The Undying

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The Undying Page 9

by Patti Larsen

  Sassafras wouldn't let me go off with Demetrius alone, scampering away to raise the alarm even as I hissed at him to come back. Within moments, Gram and Charlotte hovered next to me while Demetrius did a little hopping dance of frustration over the delay.

  “Shenka.” I met her eyes, saw her bend to scoop up Sassafras whose big amber eyes blinked slowly at me once.

  I didn't have to say anything else.

  “We'll hold the fort,” she said. “And protect the family. No matter what.”

  Sassy's tail thrashed in agreement.

  “Keep an eye on the Enforcers,” I said. “They might try to push you. Don't let them.”

  She grinned, a nasty expression as Sassafras hummed a growl in the back of his throat. “Might be fun,” she said. Trill giggled behind her hand before sobering.

  “We'll distract them, if necessary.” Her dark eyes glittered in the light of the single bulb illuminating the basement. “My brothers and I have had experience with evasion in the past.” I just bet. “Good luck.”

  I could only imagine what kind of distraction Trill had in mind for the Howermall and his people if they decided to invade my territory. And pitied the Enforcers if they pushed their limits.

  My family as safe as they could be under the circumstances, I finally held out my hand to Demetrius, the other taking Charlotte's as Gram snatched the small sorcerer's arm in an iron grip.

  He brightened immediately. “Quick!” A gaping black hole opened beside him, the pull of his sorcery calling to the blossom of power at the base of my own magic, the petals sighing open in answer. I squashed them closed, preferring to rely on his power, not sure how ours would blend together.

  Okay, that wasn't it. I still feared giving my sorcery free rein and was totally fine letting Demetrius lead the way.

  Demetrius said my family vampires were in danger. I didn't need him to explain who he meant. My heart constricted in worry for Sunny and Uncle Frank as I stepped into the darkness and allowed the emptiness to swallow me.

  Wouldn't have, had I known what to expect. Would have ridden the veil, avoided the black at all costs. But I had no idea, none. So different, this way of travel. I thought it would feel like the veil, that rubbery feeling, or soap bubbly as happened when I crossed to the Sidhe realm. But this emptiness was nothing like I was used to. Darkness, deeper and emptier than I'd ever felt, devoured sight, sound, touch, taste, smell. All feeling, all magic, everything.


  I could feel a scream build in my chest, rising from the deepest core of me, denying the loss of self. The emptiness clawed at my soul, took everything I valued and loved, chewed at my sanity while wanting more.



  I gasped a breath as I staggered from the black, stumbling with hands outstretched, scream still threatening, into a dark stone hallway. A tiny meep escaped before I could muzzle my aching terror. My shaking hands settled on my weak knees as I bent in half, panting to catch my breath.

  Horrible. Just. Freaking. Horrible.

  A hand reached for my arm, tugged on me, Demetrius's feet pattering beside me as he danced with impatience. “Come,” he said.

  I looked up through tears hovering in my vision and lunged for him, grasping his shirt in one hand as my rage, my demon howling her fury, slammed into me.

  “Don't.” I choked out that one word. “Don't ever.” Pant. “Do that again.”

  His eyes drooped, sadness on his face. “It ate you,” he said.

  Shudder. “Is that what happened to you, Demetrius?” My demon retreated to stomp and grumble and throw a hissy fit in the back of my mind as I seized control again and released him. My fingers smoothed the wrinkles in his food and filth spotted t-shirt, left behind by my fist, as he bobbed back and forth from foot to foot, an eerie whine rising from him.

  “Eats everything,” he whispered so loudly I'm sure they heard him back home.

  Because we weren't home anymore. Not by a long shot. And though the mountains I spotted outside the window loomed cold and unwelcoming, I knew this hallway. Had been here before. One look through the narrow doorway into the room next to me and I had my confirmation.

  A huge portrait of an unsmiling Sunny looked down on me from the darkness, her gorgeous face lit with the beam of light allowed in through the open doorway coming from the hall.

  Why did I feel like she judged me?

  “Girl.” Gram grasped my hand, her own shaking slightly as her eyes met mine. From the anxiety in her face, how pale she seemed, she'd suffered the same discomfort I had, though she seemed calmer about it. “We're on splintering glass. Tread carefully.”

