Island Shifters: Book 03 - An Oath of the Children

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Island Shifters: Book 03 - An Oath of the Children Page 22

by Valerie Zambito

  Sudden thunder boomed and fingers of light spread through the roiling clouds above. Kellan looked up in dismay as the first raindrops fell from the sky. It was the worst possible scenario. The rain would put out the fires continuing to rage through the enemy ranks and render the fireshifters useless. It would also hamper Kane’s ability to cast his illusions.

  With a muttered curse, he looked around at the battlefield helplessly. The Massan defenders were killing an exorbitant amount of the enemy, but they were dying as well and they had a lot less to lose.

  Howling in rage, Kellan threw himself against the Ellvinians with unrestrained violence. Skulls caved in under his fists, legs broke under his powerful kicks. He became so lost in his anger-fueled rampage that he did not see the Ellvinian behind him until it was too late. Sudden pain exploded behind his left ear and he was lifted off his feet by a crushing blow. A blood-crazed Elf brandishing a studded mace stood over him. The fighter heaved the heavy weapon over his head with two hands for another strike, but just as he began to swing, a flash of steel glinted through the air and a dagger sank deep in the Ellvinian’s eye. Kellan rolled out of the way of the dropping mace and the dead Elf.

  Still dazed from the attack, he looked up. Izzy appeared above him, squatted next to his assailant and yanked her dagger free. And, just like that, she was gone again.

  Alarmed shouts came from the gates, and Kellan lurched to his feet in time to see several Ellvinians cut through the Massans guarding them. Defenders on top of the wall rained large rocks down on the heads of the Elves as they tried to wrench the gates open.

  Kellan sprinted as fast as his armor would allow. It was pouring now and the ground dangerously slippery from mud and blood. He skidded to a stop in astonishment when a body dove off the outer wall directly into the Ellvinians at the gate.

  “You’re not doing this without me!” bellowed a familiar Dwarven voice before being buried under a knot of dark Elves. It was Iben Rydex, the protector for Reilly Radek! The Iron Fist had been left behind in Bardot when Reilly accompanied Kenley to Callyn-Rhe.

  Kellan was relieved when the formidable soldier popped up among the taller Elves and slashed out with a long knife in each hand.

  Then, Kane appeared at his side.

  Kellan flashed his twin brother a bleak smile and they pressed their backs together. The sons of Beck Atlan and Kiernan Everard came together as one and the result was devastating to the enemy. Wherever they moved, they left incalculable ruin in their wake. Whereas Kellan was brute strength and raw power, Kane was speed and deadly timing, his blade a blur of whirling metal. One by one, the Ellvinians fell dead at the feet of the brothers. Fighting side by side, they were able to throw back the breach at the gates.

  Breathing heavy, Kellan was able to pause for a moment as the Ellvinians pushed away from their circle of destruction. His arms burned from the effort of swinging his heavily-ladened arms.

  He stretched back to look over his shoulder at Kane. His brother’s hair was plastered to his head and the rainwater, mixed with blood, ran down his face in angry rivulets giving him a wild appearance.

  Maks and Jain did all they could to protect their charges, but even the big cats were wearing down.

  Suddenly, the Elves came at them again, and Kane yelled out as he slipped and went down on one knee. Kellan tried to protect him from above, but a sword point made its way through and punctured Kane in the left side of his chest. The man lost his life to Jain for the effort, but the damage was done. Kane lay on the ground, gasping in ragged breaths.

  Kellan crouched over him protectively and suffered blow after blow, his earthen armor chipping away under a ruthless assault. Exhausted, Kellan could only lay over his brother and wait for the inevitable strike that would shatter his armor for good and end his life. Despondent, his thoughts turned to Reilly. Had he made it to the ocean? Was he at this very moment preparing the waves that would crash over all of their heads? He hoped so. At least then, he could go to his death knowing the gates held.

  One particularly brutal clout to the head, scattered his senses. It must have because when he glanced back up at the outer wall, he saw rows of angels lining the parapet.

