The Cave of Nine Bears (Chronicles of a Magi)

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The Cave of Nine Bears (Chronicles of a Magi) Page 15

by Gene Curtis

  “Maybe, the seat belt isn’t buckled.”

  “Find her! If LeOmi dies she’s going to be mad.”

  * * *

  Mr. Diefenderfer along with Mark, Nick and Mr. Young appeared on the edge of the woods near where the truck had just missed the tree. Mark bent and turned, “This way,” and led them into the woods on the truck’s path. Two men were coming back out.

  The closest man said, “There’s one injured in the truck. We think one got thrown out the window. We’re looking for her.”

  Mr. Diefenderfer said, “There is deceit... in his words,” and drew his sword.

  Mr. Young said, “How’d he know it was a girl?” He drew his sword.

  The two men drew swords and engaged.

  Mark and Nick drew and sidled past the battle onto the truck. LeOmi wasn’t there, but Kinta was just regaining consciousness. Mark climbed in through the window. Kinta turned toward him and murmured, “LeOmi... “

  “We’re going to find LeOmi, but for now I’m going to take care of you. I’m going to put a drop of oil on your forehead and you’re going to fall asleep. When you wake you’ll be okay.”

  She murmured again, “You’re a healer... “

  He touched her forehead and she fell asleep.

  LeOmi appeared beside Nick and stumbled to her knees. “There are more coming.” She pointed up the path. “They’re going to need help.”

  Nick called to Mark, “I’ve got LeOmi. Mr. Diefenderfer and Mr. Young need help.”

  Mark climbed back out of the truck, took one look at her and tried to put a drop of oil on her forehead.

  LeOmi held her hand up to stop him. “I’m just tired. I never realized how much Maode Maharaw takes out of you. I’ll be okay in a minute. Go help them.”

  Mr. Young and Mr. Diefenderfer had moved closer to the street and from the sound of swords clashing, they were still fighting. The four bodies on the path told them that there were more Neo-Phylum heading into the fray. They reached the men as two more fell. Another two approaching stopped in their tracks when they saw the four together.

  Nick called to them, “More are en route.” It wasn’t a lie, but they didn’t need to know that only one other person knew of the battle, and besides, Cap’n Ben, or the pilot for that matter, could possibly bring the others. It was quite likely that one of them was using Spirit Sight and knew exactly what was happening.

  Mark heard a body fall behind him, turned and saw LeOmi. She said, “You really need to start paying more attention to what’s behind you.” She pointed to the body on the ground.

  Mr. Diefenderfer said in a low voice, “No time to... explain. Everyone grab on.”


  In Search of Sergeant Polaris

  Suddenly it was much colder and they were standing in the middle of a poorly lit, mostly empty parking lot, a strip mall. Snow had been pushed up into tall piles. They all put their swords away and took out jackets to put on. Mr. Diefenderfer said, “Philadelphia.” He pointed to a fast food place near the entrance to the parking lot. “I think it... will be warmer... in there.”

  Mark asked, “Would either of you happen to have any of Cap’n Ben’s new drink? LeOmi needs some.”

  Mr. Young asked her, “Maode Maharaw?”

  LeOmi nodded, “I think so. Everything just started moving in slow motion and I’m really tired.”

  He handed her a sports bottle. “Most interesting.”

  Inside Mark ordered five combo meals and they took two adjacent tables. Mr. Diefenderfer spoke softly, “Debriefing is in... order. Joseph would you... please start?”

  “We were all present for the attack in South Boston so I will dispense with the details on that other than to say, Nick, you acquitted yourself very well with that new weapon. It appears that you have upped the power on your stun gun concept.”

  Nick nodded, “Thank you sir and yes I have upped the power. The problem with the prototype is it has a tendency to burn out. I’m working on better insulation.”

