The Last One (The One Trilogy #1)

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The Last One (The One Trilogy #1) Page 1

by Tawdra Kandle

  The Last One

  Copyright © 2014 Tawdra Kandle

  All rights reserved.

  Published by Hayson Publishing

  St. Augustine, Florida

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Formatting by Champagne Formats


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  The Posse

  Keep in Touch

  Coming in the spring of 2015

  The Ultimate Play List


  About the Author

  Other Books by the Author

  Romantic Edge Books

  Other Books from Hayson Publishing

  To Haley, daughter number two, middle child extraordinaire ... this book would not be here without you. We’ll always remember the summer of 2014 as our time of limbo, but your humor, your constancy and your resolve made it not only survivable, but actually fun. I love our book events and beach walks ... and I love you, sweet girl! Remember ... the one you’re waiting for is the last one you’ll expect.

  THE WHITE BRICK BUILDING looked a little dingy in the waning sunlight, but after the three-hour drive I’d just made, I was ready to kiss the cracked sidewalk that led to the door. I pulled my trusty blue Honda into the small parking lot and turned off the ignition. For a minute, I sat in the silent car, resting my forehead on the steering wheel.

  A loud bang on the roof made me jump, and I looked out the window at a familiar grinning face.

  Owen. Lovely.

  I opened the car door and swung my legs to the ground as Owen stepped aside, still resting his hand on the top of my car so that he stood over me. I tamped down my annoyance as his eyes swept down my body in an all too-intimate way.

  “Hey, beautiful. Is this good timing, or what? I was just coming by to see if you were back yet.”

  “And here I am.” I stood up, forcing him to step back. “And yeah, it’s perfect timing because you can carry my bag.” I closed the door and looped my purse strap over my head. “It’s in the backseat.”

  Owen reached for the handle of the backseat door and pulled out my bright pink rolling suitcase. “Just the one? Weren’t you there for a week?”

  “Five days.” I clicked the lock on my key fob. “And I travel light.”

  “Yeah.” He extended the handle and started for the front of the building. “Don’t you want to know why I’m here?”

  I shrugged. “Not really.”

  In front of me, Owen’s back stiffened just enough for me to notice. He swiped back the long black hair that always seemed to hang in his eyes, and I caught the look on his face. I swallowed a sigh. He was annoying as hell, but he was still a friend, and he didn’t deserve to take the brunt of my mood.

  “Sorry. I’m tired. It was a long drive up from Florida.” I forced a smile as Owen held the door for me. “Tell me why you’re here.”

  Luckily Owen was the kind of guy who bounced back fast from a slight. “I came over to take you to the biggest party of the year. Oswald, Lloyd and Ziggy are throwing a kegger at their new place. Everyone’s going. You have an hour to get ready.”

  The wheels on my bag squeaked as he trailed it behind him across the small lobby. Out of habit, we ignored the slow-as-molasses-elevator in favor of the staircase. I gripped the banister and pulled myself up the steps.

  “I don’t know, Owen. I told you, I’m tired.”

  “Aw, c’mon, Megs. You’ll feel better once we get there.”

  I didn’t answer, and we climbed the rest of the way in silence broken only by our footsteps echoing against the cavernous walls. I opened the door at the top of the steps, holding it for Owen this time. My apartment was the second one to the left down the hall.

  The doorknob turned in my hand, and I shook my head. No matter how many times I warned her, Laura always forgot to lock the door. She was sitting on our hand-me-down couch, a sketch pad on her lap. Her blonde hair was piled high in a messy knot, and she bit her lip in concentration as her pencil moved across the paper.

  “Knock, knock, I’m an intruder. Thanks for leaving your door unlocked for me, lady.” I made my voice deep and tried to sound threatening.

  “Meghan!” She tossed her drawing aside and jumped to hug me. “You’re home. How was the drive?”

  “Long and monotonous, like it always is.” I lifted my purse over my head and hung it on the back of a kitchen chair. “How are things here?”

  “The same.” She glanced over my shoulder, and her left eyebrow rose. “Hey, Owen. Are you pulling bellhop duty tonight?”

  He propped my suitcase against the back of the sofa and dropped down into the fuzzy blue recliner. “Right place, right time. I’m trying to talk Megs into going to Oswald’s party tonight.”

  “Ah.” Laura met my eyes. “I heard about that. Dani and Ash are going.” That didn’t surprise me. They were neighbors and classmates of ours, but they’d never met a party they didn’t like.

  I sank down onto the sofa and let my head fall against the cushion. “No offense, Owen, but I don’t want to go to some party where everyone’s going to be screaming and drunk. And there’re going to be so many people, no one’ll be able to move.”

  “But everyone’s going to be there. It’ll be epic.” He was trying to look confident and convincing, but I caught the hopeful pleading behind the bravado. It irritated the crap out of me.

  “Will there be dancing? ‘Cause that’s what I want to do. I want to dance. If I’m going to get my ass in gear to dress up and go out, it won’t be to get pawed by drunk boys and have beer spilled all over me. It’ll be to hit a decent dance floor. And I doubt that’s going to happen at Oswald’s party.” I opened one eye and fastened it on Owen.

