Heat Wave: A Summer Loving Anthology

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Heat Wave: A Summer Loving Anthology Page 47

by Anthology

  “Kasi,” Aubrey exclaimed, hugging me. “How have you been? You should’ve called. I would have broken away for lunch or something.”

  “Oh you know, keeping busy. I figured I’d come down and say hi.”

  Laughing she said, “So I’ve seen in every newspaper out there.”

  We chatted for a bit while the dogs ran around having a good time. My eyes scanned the yard and I saw a beautiful black and tan German Shepherd. “He’s gorgeous. Who does he belong to?”

  “No one. He was at the shelter, but they were having difficulty getting near him. They called and I picked him up. He does really well out here with the other dogs and even with us, but once you put him in a kennel run he tends to shy away.”

  “Okay.” Something must have happened to him to behave that way. Poor thing.

  I missed having a dog. Growing up we always had a large breed, but once I moved away I decided against getting one. I traveled so much that I worried about boarding a dog.

  Aubrey elbowed me in arm. “Go pet him. He’s really sweet.”

  She was always trying to get me to bring one home. Kept telling me this way I wouldn’t be lonely. I knew one day she was going to get to me and I would end up bringing a dog home, but didn’t think today would be that day.

  There was something about this Shepherd that drew me to him though. She told me the vet and the shelter both guessed he was around two years old.

  “What’s his name?”


  Walking along the perimeter of the fence, I patted every dog that came to me. We had all kinds of breeds. Border Collies, Labradors, Goldens, Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, you name it, we had one at some point.

  When I got closer to the Shepherd he started walking toward me. He was really sweet. Rubbing up against me, pushing his face into my legs, even trying to lick me. Aubrey came up beside me and said that he hadn’t behaved that way to any of the other workers, including her. They could pet him, but he wasn’t overly friendly. He seemed to favor being with the dogs more than people.

  Looked like I had a dog now. Took all of sixty seconds for him to get to me. He wouldn’t be kept in a cage at my house. I had twenty acres fully fenced yard for him to run around. The fence cost as much as the house. Kidding. Kind of. It was a price I was happy to pay for privacy.

  I did make a deal with Aubrey if I took him she had to board him and watch him for me when I traveled. Not in a run all of the time, but out playing with other dogs. She agreed and now Ace and I were in my Jeep on our way to the pet store to pick up the doggie essentials. We also stopped at the shelter so I could fill out all of the necessary paperwork to officially adopt him.

  When we pulled up to the gate at my house Ace went to work barking at the paparazzi. I had the back window down a little for the drive and it allowed him to get his mouth out and bare his teeth at them. Some of them jumped back not expecting me to have a dog in the car. I liked him more and more with every passing second.

  Ace jumped out as soon as the Jeep door was open. I didn’t know how well trained he was, but Aubrey mentioned they taught him basic commands and he was very food driven. He went to work inspecting the land while I dragged the gigantic bag of over-priced dog food into the house. I got him a very nice bed and set it up in the corner of my living room.

  “Ace!” I wanted him to come inside. Hopefully he wouldn’t piss on my floor. She said he was good about that, but living in a shelter you never knew. He came bounding in, leaping at me, wanting to play. Thankfully, he had been neutered and given all of his shots at the shelter. Less I had to worry about.

  On the way home I realized the irony in his name being Ace and me dating a pilot. Gotta love how the universe works.

  I spoke to Radek that night. He would be back in a couple of days, but then had to go right back out for another customer. All in all I wouldn’t see him for seven days. My body would be humming with need by the time he returned.

  Over the course of the next week I made sure to stay busy. Ace became my buddy, following me everywhere. He refused to sleep in the living room, but instead wanted to be on my bed. Nope, not happening. I did compromise by bringing his bed upstairs and placing it at the foot of my bed. He seemed to like that. Not one accident yet, knock on wood.

