Island Shifters: Book 03 - An Oath of the Children

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Island Shifters: Book 03 - An Oath of the Children Page 5

by Valerie Zambito

“Very little.”

  Suddenly, the Vypir leapt off the table and hurled himself against the window with a blood-curdling scream. Hendrix shrieked and stumbled backwards. With strength the Premier did not know it possessed, the creature banged its head on the glass leaving streaks of blood as the skin ruptured from the contact.

  A technician ran into the room to subdue the beast, but it evaded the soporific dart from the small crossbow and used its long arms to envelop the technician and pin him to the ground.

  The Vypir’s long tail sprang up from behind him, and Hendrix shrank back from the two tiny fangs that clicked together inside the opening at the end.

  The creature swung the appendage down onto the neck of the technician and latched on. The man’s eyes bulged and small rivulets of blood trickled down his throat as the Vypir’s tail suckled greedily.

  Emile ran from the room.

  “Has it ever done that before?” Hendrix asked in whispered horror to the technician in the white room with him.

  “No. He should have no desire for normal plasma.”

  As though he heard the exchange, the Vypir’s purple eyes jerked up toward the window and the look of satisfaction was unmistakable.

  Hendrix gulped. “I have a feeling that blood was taken for revenge, not sustenance. How are we going to control it outside the confines of its room?”

  “Emile can control it. It takes direction from him and only him.”

  That was interesting news, thought Hendrix. He had not realized Emile had been involved so closely with the Vypir.

  Three technicians appeared at the door to the Vypir’s room. One held another crossbow and he hastily shot off a dart and it sank deep into the Vypir’s neck. The Vypir rolled off the drained corpse on the floor and took a step toward the technicians, but did not make it far before falling face first onto the floor.

  “Tolah!” Emile entered the room and immediately ran to the Vypir. “Help me!” he ordered.

  The technicians rushed to obey and helped Emile carry the unconscious Vypir back to the table.

  Hendrix turned toward the technician. “Tolah?”

  The technician shrugged. “That is its name. I believe it was the original name of the Mage before…before he became the Vypir.”

  Hendrix was repulsed by the beast and did not want to know it had a name. Did not want to be reminded that it had once been a living, thinking individual. He only wanted the abomination to stay alive long enough to drain the magic users sailing for Ellvin shores.

  He turned toward the technician and grabbed him by his tongor under the throat. “I am counting on you to ensure that nothing happens to that creature. If the Vypir dies, you die.”

  As soon he let go, the technician swallowed and bowed low to the ground. “Aye, Your Eminence.”



  Afternoon shadows offered little relief from the heat as Kellan rode his mount next to Kirby Nash. He glanced over his shoulder at the others in their party spread out behind. After two days of travel from Northfort to Bardot just the day prior, an unexpected trip back to the port city was the last thing he wanted to do. And, with the protectors and horses to slow their progress this time, it would take closer to three days.

  He reached for the water bag hung around his saddle horn and took a long drink. After wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he looked at Kirby. “What do you think, Captain?”


  Kellan shook his head, wondering why the Royal Saber seemed so preoccupied ever since the trip began. “The Ellvinians. Why do you think they are here?”

  The Saber shrugged his shoulders. “Could be anything. Maybe they were having trouble at sea and it was easier to return to Massa for assistance rather than continue on to Ellvin.”

  “After all this time?”

  Kirby waved a hand in front of his face irritably. “Regardless, we will get our answers soon enough.”

  Kellan looked over his shoulder at his twin brother riding directly behind him, the sword of Iserlohn peeking up over his shoulder. Like most earthshifters, Kellan did not carry a weapon, but Kane chose to wear the family heirloom that their mother once wore.

  Surprisingly, Kane jerked his chin toward Kirby.

  Kellan glanced back at the Captain, and saw him trying to swat away a very large bumblebee that continued to try and land on his nose.

  “Demon’s breath! Get away from me!” the Saber bellowed, arms windmilling around his head.

