Anchored_Book One of The Crashing Tides Duet

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Anchored_Book One of The Crashing Tides Duet Page 7

by Ruby Rowe

  I cackle this time from how hilarious he is.

  “Tell me you don’t use that line to pick up chicks.”

  “Don’t you think the whore basket would be better stocked if I did?” Unable to stop laughing, I cover my stomach, but not meaning to, my arm lifts my dress a bit. I watch as Jake’s eyes flit to my exposed thighs.

  The ache returns between my legs, and the guy has nothing to worry about. He’s on the opposite end of the field from the friend zone.

  We joke around the rest of the way home, and I’ve had the most amazing time with him. He helps me carry my bags upstairs, and once we’ve set them down, essentially filling every empty space of the guest room, we laugh.

  “I think you’re going to need a moving truck to get to your next destination.”

  “This looks bad.”

  “It’s time to admit you have a problem. It’s the first step in recovery.”

  “It’s all Walmart’s fault with their Rollback prices.”

  “And you say I’m the witty one.” Unexpectedly, Jake pulls me to his body and wraps me in his arms. He stares down at me, but only a couple of seconds pass before his mouth is exploring mine.

  He squeezes my ass, which I’m quickly growing fond of, as I skim my hands up his back. We kiss … and kiss, and I grasp his head of hair with my fingers.

  His cock’s hard against me, and I want him. I don’t know how I’m this comfortable with him already, but I am.

  “Take me to bed, Jake,” I whisper against his lips.

  Pulling back from me, he groans. “I need to tell you something first.”

  “If you’re going to tell me you have some freakish third leg, I already felt it.”

  I get him chuckling this time, but he quickly turns stone serious.

  “Let’s go downstairs and talk, and then if you still want to, it would make my night to have you in my bed.”

  Unsettled about the sudden seriousness from him, I take hold of his hand but don’t say a word. We walk downstairs, and we’re almost to the bottom step when I hear voices and the front door open.

  “Shit,” Jake mutters.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Elliott.”




  The word, I hear it in my head, a thousand ghostly voices whispering it in my ear. Elliott, Elliott, Elliott, Elliott … over and over. Elliott.

  I hold my breath as my past stands before me. He’s holding my innocence–my love–my soul. A life.

  I know this because he took them from me and never looked back.

  “Fuck, Sailor, is that you?”

  I can’t exhale. I won’t. Exhaling equals seconds in the future.

  A breath would move time forward.

  I need time to go backward because what I longed for year after year I no longer want.

  He searches my face for proof it’s me. I didn’t need proof. I knew it was him in an instant.

  I feel Jake’s arm slide around my waist before he pulls me to his side.

  “Shit, you’re shaking.”

  “Nicole, go to my room,” Elliott says to the woman on his right while never taking his eyes off mine. His voice is deep. He’s a man now. I gasp, the breath finally forcing its way out of my lungs.

  “Christ, what’s happening?” Jake asks.

  “Why are you in my house?” Elliott asks sternly.

  “Don’t be fucking rude. She’s my guest.”

  “Nicole, I said go upstairs!” Elliott snaps. I can’t help but look at the woman as she jumps. She’s beautiful. A blonde. Long tanned legs in tiny white shorts. Jake moves my body to the right, and Nicole walks past us up the stairs.

  “Sailor…” Elliott utters.

  “Don’t. Don’t say my name.” Covering my mouth, I try to muffle my cry, but my arm and hand shake like the rest of my body. “I have to go.”

  I start toward the door, but after a few steps, I freeze. I turn to go back upstairs, but I can’t do that, either. His room’s there. I’ll be trapped.

  I grab my head. It’s spinning, and I’m dizzy. “I want to leave. I have–I have to get out of here.”

  “Sailor, it’s OK. Come on. You can wait in my room while I talk to Elliott.”

  “No, I can’t.” Turning me to face him, Jake cups my cheek.

  “Baby, come back to me. You’re OK. Let’s go to my room.”

  Nodding, I let him lead me away.