  Kara called me the day after I brought him home to tell me they were reporting that Kasi Markson bought a viscous guard dog to scare away the media. Idiots. I got a dog because one of my friends made me feel guilty and I felt a connection with him. I couldn’t resist those big brown dog eyes!

  Ace had been good for me in more ways than one. He got me out of the house. We went on daily hikes through my woods, stopped by to see Aubrey a couple of times so he could play with the other dogs, and I took him into town to walk around. I liked that he kept the media away from the fence, but at the same time I didn’t want people to think I was training my dog to attack. By walking him around town I showed just how sweet he was. He let everyone pet him. At one point he even laid down on the sidewalk so that a little boy could scratch his head. That picture made it into the paper as well. That was what they got for saying my dog was mean. There was a difference between mean and protective.

  I knew not all paparazzi were bad and they were just trying to do their job. I only wished they did it with more respect of my life and space. We could all coexist well if they only were more polite and respected my boundaries.

  One more day and my pilot would be back. He said he was going to go home quick to shower and change. I made sure to tell him to pack a bag for the week. He said he was free and didn’t have any more work until the end of the month.

  I couldn’t wait to see him again. While he was gone I realized I missed more than his cock, talented hands, and tongue. I missed him. My mind began to whirl with all that I needed to do before he got there. I was going to be a busy girl.

  The only hesitation I had left was if Ace would like him. I had to make sure I introduced them right so my new protector didn’t get aggressive toward my man. Hopefully they would both get along well.

  ~ 11 ~

  RADEK WAS ON HIS way to my house. I was so damn excited! If someone would have told me a week ago I would have missed him as much as I did I would have said they had lost their fucking mind. My nerves had kicked in and I was starting to sweat. If that wasn’t sexy I didn’t know what was. At least I chose to wear a light, loose tank and shorts. Less likely to see me sweat.

  He pressed the intercom button on the gate and his voice made me tremble with need. The second I heard his truck stop and the engine shut off I ran out of the door, making sure to close it behind me. He hopped down from his truck just in time to catch me when I leapt into his arms.

  “I’ve missed you,” he said. Relief flooded through me. I was worried it was one-sided.

  He kissed me deep and tender. We were pawing at each other. There was no time to go inside. I wouldn’t make it that long. Fortunately, his truck had a back seat. He must have read my mind, because he opened the back door, pulled my shorts and panties off, and lifted me inside.

  “On your back and spread those gorgeous legs for me.”

  While I was getting myself into position he took off his clothes. He pulled himself up and I had a perfect view of his chest, abs, and arms. His arms flexed, muscles moving, as he climbed inside and on top of me. Hello, Mr. Cole. I forgot how delectable you were.

  With one finger he tested my wetness only to find me more than ready. “No foreplay,” I said. “I can’t wait.”

  His response was to slide into me, but not hard, more like he was holding back. “I don’t know how long I’ll last.”

  “As long as you get me off I don’t care how long you take. Just move.”

  Keeping his arms straight, he hovered above me, pushing in deep and pulling out slow. He repeated this a few times, but it wasn’t enough for me. I pushed myself up and told him to sit in the seat. Straddling his lap, I took control. Using the muscles in my legs, I bounced up and down on him. W
ith every drop I took all of him. I couldn’t seem to move fast enough though.

  Radek’s mouth was on my breast, his tongue swirling around my nipple. “Bite me,” I told him.

  The second his teeth bit into my delicate skin I came undone. “Holy shit,” I screamed. I was vaguely aware through my shuddering body that he had regained control. His hands were on my ass lifting me, moving me at the pace he wanted. One last slam down on top of him and he bit into my neck when he came. I didn’t care that he would leave a mark on me. I’m sure he did it intentionally and I couldn’t give a damn.

  “Did you touch yourself while I was gone,” he asked.

  “No.” I easily said that with all honesty. My body craved it horribly, but I resisted.

  “Good. I didn’t either.” His statement made me very happy.

