Montana Sky: Mail Order Machinations (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Montana Sky: Mail Order Machinations (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 7

by Kirsten Osbourne

  "But they insisted!"

  "They're unreasonable people. I'm so glad we didn't have to move in with them. Neither of us would have been happy there."

  Esther frowned. "But you're not happy here."

  Coral sighed. "No, I'm not. How could I be? You don't need your younger sister living here while you're trying to get to know your new husband. You haven't even consummated because of me."

  "No, but really? I think that's a good thing. I've had time to get to know him better than I would have if we'd had the opportunity to consummate immediately. This is better for us in the long run, whether he realizes it or not."

  "I'm glad you think so." Coral set down the sock she was mending and pulled out a shirt with a missing button. "What do you know about this Jackson Smythe?"

  "Little more than you do. I suggested last night that we have a party for the neighbors so you could meet the eligible men, rather than him just randomly inviting cowboys over hoping you'd like one. He agreed, but thought we should try the local schoolmaster first. So we are."

  "What does he look like?"

  "Brody had never met him when we talked about it. He went to the school today. I do know the schoolhouse and the teacher's house are both on Brody's property, because he donated the land. That means you'll be close." Esther reached out across the table to squeeze Coral's hand. "I want you to be close."

  Coral smiled, her eyes sad. "I want to be close as well. Who else will teach you how to preserve berries and make jam?"

  Esther laughed. "I could certainly buy a book and teach myself to do those things, you know. I do know how to read."

  "I know. But it will be so much more fun to do them together."

  "Yes, it will." Esther sighed. "I hope you like this man, but please, if you have any hesitation, don't marry him. I don't want you to be unhappy just to get out of this house. I don't think Brody does either. Yes, we're ready to be alone, but not at your expense."

  Coral nodded, looking dubious. "I won't marry a man unless I think he can be a good husband to me."


  Brody was home before Jackson arrived, and he took a deep sniff of the air. "You ladies are going to make me fat," he announced.

  Esther rushed to him, kissing his cheek. "I'm glad you’re home. Tell Coral everything you can about Jackson."

  Brody washed his hands before going over to sit at the table, watching as his sister-in-law sewed a button onto his shirt. His wardrobe would be tripled if they mended everything that needed it.

  "He seems like a good man. I only met him briefly, and he said he would at least come over to meet you. I didn't have much of a chance to get to know him."

  "I'll be happy to marry him if we suit."

  Brody nodded. "I know it seems like I’m pushing you out, but I don't want you to marry a man who wouldn't be a good match for you. Jackson seems like a good man, and he's smart, or he wouldn't be teaching school. At least spend some time with him."

  Coral nodded. "I will. And I made one of my favorite desserts, so hopefully he likes sweets."

  There was a knock on the door, and Coral folded the shirt she was working on before walking over to answer it. The man at the door was of medium height, and he had dark hair and eyes. He held his hat in his hand, but it wasn't a cowboy hat like she was used to the men around there wearing.

  “I’m Jackson Smythe,” he said, his voice deep and gravelly.

  “Coral Carruthers. Come in.”

  Esther looked at the young man, just a bit older than she and Coral and thought he’d do nicely. “We’re glad you could come. I’m Esther Finnegan.” The new name felt strange on her lips.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Finnegan.” Jackson turned back to Coral. “I understand you’re a good cook.”

  Coral nodded. “Very.”

  Jackson took the seat Brody indicated at the table, his eyes never leaving Coral. During the course of the meal, he watched her carefully. “Did you cook this?” he asked, just before dessert was served.

  “No, my sister cooked the main meal. I baked the cake.” It was a gingerbread cake with whipped cream on top.

  “It smells good,” he said, picking up his fork. To Esther, it appeared that he was letting her sister audition for the position of his bride with her baking. She wanted to tell him to get out, but she couldn’t. He popped a bite into his mouth, chewing slowly. “You are indeed a good cook. I’ve never had such good gingerbread, and it’s always been a favorite of mine.”

  Coral nodded. “Mine too. I’m glad you like it.”

  When he finished his last bite, he pushed away from the table. “Shall we walk?” he asked Coral.

  She nodded, getting to her feet. “I would rather stay close to the house, if you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. I wouldn’t want it to seem as if we’re doing anything improper.” He offered her his arm as they left, and the two of them walked away from the house, but stopped close, so they could talk.

  Esther watched them out the window for a moment until Brody walked up behind her, pulling her back against him. “Give them their privacy.”

  Esther turned in her husband’s arms, linking her own around his neck. “I will. It’s hard not to play the protective older sister.”

  “I know it is, but I don’t think he’ll do anything bad. You need to keep an eye on me, though.” He lowered his head, kissing her softly. “I’m not sure how much longer I can wait.”

  She sighed. “I’m not enjoying the wait either. At first, I was happy to have a bit of time to get to know you, but I already know I love you, so waiting seems ridiculous.”

  His eyes met hers steadily. “You love me?” he asked, stroking her cheek.

  She nodded. “Yes, I’m not sure how it happened, but I’ve known from the instant I met you that I was more attracted to you than I was to my old fiancé. I never would have been truly happy with him, but I can be with you.” You’re even worth doing household chores for.

