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Heat Wave: A Summer Loving Anthology

Page 94

by Anthology

  Olivia sneered. “Don't encourage him.”

  Brianna stuck her tongue out at Olivia and took the seat on the other side of me. With a grunt, Olivia rolled her eyes and faced forward again. Back to ignoring me, well I guess us. Ignoring us.

  “So, Nick, what do you do?”

  If Olivia needed to act like a brat, then I'd pay attention to Brianna, even though she wasn't exactly what I wanted. Spinning on the stool, I gave her my full attention. “I'm a chemist, but I work with everything outside of pharmaceuticals. What about you?”

  “Chemistry, huh? That's funny, Olivia is majoring in chemistry.” Brianna turned and gave a mile wide grin, to which Olivia glared right back. “Right now,” she continued. “I'm a lifeguard on the beach for the summer, at least until I finish college next May.”

  Okay, rough guess, they were both around twenty-one. Just a bit younger than me. “That's cool. Where do you go to school?”

  “Cornell. Olivia is my roommate.”

  All the while, I was asking and answering questions, I could see Olivia's tense posture out of the corner of my eye. My focus may have been on Brianna, but I'd paid attention to everything Olivia did from the moment I sat down next to her. It didn't help that the sweet smell of strawberries mixed with a vanilla, wrapped itself around me.

  “Really, Cornell? I graduated from Ithaca. Actually, I still live pretty close to the school.”

  “Seriously? How ironic that it takes us all coming down here to meet. Although Liv and I grew up here.”

  “Enough, Bri.” Her voice was like a whip.

  Brianna's eyes narrowed. “It's not me who's being the bitch. Nick hasn't done a damn thing to you. None of the shit is his fault.”

  “Whatever,” she snarled. Grabbing her beer, she walked away.

  “What the fuck?” I couldn't stop the words as they slipped past my lips.

  Could she really be that pissed over a wave? If that happened to be the case, then I didn't need her shit. Someone else picking up your wave happened all of the time. If her temper was so volatile that she couldn't handle that, none of it was worth it.

  “Ignore her crappy attitude. Her ex-boyfriend is a dick and since she can't take it out on him without looking like a mega bitch, she's going to take it out on you, figuring she'll never see you again.”

  “Wow, and I thought my love life sucked.” It was all too much for me. “Thanks for the company. It was nice meeting you.”

  “You too.” Her eyes wandered over to where Olivia had retreated to the back of the bar.

  Picking up my beer, I took a step away from the drama and moved around to the other side of the room. One of the high top tables was empty. Although I told myself to get away, something about her drew me to her. I ended up taking a seat, facing the rest of the room. It gave me the perfect view of Olivia. If it was possible, she looked even less happy when Brianna walked up to join her. Her hands flew around as the conversation continued. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but it was pretty obvious anger controlled it. Confirmation came when Brianna threw her hands up in the air and walked away.

  What the fuck did some guy do to ruin a girl like her? She had spunk, not afraid to stand up for herself, even if it happened to be misplaced. No matter how many times I tried to pull my focus from her, I found my eyes wandering back. I was drawn to her. Her hazel eyes held secrets I wanted to unwrap and take away the pain others caused her.

  After about four more beers, and watching Olivia sit in the corner by herself, matching me drink for drink, I noticed a guy with a girl on his arm walk right up to her table. She sneered at the two of them. The conversation between her and Brianna was nothing compared to the explosion happening right then.

  “Did you come over here to remind me how much of a dick you are or did you have another purpose?” Her voice high enough to hear over the noises in the bar.

  “You fucking bitch,” he snarled back.

  Enough. She might have been pissed at me, but no one had the right to talk to anyone that way. Although, I might have been a bit biased. Hopping off my stool, I walked over and looped my arm around her waist.

  “Can I help you?” he asked, acid dripping from his tone.

  “No, but maybe I can help you find your way to the door since you're apparently not wanted here.” I didn't even dare a glance in her direction, afraid that she would break the facade. Right then, dickhead's focus was on me and that's where I wanted to keep it.