  I moved and the result of our encounter slid down my leg. He used his discarded shirt to clean me off. The feeling of the bunched up fabric against my clit made me moan. I was ready to go again. My pilot removed the shirt and bent to replace it with his mouth. My eyes closed and I sagged against the seat. I loved that he didn’t care and was also tasting himself mixed in with me. It was very erotic.

  His strong hands parted my legs as far as they would go, giving him access to every part of me. One finger dipped inside, but didn’t stay there. He moved it to my ass, gently working it inside. The feeling was almost more than I could take. A second finger nudged into my small hole. He pumped them in and out at a leisurely pace.

  My mind was a jumbled mess. Too many different sensations were running through me at once. His tongue dipped inside of my pussy, inducing a guttural moan from my lips. My fingers reached for his head, pulling him against me. Dragging his tongue up, he went back to work on my clit.

  His fingers continued to move in my ass with a little more force. I could feel him stretching me, it was pleasure mixed with pain. The hand he had resting on my thigh slid down to my core. Two fingers were inserted. My hips bucked from the feeling. It was almost more than I could tolerate.

  Just when I thought I couldn’t possibly keep going, my orgasm tore through me. I screamed his name loudly, not caring if the sound traveled. No one had ever made me feel the kind of bliss Radek had. I didn’t care who knew it. He should get a medal for his sexual skills.

  I was left a weak mess. Tears formed in my eyes and I was helpless to stop them. My pilot noticed and lifted me up, placing me on his lap. He rocked me gently in his arms.

  “What’s wrong, baby? What happened?”

  I couldn’t form words. Even if I could, what would I say? I was dangerously close to falling head over heels for him and didn’t have a clue if he even felt remotely the same. I couldn’t tell him. If he rejected me I would be crushed. The feeling needed to stay buried deep for a while.

  I needed to say something though. If not, he would keep asking. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” I picked up my head to look him in the eyes. The look of concern made me almost cry all over again, but I fought it back. I plastered on a fake smile and said, “I’m good now.”

  “Are you sure? You know you can talk to me right?”

  “I know. Really, it was nothing. Just a little sensory overload. You do have a very talented tongue.”

  His mouth quirked up on one side. “I do, huh?” I nodded and leaned in to kiss him. Queen of distraction right there everybody.

  We finally got out of his truck and went inside. I completely forgot about Ace. He greeted me with a wagging tail, but the second Radek stepped out from behind me the hair on his back went up a little and he growled low.

  I used my body to push him back and asked him to sit which he did immediately. Radek was still standing by the door. I waved him forward once Ace relaxed a little. Releasing him from the sit, he walked over and inspected my man. He must have scented me on him, because he wasn’t as upset as he first had been.

  I stood by, reading his body posture, making sure that if he even flinched I would intercept. Luckily, nothing more happened. Radek followed me into the house and we sat down in the living room so Ace could get more acquainted with him. I grabbed some dog food along the way and slipped it into Radek’s hand. He fed him one piece at a time, even asked him to sit and lay down for a piece. Ace listened to him which made me smile.

  Standing, I went to the kitchen, leaving them alone. They were still in eyesight so if I needed to do something I could, but I also had dinner to make. “We’re eating in tonight,” I called.

  “You’re going to cook?” Just because I hadn’t made us anything yet, didn’t mean I couldn’t.

  “Don’t act so surprised. I do know how to prepare meals. I have managed to live on my own for quite some time now.”

  “I know you have. I just thought you ordered out a lot.”

  “Oh I do, but sometimes I want to feel domesticated and put on my apron.”

  “You own an apron?”

  “I do.” Putting it on and tying it around my back, I twirled to model it for him. The apron had a black, sweetheart top with white lace around the edges, a black flared skirt with white piping, and a black and white lace overlay. A large black sash went around the waist and black fabric looped around my neck. It reminded me of a French maid’s outfit, but a little more practical for cooking. If I was going to make food I figured I should look hot doing it.

  His mouth hung open. “Like what you see?”

