Between Two Doms [Club of Dominance 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Between Two Doms [Club of Dominance 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Becca Van

  “What was that, sub?”

  “Red, Sir.”

  “Very nice,” Master Turner praised and ran a soothing hand over her ass. She could tell it was him behind her because of his unique masculine pine scent and his deep voice. Inhaling deeply, Charlie took that scent into her nostrils and involuntarily sighed.

  The hands at her bodice belonged to Master Barry and he went back to unhooking her corset. His skin was warm, and as he brushed against her flesh, shivers traversed her spine. She tried to contain her body’s reaction but she wasn’t sure if she had managed it. The deep chuckle from in front of her told her she hadn’t.

  “You can use the safe word anytime you want to stop this, Charlie.”

  She gave Master Barry a nod to let him know she understood and then cried out as another slap landed on her other ass cheek.

  “Yes, Master,” she squeaked quickly.

  “Good girl.”

  The corset fell away, exposing her body to anyone who cared to look. Cool air wafted over her skin, making her already-hard nipples form into tighter buds. Then her skirt was being removed, and she pulled against the restraints, wanting to prevent her rounded stomach from being uncovered, but of course she couldn’t.

  Charlie didn’t want to use her safe word and wondered why she wasn’t screaming it out at the top of her lungs. It took her a few moments to realize that even though she didn’t like her body, deep down she liked being watched. It heightened her awareness and desire knowing she was standing up on a dais where anyone could see her. Maybe she was a closet exhibitionist. She didn’t want anyone else touching her other than Master Barry and Master Turner, though. Was she a pervert? The thought of someone else laying their hands on her body was repugnant.

  “You are such a beautiful woman, Charlie. So damn sexy, I get hard every time you come near me.”

  Charlie let out an inelegant snort which earned her another slap on her ass. This time there was no cloth barrier between her flesh and the smack. The tingling warmth she’d felt every time that hand landed on her butt was so much more intense, and more of her cream dribbled down her inner thighs.

  Warm, moist breath caressed her ear, and then Master Turner’s hands were running up and down her back and sides. “Why did you take off last night, Charlene?”

  Charlie didn’t want to answer that question, so she closed her mouth, pulling her lips in against her teeth.

  “Our little sub is going to be stubborn,” Master Barry said.

  “Yes, so I see,” Master Turner replied and then he whispered in her ear again. “You will tell us everything we want to know, little sub. Don’t think we are going to let you get away with not answering.”

  Charlie heard rustling off to her right and then a low buzzing sound. Something soft rubbed over her body, starting on her belly and then slowly working its way up to her chest. She was so achy with arousal she arched her body into the touch.

  “Yes, you like being touched and on display, don’t you, Charlene?”

  She didn’t know if she was supposed to reply, so she stayed mute.

  “Do you think we can’t see your arousal?” Master Barry asked. “Your sweet, sexy pussy is glistening with your juices and so are your thighs. Your nipples are hard little nubs just begging for our touch.”


  Charlie cried out with surprise and the heat and tingles swept over her belly. There were numerous impact points but when the thing hit her again, she realized that she was being flogged with hide straps. Was Master Turner whipping her with a flogger?

  The buzzing she’d heard came closer and then her whole body jerked as that vibration lightly touched her clit.

  Oh God. They have a vibrator.

  Charlie was panting and straining forward for a firmer touch to her pussy. Just a few more swirls of that vibrator would be enough to send her over the edge into climax. Licking her dry lips, she thrust her hips out, eager for more.

  Master Turner kept flogging her, making sure to spread his hits out over her body and ass. The dual sensation of pleasure and pain was so good. Charlie didn’t want it to ever end.

  Just when she thought she was going to go over, they stopped. She cried out with frustration and pulled on the restraints.

  “You don’t get to come until you answer our questions, little sub.” Master Turner tugged lightly on her ponytail. “Why did you leave last night?”

  “I didn’t think you’d want me to stay,” Charlie said after carefully thinking about her response.