  He shrugged. “Probably not, but hey, we could make it happen. They have a sound system, and we’ll plug in and clear a space.” He leaned forward, his blue eyes going soft and suggestive. “And I bet we could find a dark corner for some slow dancing. Some special slow dancing.” He winked.

  I thought I might gag. “God, Owen, is that all you think about? This—” I pointed at him and then at myself. “It happened once. Get over it. No repeat performances.”

  “Geez, Meghan, can’t you take a joke?” He huffed out what was supposed to pass for laughter. “I was just saying, it’s going to be a party you don’t want to miss. Everyone’s going to be talking about it for weeks.”

  Laura tuc
ked her bare feet beneath her, curling up in the corner of the couch. “Actually, the girl who does my hair was telling me about this place that just opened in her hometown. It’s in ... ummm ... God, what was the name of the town?” She rolled her eyes up, thinking. “Burton. She said it’s like forty-five minutes southwest, and this bar that opened has a huge dance floor and some killer local bands. The guy who owns it used to be in the music biz, so he gets all the best acts.”

  I brought my hand down onto my knee with a loud smack. “Sold! We’re going to—what was it? Burton? And we’re dancing.”

  Owen fell back in the recliner. “Seriously? You’re driving an hour to some podunk town to hang with locals just because they have dancing?”

  “Yep.” I smiled at him. “You know me, Owen. Unpredictable.”

  He sighed, long and loud. “Well, I guess I can do that. I can’t believe I’m going to miss the biggest party of the year—”

  “Oh, no, my friend. This is a girls-only night. You go to Oswald’s and get wasted. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for you missing a fun time like that.”

  Owen frowned, and for the space of a breath, I thought I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes. But he recovered fast and shook his head. “Whatever.” He stood up and pulled keys from his pocket. “I’m gonna bounce. Later.”

  I watched until the door closed behind him, and then I let out a long breath. “Crap on a cracker, that boy wears me out. I’m not trying to be mean, you know? But he doesn’t seem to get subtle.”

  “Meghan Hawthorne, leaving broken hearts in her wake as usual.” Laura leaned over and bumped her shoulder against mine. “Owen’s a big boy. He’ll get over it.” She stretched her arms over her head. “So were you serious about going out tonight? Or was that just to get Owen off your ass?”

  “Of course. I never kid around about dancing, you know that.” I shot her a look. “Why, you didn’t make up the whole thing about the bar, right?”

  Laura held up one hand. “Nope. Scout’s honor, Natalie told me.”

  “Okay. I need about an hour to get myself together.” I nudged her with my foot. “Get ready, bitch. Taking no prisoners tonight. We’re gonna dance the cowboys off the floor.”

  “Oh, joy.” She reached for her drawing pad and flipped it closed. “Bring ‘em on.”

  “I’LL BE DESIGNATED DRIVER. From the look on your face when you got home, I think you need to let loose tonight.” Laura stepped out of our building’s front door, concentrating on her high-heels as she navigated the uneven sidewalk.

  I twirled car keys on my index finger. “Thanks, that sounds good. Want to take the Honda? Might be a little more dependable.”

  She tossed me a glance of mock indignation. “Are you insinuating that my car couldn’t make this trip?”

  “Not insinuating. Saying it loud. I love the Bug, but let’s face it, that car spends more time up on the mechanic’s lift than down on the road.”

  Laura sighed. “Sad but true. Okay, we’ll take your dependable car, and you can drive us out there, since I’ll be getting us home.”

  “It’s a deal.” I unlocked the Honda and wiggled into the driver’s seat.

  We maneuvered our way through the neat squares that made up so much of Savannah, out of the city and onto a two-lane country road. Laura had mapped directions on her phone.

  “So we stay on here for about twenty miles, and then we should see the place on the ... it looks like the right.”

  “What’s it called again?” I set the cruise control, frowning a little at the hesitation I felt in the engine.

  “The Road Block. Where do they come up with these names?”

  “Who knows? If it’s serving up liquor and hot music, I don’t really care what it’s called. I need loud music and enough of a buzz that I don’t have to think about anything.” I caught Laura’s wince out of the corner of my eye.

  “What happened this week? In the Cove?”

  I grimaced. “Nothing happened. It’s all sunshine and roses. Joseph and Lindsay love running the Rip Tide, and Mom seems to be accepting that. She and Uncle Logan are ...” I lifted one shoulder. “You know. Sickeningly in love. She’s remodeling the kitchen at Uncle Logan’s house. Well, I guess it’s her house now, too.”

  “What about your house? I mean, where you lived before.”

  “There’re strangers living there now. Mom rented it out.”

  “Well ...” Laura’s voice was tentative. “At least she didn’t sell it. Didn’t you say she wanted to keep it in the family? That’s something.”