  “I need my purse so I can leave. Will you please get it?”

  “You’re not driving.”

  “Please, Jake.” I burst into a sob about the time we reach his room. When Elliott opened the front door, he also opened the box to all the painful memories.

  I’d shackled it with chains and locks, doing everything right until I did this one thing wrong; I let my guard down.

  Jake gets me to sit on his bed. My uncontrollable cries continue as he takes the spot next to me and pulls my head to his chest.

  “Before Elliott walked in, I was going to tell you he was my roommate. He came home from work early, and I had no idea it would shock you this much, or I would’ve told you sooner.

  “I knew he’d remind you of Rebecca, but I had no idea it would do this to you. I’m sorry.” He strokes my hair as I bury my face against his chest.

  “I can’t stay here.”


  “It’s too painful to be around him.”

  “Then stay in here with me. You can’t drive like this, and I refuse to leave you at a hotel. Lie down, and I’ll talk to him. Hell, knowing Elliott, he’s already on his way back to the hospital.”

  Sniffling, I sit up straight. “What does he do there?”

  “He’s a doctor.”

  “How long has he been in the city?”

  “He went to Cornell, and he’s worked at Presbyterian ever since he graduated.”

  “Unbelievable. All these years, he’s been right here,” I murmur.

  “Sailor, lie down. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”


  Shutting my bedroom door, I inhale a breath and prepare to face Elliott. I walk into the living room, and he’s sitting on the couch. His head’s tilted back as he stares at the ceiling.

  “Why the fuck is she here?”

  Charging toward him, I point a finger at his face.

  “You’re a fucking dick. How can you be so cold after seeing Sailor completely torn up?”

  “You should’ve told me she’d be here. Then I wouldn’t have been blindsided.”

  “You weren’t supposed to be home today.”

  Lifting his head, he glares at me.

  “Again, why the fuck is she here?”

  “Not that you have a right to know, but Sailor’s here for me. She’s Maddie’s teacher.”

  “Are you fucking her … Maddie’s teacher?”

  Leaning over, I shove his chest. “Why are you being a fucking asshole? And why did she react that way?”

  “Did you ever think I might remind her of Rebecca? That she’d remind me of Rebecca?”

  I shake my head. “There’s something more to this.”

  “No, there’s not.”

  “The grief you two are carrying is too fucking much, man. You need to talk to her. Not right now, but soon.”

  He looks away from me. “I can’t.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “She hates me.”

  “Sailor doesn’t hate you. She’s remembering the accident.”

  “You don’t know shit. I’m going to my room.” Jumping to his feet, he shoves past me.

  “I like her,” I blurt out.

  “Yeah, right.”

  “I mean it, Elliott. I care about her, and you’re not going to fuck this up for me by making her feel unwelcome. If I have it my way, she’s sticking around.”

  Stopping at the foot of the stairs, he grips the wood railing but doesn’t turn back.

  “If you hurt her, I’ll hurt you
. Don’t forget it.”

  “Fuck you.”

  He jogs up the stairs, and lacing my hands behind my head, I pace, wishing I’d thrown one punch at him. Something’s not right. He seemed furious that she’s here, yet he was protective of her, too. Sailor was petrified and shocked to see him.

  The only thing I’m sure of is I’ve never felt a fiercer need to protect someone. I care about Sailor, and I meant what I said to Elliott. He’s not running her off.

  Going back to my bedroom, I find Sailor turned away from me in the fetal position. I lie next to her and wrap my arm around her waist.

  “I’m sorry, Sailor. I should’ve told you. I didn’t know it would be such a big deal.”

  “I want to go home, but I have no home to go to.”

  “Please, stay here. I’ll get some of your things from the guest room, and you can sleep in my bed. I’ll take the couch to give you space.”

  “You’d do that for me?”

  “Yes. I caused this, and I’ll do whatever you need me to do to fix it as long as it doesn’t involve leaving you somewhere alone.”

  She rolls over to face me. “Thank you, Jake.”


