opens at six on Thursday and Friday nights. The members always seem more eager to get an early start as the week wears on.”

  Over the next couple of hours, Master Barry showed Charlie where everything was kept. He also told her that she should limit the alcohol she served as they didn’t want any inebriated patrons. It presented too much of a danger in a BDSM club. Bottled water was to be given away at no charge, though, because it was important to keep hydrated during a scene.

  As she worked behind the bar with Master Barry she saw that he was a good man. He was kind to the other subs, be they male or female, and he was fair and compassionate.

  Once Charlie was comfortable with what she was doing, she began to take more notice of her surroundings. The cries of pain and pleasure could be heard echoing above the din of chatter, and Doms walked past with their subs. Some of the subs were naked, while others had on minimal clothing such as G-strings and corsets. What surprised her most were the female Dominants, called Dommes. They were decked out in leather and high-heeled boots and often had leashes in their hands as they led their subs. Some crawled on hands and knees, and others walked along with their heads lowered.

  She’d never have imagined a woman as a Dominant. Of course she knew that women were equal to men except in the strength department in most circumstances, but she was so far away from wanting to be in control in the bedroom, she knew that scenario wasn’t for her.

  Charlie paused in her introspection. Maybe I am submissive after all. Just as that thought crossed her mind, strong, muscular arms wrapped around her waist. She looked back over her shoulder at Master Barry.

  “What just went through your mind, baby?”

  Shit! Does he have ESP or something? Has he been watching me the whole time? It seemed nothing got by him or Master Turner.

  “Uh, not much,” Charlie hedged.

  Master Barry spun her around, keeping an arm around her waist so she was pinned up against him. He used his other hand to tilt her face up to meet his gaze.

  “I asked you a question, sub. You know the rules. I expect an honest answer. If you lie to me, I will know and then you can expect to be punished.”

  “Um, I—I was thinking that
m–maybe Iamsubmissiveafterall.”

  “Say that again, Charlene, but this time speak clearly.”

  “I said”—Charlie enunciated with precise, clear eloquence as well as a bit of attitude—“I was thinking that maybe I am submissive after all.”

  She held up a finger when a smile began to cross his lips and halted his speech. “But only in the bedroom.”

  “Finally.” Master Turner’s voice came from behind her, but when she tried to spin around, Master Barry stopped her.

  Charlie looked up into the mirror on the back wall of the bar, her eyes connecting with Master Turner’s. He was looking at her with such longing, her body responded to that heat. Her breasts swelled and her nipples engorged with blood to hardened peaks. Her clit began to pulse as it, too, became excited, and cream leaked out onto her panties. Master Turner’s eyes traveled down her back and halted at her ass and hips. She shifted on her feet and clenched her thighs together.

  “Master Barry, I think it’s time you and Charlene took a break. Use the phone and call Master Tank to take over for a while.”

  Charlie wondered what was going on. Master Turner’s expression had changed from hot and hungry to ice cold. Have I done something wrong? God, I don’t like upsetting anyone.

  Master Barry moved his hands to her shoulders and turned her toward the end of the bar. Charlie looked down toward the floor to hide her anxiety and trepidation, but also her anger. What pissed her off the most was that there were at least five Doms sitting at the bar and watching her and the two Masters. If Master Turner was trying to humiliate her for some grievance she didn’t even know she had committed, then she was going to give him a piece of her mind.

  Taking her time skirting the end of the bar, Charlie finally stopped beside Master Turner.

  “You have disobeyed me,, Charlene. You agreed to obey my demands as your Dom, but still you thought you could flaunt my policies. I am going to punish you for not complying with my rules. Do you remember what the club safe word is?”

  “Red.” At last she gathered the courage to lift her head to meet his gaze. She said indignantly, “I haven’t done anything wrong. You shouldn’t be punishing me. I haven’t even left the bar. For what possible reason can you have to mete out punishment?”

  “What was my rule about underwear, Charlene?”

  Shit! Oh God, why did I think he wouldn’t notice? What is he going to do to me?

  She licked her lips nervously and saw him follow that action with his eyes. When she opened her mouth to speak, he once more met her gaze.

  “No u–underwear.”

  “And did you come to my club with panties on?” he asked.

  Charlie glanced away, wondering if his question was rhetorical. He knew she was wearing panties. But he seemed to be waiting for her reply, so she whispered, “Yes.”

  “Take them off, Charlene,” Master Turner commanded.

  Master Barry came close to her, and she glanced toward the bar to see Master Tank working in their place. His face was expressionless, but he was watching the scene avidly. She glanced toward the other Doms to see they were just as enthralled with their altercation. She wasn’t sure how she felt about having an audience for this.

  Charlie took two steps toward the doors, intending to return to the locker/dressing room, but Master Turner’s hard voice stopped her. “No. Come back here, Charlene.”

  She glanced at him and then looked away quickly. He was pointing to the floor right in front of him. Charlie stood where he indicated. “Remove your underwear, sub. Right here.”

  Charlie gasped and glared at him, but he just held her stare with an implacable look of his own. “I’m waiting. For every second you make me wait, you add to your punishment.”

  Charlie’s pussy clenched and more juices leaked out. The image of being spanked flashed through her mind. Will he put me over his lap or maybe one of those weird-looking benches? As she watched him, his eyes changed from cool to heated. Her breathing sped up, as did her heartbeat. With deftness she didn’t feel, she slid a hand up beneath her skirt and hooked her thumb into the side of her undies. Tugging them down until they reached mid-thigh, she used her other hand to pull the other side down. Then she tugged them below her knees and finally off over her shoes. She quickly snagged them from the floor and bunched them up into her hand.