  “Yes, very much. I’d like it better with nothing underneath.”

  “We can arrange for that later. Right now I have dinner to make and have no desire to cook naked.”

  Dinner was easy. I made tacos. World class chef I was not. I did basic meals, nothing extravagant. The whole time I cooked I watched my pilot interact with my dog. By the time I was finished, Ace was between Radek's legs, on his back, with his belly in the air. I was happy to see they’d bonded, because I didn’t want either to go anywhere.

  That evening when we went up to bed Ace was right behind us. He didn’t immediately lie down. Instead he sat and stared at Radek when he climbed into bed with me. Like he was saying ‘What the fuck? Why is he allowed up there and I’m not?’.

  Surprisingly, Ace didn’t bother us throughout the night when we fooled around, except for one time. I yelled like I normally do when I climaxed causing him to walk over to Radek’s side of the bed and growl. A quick command from me and he was back on his bed. He did grumble a few times though.

  I had a hard time sleeping. Somehow I went from being single with no one to take care of but myself to in a relationship and having a pet. I was used to going with the flow of things, but those were two big changes in my life.

  Radek and I had a lot to discuss. We still didn’t know each other well, except in the bedroom. I could tell you every indentation on his body. How the ridges of his abs felt under my tongue. The way his cock would pulse inside of me when he came. My all-time favorite was sucking on his neck or ear while he emptied himself into me. Those subtle touches would cause goose bumps to break out over his skin. I loved how I had that effect on him.

  I’d have him all to myself for a week. We should really talk at some point. What if he had a fetish that I wasn’t down with? I knew some women liked their feet being played with, but not me. If his tongue touched my toe I’d probably end up kicking him in the face. My feet were off limits sex wise. Yup, we had to talk…about everything.

  ~ 12 ~

  OUR WEEK TOGETHER went by in a blur. I didn’t learn much about Radek except he was thirty-eight and retired from the Air Force. I knew he was older than me, but didn’t know by how much. Ten years wasn’t bad. Shit, he could have told me he was much older than that and I wouldn’t have cared.

  He was packing up his clothes to go home for a few days. I didn’t want to see him leave, but at the same time if he kept staying with me he should just move in and I was in no way ready for that. We decided to date. We technically only went out on one date to the movies. The rest of our time together was spent
at my house. Due to our media attention, we tended to stay inside most of the time.

  Work picked up for him instead of dropping off since we went public which made me happy. He had a few short trips for local businessmen to take care of, but he was going to be home more than not. I liked that and had to admit I wanted him all to myself. Money could buy a lot of things. Knowing I could hire him to be my full-time pilot and have him on stand-by was a possibility. I couldn’t do that though. If we were engaged or married, than yes, I would.

  Engaged or married? What the fuck had come over me? The fact that I was even thinking that should have thrown up red flags. I wasn’t the marriage type. Could he have changed that part of me, making me want to commit to someone longer than a few months? Granted, he was my first serious relationship.

  He must have noticed my deer in the headlights look and stopped what he was doing. “Babe, what’s going on? We were talking and you drifted off?”

  “What? Yeah, sure, I’m fine.”

  He chuckled. “If you say so.”

  We kissed goodbye at the front door. Ace even walked him to his truck, giving him a quick lick on the face before he got inside. Maybe some time apart would be good for us. When he was there I was completely wrapped up in him.

  My dad called while Radek was over, said nothing was wrong, but wanted me to call him back when I could. Ace trotted in behind me before I closed the door. Grabbing my phone, I dialed his number.

  “Princess! So happy you called me back.”

  “Princess? What are you buttering me up for?”

  “I’m doing no such thing.”

  “Yup, whatever. Spill.”

  “What are you doing on October seventeenth?”

  “Um, nothing that I know of, but that’s a few months away.”

  “Good. I’m going to need you to fly out to Kansas. I’m getting married.”

  If I would have been drinking something I would have spit it out. “I’m really happy for you, but don’t you think it’s a little soon?”


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