  “Margaret Applegate can bite me.” I cared less what the European Council Leader thought at this point. Especially if Demetrius was right, if Sunny and Uncle Frank were in trouble. And I had no reason to doubt him.

  A glance at Charlotte told me she wasn't happy either. Her wolf stood in her eyes, coming through in her face as her features morphed slightly into canine shape, though, as I watched, she regained control and nodded once. Her jaw remained clenched, though, skin as pale as Gram's just beginning to take on the flush of life again.

  “Hurry, dawn will come soon. We don't have much time.” Demetrius's dance increased in pace.

  But dawn was hours aw—

  Time zones, Syd. Duh.

  Demetrius tugged and I finally responded, following close beside him as he moved silently down the red carpet, eyes darting from side to side as though expecting some kind of attack.

  Which made me even more concerned. Uncle Frank and Sunny would never hurt me.

  If that was true, why was Demetrius so nervous?

  Just in case, I opened to my vampire. Think we should take some precautions?

  She felt as troubled as I was. Wise, she sent as she pushed outward, her power shielding the others with her essence. But perhaps will simply alert the Queen sooner of our presence.

  Hmm. She was right. Six of one problem, half a dozen of trouble.

  “Demetrius.” He twitched when I said his name. “Alison is here?”

  He bobbed a nod, still tugging on me despite our forward motion. “She is,” he whispered. “She wants to feed.”

  On vampires?

  That actually makes sense, my vampire sent, her power swirling, making me queasy. She feeds on creation magic, on blood. Vampires need it to survive. But because she has part of me inside her, it's possible she requires creation energy already absorbed by the undead. What better source than the pure spirit energy of those with whom she shares kinship?

  I mulled that over, still feeling sick, when Demetrius suddenly stopped, even as Charlotte growled like a cornered dog.

  “Sydlynn Hayle.” I knew his voice, turned to find Piotr Wilhelm, former lieutenant to the original queen and not my biggest fan, standing behind us. Smiling and glaring at the same time, dark hair perfectly styled, tall, lean body dressed in the finest Victorian apparel.

  And he wasn't alone. A dozen vampires lined the hall, more appearing in front of us as I turned my head to watch them flicker from shadow, a gathering from the past like some freakshow theatre production gone horribly wrong.

  Not good. “Hi, Pete.” I decided on casual, figuring he had us but unable to resist prodding him. “Is Sunny home?”

  His grin turned to a scowl, spirit power flaring around him, brightening the hall as the other vampires followed with their own light show.

  “Invader,” he snarled. “My queen will punish you for your trespass.” He licked his lips slowly, fangs showing. “And I will petition her to allow me to drain you personally.” His smile widened. “You were so delicious the first time.”

  Sick bastard. I already guessed he'd tasted my blood, was certain long before now he'd been there when Batsheva ordered me killed. No way was he getting another drop.

  “We'll see,” I said. Shrugged. I was all out of nice. “Well? What are you waiting for, flunky boy? Lead us to Sunny.”

  Girl, Gra
m sent. You might be invincible, but the rest of us aren't. Despite her admonishment, Gram's faded blue eyes sparkled as she met my gaze.

  I was forced to turn away from her, to face Piotr as he glided forward, in my space, in my face. His breath stank of too much wine and decay as he breathed on me.

  “This time,” he said, “you will stay dead.”

  Piotr brushed past me, striding off as the vampire gang approached in a menacing half circle. With no choice, and knowing I had to get to the bottom of this, I turned and played follow the leader.


  Chapter Nineteen

  Memories flooded me as I made that walk, of being a prisoner of the vampire queens. Forced to choose Batsheva's clan, to become a member, to take her fangs in my neck in order to survive. And almost dying anyway because I didn't learn how to live the games the two families seemed to adore.

  I felt my shoulders bunch as I walked. Had to force them down from around my ears, to breathe and stay calm despite the fight between rising anger and the absolute need to turn and run. I could only guess from Piotr's attitude toward me, something changed with Sunny. Either that or, like with Sebastian, she'd somehow been deposed. The very real possibility I was walking into a throne room ruled by a new queen suddenly made me feel so nauseated I had to bite my lower lip hard enough it bled inside my mouth to keep from freaking the hell out.

  My vampire remained silent, as wound up as I was despite her usual stoicism. Charlotte's almost constant chuffing behind me didn't help much. My only real saving grace was Gram, grim faced and surly, marching beside me in her thin cotton dress, hip-length pink cardigan and fuzzy orange socks.