  “Very handy device to have when needed. Now, the attacks to kidnap LeOmi are very troubling, as they’re steadily increasing in coordination, planning and their willingness to use violence. The reason we were absent this morning is that a very large-scale attack was mounted against The First Mountain and they sent out a call for assistance. We believe this attack was mounted solely to draw off LeOmi’s defenders. Had it not been for two very fortunate events, their attempt might possibly have succeeded. Evidently, someone with an extraordinary gift in the spirit world came to our aid. Many Neo-Phylum, I’d say thousands, were killed outright. As no weapon of human manufacture can kill in the spirit world, you can see how significant this event was. Moreover, we have no idea who our hero was. The second thing was given to us by Cap’n Ben. He’s been working on a sports drink for a couple of years, one that not only replenishes, but also repairs the body after strenuous exercise. He recently succeeded. The concoction also restores an exhausted mind in short order. Normally we would have been incapacitated for a day or more after such a battle. If that were the case, LeOmi may very well have been in Benrah’s hands by now.”

  Mr. Diefenderfer said, “And that brings... us to why... we are here. Benrah intends to... keep LeOmi from... the staff and... us from the... sunstone. He almost certainly... realizes the significance... of Mr. Rutherford’s... cover art and... the artist. Haste in getting... to the artist... before he does... is the order... of business. I know his... address, but as... none of us... have ever been... there... I believe it... would be most... expedient to take... a taxi when... LeOmi has recovered.”

  LeOmi said, “I’m better now. I’m a little sleepy, but my body isn’t tired at all.”

  Mr. Young said, “The sleepy feeling is a side effect of Cap’n Ben’s drink. It will pass shortly.”

  “Mark... would you ask... the cashier to... call a taxi... for us?”

  Nick said, “We need to get cell phones.”

  * * *

  Ruby felt like a child being called to the principal’s office. She knelt on one knee, head bowed with her back to him. “My lord.”

  The voice behind her was unsettlingly calm and pointed.

  “You learned of Diefenderfer’s and Young’s quick recovery and yet didn’t inform me immediately.”

  “My lord, I planned to inform you at our regular meeting tonight.”

  “Ambiguous judgment seems to be your forte. Ruby Jones, I am not well pleased with you.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “You know of the new weapon they wield.”

  “Poparov’s supercharged stun gun is easily defeated with metallic fabric, my lord. I’ve ordered—”

  “Not Nick’s toy. I’m speaking of the one that killed three thousand, two hundred and fifty six of my soldiers, in ten seconds... in the spirit realm.”

  “My lord, I didn’t think that possible!”

  “Not only is it possible, it happened! This morning!”

  “Mark Young, my lord, the staff.”

  “If it was Mark, he would have evidenced it before now. No, it’s a new weapon. Find out what it is and who’s using it.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “Dominick Polaris?”

  “My lord, I haven’t located him yet.”

  “Find him and give him that journal she wants. See to it that the journal gets into LeOmi’s hands.”

  “My lord?”

  “The journal will lead her to the lake she’s looking for. Move the sunstone to the cave and then let them find the cave. You might want to use something like Bruce Spencer’s toy to knock them out when they get inside. It worked well before; it’ll work again.”

  “My lord.”

  Ruby left Benrah and went to her regularly scheduled meeting with her lieutenants. She sat at the head of the conference table with five of her men waiting to give their reports. One of the men was bloodied and the stump of his right arm was freshly bandaged. The second hand of the clock on the wall swept p
ast the hour. Ruby began, “Where’s Ziegenfuss?”

  Joe Wilson was a thin man, normally courageous and abnormally strong, but under Ruby’s gaze, he seemed timid and weak. “Ma’am, he’s dead at the hand of Joseph Young.”

  Ruby turned her attention to the man who’d obviously lost his hand recently. “Antwone, what’s your excuse for dripping blood all over my carpet?”

  Antwone had been careful not to drip blood on her carpet or anywhere else for that matter since he’d left the hospital, but he hadn’t had time to clean up before the meeting. “Mark Young, ma’am.”

  “Anyone else have any excuses as to why LeOmi isn’t here at this very moment that doesn’t include the names: AlHufus Diefenderfer, Joseph Young, Mark Young or Nicola Poparov?”

  No one spoke.

  “Why did the traffic crash fail?”