  “I knew the instant I saw you that you were the wife I’d been waiting for.” He leaned down kissing her again, more passionately this time. “I just wish it wasn’t so difficult.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder, wishing with everything inside her that her sister would find her match.

  The door opened a moment later with Coral and Jackson standing calmly together. “We’ve decided to marry,” Jackson announced. “It’s Friday, so we’re going to drive into Sweetwater Springs to do it this weekend.”

  Esther’s eyes widened. “What about waiting until you’re eighteen?”

  Coral shrugged. “We’ve decided not to. What does two months matter?”

  “I—I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “I do,” Brody said. “If they will suit, why would they wait?” Truthfully he wasn’t thinking only of his need to bed his wife. If his young sister-in-law would be happy with the man, it made sense to him for them to marry right away.

  “What about school on Monday? The drive takes a day and a half each way!”

  “We’ll leave before sun-up and get it done in a day. My buggy is faster than a wagon anyway.”

  “You can’t stay overnight alone on the way there.”

  “We won’t be. We’ll leave before sunrise and get there early enough for the pastor to marry us.”

  “But—I’m not ready.” Esther knew her protest made no sense. The men had decided it was all right. No matter how she felt, Esther knew she would be outvoted.

  Coral took her sister’s hands in hers. “This is for the best for all of us. Jackson and I will suit well, and there won’t be any more delays.”

  Esther hugged her sister close. “All right.” Her eyes met Jackson’s. “Be good to my sister.”

  He nodded. “I will. I’ll be here at four. We’ll take turns driving so we can both stay awake.”

  Jackson closed the door behind him, leaving Esther feeling empty inside. She knew Coral wouldn’t be marrying him so quickly if not for the situation they foun
d themselves in.

  Coral smiled. “Let’s do the dishes, so we can go to sleep early. I’m getting married tomorrow.”

  “Go to bed, Coral. I’ll do the dishes.”

  Coral seemed torn for a moment, but then she nodded. “I’ll go to sleep then.” She walked into the small room she’d been sharing with Esther.

  Esther looked at Brody. “I wish there was a way to stop them.”

  “There’s not. She’s of a legal age to marry, and so is he. They’re not doing anything wrong.”

  “I know that. I just—it doesn’t seem right.”

  “But it is.” Brody wasn’t sure whether he should rejoice in the fact he would finally get a wedding night, or worry about his new sister-in-law. He had to have faith, though.

  He opened his arms to her, and she ran to him, clinging. “I’m going to miss her.”

  “I know you will, but she’ll be in good hands. There’s no need for you to worry.”

  “I suppose not.”

  Esther was in a situation better than she’d dreamed she would be six weeks before, when she’d heard of her father’s crime. At least her sister would be close, and she could be certain she was all right.

  “We’re finally going to be able to start our marriage,” he said, stroking her cheek. “We have a right to be happy.”

  Esther rested her head on his shoulder. “We will be. I’ll just be sure to watch over my sister as much as I can.”

  “I’ll be beside you. If she needs a place to stay, our home will always be open to her.” He forced himself to say the words, knowing they would make her feel better.

  Esther sighed. “She’s going to be all right.” She walked over to finish the dishes, confident that Coral could take care of herself. She had a man who loved her. Yes, she was still a little worried about her sister, but she had the right to be happy in her own situation. Tonight would be the last night for her to sleep in the spare bedroom. Soon she would have the man she loved all to herself.


  Esther stared down at the baby in her arms, thinking back over the last year of her life, a year she’d expected to go so very differently than it had. Montana had been a good place for her and for Coral.

  Brody was so much better for her than Jeremiah ever could have been. In fact, she’d received a letter from an old friend recently about how Jeremiah had married another young woman, and it was all over town they were having trouble getting along. Now, Esther didn’t let herself gloat about her former fiancé’s difficult marriage—much. Sometimes she simply couldn’t help herself.

  Looking back down at the little boy in her arms, she stroked his cheek, and he wrinkled his nose in protest. Brody leaned over and smiled at the boy. “He’s perfect. Thank you for giving me a son.”

  Esther beamed as she looked at her husband. “I wanted a son for you—at least this first time.”

  “I’d have been happy with either one, but I’m happy I’ll have a son to help me fight off beaux when the girls do come.” Throughout her pregnancy, he’d had nightmares of having a beautiful daughter—and with a wife like Esther, how could he have anything else?

  Esther laughed. “We’ll teach them from when they’re young to choose a man just like their daddy.”

  He laughed. “We can try.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, dropping a kiss atop her head. “I’m so glad you were the one to answer my letter. I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else.”

  She turned and brushed his lips with hers. “Being with you makes me very happy, and now I feel like our lives are complete. He’ll mean so much more work, but thankfully, Coral and I can do much of it together.”

  “Yes. She’ll be a good aunt to David.” Coral still made him crazy at times with her know-it-all attitude, but she was no longer under his roof, and having her close made Esther happy.

  Esther sighed, imagining the days and years to come. She had everything she needed right there in her little house.

  Watch for Coral’s story coming in February 2016 from Kirsten Osbourne.

  Did you enjoy this book? Would you like to see other books from this author? Find her other books here.

  Table of Contents

  Table of ContentsChapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter Four

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine


  Watch for Coral’s story coming in February 2016 from Kirsten Osbourne.




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