  “We would never have brought you into our home if we hadn’t wanted you there, Charlie. Try again,” Master Barry said.

  Shit. Aren’t I allowed to keep my deepest secrets and thoughts private?

  Charlie yelped when the flogger connected with the back of her thighs and sobbed out with pleasure as the vibrator was slowly inserted into her pussy. The two men kept her desire so high that all she needed was one slight touch to her clit and she would explode. But they were Doms and weren’t about to let her have what she wanted until they had what they wanted.

  How can I be so in tune with two men I have only just met? Why do I feel like I have known them my whole life? Why did it rip my heart out to leave last night? Why do they feel so right? Why am I so drawn to them?

  Why? Why? Why?

  Chapter Seven

  “Why? Why? Why?”

  Charlie was sobbing and chanting, and fear clutched at Turner’s heart. Did we push her too far and too fast?

  Turner dropped the flogger onto the floor and began unclipping the cuffs from the chain. When they came free he slowly lowered her arms and massaged them to get the blood flowing back into her limbs. As he worked on her upper body, Barry removed the vibrator from her pussy and removed the spreader bar.

  When she was free, Turner swept her up into his arms and hugged her tight while Barry removed the blindfold. And then he stepped down from the stage and over to one of the sitting areas.

  Charlie was still saying the word “why” over and over again as her tears flowed nonstop. She buried her face against his neck when he sat down on the sofa and cradled her tightly against him. Barry wrapped her in one of the blankets piled on the glass coffee table and then sat next to them, lifting her legs over his lap and stroking her shins with his hands.

  Charlie’s tears seemed to be never ending, and even though he wanted to know why she was crying and why she had so much pain inside her, he didn’t say anything. He held her close and waited patiently. He looked at Barry and saw that his friend looked just as tortured as he was as they witnessed her grief. But that patience eventually paid off because finally her tears slowed and stopped.

  “I’m sorry.” Charlie’s voice was muffled since her mouth was against the skin of his neck. “I don’t know what came over me.”

  Turner leaned back and nudged her face up. “Don’t you dare lie to me, Charlene! I won’t have it!”

  “Darlin’, why were you crying?” Barry reached out and clasped one of her hands.

  She looked from Barry, up to him, and then back to Barry again.

  “You aren’t leaving until you’ve told us what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours, so I suggest you start coming clean, little sub.”

  Charlie took a deep breath and slowly released it. She placed a hand on his chest and pushed herself into a more upright position. Turner tightened the arm he had around her waist, silently letting her know she wouldn’t be getting away from him.

  “I didn’t like the way you made me feel.”

  “What?” Barry’s eyes iced over. “You didn’t like the way we took care of you and then helped you relax by making you come?”

  “No. Yes. Shit.”

  “Take your time, baby. Get your head together and then explain.” Turner kissed her temple and hid the smile as she expelled a sigh full of longing. In a way he was glad she had broken down. Now maybe they could get to the crux of why she held so much of herself back.

  “I liked the way you mad
e me feel,” she said almost defiantly.

  Now that she was over her upset, she was getting back to her normal self.

  “I have never let a man I’ve known only twenty-four hours touch me. I don’t date because the men I have gone out with are always making comments about my body. Telling me I could do to lose a few pounds or eat less and so forth. My mom and sister never said one nice thing about me the whole time I was growing up. Every time I was interested in a boy, my sister always ended up going out with him.” Her breath hitched audibly. He rubbed his hand up and down her side, offering comfort and support.

  “My sister is a very famous model. I’m sure you’ve heard of Charity Seward.” Charlie thrust her chin up defiantly. “My mom kept telling me I should be more like my sister. ‘Charity is so beautiful and slim, why can’t you be more like her? You eat too much, Charlie. You need to exercise more.’ Well, in the end, I got so fed up trying to please my mom and sister, I gave up and decided they weren’t worth it.”

  “Good for you, darlin’.” Barry kissed the back of her hand.