  “And who the fuck are you?”

  The dipshit was a real piece of work. Not to mention the scrawny blonde hanging on his arm. I squeezed her tighter to me. “Liv's date, but I'm not really sure why any of that is your business.” I tipped my head towards the blonde. “Since you apparently have your own date already.”

  His gaze switched back to Olivia. “You sure work fast don't you?” His lip curled up and he turned back to me. The implication that she was a whore had me clenching my fist at my side. Only sheer force of will kept it there. Then he pushed too far. “She's not worth the trouble, just look at her, she doesn't even compare.”

  Reason jumped out the window as I threw my fist into his face. There was a satisfying crunch, when arms locked around my waist pulling me back. Watching the blood drip from his nose, I knew I'd gone too far. Shit, I couldn't afford to get arrested.

  “You broke my nose, asshole.” The words were muffled under his hand. His whole body bent over.

  “Yeah, well if you don't want him to break any more body parts I suggest you leave,” the bartender said from behind where the moron was standing.

  “It's your place, Chris, you better call the cops.”

  The bartender, Chris, crossed his arms over his chest. “I don't think I will. If I do I plan to mention everything to them.”

  Something passed between the two men. Whatever it was had the desired effect. Douchebag stood, grabbed his girl's arm and hauled her out the door. Looking down, I saw Olivia rubbing her thumbs along her temples her shoulders shaking. When she looked up there were tears in her eyes, as her mirth took over.

  “Well, that was a shit show.”

  So far, so good, no yelling.

  “Sorry about that,” I offered. “I couldn't let him bother you anymore. Have a good night.” Taking a step back to my table, long fingers twined around my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

  “I'm sorry I was a bitch earlier. Can we start over?”

  I smiled. “That sounds good to me.”

  “Chris,” she called out. “Can you bring us another round on me?”

  “You don't have to buy me a drink.” Shaking my head, I took the seat across from her.

  She shrugged. “Consider it my apology.”

  Who wouldn't love the fact that this girl was honest, almost to a fault? No matter the situation. She was even willing to admit her mistakes.

  “Fair enough. So I have to ask, who was that asshole anyway?”

  She rolled her eyes, her nose turned up. “That is what my problem was. You just met my ex-boyfriend.”

  “Wow, how did a girl like you end up with an asshat like that?” My eyes wide in surprise.

  Olivia was gorgeous and obviously too good to be stuck with a loser like that.

  “I wish I had an answer for you.”

  Chris brought over the drinks. “They're on me, Liv.” He winked and walked away. The look he gave her made me feel like I was moving in on his territory, but I ignored it.

  “So, Brianna said you two are students at Cornell?”

  She picked up the bottle to take a sip. “Yeah, we finally made it to senior year. I heard you say you went to Ithaca.”

  “Yep, graduated last May.” The label on the bottle became easier to peel with the condensation on it. “What a small world.”

  We talked a bit more about school and her major in chemistry. She wanted to work in a lab, helping to create new medicines to prevent disease. How ironic, the one girl I meet down here and she loves doing what I do. Working with diseases was a
bit different than what I did, but still. After a few more rounds of drinks, the earlier portion of the night had disappeared and we were both feeling much more relaxed. It was evident in the set of her shoulders and mannerisms.

  The night grew later, and a live band came through the door to set up. Music filled the space. Olivia looked over to the makeshift dance floor.

  “Wanna dance,” she asked.

  Wasn't expecting that.

  Chapter 5


  IT TOOK HIM A MOMENT to find his tongue and answer me. Actually, the dumbfounded look was quite cute on him.


  He took my hand and led me to the dance floor, pulling me close to his body. Our bodies moved in sync to the music. After all I'd dealt with in the last few weeks, it felt good to be in the arms of a man who wasn't a complete dick. One who treated me as if I mattered. With each dance the distance between us got smaller and smaller. His chest was warm under my hands. The alcohol helped me to relax. When I looked up into his chocolate eyes, I got lost in the heat I saw there.