  “Yeah.” I rolled my eyes. “Not for me, though. It’s for Joseph and Lindsay, so one day when they have more kids, they’ll have a place to live.” I sniffed a little. I loved my brother, no question about that, and my new sister-in-law was great. But still, being at home in Crystal Cove, Florida made me feel like a fifth wheel lately. I was the only one in the family who hadn’t had a major life upheaval in the last six months, the only one still on the same boring path. It made me feel both a little self-righteous and left out all at once.

  “You know if you told your mom you wanted the house, she’d make sure you had it. Or at least she’d work it out between you and Joseph. I’m not taking sides.” She laid her hand on my arm, probably sensing that I was starting to bristle. “I’m just saying, if you look at it rationally, it makes sense. Joseph and Lindsay have the baby, and they’re married. It’s not unlikely that they’ll have another kid at some point, right? So it would make sense for them to need a bigger place to live sooner than you.”

  “Because I’m the loser without a husband. Or a fiancé. Or even a boyfriend.”

  “That’s bullshit, Meggie.” Laura and I had been friends for almost four years, and she was one of the few people who could get away with calling me on my crap. “You don’t want that. Or at least that’s what you say all the time. You could have any guy at SCAD. I mean, Owen would probably propose if you so much as smiled at him.”

  “Owen,” I scoffed. “Yeah, because that’s who I want to spend my life with. A rich pretty-boy who’s only worried about the next party, the next good time.”

  “You’re not being fair to him. Owen’s a decent guy. He’s just not the right one for you.”

  “I’m starting to think the right one doesn’t exist.” I rubbed my thumbs over the rubber of the steering wheel. “Not that I’m looking. I don’t need permanent. I just need right now.”

  “That’s okay, because the right one is going to be the last one you’re looking for. Trust me.”

  “Whatever you say.” I knew it wasn’t any use to argue with Laura, who steadfastly believed in soul mates and true love. And why shouldn’t she? She’d been with her one-and-only since they were both fourteen years old.

  “Did anything else happen while you were home? Seems like something’s bothering you.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know. It just feels like ... everyone has a plan. You know? Mom and Logan are buying a house in Siesta Bay—that’s the next town down the coast from the Cove—and they’re going to refurbish it and open another bed-and-breakfast. Mom’s still partly running the restaurant, and she and Uncle Logan are planning this month-long trip to Europe in the fall. Joseph and Lindsay are both in school and taking care of the baby and doing everything Mom isn’t at the Tide. It feels like I’m the only one still in limbo.”

  “Oh, Meggie, you’re not in limbo. You’ve still got another year of college. You’re not supposed to have all the answers yet.”

  “Yeah? Well, you’re the same age as me. But you’ve got a plan, too.”

  A faint pink tinged Laura’s cheeks. “I have an idea, yes. But I don’t have all the details ironed out.”

  “Bull, Laura.” I said it with a great deal of love in my voice. “You know as soon as Brian gets home, that engagement’s going to be official, and then you’re going to be the best damned Marine wife around. I know you have it worked out to do graphic art online from wherever he’s stationed. So don’t tell m
e you don’t have a plan.”

  “Nothing’s definite,” she mumbled, but she glanced away, out the window, and I knew I was right on target.

  “I made a decision about the summer.” I hadn’t intended to tell anyone, but it seemed right. “About what I’m going to do, I mean.”

  “I thought you were going back to the Cove and working at the Tide. Doing some private lessons on the side.”

  “That was before everything changed. I was only going back down there because I thought Mom would need me. She doesn’t anymore, not really. Uncle Logan tried to talk me into signing on to volunteer at the art museum in Jacksonville, but I don’t feel like spending the summer walking bored tourists around, pointing out the same shit to people who couldn’t care less. Plus if I spend the summer in the Cove, I’d end up sleeping with Drew again, and I don’t want to go back down that road.” My high school boyfriend had never left our hometown, and it was all too easy to fall into old habits when I was there for any length of time.

  “So what’re you going to do? Are you staying in Savannah?”

  “No. I don’t know where I’m going to be, exactly. I signed up to work with ArtCorps.”

  Laura frowned. “I’ve heard that name, but what is it, exactly?”

  “Like the Peace Corps, sort of, but with art. Volunteers teach in areas where all the fine arts programs have been cut or lost funding. ArtCorps assigns art students to summer programs and schools, and we get to work with underprivileged kids.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “I thought you weren’t sure you wanted to teach.”

  I nodded. “I’m not, but I thought, what better way to figure out if I do? I mean, this is not going to be a cushy job, I know that. But if I can do it, and if I enjoy it, I can be pretty certain about teaching anywhere.”

  “Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. I’m proud of you, Meghan.” She smiled at me. “Do you know where you’ll be?”

  “Not yet. I put in for the Southwest, because I’ve never gotten to spend any time in that part of the country. There’s a lot of need in the area. And being far away from everyone and everything familiar just feels right, you know?” I glanced at Laura. “I can reinvent myself for the summer. I can go without wearing makeup, dress in old jeans and stuff ... and I’m going to make it a male-free summer. No dating. No hook ups. Nothing. I’m going to enjoy just being me and figure out what I want next.”


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