The Kakos Realm Collection

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The Kakos Realm Collection Page 18

by Christopher D Schmitz

  After an extended pause for thought, Rutheir came up with what he thought was a reasonable suggestion. “We should discredit these people from multiple angles. I have a contact in the Rogis Rangers unit who is convinced that Rashnir, one of the original four, is directly connected to Harmarty’s death.”

  grr’SHaalg chuckled a low laugh under his breath.

  “Yes,” Rutheir went on, nodding at the humor, “We both know that Rashnir is the one who murdered our…” he used a voice that dripped with unmistakable sarcasm, “beloved King Harmarty.”

  “This is the second in command, Pinchôt, correct?”

  “Yes,” Rutheir raised an eyebrow, realizing that the sneaky goblin seemed to know an awful lot about what happened above ground in his kingdom. “Pinchôt may find some piece of evidence that links them to the murder in a plausible way. Rashnir is good at whatever he sets his hands to; we may have to fabricate something.”

  “How effective is this tactic? It seems like many of the people that these krist-chins have collected hated Harmarty anyway.”

  “Yes, it seems so, but that is not uncommon for residents of Jand or Grinden. This approach will do two things. The first is that it will appeal to those fools in my country who believe in some kind of reliable legal system. It should inspire pride to those in Jand’s military, which has been far too relaxed lately. The outlying areas have relied too much on the mercenaries Harmarty was so fond of farming out the bulk of their work to. The other thing is that the peasants will come to see Pinchôt as a replacement hero—someone to override Rashnir’s celebrity status. How ironic that Pinchôt seeks to surpass Rashnir’s legacy by being the one to destroy him; he was raised on stories of Rogis’ Rangers and admired Rashnir for years. I think, though, that Pinchôt could never hold a candle to Rashnir’s skill.

  “The second front we attack them on is the religious front. With Absinthium’s coming call to Luciferian recommital, we should be able to overshadow the message that they are using to gather devotees to their cult. We can put the peasants back into the yoke of tradition and brand these krist-chins as anathema. The church will take a hard stance against any insurgents and probably send a contingent of combat monks to destroy them. The monasteries’ numbers might not be enough to fight them, but their action will scare away locals interested in the cult.

  “While all of this is going on, and with the Rangers unwittingly working towards our goals and the religious front handled by Absinthium and the church, we can continue looking for an opportunity to assassinate their leader and end it all swiftly and easily.”

  Rutheir saw and acknowledged the look that grr’SHaalg had formed on his twisted snout. “I know what you are about to say: that we must be careful not to make a martyr out of this Kevin man. I do not fear that. If we cut the head off, I am confident this cult will die. I do not, however, wish to risk it until the time is right. We can wait until the Rangers brand Rashnir and his group as murderers. We will frame Rashnir for Kevin’s demise too, if at all possible, revisiting his reputation for killing friends.”

  “An excellent plan with many contingencies should any part prove less than adequate,” the goblin confirmed.

  “I’ll have my contacts in the proper places send word to Absinthium. He will advise us to proceed or wait.”

  “When is the wizard due back?”

  “A few days. He has gone to visit his lord and master of the Gathering. beh’-tsah will advise him and then he will return to us. He said that it would take him less than a week.”

  “Briganik in just a few days? What creature bears him with that kind of speed?” grr’SHaalg speculated.

  “A gryphon… a big one. I saw it carry him off towards the horizon. I am wary; to cross Absinthium is to beg for a pain.” Rutheir made this comment more for grr’SHaalg than anything else. The goblin’s spy network knew too much and the king feared that he might scheme some sort of a double cross, or might try and cut the human out of any dealings with the mage. Rutheir’s remark carried no fear for himself; it warned the goblin that there was too much information in his little head and at any hint of treachery it would be cut off—all that knowledge would spill out with the rest of his greasy innards.

  “Be wary indeed,” the goblin countered slyly, rebuffing Rutheir. This was business, and to goblins, business and treachery were casual bedfellows. Rutheir would have to look over his shoulder and play this game masterfully if he desired a moment’s peace from the paranoia that these kinds of business caused.

  “Be wary indeed,” his repeated words hung in the air as the goblin departed to retire in his personal hole.


  Jandul sat like a man obsessed. Finally given access to the Scroll of Absinthium, he sat in his chambers examining and reexamining the parchments. The candles flickered and a few of them died as they burnt down to their bases, their luminary life exhausted through the course of a late evening.

  Darkness slowly crept in as the candlelight faded; more and more sources of light failed. Jandul paid them no mind. He knew the darkness would eventually envelop him, but he’d waited patiently for Frinnig to part with the precious scrolls and he didn’t want to spare another moment finding new candles. The obsessive Frinnig barely let the scrolls go further than his eyes could track them since receiving them, and now Jandul knew why.

  It addressed a constant source of worry for Frinnig. He would often lament saying, “The problem we have with our numbers is that there are simply not enough people. The number of faithful men remains consistent, but we will never have growth and power until we have an increase in numbers.”