  Without a second thought, I curled my hand around his nape and pulled his head down to mine. His eyes rounded before sliding closed when his lips touched mine. Tingles moved from my lips down my body, heating me from the inside out. Not once in my whole life had a man affected me so deeply with the simple touch of lips. His hand plunged into my hair, holding my mouth to his as we continued to move our bodies to the music. Dueling tongues. Pounding hearts. My body was on fire.

  Breathless, I pulled away, keeping my eyes locked on his. I could see the passion burning in his eyes. In the back of my mind, I knew it would be a bad idea to let it go any further. My subconscious screamed at me to step back and get the hell out of there. My body had different plans and wanted the bitch in my head to shut the hell up. The taste of spearmint was still on my lips and I could feel his hard length pushing against me.

  God, I wanted him. It made absolutely no sense, but this boy needed to be in my bed. Maybe it was the alcohol talking or it might have been the part of me that needed to prove to that asshole, Jake, that guys did want me. Either way, would one night with a hot guy be a bad thing? Before I could change my mind, I leaned up on my toes and whispered in his ear.

  “Do you wanna get out of here?”

  His breath caught. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out some cash. The scent of beach and coffee lingered on his skin. Taking my hand, he walked us back to the table where he left enough money to cover the drinks and a tip. Then out the door we went. We hadn't made it two steps, when he spun me around, backing me up against the outside of the building. His hips pressed into me, while his lips captured mine in a mind numbing kiss. I couldn't think, I couldn't move. All I could do was feel. His body surrounded me, caging me in. I'd never felt more desired than I did right then.

  Every stroke of his tongue sent sensations of fire straight to my clit. Whatever thoughts I had about going home alone were immediately erased under his gentle assault. It was hard to remember that we were in public when all I could focus on was the feel of him against me. All thoughts and feelings were wrapped up in Nick and the sensations he pulled from my body. When his hand slipped to the hem of my dress, reality slammed into me.

  Putting my hands between us, I pushed him back a step. “Not here,” I whispered.

  His hand moved up to cup my face. “Will you come back to my place?”

  I didn't trust my voice. Nodding, I let him lead me to his car. He surprised me by opening the door to let me in. A very gentlemanly move for what would probably turn into a one night stand. Throughout the ride, his hand caressed up and down my thigh. Every pass he came closer to my core. Even though the air conditioning in the car was on full blast, I felt like my body might overheat.

  “Nick,” I breathed, surprised at the husky timbre of my own voice.

  “Breathe, Olivia. We'll be there soon.”

  Breathe? How was I supposed to breathe? The car slowed to a stop at red light. Nick leaned over, nipping my ear and whispered, “Don't worry, I'll make sure the teasing is worth the wait.”

  Opening my mouth to respond, I immediately clamped it shut when the light turned green and the car took off. His hand slipped between my legs again, stroking up and down my panties. Humming in the back of my throat, I gripped my seat, praying for a short ride.

  I watched the tires eat up the pavement, almost to the other end of the island. We pulled up out front of a two-story yellow house. Nick's hand slid out from under my skirt and he stepped from the car. For a moment I sat there staring out the front window. Nick came around to my side of the car to open the door. Am I really going to have a one night stand with a guy I just met?

  Fingers lightly caressed my cheek down my face. He took hold of my chin and turned my head to look at him. “Olivia, while I want more than anything for you to come inside with me, if it's not something you want, all you have to do is tell me and I'll take you home instead.”

  Searching his eyes, there was nothing but truth and worry in his dark irises. So far, Nick had shown me he wasn't like other guys. First, he faced off with my asshole ex. Plus the fact that he was willing to drive me home if I wanted to leave proved that. Whatever my fear, his concern convinced me that I wanted to be there. Keeping my eyes locked on his, I stepped out of the car and leaned in to capture his mouth. His arms wrapped around me like steel band, gripping me tighter to him. The kiss heated my blood and sparked desire throughout the rest of my body.