  “Okay, so because of your mother and sister, you think you’re fat. Is that right?” Turner asked.

  “Yes.” Charlie’s response was so quiet he almost didn’t hear it.

  “We’ll deal with that in a moment,” Turner said. “Why did you think we didn’t want you to stay in our home?”

  “I’m not sure what the protocol is. Okay? God, I haven’t had a date in over three years. And I wouldn’t consider the last asshole I went out with once a ‘date.’ I don’t go out at all. I spend my free time reading or watching television.”

  Agitated, Charlie shifted on his lap, but he held her firmly.

  “I liked that you and Master Barry took care of me. I like the way you both touch and kiss me. No, I didn’t just like it, I love it. But I was scared I was coming across too needy, too clingy. What man wants a woman clinging to him like a vine?”

  “You aren’t a clinging vine, baby.” Turner sighed. “In fact, we can’t get enough of you. Not that there is anything wrong with your independence, but we want more. Don’t you know we care for you, Charlie?” Turner’s voice was deep and husky with emotion and he mentally cursed his use of her nickname, but then he thought that she needed to know how he felt, so he was glad he let her hear the emotions in his voice.

  “How can you? You don’t even know me.”

  “Now that’s where you are wrong, darlin’.” Barry shifted in his seat. “You are a stunningly beautiful woman. You have a heart of gold and have so much love to give. If only you’d let us in. We want your love, Charlie. You are a natural-born sub and we want to explore that with you. I’m already half in love with you, little one. Please don’t shut us out.”

  “Barry’s right, Charlene. You’ve already worked your way under my skin and into my heart. Please, just give us a chance to let us show you how good it could be between the three of us.”

  “That’s another thing. How am I supposed to date two men? I am going to come across looking like a slut.”

  Turner gripped her chin and held her gaze. “Don’t you ever call yourself that again! You are so far from being promiscuous it’s almost laughable. We won’t let anyone say anything disparaging against you, Charlene. We will take care of you, of that you can be certain.”

  “I—I don’t know.” She hesitated, her gaze sliding away once more.

  “Yes, you do.”

  “You should let me go. I’m supposed to be working.”

  “No. I already have Tank and Thomas working the bar tonight. We are going to stay with you until you understand what it is we want with you.” Turner set her on her feet and held her hips until she was steady. She clutched the blanket closed around her body and took a couple of steps away from him.

  Turner was on his feet in an instant. He wrapped an arm around her middle and pulled her back against his front. “Stop. Whatever you’re thinking, don’t. I want to prove something to you. Come with me.”

  He looked over at Barry and gave him a nod, knowing his friend would understand what he wanted. Turner removed his arm from her waist and took hold of her hand, leading her back toward the stage. It was slow going as the club had been filling up with a constant stream of members since he had put a stop to their scene. The dance floor was packed with Doms and subs dancing, kissing, and playing. He glanced down at Charlie when he heard her gasp and followed the direction of her gaze.

  There was a threesome practically making love on the dance floor. Two Doms sandwiched their sub between them, one of the men was fucking her with his fingers, while the other played with her breasts and kissed along her neck. Charlie’s breathing escalated and he saw the pulse at the base of her neck jump and then speed up.

  Oh yes. Their little sub was a voyeur as well as an exhibitionist. She was perfect for them.

  When Turner started up the steps of the stage, Charlie balked and tugged on his hand. He turned and bent down to whisper in her ear so she could hear him over the loud music. “We aren’t going to play, baby. I just want to show you how wrong you are about a few things. Do you trust me, Charlene?”

  While he waited for her answer, he noted how tight his muscles were. She had already showed him that she trusted him and Barry a couple of times. First by stripping down to her panties in the interview and then by letting them play with her last night, but that was before her crying jag. When she gave him a nod he stared deeply into her eyes and let her see how much she meant to him and cupped her cheek. Moisture gathered in her eyes and she quickly blinked it away. Turner led her up the dais, Barry close at their heels. He caught Tank’s eye and made a slashing movement and waited for him to stop the state-of-the-art sound system. When the music died there were a few moans but once the members, Doms and subs alike, saw him with Barry and Charlie up on stage the noise quieted down.