  “Give them to me,” Master Barry demanded.

  Charlie passed them over as heat filled her face. She wondered if she was as red as a tomato. Probably. She was about to lower her eyes again, but then she stared as Master Barry brought her panties up close to his nose and sniffed. Her face heated even more, but her body was turned on by the erotic, earthy display.

  “Mmm, you smell delicious, sub. Her panties are drenched.”

  “Good girl.” Master Turner threaded his fingers into her hair. He tugged slightly, tilting her head up and back. She didn’t have time to think before his mouth was covering hers. He slammed his mouth over hers with a kiss so wild and carnal another gush of her nectar seeped from her pussy to wet her inner thighs.

  Charlie couldn’t believe how aroused she was at having an audience while Master Turner devoured her mouth. She whimpered as his tongue danced with hers and then he nipped her lower lip. That whimper turned to a gasp when he slid his hand up the front of her skirt and nudged her thighs wider. His caress roved higher and higher until he was just inches away from her pussy.

  He lifted his mouth from hers and pinned her with his eyes as he pushed his hand up further and cupped her mound. Charlie sobbed with pleasure as he ground his palm over her labia and clit.

  “You like being watched, don’t you, Charlene?” Master Turner moved his hand so that his fingers caressed up and down her slit.

  She mewled with delight and thrust her pelvis forward, unconsciously begging for more of his touch. “Yes!”

  Master Barry walked up behind her and wrapped one of his arms around her middle once more. He pulled her back to his front and held her against him tightly so she couldn’t move away.

  Master Turner thrust a finger up into her sheath, making her cry out her pleasure. When he began to pump his digit in and out of her cunt, cream leaked from her body continuously, in copious amounts. She groaned as her internal walls tightened. She was on the verge of climax, but that groan turned to a sob of frustration when Master Turner removed his finger from her pussy hole.

  “Such a sexy little sub,” Master Turner stated and then to her carnal fascination brought his finger up to his mouth and licked it clean. “Hmm, so sweet and musky. I can’t wait to eat you out, Charlene.”

  “If you need any help, Master Turner, just let me know,” Master Tank stated from behind the bar.

  Charlie whipped her head around and saw the heat in Master Tank’s eyes as he perused her from head to toe. Wow, she’d never had one man look at her like that before, let alone three. It did wonderful things for her ego.

  “Same goes,” another Dom said.

  “Me, too,” said another. “I would love to get my hands and mouth on that sexy body.”

  “Sorry, gentlemen, this sub is taken,” Master Turner said in a cold, hard voice.

  “Pity,” called out another Dom. “Is she as soft and sweet as she looks?”

  “Even better,” Master Turner replied. “Let’s take this to the St. Andrew’s Cross.”

  Charlie wasn’t sure she wanted to know what that was, but when Master Barry spun her around, bent down, placed his shoulder into her stomach, and then stood back up with her over his shoulder, she knew she was going to find out. Excitement and trepidation warred inside her, but the excitement won out. She wanted this. Wanted to know if the taste of pleasure Master Turner and Master Barry had given her yesterday was a fluke or real.

  She had been attracted to them both physically from the first moment she had laid eyes on them, and she felt as though she was beginning to understand Master Barry. Although she was very attracted to Master Turner, too, she still hadn’t worked him out. He p
raised her when she did what he ordered, but when she took her own time or disobeyed him—like wearing underwear—his eyes went ice cold and all expression left his face.

  Charlie clung to Master Barry’s T-shirt, and then she let go as he slowly lowered her feet to the floor. She hadn’t been able to see where he was taking her as her hair had been all over her face, but as she pushed her hair back into some semblance of order, her eyes darted around the room.

  She was standing in a room off the great room which had glass along one wall where people could stand and view what was happening inside. There was no door, so anyone could walk in at any time, if they wished. Charlie’s breathing escalated, and perspiration began to bead on her palms. She wiped her hands down the side of her skirt and took a step back from Master Barry, only to come to a halt when she bumped into Master Turner.

  His breath caressed her ear as he leaned down and spoke to her. “Remove your corset, skirt, and shoes, Charlene.”

  Charlie gasped when he caressed his hand over her ass and then gently gripped one cheek and then the other.

  “But I’ll be—”

  “Silence!” Master Turner barked out. “Do you want to use your safe word, Charlene? If you use the safe word ‘red,’ everything stops.”

  Charlie thought about it, but she was so aroused and drawn to the two men looking at her that she decided to see where this thing she felt was between them could go. If she was honest with herself, the idea of them controlling her pleasure and having their hands and hopefully their mouths on her body fascinated her. There was a need deep down inside that was begging to be released and she had no idea what to do.

  “No,” she finally answered. “I don’t want to use my safe word.”

  Chapter Four

  Barry was so hard it was a wonder his cock hadn’t split his zipper open. He had enjoyed working behind the bar with his little sub, teaching her how their system operated and where everything was. Once she had become comfortable with how things worked, she had begun to talk to the other Doms. She didn’t flirt with the other men, but she was sassy and courteous, and she also had an almost sweet and innocent quality about her. And she had a body to die for, even if she didn’t agree with him. He and Turner were going to have to spend some time with their woman convincing her she was sexy and feminine and that she didn’t need to change anything about her.


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