  Another man spoke, “The four were on the scene immediately and LeOmi remanifested with them before we could get to her. She did appear injured and dazed. I’m certain the plan would have worked had they not been there.”

  “Regarding that, they evidently have a new weapon; one we’re unaware of. It kills in the spirit world. Obviously, it wasn’t made by man. One million to the one that brings me information about what it is and who controls it; one hundred million to the one that brings me the weapon and its wielder.”

  Antwone asked, “How many did we lose?”

  “Three thousand, two hundred and fifty six.” She looked the group over, “Well, since our strategy has failed miserably you now have new orders. Find Dominick Polaris, a police detective sergeant and call me when you do. This is your top priority. Do it quickly.”

  * * *

  Stilman’s Taxi Service sent a van since there were five passengers. When they were all in, Mr. Diefenderfer said to the driver, “Thirty two ten... Arthur’s Path.”

  The driver dropped the meter’s flag. “How about them Eagles? They’re going to kick Patriot butt. What’d ya think?”

  Mr. Young said, “Football?”

  Nick said, “Maybe, but they won’t stand a chance against the Chiefs.”

  “What, you live in Oz? Son, try clicking your heels together and saying, ‘There’s no place like home,’ over and over again. You stand a better chance of disappearing outta this cab and being back in Kansas before the Chiefs beat the Eagles. You can take that to the bank.”

  “Don’t you mean before the Chiefs beat the Eagles, again?”

  The driver chuckled. “Touché kid. I was just trying to get a conversation going.”

  “I’m not particularly interested in sports. If you’d like to discuss advanced mathematics, that’s a different story. Stochasticity as it relates to predicting aspects of background quantum radiation is something of interest.”

  “Kid, I ain’t interested in no mathematics, unless you’re talking about predicting lottery numbers. Now that, I can get into.”

  The driver pulled the van over a little onto the shoulder and an ambulance screamed past.

  Nick chuckled, “Exactly my point. Conversation should be of mutual interest to all parties.”

  “What? The Eagles ain’t?”

  The driver pulled over again and three police cars screamed past. “Humph, Monday nights are usually quiet. Must be an accident ahead.”

  The taxi turned on to Arthur’s Path and about four blocks ahead emergency lights were flashing. LeOmi whispered, “This isn’t good.” She looked around, “If I were going to set up an ambush, I’d do it about a block out.”

  “I agree,” said Mr. Diefenderfer. “Driver... you can let... us out here.”

  “That’ll be sixty four fifty.”

  When the vehicle drove away Mr. Diefenderfer said, “Remain alert. I’ll... check things out.” He spread his feet slightly and closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes a couple of minutes later he said, “I see no... signs of an... ambush ... however, the police... are frantically searching... the area. They have spotted... us and are... fast approaching. We should remanifest... and come back... later, I think.”

  Mark asked, “Is Sergeant Polaris dead?”

  “This... I do not... know.” He nodded to Mr. Young and he nodded back.

  A moment later, Mr. Young opened his eyes and reported, “Inside the house is bloody, and it is Sergeant Polaris’ residence. The sergeant isn’t there and neither is an ambulance.”

  Mark said, “Talking to the cops is the fastest way to find out what happened to the sergeant. If he’s alive, we need to talk to him as soon as possible.”

  Mr. Diefenderfer said, “I note that… neither you nor… LeOmi… have a headache.”

  That was true. He and LeOmi were natural rescuers and the headaches they got when someone believed they were in imminent mortal danger allowed them to determine which direction they needed to go to affect a rescue. Mr. Diefenderfer was saying that there was no one in immediate peril that needed rescuing. No dead body was in the house either.

  Mr. Diefenderfer said, “Decide quickly... go or stay.”

  Mark said, “Stay.”

  Nick and LeOmi said, “Stay.”

  Five seconds later they heard the engine roar of vehicles fast approaching. Three police cars barreled up from three different directions and smoothly came to a halt just a couple of feet away, boxing them in.


