Between Two Doms [Club of Dominance 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Between Two Doms [Club of Dominance 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Becca Van

  He only hoped that he and Turner had gotten to Charlie on an emotional level and that she wanted to see more of them and play with them on a regular basis. But he wasn’t about to push in case she balked.

  Barry would speak to Turner later and suggest they give her a collar. If she wore Turner’s and his collar, then the other Doms would know that she was claimed and off-limits. He knew it was too early to ask that of her, but he wanted it so bad, to know that she was his and Turner’s without having to worry about the other Doms coming on to her.

  He hoped when his friend and colleague asked her to wear their collar, she accepted. He would feel more secure in regards to their little sub if she were under their protection.

  Chapter Five

  How long Charlie sat on Master Barry’s lap while Master Turner caressed her legs, she had no idea. She couldn’t believe how content and cherished she felt from being flogged and then made love to by Master Turner and Master Barry. After she had screamed her climax it had felt as if she had been floating on a cloud, and she hadn’t wanted to come back to earth. She’d never experienced such a powerful, bone-jarring orgasm in her life, though she hoped she would again.

  But it wasn’t just the physical side of things that drew her to these two men. The way they had wiped her tears and given her water had been acts of concern, as was the way they held her now. It seemed almost loving.

  She was drawn to them more than she had ever been drawn to anyone before, and the thought of not seeing them or being with them caused her pain. She never would have believed she would become aroused by being flogged and spanked, much less having a dildo shoved up her pussy. Charlie knew she was a bit of a prude. Her sister Charity had told her often enough and she had come to believe her. But now she wasn’t sure what to think or believe. Everything she’d ever thought about herself had just been blown out of the water.

  Why do I feel this way?

  But what flummoxed her the most was how much she had enjoyed being restrained and letting them make love with her after knowing them for such a short time. She’d never done that before. Her own behavior and acquiescence astounded her, and she wasn’t sure how to handle this side of her personality. Charlie was shocked over how turned on she had been by the many eyes which had been upon her as Masters Barry and Turner had taken control away from her and how much she enjoyed being the center of attention when normally she liked to blend into the background. And then there was the fact that she was at work and had had an orgasm. Who got to do that? Certainly no one she’d ever encountered. She was so far out of her comfort zone she didn’t know what to do, to think, or how to feel.

  She pushed herself into an upright position and sighed with reluctance as first Master Turner and then Master Barry released her, and she finally rose to her feet.

  “Are you all right, little sub?” Master Turner’s voice was more emotional than she’d ever heard it, and he smiled at her with a sparkle in his eye.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “Don’t thank us, baby. We should be thanking you.” Master Barry paused and drew in a breath. “Are you ready to get back to work, or do you need more time to gather yourself?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Good, then let’s get to it.”

  She began to follow Master Barry back to the bar, but Master Turner placed a hand on her wrist. “I’ll see you before you leave this evening, Charlene. Make sure you wait for me before you go home.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Such a good little sub.” Master Turner caressed her inner wrist with his thumb and then released her.

  Charlie worked steadily through the night, chatting with the friendly Doms and steering clear of the ones who weren’t so friendly. But she couldn’t get her mind off the scene with Masters Turner and Barry. Her pussy felt swollen and every time her mind drifted back, cream leaked onto her thighs. She had never thought that being ordered around and then giving up all control would be such a turn-on. She just hoped that the two Masters were as pleased with her as she was with them. If their shouts of completion were anything to go by, they were. Charlie couldn’t wait for them to make love with her again. Her heart skipped a beat and her breath hitched in her throat at the thought of submitting to them once more.

  Charlie shook herself out of her reverie, accidentally making eye contact with a man who had been staring at her all night. It was making her uncomfortable. She didn’t want to say anything to Master Barry and cause a stir since the man was doing nothing wrong, but if she encountered him again after tonight, she might just give the man a mouthful. With less than an hour to go before her shift finished, Master Tank came and took over from Master Barry.

  “I’ll be back before you leave, Charlie. Make sure you don’t go anywhere if I’m delayed. I’ll be walking you out to your car.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  She watched Master Barry walking across the room, weaving through the throng of people until he got to the door with the number pad, and then he was gone. Charlie sighed. He was such a big, handsome man and she had liked watching the muscles in his ass move and the ones in his shoulders and back ripple as he walked.

  “Oh, you have it bad, don’t you, little one?”

  Charlie turned to Master Tank and stared without replying. He gave her a smile and a wink as he filled a drink order. She worked up and down the bar, handing over drinks and collecting money, but she avoided the man still sitting at the end watching her. Knowing that she was going to have to eventually ask him if he wanted another drink, she took a deep breath and then headed down there.

  “What would you like?”

  “Oh, darlin’, you shouldn’t ask a Dom a question like that.” His voice was deep and gravelly like his throat or voice box had been injured. She wasn’t turned on by the sound or attracted to his handsome countenance.

  Charlie just stared at him and waited for him to answer her question, but he just sat there looking at her from the top of her head down to her waist where the bar hid the lower half of her body. On his way back up, his eyes snagged on her breasts and stayed there.