  Beautiful, white glowing angels. Hundreds of them. Maybe even thousands! Was he dead already? Were these spirits here to guide him to the Highworld?

  But, then the angels opened their mouths and let out a bestial roar that sent the Ellvinians running for their lives.

  No, probably not angels, he had time to think.



  Kellan rose up on trembling legs and let his earthen armor fall away from his body. He wiped the blood from his eyes and peered up through the curtain of rain.

  Draca Cats.

  A sea of white across the entire length and width of the wall and from the sounds, more gathered beyond the closed gates.

  The Ellvinians left the field of battle, but looked on from the dark recesses of the city as they considered this new threat. After fighting Maks and Jain, they were well aware of the damage the dragon cats could inflict. And, now—there were a whole lot more of them.

  Maks limped over to the newcomers. Brothers and sisters, why are you here? What brings you out of Callyn-Rhe?

  A large male shook out his white mane and looked out over the devastation. What is happening here, brother?

  An invasion of dark Elves. You came just in time to aid us in battle!

  The Elves are friend to the Draca Cats.

  Not these. May I ask your name?

  I am, Nazar, and I am your new Sovereign. Show your respect, cub.

  Jain came forward. New Sovereign? What happened to Moombai?

  Kellan felt Kane’s presence beside him and turned in shock.

  “Jain healed me. What is happening?”


  Moombai is dead. Bow to your Sovereign!

  Maks and Jain let out agitated mewing sounds, but bent one foreleg out in front in a show of deference to this new ruler.


  Maks straightened. We need your help, Sovereign. The island of Massa is under attack.

  Let the humans handle it. We go now to the royal capital of Nysa. Tell the sons of Kenley that they must come with us. We will need their cooperation.


  It is the seat of power of the Kenleys, is it not?


  Kellan peered over his shoulder to ensure that the Ellvinians were still holding back. He did not know what they thought of the silence since it was obvious that a form of communication was taking place.

  Why Nysa? I don’t understand.

  To establish our rule, young cub! That is why we are here and why the Draca Cats have come out of hiding.

  Kellan strode in front of Maks and nodded respectfully to Nazar. Whatever is happening with the Draca Cats of Callyn-Rhe, I ask that you put those affairs aside for now. He threw his arm backward. We are fighting for our very lives here.

  You do not give the orders here, son of Kenley. I do.

  Whatever it is you want, Nazar, we can work out a solution together. The Draca Cats do not deserve exile any more than the shifters of years ago did.

  Nazar’s amber gaze glowed with malice. You know what I want? I want you to bow down to me, son of Kenley.

  The night turned deathly quiet. Kane rested a restraining hand on his arm. I bow down to no one, Nazar.

  The new Sovereign growled and shook his head forcefully. You will bow down and then we will travel to Nysa where you will be the voice of the Draca Cats!

  No! These Ellvinians have spilled the blood of my people and by my oath I will protect them from further harm. My duty is here, Nazar, and I ask you to uphold your oath to my family and fight beside me.

  The cats on the wall swished their tails and screamed out in distress at their conflicting emotions between an old oath and a new order.

  Kellan pressed on. You will abandon a Kenley in his most desperate hour of need
? Centuries of generations of Draca Cats and Kenleys have stood side by side in peace and in war and Nazar of Callyn-Rhe will break that oath?

  You will do as I say, son of Kenley, or you will never see your bondmate again!

  Kellan spun toward Maks. Maks?

  His friend’s blue eyes so like his own welled with misery. He is my Sovereign, Prince—

  Then, go and leave me if you must, but I will not break my oath! Go! Go join your oath breaker kin!

  Maks’ shook his head vehemently. No! You did not let me finish. Nazar may be the new Sovereign, but our bond means far more to me. I would never leave you, Prince. Never.

  Kellan offered his friend a small smile of gratitude.

  Nazar lifted his head and roared into the night. Enough! With a powerful leap, he jumped from the wall. Call me oath breaker if you will, son of Kenley, but I will cower in the corner no longer!

  No one is asking you to!

  I will take what is rightfully mine!