  What Sergeant Polaris Knows

  This interrogation room wasn’t like the ones they usually show in cop shows: no big two-way mirror, no closed circuit camera, no microphones. The room was drab, small, with no windows and smelled of old sweat. It was furnished with an old metal table with two metal chairs that looked about fifty years old. The officer had said to wait in here, as if he had a choice. He heard the lock being set after the door was closed and he knew he was right. They weren’t about to let him leave.

  After about twenty minutes, he decided to see what was going on. He closed his eyes and slipped into Spirit Sight. LeOmi’s spirit was there in the room with him.

  “Took you long enough.”

  “Sorry, I thought we’d be out of here pretty quick. What’d you find out?”

  “The detective that wants to question us is still at the scene. Most likely they’ll hold us until he gets here.”

  “They can do that? We haven’t done anything.”

  “Mr. Young knows a Magi on the state police force. He’s going to see if he can’t get him here.”

  “How’s Nick?”

  “Bored I’m sure, there’s no wifi signal here. It looked like he was doing some programming.”

  “Do you know if the sergeant is alive?”

  “The report is for felonious assault on a police officer with intent to maim, disfigure or kill. The weapon is suspected to be a large knife. Apparently, Sergeant Polaris was attacked in his bed and there were no signs of forced entry. The doors and windows were still locked when they got there.”

  “This has to be a trap or something... for you. Why didn’t they kill him? What do they expect our next move will be? They’ve probably got something planned for when we get to the hospital. Which hospital is he in? Can we scout it before we go?”

  “Slow down. We’re with Mr. Diefenderfer and Mr. Young so they can’t attack us with a small force. They’d have to have an army and they won’t be able to get that many people into the hospital. We’ll be relatively safe.”

  The door opened and an officer came in. “Time to wake up. You’re being released.”

  Mark said to LeOmi, “About time, see you in a minute,” and opened his eyes.

  * * *

  There was no one in the waiting room or Sgt. Polaris’ room, no family, no friends. It was well after midnight, but still, you would have thought someone would be there. One of the nurses led them to the room.

  “Three hundred and twenty five sutures, the one that did this to him had to have a good knowledge of human anatomy. More than forty wounds and not one vital organ even nicked. He did lose a lot of blood though.” She stood
beside the bed. He had an IV and a heart monitor hooked up. “Dominick, are you awake? You’ve got some visitors.” She touched his hand, “Dominick... “

  His head turned toward her and his eyelids fluttered a little before opening.

  “Are you feeling up to visitors?”

  “I’m thirsty. If it’s a cop then tell them to come back later.” The nurse’s body was blocking his view of those behind her. LeOmi stepped to the side so he could see her. “LeOmi? Is that really you? I like your hair better this way; it looks good on you.”

  The nurse stepped aside to let him see who else was there. “Earl, you old codger, what’re you doing here?” Earl was the state trooper Magi that Mr. Young knew and had came to do what he could to help. It was also good that he had the rank of major.

  “I brought LeOmi and her friends to see you. They were going to stop by your house until they heard you had a squabble with a Cuisinart.”

  The sergeant turned his gaze back to LeOmi, “She said you would show up, but I didn’t believe her. What have you gotten yourself into now, little one?”

  “Do you know who she was?”

  “Spitting image of your mother; I’d say she had to be your sister. She said she was anyway. I think she’s following in your mother’s footsteps too... she wants you to join her, one big, happy family.”

  “A lot of people have died so she can get me. Why didn’t she kill you?”

  “She didn’t want to kill me; she wanted me to deliver something to you. She said it showed good faith between sisters, if you can believe her. I didn’t particularly want to do it and we had a bit of a disagreement.” He looked down at himself. “Think I look bad? You should see her... not a scratch on her, but they’ll find fifteen 10mm holes in my bedroom walls.” He smiled and coughed a little.

  Mr. Diefenderfer leaned and whispered to Earl, “Can we speak,” and nodded toward the hall.

  Mr. Young and Mark joined them. Mr. Diefenderfer looked to make sure no one was within earshot and then said, “We’re on the... trail of the... sunstone. It has led... us here. What can you... tell us of... Sergeant Polaris?”


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