  Drawing in a deep, annoyed breath, she decided she had had enough of his rudeness.

  “Hey, buddy, my eyes are up here. If you don’t want anything to drink, just say so and I can get back to serving others who do.”

  That seemed to snap him out of whatever trance held him, and his angry gaze met hers. His jaw clamped down hard and his body tensed, and he stood up from his stool. Then Charlie was being hauled over the bar by the front of her corset. He moved really fast and she hadn’t had time to stop him. He held the top of her corset in his large fist, his knuckles and fingers digging into her breasts. The glass that had been on the bar in front of him fell to the carpeted floor with a dull thud as he pulled her across. Charlie yelled as her hips and thighs scraped over the edge of the wooden bar, and then she was on the other side, falling to her knees, which burned as they skidded on the carpet at his feet. She cried out with pain when he fisted her hair with such force that some of it was pulled free from her scalp.

  Just as Charlie yelled, “Red,” her hair was released and she scrambled from her hands and knees to her feet. Master Tank looked downright furious. He had the cruel Dom by the scruff of his shirt, his other large hand around the asshole’s wrists. Judging by the tendons and muscles standing out on Master Tank’s forearm, he was exerting a lot of strength.

  Some of the other Doms who had been sitting at the bar talking came over to help Master Tank as the other man tried to fight free of his hold. The twin Doms Luke and Matt Plant took over from Master Tank and dragged the bastard toward the exit.

  Master Tank gently took hold of her arms and looked her over. She was already close to tears, and the concern she could see in his eyes was the catalyst that made her lose control. Tears pricked the back of her eyelids. “Are you all right, sugar?”

  Charlie didn’t think she could answer without a wobble in her voice, so she just nodded. Master Tank must have seen
she was barely keeping it together and drew her into his body, wrapping his arms around her.

  “Shh, sugar, it’s over now. Did he hurt you?”

  Charlie pushed her face into his chest as the tears began to flow. She didn’t want anyone to see how weak she was. Although her hips and thighs felt bruised and her scalp was sore from where her hair had been ripped out, she was fine. When her body began to shake with reaction, Master Tank held her tight against him with one arm around her waist and caressed her head and hair with the other.

  Then she was being transferred to another pair of arms. Her body stiffened for a moment but then she relaxed when she inhaled the familiar lemony scent of Master Barry. He cuddled her close and then picked her up into his arms with ease, as if she weighed no more than a feather. He held her firmly.

  “What the hell happened?”

  Master Tank explained the incident to Master Barry, who cursed loud and viciously. Soon Master Turner was up against her, too, and she was sandwiched between the two muscular Doms, Master Turner’s warmth and pine scent comforting her as the shakes finally waned and stopped.

  Master Turner stepped back and gently nudged her face away from Master Barry’s chest. His eyes roamed over her face, and his expression turned hard. She tried to pull away and hide again, but he wouldn’t let her.

  “Carry her through to our private rooms.” Master Turner spun on his heel and led the way.

  Charlie saw other subs and Doms looking at her curiously, but she didn’t meet their eyes. She snuggled into Master Barry’s embrace and wrapped an arm around his neck.

  Master Barry walked down a long corridor with doors leading off them. He stopped at the end while Master Turner unlocked another door and entered. The doorway opened up to a very large, comfortable living room, and she realized that she was in their private rooms.

  Master Barry lowered her feet to the floor and then reached for the hooks on her corset, releasing them from the metal eyes. She reached up and covered his hands. “What are you doing?”

  “Checking you over for injuries.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You will let Master Barry remove your clothes, little sub,” Master Turner commanded and stepped up behind her to lower the zipper on her skirt.

  Charlie looked over her shoulder and saw the implacability in Master Turner’s eyes. She removed her hands and lowered her arms to her sides. She bit back a sigh of longing as the two Doms stripped her. They were taking such good care of her, which she wanted to continue. She wanted to be with them all the time. Although she had only known them for just over twenty-four hours, she felt like she had known them her whole life. They seemed to fit her somehow, but she wasn’t about to say anything in case she came across as needy. Hopefully she would have a lot more time to get to know them.

  But then she thought about the trouble she had caused with that bastard Dom by giving him lip. They might not want her working for them anymore. His reaction had been way over the top as far as she was concerned, but she was new to the lifestyle and didn’t know all the ins and outs of BDSM protocols. For all she knew she was the instigator of that little scene at the bar because she had stood up for herself. But maybe she wasn’t supposed to have said anything at all.

  “What are you thinking about, baby?” Master Barry’s voice drew her from her introspection.

  “Um, just the Dom who pulled me over the bar.” Master Barry studied her as if he knew she was omitting a lot of detail, but she wasn’t about to give him insight into how her brain and emotions worked. At least not yet. It was way too early.

  “Damn, you have the beginnings of bruises on your hips and thighs, and your knees have carpet burn.” Master Turner walked around her, looking her over. “Where else did he hurt you, Charlene?”

  “He ripped some of my hair out when he grabbed me.”

  “If Chad Hilton hadn’t already been kicked out and banned from the club, I would cheerfully go find him and beat the shit out of him,” Master Barry snarled angrily.