  Kellan smiled. It was unusual for Kane to use his magic. Whenever pranks were pulled on the protectors, his twin preferred to stay in the background and rarely participated. In fact, he rarely spoke to anyone at all except him and their mother.

  Kellan’s guard, Gregor Steele, nudged his horse close and pointed ahead. “Your Grace, a rider is approaching.”

  Kellan stood in his stirrups for a better look. It was a single rider and he was coming fast. Faster than the rutted dirt road allowed. “He’s going to kill himself! Jala, send up a warning signal for the rider to slow.” If that did not stop him, the four shifters, five guards, and two Draca Cats should do it.

  Jala wove her hands in the air and let loose a fireball that screamed into the air above their heads and exploded in a loud pop.

  The rider pulled up on the reins of his horse, but instead of evading the large group, continued directly toward them. As the rider drew closer, Kellan could now see that it was a young boy. When the boy’s gaze fell on the Draca Cats, his eyes widened in surprise and he slid from the still moving horse and fell to a knee. “Thank the Highworld, Your Graces.”

  Gregor dismounted and grabbed the bridle of the boy’s horse before it caught scent of the Dracas and bolted.

  “What is the matter, boy?” Kirby asked.

  “Ships, sir! Ships have come to Northfort! My father told me to ride for Bardot.”

  Kirby held his hands out to calm the boy. “We have already had word, lad, and are on our way to Northfort now to receive the visitors. Now, run along and for Highworld’s sake, slow that horse!”

  Kellan straightened in his saddle. “Wait. How many ships?”

  “I’m not sure, Your Grace. My father dispatched a message to the palace in Bardot earlier, but when more ships appeared, he sent me to request the presence of the royals.”

  “Who is your father?” Kellan asked.

  “Lars Kingsley, Your Grace. The mayor of Northfort.”

  Kellan looked at Kirby. “It would appear that your trouble at sea theory is becoming more implausible by the moment.”

  “Let us not forget,” Kane said softly from behind, “that the last time an armada descended on Massa, war broke out.”

  Kellan ran a hand through his hair as he considered his brother’s ominous reminder. “How many soldiers are stationed at Northfort?” he asked the Captain.

  “Good question, Your Grace. One hundred or so, but that number suddenly seems dangerously low.” He turned to the boy. “Ride on to Bardot as your father asked. Seek out an Iserlohn soldier and tell them Captain Nash has ordered three hundred troops to Northfort immediately.”

  “Yes, sir.” The boy jumped to his feet and mounted his horse.

  “Hold on!” ordered Kellan. “We will need watershifters, too. Tell the soldier to have a dozen watershifters meet us at the harbor.”

  The boy nodded and Kellan watched him dig his heels into the horse’s ribs and gallop south.

  “It could be nothing,” Kirby reasoned.

  “Or, we could be in a whole lot of trouble,” Kane pointed out.

  Kane might not speak often, but when he did, Kellan was inclined to listen.

  * * * * *

  Kenley stepped off the raft in the Aquatainian village of Marboro beneath the Sarphia grate and stretched, sore from the days of traveling. She smiled at Reilly. “Unless you are trying to soak me, I do not get enough opportunity to see you watershift. Your skills are truly exceptional.”

  “Tell me about it!” Digby exc
laimed. “I might as well have not even been here at all. I’ve never seen anything quite like it.”

  The young Dwarf reached up to pat the lanky Digby on the shoulder. “I have learned from the master.”

  Digby waved a webbed hand dismissively. “Bah, you were born with more power than I will ever have.”

  Baya jumped off the raft onto the sandy beach and shook out her magnificent coat.

  “Now, Reilly,” Kenley said, “I am not sure how long I will be, but with Iben left behind in Bardot, it would give me peace of mind if you just stayed here until I returned. Do you think you can do that?”

  She expected an argument, but Digby quickly interjected. “Do not worry, Your Grace. I will keep the lad in good company until you return.” He leaned in close to the Dwarf’s ear. “I know a few pretty watershifters that have been very anxious to meet you.”

  A grin to rival Airron Falewir’s appeared on Reilly’s face. “Well, my friend? What are we waiting for?”

