Anchored_Book One of The Crashing Tides Duet

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Anchored_Book One of The Crashing Tides Duet Page 9

by Ruby Rowe

  I spin around and start toward the door.

  “Hey, Sailor,” Elliott says.

  Shit, shit, shit.

  I turn around and sigh. “Good morning.”

  “Do you drink coffee?”

  “Yes, but I’ll grab one on the way.”

  “I have plenty made.”

  “We’re not doing this–the pleasantries. Please tell Jake I’ll see him this evening if he’s around.” I hurry out the front door and push the elevator button over and over. Once I’m alone in it and feel safe, I inhale and exhale sharply. Be strong, Sailor. You can do this. He’s bound to take the hint eventually.



  While driving home from work, my phone rings. I hold it up and take a quick glance at the screen before smiling.

  “Hi, Jake.”

  “Hi, Teach. How was your day?”


  “Did my niece behave?”

  “Of course. Well, she called me Sailor once but quickly recovered, giggling with her tiny hand over her mouth afterward. She’s so precious.”

  “Someone else’s giggle is pretty damn precious. I hope I get to hear it tonight. Are you going to be around?”

  “Umm … will Elliott be there?”

  “I’m not sure, but I don’t want you to feel like you can’t come home because of him. Come on. I’ll cook for you if you can wait a couple of hours for me to get there.”

  I think about what he said. I shouldn’t cower from Elliott. I deserve better.

  “How about I cook for you instead? I promise it’ll include meat.” I giggle.

  “There it is. That sound I’m growing to love.”

  “I’ll see you later, Mr. Callister. I better pay attention to the traffic if I want to get home to the Village safely.”


  I change into a pair of denim shorts and a black tank top and head down to the kitchen to cook. I’ve not heard a sound in the condo, which makes me happy.

  I open the bag of groceries I’d stopped to get and remove the items. To thank Jake for letting me stay here, I bought filets, sweet and russet potatoes and ingredients to make a salad.

  I open the fridge, and as I put the food away, I notice items that weren’t there last night. I also pick up on the theme. Strawberry…

  Inside are fresh strawberries, strawberry yogurt, strawberry Nesquik syrup for milk, and strawberry jam, too. I open the freezer and discover several small pints of strawberry ice cream.

  Surely, Elliott didn’t buy those things for me. Shutting the doors, I lean back against the refrigerator. How could he possibly remember my love for strawberries? This has to be a coincidence.

  Trying to ignore my racing heart, I go back to putting the groceries away. After preparing mixed roasted potatoes in herb butter sauce and placing them in the oven to bake, I head to the dining room to set the table.

  Against the wall, next to the sliding glass door to the terrace, is a mini bar with a cabinet of alcohol behind it.

  There’s a built-in wine rack, and the three top bottles look the same, so I walk over and pull one out. Strawberry… My heart races again, so I take the wine to the kitchen and pour myself a glass.

  I swallow several sips, acknowledging how it’s not like me to drink twice within a few days, but I feel like I need it to relax. I want to numb my pain and anxiety.


  “You’re spoiling me. I usually take women to dinner. They don’t fix it for me.”

  “Maybe if you kept one around, she would,” I say before poking Jake’s hip with my toe as he sits on the couch at the end of my feet. I’m sideways with my back against the arm, sipping wine.

  “If you haven’t noticed, I’m trying.” He squeezes my foot as I empty my glass, swallowing the last few pink drops. “How much wine have you had?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I do. That was the last of the bottle. I thought you seldom drink.”

  “Time for change, right? Naked hot tub parties, alcohol, and sexy time with an attractive guy.” I giggle, and he laughs at me.

  “Right. Give me your glass. I’m trading it for water. I think you could use some.”

  Smiling, I hand over my goblet. I follow Jake to the kitchen and lean against the counter as he gets me a glass of water from the refrigerator door.

  As I drink it, he puts leftovers away, and I watch as he surveys the inside of the fridge.

  “Strawberries … yogurt … Nesquik. Did you buy all this?”