  The scroll’s new doctrines would change all of that. Frinnig did well to study the texts with enough fervor to verify that they were indeed inspired. Jandul could find no problem with them, save that of justifiable religious pride and prejudice.

  The scroll read:

  Absinthium, thirty-third degree faithful prophet of the Luciferian order, two-vote member of the High Council of Four; written to all of the faithful churches of the lands.

  We, by faith in the promises and magic of old provided by our champion, that is Lucifer, continue to pursue the glory that he has commanded us to attain on his behalf. New revelation is at hand that enables us to better pursue this dream.

  What I am about to impart is absolutely true and divinely appointed.

  I lay awake one night, reveling in the powers that have been given me to command. Despite my efforts, I could not enter into sleep; something was pulling at my soul in attempts to communicate with me. One moment I was in my bed, the next I was in the presence of Lucifer himself, arrayed in glory and sitting upon the usurped throne of Yahweh.

  “What do you command of your servant?” I inquired.

  “To listen and to observe.” He commanded.

  It was then that I realized that he was not fully revealed; I could not see him clearly. He was veiled behind some kind of curtain. I asked him why he was veiled like this and he replied that it would be revealed to me.

  Then I witnessed all that had happened in the spirit realm throughout these several millennia since our champion created our beloved land. It was as if I was there myself for all that time as an observer, and yet no time at all had passed. I saw great battles being fought by both men and angels in the Earth realm, some of consequence, others of little value.

  In the end, Lucifer was victorious in his great campaign against his foe and cast his rivals into the Pit that burns forever and seated himself upon Yahweh’s throne. When I looked upon his beautiful face shining with light, I could not recognize him, for he was no longer familiar, and I doubted.

  Lucifer told me, “You do not understand because you did not watch me; look again.” Again I witnessed as all of time passed before my eyes; this time I watched Lucifer and when it all seemed to pass me by in an instant that truly took lifetimes, I watched him transform; he changed dramatically through the eons.

  Our beloved angel of
light was twisted, his visage appearing to me as ugly: hideous beyond human measure! My brethren, do not misunderstand, you must read this through to completion.

  Lucifer spoke.

  “You see me now and you recoil. Why, human? I will tell you why. You recoil because you judge a creature by appearance and by ancient prejudices. How you see me now is an amalgam of that which I have created. You see a combination of features from orcs and ogres, goblins and trolls, dragons and wyvern. Are you repulsed by what I have created?

  “You men still have too much original Adam within you. You are judgmental and condemning. How long have I put up with you fearing and hating my children whom I have created. My beautiful ekthro, all of the reasoning beings, I crafted from what had been created. Men I love as well, my adopted children whom I hold above any other creation, but you have forgotten your brothers and sisters.

  “For millennia you have held prejudices against those you did not deem pleasing to the eyes or whose customs differed from your own. No longer; accept them as your family. Intolerance is the only true crime against me.”

  Then, Lucifer had brought before him one creature of every species that he had created and they were sacrificed to him and he took a part of them and consumed it and it became a part of him: skin from orcs and goblins and muscles from trolls and giants and the heart of an elf and the wings of a dragon and tail of a wyvern and so on.

  “I took pity upon you in the beginning, Adam, and I continue to hold to my mission. But after I adopted you into my family, I had children of my own, the ekthro are not to be excluded from the riches and glory to come when our great campaign against Yahweh and the Host of Heaven, led by that wretched Son of His, is completed. As you can see, my children resemble my traits.

  “Once these are defeated we will ALL share in the spoils of war. I would never forget my own children when I pour my blessings out upon my faithful and execute those lacking devotion to me. Both man and ekthro shall be privileged to this place and to dwell with me for as long as they live and there will be no longer any toll to access any tower ascending to the heavenlies above the Temple of Light. Everything will be costless and everything will be permissible, this is my promise to you; if it harms no others, do what you may.”

  I saw the expanse of heaven, renovated by its new Luciferian occupants and its beauty was so great that it is indescribable.

  Lucifer told me, “What you have seen today is a vision of the past and of the future. At this very time a great battle rages in the heavens as the demonic forces battle for footholds in the firmaments. You children of Adam must uphold our forces in devotion and mystic rights and exercises of magic and loyalty and even sacrifice. All this must occur to enable us to acquire victory in the spirit realm. As of yet, our forces are evenly matched and Yahweh seeks the prayers of His people to gain advantage.

  “I, however, have more children with the combined efforts of all of my sons and daughters, both adopted Man and my created Ekthro.

  “Who will take my words to my Ekthro? Will you do so, my servant?”

  I, Absinthium, tell you that I cried out “I will!” as loudly as I could. “Will my brother ekthro believe me? Will they believe in the authority you have given me?”

  “They will believe when you demonstrate the power and magics I have given to you. I have given it to you with the purpose of displaying it before all creatures. Do so; use this power to convince others to believe.”

  “I will embrace my brethren of other origins and we will worship together through ritual and sacrifice and we will storm the gates of Heaven and advance the kingdom of our champion; our magics will force open the gateway between the realms and overpower the enemies.”