  The issue settled, Kenley bid her friends goodbye and led Baya toward the limestone stairs that would deliver them just outside of the Haventhal capital city of Sarphia. Long ago, her father showed her a much shorter way through the tangle of magic encapsulating the mystical land of the Draca Cats, Callyn-Rhe. Still, it would take most of the day for her and Baya to navigate the Puu Rainforest.

  Kenley climbed out of the cool subterranean underground, and winced as the thick humidity of the forest lay over her shoulders like a heavy blanket. The lower canopy of the oversized trees and plants left little room for air movement and as a result of the trapped moisture, all she could see was a screen of mist that clung low to the ground in wispy tendrils and all she could hear was the steady drip of water rolling off the leaves.

  She immediately stripped her cloak and stowed it in her bag.

  Baya issued a low, warning growl and a Gardien appeared out of the fog like an apparition.

  “Good day, Gardien. It is Princess Kenley of Iserlohn and Baya.”

  The young Elf’s face registered excitement when he saw Baya. For some reason she had yet to learn, the Elves revered the Draca Cats of Callyn-Rhe as a sacred entity. Anywhere outside of Bardot, it was very rare to get a glimpse of the legendary cats so this was most likely the first time the soldier had laid eyes on one. “It is an honor to meet you both.”

  Baya clicked her tongue in satisfaction very well aware of the Elves high regard for her race.

  “We are passing through on our way to Callyn-Rhe. I hope that does not pose a problem?”

  “No, no. You are more than welcome to continue on your way.”

  “Thank you.”

  The Gardien bowed low to the ground in front of Baya as they passed.

  Stop your preening and come along now, she told her friend.

  I do not preen.

  No? I cannot see your eyes for the lift of your nose.

  The cat ignored the taunt and followed her onto the narrow path that cut deep into the rainforest. The pervasive dampness pressed down on Kenley and she soon began to sweat. Keep your eyes out for dangers from above, she warned.

  The Moshies, Baya growled.


  They continued forward throughout the day without incident. At one point, Kenley noticed slithering movement in the limbs above her head, but whatever it was quickly vanished back into the heavy foliage. They stopped once to eat, and Baya called out to Felice to no avail.

  I do not like this, Princess.

  I have to agree with you. The silence is unnerving.

  After several more hours of walking, Kenley and Baya turned onto a bend in the path and, seemingly out of thin air, the wall of Callyn-Rhe appeared before them behind the haze.

  They left the path and skirted the perimeter of the wall until they came to the concealed entrance. Kenley ducked inside the arched stone tunnel that led to the Dracan land and after a short walk, a light appeared up ahead.

  After the dim interior of the rainforest, Kenley had to shield her eyes as she emerged from the tunnel and stepped out into the bright sunshine of Callyn-Rhe.

  She had traveled to the land of the Draca Cats with Baya several times, but the sight never failed to enthrall her. The sun cast long shadows on a lush patchwork of greens and browns and blues. Tall savanna grasses waved and thrashed before a strong breeze that carried the scent of dry soil to her nose.

  This time, however, the scene was unlike any other visit.

  There were no Draca Cats.

  Usually, the landscape teemed with cats running and playing or lazing in the sun on the few scattered boulders dotting the landscape. Now, it was completely empty.

  Baya stood still. What is this? Where are the Draca Cats? Felice!

  Kenley could hear panic begin to take root in her friend’s thoughts.

  Let us go to the caves where Moombai lives, Kenley suggested. He will know what has happened.

  I do not understand, Baya mused as they picked their way carefully through the eerie stillness toward the caves at the northern border of Callyn-Rhe. How could the Draca Cats just vanish?

  Kenley did not have any answers for her. And, it was not just the cats that were missing, Kenley realized. She did not hear or see any rustling of small animals and even the birds were gone. Something happened here. Something dreadful enough to chase away all of the creatures that made this place their home.

  Suddenly, Baya lifted her head and her nostrils flared as she picked up a scent on the wind.

  What is it, Baya. What do you smell?


  The Draca sprinted forward and Kenley followed. It was not long before she smelled what Baya had already picked up.