  “Hmm … maybe it’s Nicole’s shit.”

  “Is she Elliott’s girlfriend?”

  “No, she’s his lazy fuck.”

  “Nicole’s lazy?”

  Jake laughs. “No, Elliott hooks up with her when he’s too lazy to look for new pussy.”

  He steps in front of me, and squeezing my waist, he gives me a peck on the lips. “Sorry. I guess I should remember a lady’s present. I wonder if Elliott finally made a commitment to Nicole. Maybe seeing that you’re working and living your life was enough for him to believe he deserved the same.

  “It’s your turn to move on, chick. Time to heal, and I think some Jake therapy could do the trick. Oh, and some sunshine.” He turns around and leans over. “Hop on. I’m giving you a piggyback ride to the park.”

  “You can’t carry me all that way.”

  “Are you calling me a weakling?”

  “No. I’ve felt and admired your muscles. You’re not a weakling.”

  “Then hop on, but don’t tell Maddie; she thinks piggyback rides are reserved only for her.”

  “Have I told you today how sweet you are?”

  “Yes, between each glass of wine.”

  Snickering, I hop on his back. He carries me through the house and out the front door of the condo.

  “By the way,” I say, “your foul mouth is hot. Don’t stop cursing.”

  “I’m realizing my sweet kindergarten teacher has a dirty side.” The door to the elevator opens, and Elliott and Nicole exit. My instinct is to hop off Jake, but like he knew I would try, he grips my legs to hold me tighter.

  “Well, hi,” Nicole says, grinning.

  “Hi,” Jake replies. My eyes dart to Elliott, and stone serious, he stares back at me.

  “This chick had too much wine with dinner, so I’m carrying her to the park. Can you hold the door open for us?”

  Pushing the button, Elliott continues staring at my face, so I break our gaze and smile at his beautiful girlfriend. I can’t believe I thought all the strawberry food was for me.

  “Hi, I’m Sailor.”

  “I’m Nicole. It’s nice to officially meet you.”

  “I cooked dinner. Feel free to eat what’s left.”

  “Elliott took me to dinner, but thank you.”

  “I swear I didn’t touch your strawberries, but I did drink a bottle of your strawberry wine. I promise I’ll replace it tomorrow.”

  “Strawberries?” Nicole asks.

  “Let’s go inside,” Elliott says as the elevator door opens.

  “It was nice meeting you,” I call out, following it with a giggle before the door shuts. Damn, the alcohol sure made it easier to face Elliott. Seeing his handsome face barely fazed me. Along with Jake, wine might be my new friend.


  “I think that’s a record for the fastest sex we’ve ever had,” Nicole says. She gets out of bed, and with her underwear in hand, she stomps to my bathroom. She’s pissed.

  I took her to dinner to make up for the other night, but leave it to me to still blow the evening. That wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t seen Sailor with her body wrapped around Jake minutes ago.

  I want Sailor happy. I truly do, so why is it bugging me so much to see them together? It’s more than bugging me; it’s pissing me off.

  Nicole comes out of the bathroom and picks her clothes up off the floor.

  “You don’t have to leave.”

  “Yes, I
do. I had to drag every word out of you at dinner, but I will give you credit for making me come in record time. Too bad that’s not what I wanted.”

  “What do you want?”

  “To not seem like a chore to you. You have a wall up I can’t get past, and your mind is always a million miles away.”


  “No,” she snaps as she pulls up her shorts. “You’re going to hear me out. Maybe time apart is what you need to decide if you love me or simply like having me around for sex.” Hastily, she finishes dressing and grabs her purse.

  I can’t lie in bed while she walks out on me, so I swipe my khaki shorts off the floor and pull them on. I follow her to the door, and after she opens it, I clasp her arm.

  “Nicole, wait.”

  Sighing, she turns around and gazes up at me with her hazel eyes.

  “Elliott, take some time to figure out what you want. I’ll wait for a while, but I won’t wait forever. Call me in a month or something.” Giving me a kiss on the cheek, she starts out the door but comes to an immediate stop.