  The kiss ended and he watched me. “Do you want to come inside with me?”

  Pressing my body against his, I pulled his head down slipping my tongue between his lips. He groaned and gripped my ass, lifting me off the ground. I wrapped my legs around his waist and let him carry me onto the front porch. His mouth ravaged mine, until we reached the door when he set me down to unlock it. Threading his fingers through mine, he tightened his grip and used the other hand to open the door.

  Pushing it open, he tugged me through the door. The second it closed, he turned toward me, his eyes burning with lust. There wasn't time to look around before his lips tasted mine again. His heated kisses brought me right back to the need in the car. When he guided me backwards towards the bedroom, I made no protest. This was what I wanted.

  His fingers grabbed the bottom of my dress. Instead of slipping his hand up my legs, he pulled it over my head and dropped it to the floor. Taking a step back, his eye raked up and down my body. Without a bra on, the only scrap of clothing left to cover me was the lace thong. Unbidden, all of the insecurities brought on by Jake came screaming to the surface. I wrapped my arms around myself to cover as much as my body as possible. It made me sick to my stomach that the asshole had that much power over me.

  His eyes widened and he took a step back. “Did you change your mind?”

  I shook my head, not sure what to say to explain my reaction.

  His hands caressed down my shoulders to my wrists, gently moving them to expose all of me to him. A finger trailed down my collarbone through the valley of my breasts. It was impossible to contain the shiver that ripped through my body. “Then, why hide this sexy as hell body from me.”

  My head snapped up and the words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. “You think I'm sexy?”

  Nick's finger moved to my nipple, lightly rubbing it, making the little bud harden under his touch. “You are the sexiest woman I've ever seen.”

  His fingers continued to send sparks through my body and my hands fell away to my sides. Need poured through me until every part of me was on fire. One of his hands trailed up and over my shoulder, until his fingers slid into my hair. Tightening his grip, his mouth lowered to mine. Almost without noticing, I was swept up into his arms and gently lain on the bed. All my nerves from earlier were gone. It didn't matter that I knew very little about the man crawling towards me with the body of a god, I wanted him more than my next breath.

  “God, Olivia,” he said when he was positioned
above me. “Fuck, you're driving me out of my mind.”

  His body lowered onto mine. His lips trailed a path from the corner of my mouth down my neck, sucking lightly. At the first graze of his tongue across my nipple, my back arched of the bed.

  “Holy shit, Nick,” I panted. “Do that again.”

  He looked up with a smirk. “Gladly.”

  This time he swirled the other nipple. It felt like magic. Then he slipped his finger between my legs and I thought I might come right then and there. I tried to stop the groan that escaped my lips, but it was no use. He knew exactly what he was doing to me.

  “Keep making those noises and things are going to get out of control fast,” he whispered into my ear. His finger continued to glide in and out of my body while his thumb swirled around my clit. Shaking my head, I fisted my hands in the sheets. My body trembled with need. He shifted his fingers and I moaned deep and low.

  “Fuck, Olivia.”

  His fingers twisted making me see stars as I crashed over the edge. Before my body settled, I felt him slide into me.

  “Shit, your body's like heaven.”

  Slowly, he began to thrust into me. Amazing was one word to describe it, but I needed more. I wrapped my legs around his waist and dug my feet into his ass, forcing him to push his body faster and harder.

  “Nick, I need you.”

  His breathing was labored. “Are you sure?”

  I nodded. “Yes,” I groaned.

  He kissed me quickly and pushed up. Grabbing a hold of my thighs, he forced them back to my chest, pistoning his hips rapidly into me. Grunts and groans filled the room as we each took our pleasure from the other. I knew I was being pulled toward the edge again. Nick thrust in twice more and cried out his release, sending me crashing down with him.

  Letting go of my legs, he dropped down next to me. We were both panting and breathless, but I was coherent enough to realize that was the best sex of my life. Not once had a man known how to play my body like an instrument, much less bring me two orgasms in the same night. I can't imagine how any girl that had him would let him go.


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