  When Baya skidded to a stop abruptly and yelped in pain, Kenley almost ran into her. Dodging around the Draca, she saw the source of her friend’s distress. Dead Draca Cats. Hundreds of them. Their beautiful white coats stained red.

  Dear Highworld.

  While Baya remained frozen in grief, Kenley crept closer to the grisly scene. It was apparent that a terrible battle occurred here. Animal against animal, she could easily discern from the teeth and claw marks that raked each corpse.

  Her hand flew to her mouth when she spotted the body of Moombai. She ran to his side and prodded his thick fur, checking for any signs of life. There were none.

  “Who could have done this, Baya?” she moaned aloud.

  Draca Cats.

  But, why? Why would they kill their Sovereign and all these others?

  Finally, Baya stood and padded closer to the carnage. Power, revenge, jealousy. It could be any or all of the above. The Dracas are not immune to the sins that plague humans.

  Were you aware of any strife?

  Baya shook her head. No, it is not often that I take interest in the affairs of the Draca Cats. This is not my world.

  Kenley continued to walk around the horrific site hoping she would not find the mother of her friend. It would take some time to know for sure if Felice was among the dead, but Baya asked the question anyway.

  Is Felice…?

  I do not see her.

  Baya’s snowy head whipped toward the south and a snarl escaped her raised lips. Be prepared for a fight, Princess.

  Kiernan crouched already weaving a ball of air in her hands. A fight? Where?

  Baya gestured to the path they had just followed out of the Puu. Draca Cats poured out of the forest.

  Draca Cats stained with the blood of the pride.



  At the sight of the bloodstained Draca Cats, Kenley shifted the air and a swirling vortex sprang to life between her and Baya and the threat.

  The front row of Draca Cats tumbled backwards from the force of the wind and the others howled and cowered from the dirt and stones kicked up by the churning air. Head lowered against the gusts, a large male fought the strength of the currents to step ahead of the group. Wait! We mean you no harm!

  Baya snarled. How c
an you say that with the blood of our brothers and sisters still upon you?

  Baya! It is me, Muuki. Tell the daughter of Kenley to lower her screen.

  Kenley waited until Baya nodded before letting go of the magic. As soon as the winds died down, Baya rounded her shoulders aggressively and stalked toward the Draca Cat.

  I have known you a very long time, Muuki, but today I wonder if you stand before me as my friend or my enemy.

  Your friend, Baya, and so are all with me. This was not our work. We are the survivors of this massacre.

  Tell me what has happened.

  Muuki came closer, walking with a slight limp. It was Nazar.

  A deep rumble rose from Baya’s throat. Nazar has always been too ambitious for his own good, but to kill the Sovereign? To kill so many of our pride? For what purpose, Muuki?

  He desires power for the Draca Cats and has left Callyn-Rhe to seek it in the land of Iserlohn.

  Power? Over the humans? Kenley asked in astonishment.

  Yes, daughter of Kenley


  Through the Kenley bond. Muuki paused as though embarrassed to continue. Once the humans have been cowed to his satisfaction, he plans for the Kenleys to be our voice to the slaves.

  Ridiculous! Baya snorted. What nonsense is this?

  He killed Moombai and has named himself the new Sovereign. He feels that the Draca Cats have not evolved as a race. That we have become too idle through our isolation from the world. He seeks knowledge and power through conquest.

  Baya turned to look at all of the dead bodies. What I do not understand is how he convinced so many to go along with his plans. We are Draca Cats, Muuki! We have an unbreakable bond to protect humans.

  No, our bonded oath is with the Kenleys, not all humans.

  Yes, but our ancestors have always regarded the role of the Draca Cats as that of protector. We have always stood side-by-side with humans to battle evil.

  Nazar has changed all of that. He wants more and is not afraid to kill to achieve his goals.

  Kenley clenched her fists at her sides at the thought of her friends, the Draca Cats, prowling through Massa and killing innocent people indiscriminately. We have to stop him, Baya. He is on a rampage to terrorize the people of this island and I cannot allow that.


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