  I hear Jake’s voice, so I step into the hallway, too. He’s at the top of the staircase, carrying Sailor in his arms.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “We discovered that a bottle of wine doesn’t mix well with piggyback rides. She feels sick, so I’m putting her to bed.”

  “Is she overheated? It’s humid today.”

  “You tell me, Doc. Heading out, Nicole?”


  “Have a good night.”

  “You, too.” Without a backward glance, Nicole jogs down the staircase. Sailor’s eyes are closed as she and Jake pass by me, and unable to resist, I follow them into her room and watch as he lays her on top of the bed.

  “I’m going to go grab a bottle of water,” he says.

  Opening and closing her eyes, Sailor groans with her hand over her stomach. I glance around her room and catch sight of something silver and shiny.

  On her dresser is a stuffed animal, but it’s the anchor pendant around its neck that catches my attention. She kept it. I can’t believe it. I squat down next to her bed, wondering if she’ll bite my head off if I speak.

  “Sailor, I need to make sure you’re OK.”

  Opening her eyes, she focuses on my face.

  “I’m fine. I just drank too much wine.”

  I touch her forehead and lightly grasp her forearm to feel her skin. I can’t seem to let her go. She looks at my hand and then my bare torso before her eyes meet mine.

  “You kept the necklace I gave you.”

  “Of course.”

  “I figured you got rid of it or lost it in the fire.”

  “The penguin and necklace are the only items my friend grabbed for me before she ran out.”

  “Why would she do that?”

  “Because she knew they were more important to me than anything else I owned.”

  “I thought you hated me.”

  “I could never hate you. I only hate what you did to me.”

  “Two bottles of water coming up.” As Jake walks in, I release Sailor’s arm and stand. “I brought an extra in case you need it tonight.”

  “I think hydration and sleep should cure her,” I say before I give Sailor one last look, “but I’ll be right down the hall if you need anything.”


  Maybe she feels too bad to push me away, but whatever the reason, I’m glad she doesn’t seem angry. “Good night,” I say before I leave the room. Once I’m back in mine, I pick up my phone off my nightstand and make a call.

  “Mom, hi.”

  “Elliott, hi. How are you?”

  “Good. I need a favor. Do you think you could spare a couple of your interior designers this week? I’d need them to swing by during the day tomorrow and then do a job on Friday. They’d have to work fast.”

  “You have me intrigued. Give me the details, and I’ll make it happen.”



  I tell my mother the surprise is for a woman I care about, but I can’t bring myself to share that it’s for Sailor. That day will come soon, but I don’t want to risk having my mom refuse to help me.

  Once we’ve come up with a plan, I end the call and get ready for bed. It’s going to be difficult to sleep with Sailor right down the hall. After all these years, it’s surreal that she’s so close.

  Ten Years Earlier

  While hanging out with my friends around a small bonfire on the beach, I realize it’s been a while since I’ve seen Rebecca. I look around and spot Sailor on a blanket with her girlfriends, but there’s no sign of Becs.

  I walk about a hundred and fifty feet along the sandy beach back to Thatcher’s. He’s standing by his lounge chair, talking to a couple of chicks.

  “Have you seen Rebecca?” I ask him.

  “Uh, earlier–with Sandra. They were playing drinking games with some other people.”

  “I’ll check inside the house then. Thanks.”

  He grabs my arm. “Stay here. I’m sure she’ll be out soon.” Abruptly releasing me, he slides a hand along the side of his light brown hair while taking a drag off his cigarette.

  “Why do I need to stay here?”

  “Have a beer with me? Girls, can you give us a minute?” The two chicks, drooling over the dollar signs at the end of Thatcher’s last name, smile and leave us alone. Leaning over, he opens his cooler, which has sunk in the sand, and pulls out a cold bottle.

  I look up toward his parents’ home. Along with the moon, the many lights on inside the house plus those surrounding the pool help me see in the dark.