  Turner raised his voice so all the Doms in the back could hear him. “I want all the Doms up front. The rest of you can go about your business.” He waved his fingers in a shooing motion and then waited as the twenty or so Doms in the room crowded around the stage. “Thank you. I want an honest opinion on something. You are to look only. No touching, but please don’t hesitate when I ask what you think.”

  He turned toward Charlie and wrapped an arm around her waist. When he glanced at Barry, he saw his friend’s smile and the knowing look in his eyes. Barry gave him a nod and a thumbs-up, letting him know he approved of what he was about to do. And then Barry moved up behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders. Charlie was looking a little flushed as she clutched the blanket to her. Keeping her body covered with a tight grip, Turner gave Barry a last look and then prepared to grab hold of their sub because he knew she was going to balk. Taking a deep breath, he nodded at Barry.

  Barry whipped the blanket away and threw it toward the back of the stage where Charlie couldn’t reach it. As her cover was pulled away, she tried to hide her pussy and breasts, but Turner grasped her wrists in his hands and lifted them above her head. He passed her to Barry to restrain. The position pushed her breasts up and out, drawing attention to her delectably full breasts and hard nipples.

  “Shit,” Charlie muttered and then lifted her head to glare at him. “What are—”

  “Did I give you permission to speak, little sub?”

  Charlie’s lips drew into a tight line, but she continued to glare and scowl at him. But underneath that intrepid look was the glaze of heat and arousal. She may not even realize it, but their little woman liked being on display. Turner glanced down to her pussy and held in a smile of satisfaction when he saw her wet labia and glistening thighs. Stepping back to her side, he placed a hand on her shoulder as he turned to face the Doms crowding around the stage.

  “I would like to introduce you all to our newest club employee and our sub, Charlene Seward. She is new to the lifestyle and will no doubt have a few infractions as she learns the rules, but if she does, all of you will come to either me or Master Barry. This little sub
’s discipline is ours to give. No one but Master Barry or I will touch her. Is that understood?”

  The Doms watching them nodded and gave affirmative answers to his question.

  “Good. Now Master Barry and I would like to hear what you think of Charlene’s body.” Since Turner still had his hand on Charlie, he felt a tremor run through her and her muscles stiffen. Glancing over, he noted she was trying to mask her expression but without much success. He could see her anxiety, and her body language was practically screaming how uncomfortable she was.

  “If you hadn’t already claimed her, I would have.” Master Tank was looking at Charlie as if she were his last meal. “She has the face of an angel and a body like Marilyn Monroe.”

  “That she does, Master Tank, thank you.”

  Charlie was staring at Master Tank as if he had two heads. Her mouth was hanging open, and then her eyes quickly slid away. Turner knew it was going to take more praise from the other Doms before she started believing how truly gorgeous she was.

  Master Gabe stepped closer. “Look at me, sub.”

  Charlie, being the natural submissive that she was, couldn’t help but comply, and Turner hid his smile behind a stoic façade.

  “You have the body of a goddess, little one. If you were mine I would tie you up and spend hours licking over every inch of your lovely, soft skin. Is she as soft as she looks?”

  “As soft as silk,” Turner replied.

  “Lucky bastards,” Master Gabe muttered.

  “Look at those beautiful full breasts and ripe berries on top,” Master Nick stated in a husky voice. “They would look so pretty adorned with nipple clamps. And that hourglass figure is so fucking sexy it’s a wonder every man here isn’t on their knees paying homage to your woman.”

  Turner smiled as the compliments came thick and fast, one after the other. All the time the Doms spoke, he watched Charlie avidly. The incredulousness left her eyes, and she stood up a little straighter. The juices leaking out onto her thighs were a testament to how the Doms’ words and her exhibitionism were affecting her.


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