  You are the child of oath, Kellan reminded him.

  No more! I have already spilled the blood of my kin for this right and I will kill you, too! I denounce the oath!

  Painful cries erupted from the Draca Cats as they recoiled from Nazar’s dangerous words. Several cats fell from the wall, and Maks and Jain dropped to the ground and writhed in pain.

  Kellan knelt next to Maks. Maks, what is the matter?

  “The oath rises,” Kane whispered.

  Kellan stood when Nazar took a threatening step toward him. Over the plaintive wails of the Draca Cats, Kellan heard a bone break. Nazar’s eyes widened in surprise and his gait took on a limp, but he kept coming. I denounce the oath!

  More screams spewed from the Draca Cats as they twisted in mortal agony.

  Kellan clenched his fists as he prepared to battle Nazar, but shrank back when another crack of bone echoed in the night. Nazar fell to the ground with a yelp of pain.

  Nazar! You must stop!

  The large cat struggled off the ground and came on, now dragging both hind legs behind him. I denounce the oath!

  The terrible howls of the Draca Cats were heartbreaking to hear. “Kane! What can we do?”

  “There is nothing that can be done, brother.”

  A loud popping noise sounded and Nazar’s ears and nose began to leak blood. Droplets of red splattered to the cobblestones. I denounce the oath!

  Nazar! Save yourself! I am not your enemy!

  Kellan heard a third snapping break, and Nazar fell to the ground once again. Crawling now, Nazar used one enormous paw to pull his body forward to try and get to Kellan. A river of blood left in his wake, he refused to stop.

  I…denounce…the oath! The self-proclaimed Sovereign of Callyn-Rhe issued one last scream of defiance and then his massive snowy head, hit the cobblestones with a horrible thud just inches from Kellan’s boots.

  All went quiet.

  Maks got to his feet shakily.

  Are you all right? Kane asked him.

  He nodded, but he looked furious as he stalked to the wall, his muzzle lifted in a snarl. What of you, brothers and sisters! Does any other wish to try and harm my bondmate? If so, I promise you, I will kill you long before the oath!

  Another large male cat stepped forward and leapt from the wall to land next to Maks.

  I am Muuki. I will address the pride.

  Maks reluctantly nodded and stepped back. Brothers and sisters! Nazar covered my eyes, but now I see! He deceived my heart, but now I feel the familiar oath beating there still. The son of Kenley is right. We are the children of oath! The Draca paced before the wall. This oath does not make us subservient to the Kenleys, it makes us equals! It makes us whole! For I know that the Kenleys would give their lives to protect us just as we would do for them. They are the magic and we are the might! Let no one come against us and live! We are stronger by virtue of the oath! We are stronger together!

  Muuki’s words touched Kellan deep in his soul, and he threw his fist in the air. “We are the children of oath! Together we fight!” He said the words aloud so the Ellvinians would know what they faced.

  Kane appeared at his side and lifted his fist. “The children of oath!”

  While the recovered Draca Cats howled their agreement into the night, furtive movement behind Muuki caught Kellan’s notice, and he watched a female Draca prowl forward from the stairs in the wall.

  Muuki followed Kellan’s gaze and spun around. Rheka!

  Do not worry, Muuki, I will not hurt you.

  No, you won’t, Muuki replied with a low warning growl.

  My mate is now dead, and I accept that. I come to ask if you will still allow me to be part of the pride.

  I am not the Sovereign, Rheka, but all Draca Cats who follow our laws are part of the pride.

  That is what I came to hear. The female swung her head toward Kellan. I stand with you, son of Kenley. My oath beats firm.

  Kellan nodded.

  Rheka bowed her head and retreated back to the wall.

  It is as it should be, Muuki said to Kellan. We stand united together.

  I am in your debt. While it is true that at the end of the Mage War, the Draca Cats chose seclusion, it was not imposed by humans. If you wish to now come out of hiding, it is up to you. As long as you do not harm innocent people, you need not fight us for that right.

  Muuki nodded his acknowledgement.