  Standing outside my bedroom door, I think about what I want to do with Nicole. She deserves better than this bullshit, and somehow, it’s always bullshit with me. I can never give women more than that, and it’s because of the girl downstairs.

  I walk in, and from my shut door, I stare at her. She’s sitting on my bed with her legs crossed.

  “Care to explain?” she asks with a raised brow.

  “I can’t talk about it.”

  “Elliott, I tolerate your moodiness and how you’re not one for conversation. I also know you’ve made no commitment to me.” She shakes her head. “You’ve made damn sure I don’t forget that, but if you’re sleeping with another woman in this house, I have a right to know.”

  “I’m not sleeping with her.”

  “Then why did she look utterly devastated to see us? If she’s with Jake, why was she walking down the staircase when his bedroom’s downstairs?”

  “Sailor’s the sister of a girlfriend I had in high school. A girlfriend who died. We haven’t seen each other since, so it was surprising to find her in my home. I guess Jake’s messing around with her.”

  “Oh, wow, I’m so sorry. That explains why you both looked so shocked.”

  “I need you to leave. I can’t do this tonight.”

  “You know, there’s more to me than my body. I could be there for you. We could talk or watch a movie, but you don’t have to be alone.”

  “I want to be alone. That’s why I asked you to leave.”

  “Well, then.” Climbing off my bed, Nicole walks toward me with her head lowered. Jake’s right; I’m a dick. Opening the door for her, I step back so she can leave, but as soon as she starts to walk out, I grab her arm.

  “I’m sorry I was an ass and snapped at you. I care about you. You know that, right?”

  She turns her head to look up at me, and her hazel eyes are watery.

  “What I know is that you have an odd way of showing someone you care about them, and I tolerate it when I deserve better.”

  Before I can reply, she leaves my room. Fuck my life.


  I’ve been staring at the ceiling for hours. I’m hungry and need alcohol. Surely, Sailor is either gone or in Jake’s room, so it should be safe to go downstairs.

  Just the thought of her being in his bed sends fury through my veins. He doesn’t deserve her. Neither of us do.

  I walk downstairs in my pajama pants and a t-shirt. The TV is on but muted, and Jake’s asleep on the couch. At least, I thought he was, but instead, his eyes are open, and he’s glaring up at me.

  “Why aren’t you in bed?” I ask.

  “Sailor didn’t want to sleep in the guest room, so I gave her mine.”

  “Interesting. I mean, that’s a first for you to be on the couch while there’s a chick in your bed.”

  “She’s not just a chick, and I guess you should know her apartment complex burned to the ground yesterday morning. She lost everything. Her best friend left town, and her parents are in Europe. She has no one.”

  “I find that hard to believe. She’s a Lockwood. She has a huge family and likely has an even bigger circle of friends.”

  “You really haven’t talked to her.”

  “Why would you think otherwise?”

  “After the way you two reacted to seeing each other, I began to wonder if you had a more recent history.”

  “I haven’t seen her in ten years.” Leaving Jake alone, I head into the kitchen and only turn a light on over the stove. I make a salad, which is futile to my health since I also go to the dining room to grab a bottle of whiskey.

  Hearing Jake’s door open, I freeze. I catch a glimpse of Sailor as she heads into the living room, and as soon as I hear her talking to Jake, curiosity gets the best of me.

  I walk over to the corner of the dining room to listen. If I were in the kitchen, she’d know I was there, but here she can’t see me.

  “I keep thinking about how uncomfortable you have to be. Come to bed,” she says.

  “Are you sure that’s not a maybe?”

  “I want you to come to bed … with me.”

  I lean my head back against the wall, and opening the bottle of whiskey, I take a long drink. Screw the glass.

  This is another punishment. No doubt a twisted one. I guess Jake screwing Rebecca wasn’t enough. He has to have Sailor, too.

  I can’t blame him for this one. He doesn’t know shit about what went down between Sailor and me, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.