  These things that I write to you, I do on behalf of Lucifer. Preach this message to all Men and all Ekthro. Offer your sacrifices and your devotion to the demons and empower them to focus their energies and send warrior might to those who battle in Heaven, our impending home and enthronement.

  ~Stamped with the approval seals of the GATHERING of Demons~

  The sigils etched upon the parchment listed the demon overlords that made up the council, the largest, most ornate seal belonging to its head, beh’-tsah, followed by his twelve subordinates:













  Jandul thought to himself, intolerance is a crime against Lucifer himself. I must change how I think; I must hate only those who exclude others, and those who oppose the Luciferian truths—like these krist-chins. Everyone else is my brother and my friend.

  He contemplated these things, letting them take root in his heart as the last candle’s light flickered into darkness. The night consumed him with its darkness. Jandul sat in his quarters and meditated on the new doctrines until the morning light came.


  Dawn broke over, what the townsfolk had begun to call, the Christian Encampment. A collection of tents and temporary dwellings dotted the riverside on the eastern edge of town, the banks where Rashnir had previously made his home. Campfires had been kindled in various places and people gathered in small groups to cook breakfasts and share with each other.

  Kevin walked among the crowds of people, speaking briefly with many of them. Kyrius walked with him. Rashnir did likewise, walking with Jorge on the other side. Kevin and Jorge answered whatever questions people had, mostly about issues of faith and how their recent decision might further impact their lives.

  It seemed a group consensus that nobody wanted to return to their old ways. With the realization that their time had grown so short and the urge to help rescue souls so heavy on their minds, nobody wanted to do anything other than travel with Kevin and help fulfill their corporate mission: to rescue as many as possible and slip past the gate at the Western Spires

  Kevin sensed great genuineness as he interacted and spoke with folks. There was no turning back for these people. He smiled; this was the right mindset for a Christian to have: time drew short and the need to evangelize had never been more pressing. How many Christians had he known in his prior life who’d been content to do nothing for the cause of Christ? So few ever contributed significant time or funds to send out witnesses. The only donations given were those that benefited them directly or indirectly. It was as if his people on Earth wanted to keep Christ’s sacrifice a secret; they did not want “unworthy persons” to join their eternal fellowship. Of course, none were worthy! And that was the point. Kevin found the new Christians of this land to be quite refreshing.

  Traditional ministry models from Earth were of no consideration to him—nothing was the same. The only option was complete reliance on the Holy Spirit. Only the Spirit could eventually lead them out from this realm through the Gateway. Any Christians who chose not to seek the Gateway’s exit would be burned alive when the great conflagration arises in the east after Lucifer bows before Jesus.

  Still, the Earth man didn’t have a clue what came next. He only knew that nothing from his previous experiences would suffice.

  After breakfast, Kevin broke away for some privacy. After a short while, Rashnir and the angels went looking for him; they discovered him praying in his tent. Trying to slip out and leave him to his privacy, Kevin stopped them.

  “Don’t go,” he requested. “Stay and pray with me. I’m so desperate for guidance,” he admitted. The three complied.

  Finally, feeling more focused, Kevin shared his plans with his three friends. “We have a unique situation. How should we proceed reaching this world?” Kevin asked rhetorically. “We have this incredible call to evangelize the multitudes before us. This is truly the greatest opportunity for the Church since the time of the Acts; we have a whole world set be
fore us and only a few individuals in its entire population have ever heard the Message.

  “Not only do we have this great mission field set before us, we have workers who earnestly desire to be used by God.” Kevin thought for a second, “The problems that we face are going to mostly come from me,” he digressed. “I honestly do not know why God asked me to come to this place. Surely there are others who would have been better suited.”

  Kyrious nudged the preacher. “You know He has a reason.”

  “I know. But I have no idea how we could do all this through any methods I am familiar with; between us all we have just one Bible,” Kevin patted his dog-eared leather bound text. “I have no discipleship materials or any way to reproduce things that I wish to educate people with. I say that the problem is with me because in Old Testament times they passed everything along by oral tradition or had scribes make copies… I do not know where to begin discipling others when everything is so radically different than my experiences. Only something new and radical will work.

  “We have no choice but to educate these people for the task of evangelism. But the problem I keep dwelling on is our limited access to the Scripture. Granted,” Kevin looked at both Jorge and Kyrius, “You two can quote any passage from the book in any language ever spoken, but I need to train these people, and I am so greatly inadequate.”

  A long pause followed.

  “We can only trust that the Lord will show you what to do,” Kyrius said. “Be of good cheer, the Lord chose you because He knows who you are and what you can do.” The angel gave him a smile that melted away any ill feelings and doubts.

  Kevin believed him, but he still had no idea how to proceed.

  “For now,” Rashnir said, “perhaps we should continue getting to know our new-found brothers and sisters in the Lord? There are so many.”

  “Yes, yes. That would be a good idea. I am sure that the Lord will reveal something to my heart before long.”


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