  “Since when do you want to drink with me?”

  He grins. “I invite you to my parties, don’t I?”

  “More likely, Rebecca invites us to your parties.” He shrugs and holds out the beer he opened.

  “You’re stalling me. Tell me what the fuck’s going on.”

  He sighs. “Elliott, don’t go in the house. I’m sure Rebecca will be out later.”

  “Fuck. She’s in there with a guy, isn’t she?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Bullshit. I bet she’s with that punk cousin of yours, Jake? I’ve seen him sniffing around her all summer.”

  “Watch it, Roberts. I think you need to reevaluate who’s sniffing who.”

  I shove his chest, and as he stumbles back, he holds the bottle in his hand up so it won’t spill.

  “I’m going inside, and you better not try to stop me.” I tear off toward the house, wishing the sand under my feet wasn’t making it so damn difficult.

  “Fuck,” I hear him say as he follows behind me. Once I’m on the patio, I stomp up the white wooden steps that lead to the deck off the first floor of the elevated home.

  The French doors are open as I maneuver around people to get through them. I don’t see Rebecca, so I walk inside each room, looking for her.

  Discovering that her friends are hanging out in the kitchen without her, I grip my hair and blow out a breath. I know what I have to do, so I head to the staircase.

  “Elliott, don’t go up there,” Thatcher says.

  “Fuck off, and yes, I’m kicking his ass if he’s anywhere near my girl.” Once I’m upstairs, I walk down the long hallway, opening doors as I go. There are too fucking many, but I guarantee she’s in one of them. “Rebecca! Rebecca!”

  After checking inside an office, a bathroom and three guest bedrooms, I get to the last door and fling it open. Thatcher’s cousin looks over his shoulder as he fucks my girlfriend!

  “Oh, shit,” he says before he gets off her and the bed.

  “Elliott...” Rebecca pulls up her bikini bottoms and lowers her swimsuit cover. As I storm toward the asshole, he barely gets his trunks up before I grab him by the shoulders and shove him against the closest wall.

  I don’t know how many people are yelling, but I hear my name and the word stop said repeatedly as I lay punches into this guy’s face and stomach
. He’s bleeding and groaning, and I want to kill him.

  Guys pull me off, dragging me away, and it snaps me back from the dark place I’d gone to. After being someone’s punching bag all my life, it’s gratifying to have one of my own. Maybe this fucker did me a favor.

  Sobbing, Rebecca steps in front of me.

  “Elliott, I’m so sorry.” She tries to grab my hand, but I jerk it away and bring it up to look at it. Blood is squirting from my knuckles, so I fold the bottom of my t-shirt up over them. “Talk to me,” she adds, her cries echoing between each word.

  “Get the hell out of my face.” I take off around her and push through the crowd that’s waiting outside the bedroom door. I hear her yelling for me as I run down the stairs.

  She chases me like she’s always done after she’s been a royal bitch, but this time she gets the title of Royal Slut.

  “Please let me explain.”

  I come to a stop once I’m outside on the balcony.

  “I can’t wait to hear your excuse for why a different guy had his dick inside you.”

  Wiping her eyes, she pushes the dark hair off her face that’s clinging to her tears.

  “I’m drunk, and I didn’t think about what I was doing. It just happened. Sandra and I were drinking shots—”

  “Shut up. You seem perfectly capable of thinking now. I’m leaving.”

  I stomp down the stairs, and once we’re on the patio, she grabs my arm, tugging on it until she can step in front of me.

  “You’re taking me with you. We have to fix this.”

  “We’re not fixing shit. You can find another ride home.”

  “Hi,” Sailor says as she walks up on us. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” I say. The sweet girl doesn’t need to be dragged into another fight between Rebecca and me. She’s seen enough of them.

  Taking hold of my hand, Rebecca wipes the blood off it before looking up at me. The water works begin again, the heaviest damn tears, and they shimmer in the moonlight as they fall to her cheeks. Fuck, I hate when she does this to get what she wants.


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