  Kirby Nash hurried to Kellan’s side and grabbed his arm. “Your Grace, look!” Suddenly tense, Kellan swung his head to where he pointed. It was Emile. He was walking toward the center of the city square waving a white cloth with one hand and the other raised high in acceptance of defeat.

  “Princes of Iserlohn! I come forward to offer our surrender!” He stopped halfway there. “We surrender!”

  In unison, the Draca Cats growled out their frustrated disappointment.



  Kellan started toward Emile cautiously and sensed the others fall into step beside him to create a fearsome line. Kane, Izzy, Maks, Jain, Kirby Nash, and protectors Gregor, Haiden, Elon and the Dwarf, Iben, who, Kellan was pleased to see had survived his reckless dive into the enemy.

  When he was within speaking distance, he stopped. “A surrender? Now, it is your turn to use this tactic, Ellvinian?”

  Emile dropped the cloth to the ground. “No tactic. I will not throw away any more Ellvinian lives fighting powerful beasts or your shifter magic.” He snorted nervously. “If this is what a handful of shifters can do, I can only imagine at the might of your entire nation.” He paused and Kellan could see emotion behind the Elf’s eyes. “But, there is another reason I call a truce this night and it is a simple matter of what is right. The people of this island have never caused Ellvinians harm and, in fact, have done just the opposite.” He shook his head. “There is no glory in this conflict! We do no fight over religion or for power or to resolve boundary disputes. We do not fight for civil rights or against oppression! Our Premier ordered us here so he can bask in the euphoria of your blood. Even as an Ellvinian who lusts for the blood, I say that is not just. I will fight no more.”

  Kellan had no idea what Emile was referring to when he spoke of the blood, but refrained from questioning the Elf when Kirby stepped forward with his hand firmly on the hilt of his sword. “Are all the Ellvinians with you in agreement?”

  Emile blinked. “All but one.” He gestured and two Battlearms brought forth a bound Samara.

  The woman did not struggle, but directed an icy glare at Emile. “You will lose your head for this when the Premier learns of your cowardice.”

  “If I have my say, Samara, Hendrix Bane will not be the Premier of Ellvin for very much longer.” Emile signaled again and Samara was led away.

  Kirby strode closer to the Ellvinian Second. “We will grant your surrender with impunity, but our two nations will not be at peace until the ambassadors that sailed to your island are returned to us safely. Your Shiprunners and Battle
arms are free to leave, but you will stay. If anything has happened to them, you will die first and then a campaign of war will be waged against Ellvin.”

  Emile nodded. “Under the circumstances, I can expect no less. For what it is worth, the Premier ordered almost the entire contingent of Battlearms here to Massa. If your ambassadors are as powerful as you have shown yourselves to be, the Ellvinians do not stand a chance.”

  Kirby eyes narrowed. “They are not as powerful as us, they are far stronger.”

  As Kellan listened in, he found it difficult to believe it was over. After days of relentless terror and making peace with his impending death, the threat to Massa was at an end. He was going to live after all. It would take time for the survivors to recover from the deaths that resulted from the battle, but they would get through it together. As though sanctioning this new chance at life, the sun peeked through the rainclouds and a ray of light shined down on Northfort. Kellan lifted his face to its comforting warmth.

  Click. Click. Shuffle.


  He turned to the strange noise and a powerful blow sent his body flailing across the length of the square. The air rushed from his lungs as he smashed against the outer wall. Stunned from the impact, he first heard the warning screams and then the clicking of claws moving very fast on cobblestones.

  He knew in that moment that it was the Vypir.

  He tried to stand, but the beast was on him before he could pull himself upright. The Vypir pinned him to the ground by his shoulders, and Kellan watched in horror as a tail with sharp fangs reared up behind the beast and struck out at his neck.

  “No!” He tried to struggle, but even with his strength could not dislodge the creature once it latched on and began to suck his blood. Sudden dread filled him. The vile beast was not only taking his blood, but his magic as well! Kellan felt his connection with the earth slipping from his control. He clawed desperately to grasp it back, but the link was growing smaller and harder to recognize.


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