  Charlie lowered her gaze and bit her lip. Are they angry with me? Was I supposed to take the lewd stares and comments from the other Dom? Are they going to fire me now?

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Why are you sorry, Charlene?”

  Charlie lifted her head and met Master Turner’s eyes. “I’m sorry for the trouble I caused. I understand if you don’t want me working here anymore.”

  “Damn it, Charlie!” Master Barry exploded. He gripped her shoulders and gently turned her to face him, cupping her cheek so she was looking him in the eye. “You have nothing to be sorry for, little one. That asshole has been pushing his luck for months. Chad Hilton has had more complaints against him than the entire state senate. He treats subs with contempt, like they are there to be used for his own personal harem.”

  “Master Barry is right, Charlene. I have been looking for an excuse to ban that asshole for weeks. It was unfortunate you’re the one who had to suffer to get him ejected.” Master Turner had come around to stand next to Master Barry as he spoke. When she opened her mouth, he placed a finger over her lips and continued. “I’m not sorry I had to kick that fucker out. What I am sorry about is that he hurt you. We should never have left you alone. That was unforgiveable as far as I am concerned.”

  “It wasn’t your fault. You had Master Tank helping me out and watching over me.” Charlie reached out and took one each of their hands. “You couldn’t have known what he would do.”

  “No, we couldn’t, but you are under our protection. One of us should have been nearby.”

  “Hindsight is a wonderful thing. If we all could see into the future and stop ourselves from making mistakes or knew what each and every day held for us, then we would be very boring and jaded.”

  “She’s right, you know,” Master Barry said and clasped her hand a little tighter. “If we knew what life held for us, then there would be no excitement in our lives. None of us would learn from our errors or gain wisdom as we grew.”

  “And here I thought I knew what life was all about. When did you get to be so wise, baby?”

  Charlie shrugged, not sure how to answer that. She didn’t think she was super intelligent, but she knew she wasn’t dumb either.

  “I think you should have a bath.” Master Turner picked her up and carried her toward the hallway.

  Charlie wrapped her arm around his neck for balance. “You’re going to hurt yourself. I’m too heavy to carry. Put me down.”

  Master Turner ignored her until he had carried her into a large, opulent bathroom. She stared at the massive spa bath and then turned to look at the large glassed-in shower. There were lots of showerheads sprouting from the wall, and the cubicle was big enough for at least four people. He slowly lowered until her ass connected with the granite counter in between two sinks with gold fixtures.

  Master Barry had followed them into the room, and as Master Turner turned the faucets on and checked the water temperate, he pulled his T-shirt over his head. She salivated as his muscled shoulders and pectorals and his ripped abs came into view. Unconsciously licking her lips, she followed his hand down to the fastening on his jeans.

  “What are you doing?”

  Master Turner spun around and looked at her. “Are you allowed to question a Dom, little sub?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Good girl.” Master Turner then removed his T-shirt.

  Charlie wanted to jump off the counter, go over to both men, and touch them. She wanted to run her hands all over them. She wanted to touch their hard bodies and warm skin, and she wanted to lick them all over.

  “You’d better stop looking at us like that, Charlene. You are in no condition for any loving.”

  Charlie perused Master Barry’s naked body. Moisture dripped from her pussy, and her internal muscles clenched. They were both such handsome and sexy men, Charlie was having a hard time concentrating with all that buff, bronze skin in front of her.

  She drew in a gasp w
hen Master Barry scooped her up into his arms and stepped into the tub. He had removed the rest of his clothes while she had been studying his gorgeous body, and as he sat down with her on his lap, Master Turner stepped into the tub and sat at their side.


  “Shh, little sub, just sit back and relax while we take care of you.” Master Turner picked up a sponge and squirted some bath gel onto it. He picked up her arm and began to wash her, while Master Barry held her still with an arm around her waist.

  The more Master Turner attended to her, the more her libido stood up and took notice. Charlie’s breasts and nipples engorged, the peaks turning into hard tips. Her pussy clenched and released cream, begging to be filled. When Master Turner ran the sponge over her lower belly and then down to her sex, Charlie pushed her hips up involuntarily. The action had been so instinctive it was as if her body had taken over.

  “Barry, sit on the edge and take her with you.”

  Master Barry lifted her with ease so that they both sat on the edge of the tub. Her legs were over his, and when he splayed his thighs, hers were spread wide open. Then Master Turner was washing between her legs with the soap-slick sponge. He was gentle but thorough. Starting at the top of her slit, he lightly rubbed her clit and then down through her delicate folds.

  “Hmm, you smell so sweet,” Master Turner said in a deeper voice than usual. “I can’t wait to make love with you again.”

  “Ooh,” Charlie groaned as he washed around her pussy hole and then pushed until a tiny bit of the sponge edged just inside her.

  “You like that, don’t you, baby? I have to have a taste of that sweet cream.”

  The two men brought her back into the water and rinsed her off. Soon she was sitting on a towel, back on the edge of the tub with both men kneeling before her. Master Turner kept his gaze pinned on hers as he lowered his head. With the first swipe of his tongue through her moist labia, he growled against her flesh, sending vibrations running through her pussy and causing her clit to throb with need.


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