  Hearing his door shut, I walk back to the kitchen and dump my bowl of salad into the trash. I head up the stairs, and gripping the neck of the whiskey bottle tighter, I hold it up.

  “I guess it’s just you, me and Alexa tonight.”



  “I really don’t mind sleeping on the couch,” Jake says after following me into his room and shutting the door. Taking a breath, I grasp the bottom hem of my tank top and pull it over my head.

  Only a lamp on the nightstand is on, but I’m sure he can see my breasts. His eyes focus on them, and his chest rises and falls dramatically.

  I remove my pajama shorts next, and taking hold of my lavender thong, which matches the little flowers on my silky pajama set, I shimmy out of it, too.

  Jake brazenly drinks in the sight of my naked body before he looks into my eyes. I think it’s for confirmation that this event isn’t a maybe. It’s an absolute yes.

  “You’re gorgeous.”

  “Make me forget. Give me an amazing new memory.”

  “We should talk first.”

  “Not tonight, Jake. Please.”

  After gazing at me a few seconds, he reaches behind his back and pulls his t-shirt over his head. He strides toward me, and slipping an arm around my waist, he lifts me up and lays me back on his bed.

  I gasp from the certainty in his eyes, the desire and control. He captures my mouth and kisses me, making a promise to do what I asked and give me a memory I’ll never forget.

  Fingertips trail down the side of my breast and to my waist where I flinch. He continues moving them until they’re at my hip, his hand clenching it hard.

  “Your sexy body turns me on.” He kisses my cheek and ear before he gets on all fours on the bed and ducks to take my nipple inside his mouth.

  He sucks, and I arch, my body reacting in an instant, eager and ready for more. Each time he removes his warm mouth, the cool air sweeps over my nipples, hardening them to the point it stings.

  “Don’t stop.”

  The sound of excitement rumbles from Jake’s chest as he skirts his lips down my sternum and stomach, his tongue tracing each spot where he left kisses behind, reaffirming his attentiveness and intentions.

  Getting off the bed, he pulls me to the end of it and bends my l
egs up to plant my feet on the mattress. He grazes my inner thighs with his mouth, and I fist his black sheets.

  “I smell how excited you are, and fuck, I’m ready to taste you.” Gripping my ankles, he blows his smoldering breath on me. His tongue flicks at my slit next, a torturous tease, and I thrust my pelvis upward.

  “I need more. Please, Jake.”

  Releasing my ankles, he skims his hands along my inner thighs, and I moan, the sensations already setting me on fire, but as soon as he opens me up with his fingers and finds my clit with his tongue, I cry out, overwhelmed with pleasure I haven’t felt in so long.

  My moans only egg him on. They drive him wild, his low growls relaying what this is doing to him. He slides fingers inside me and sucks on my clit, delivering spine-tingling sensations I can’t comprehend.

  I pull at the sheets and hear a corner of it snap free from the bed. Needing more, too, Jake speeds up, licking and fingering me, making my core the epicenter of pleasure.

  The buildup is happening at lightning speed, and I won’t hang on much longer. I fling my head back, and my breath hitches as I search for the oxygen to get me through what lies ahead.

  “I’m going to come.”

  Letting the sheet go, I discover my fingers are stiff from the hold I had on the fabric. Jake leans up enough that I can grip his hair, so I grab his thick strands and tug, only bringing him closer to me.

  He strokes and sucks forcefully as his fingers move faster, and it’s my undoing. I exhale a long moan before the pleasure smothers my ability to make a sound.

  Dropping my arms, I feel Jake’s wet mouth on my thighs, stomach, and breasts as I ride out the spurts of ecstasy. He sucks on my nipple, and I tense, the sensation too much after orgasming.

  “I can’t wait to fuck you.”

  With my eyes closed, I nod. The pleasure won’t let go of me to allow anything else. Hearing him tear open a condom wrapper, I lift my eyelids and watch as he removes his athletic shorts.

  He’s not wearing underwear, and his cock is stiff against his stomach. He works the condom over it, and my heartbeat flutters as I become excited again.


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