  I'd built myself up to a fever pitch of Oh My Swearword by the time we reached the end of the hall and the throne room entry. It wasn't until we passed through the archway and into the giant room and I looked up at the stunning blonde on the throne I felt my bundle of fear and fury unclench a little.

  Sunny. It was Sunny, absolutely, without question. And Uncle Frank stood beside her. Both of them looked fantastic, a pair of lovers straight from history, she in her ball gown and he in his frock coat and knee-high boots. The giant stained glass window behind them cast an eerie rainbow over them as I strode with growing confidence to the foot of the dais.

  That confidence died when I stopped, eyes locked on Sunny's.

  She stared with cold contempt, eyes blocks of brilliant blue, flawless face held in a stern scowl that did nothing to shatter her perfection.

  “How dare you?” Her voice rang through the room, making her gathered people sway in response. It wasn't until then I noticed how many assembled, I was so focused on her and my uncle. But we were surrounded now, vampires pressing close, hissing and flickering with power, in and out of shadow as they shifted positions. “Invaders. Trespassers! You have come to my home without permission and now your lives are forfeit.”

  Um, what the hell? “Sunny.” I felt myself deflate, emotions failing me, no anger from my demon either. She just gaped, mouth open. And no rumble of an earthquake from Shaylee who gasped in shock. Not even a breath of protection from my vampire who sighed sadly and retreated as though hurt.

  “You will address her as Your Majesty.” Piotr's voice hissed in my ear, over my shoulder as his bumped me.


  Sunny's scowl didn't waver. “You are here without cause,” she said. “And thus, as a vampire of my family, while under my roof, you are subject to my laws. And I order your death for your intrusion.”

  She had to be freaking kidding me. “Uncle Frank.” One of them had to listen to reason.

  He swayed slightly, but his hand tightened on the back of her throne as he turned his face away. “My queen speaks,” he said. “All obey.”

  This was not what I expected, not even close. Gram, I sent, feeling desperation rise. What the hell is wrong with them?

  She jabbed me with her power. Like I'm supposed to know? She sighed heavily in my head. The Brotherhood?

  My vampire's magic slipped forward, touching Sunny's, relinking me to the blood clan. I'd done my best to sever my connection, not to hurt Sunny's feelings, but because I had things I needed to do that were none of the clan's concern. But since she made me one of them, I had two choices: reject the connection completely or just put up a wall around it. Since I loved Sunny and thought maybe continuing the relationship might be necessary at some point, I simply did the latter.

  Now that the wall was down, my vampire back in touch with the clan, I felt the pull of Sunny's power as she stood in a rush of swishing satin, rage rising on her pale face.

  “You dare attack me!” Sunny strode down two steps, almost in my face, her mouth gaping wide as her teeth grew in length, jutting from her pink lips in long, shining fangs, eyes pits of black rimmed in white as she howled her anger.

  If touching her power, rekindling mine was an attack, she had a pretty skewed view of things. This wasn't my Sunny, couldn't be, and yet, it was. I had no choice but to protect us despite knowing it would be seen as a threat, wrapping myself in energy. My magic rose, forming a shield around Gram and Charlotte, pulling Demetrius close by a firm grip on his arm, though I was certain he could take care of himself.

  “I dare come in front of my queen,” I said. “You already admit I'm a part of this family. I have every right to be here.”

  Sunny's rage flared brighter as she pointed at me with a slashing claw, grown thick and white from her fingertips. “Come,” she snarled, the pressure of my blood tie to her activated at last. “Kneel before me and die.”

  It was there, the pain I remembered, but not as powerful. Not even close to the searing agony I'd felt under Batsheva's orders. The way my insides had seemed to turn on themselves. Yes, it hurt, like bloody murder. But, as I stood there, facing Sunny down, the pull weakened, the jagged hurt lessening until I was able to gasp a breath and shake my head as my maji power formed around me.

  “I'm a part of your clan,” I said. “But you don't own me, Wilhelm Queen. If you want my blood, you come down here and fight me for it.”

  I know she would have. Watched her bunch herself even as I pushed the others behind me, to dubious safety. But Sunny didn't get the chance. The moment she shifted her weight to pounce, Alison rippled into being and leaped on the vampire queen with a cackle of joy, mouth locking on Sunny's neck.

  I didn't move fast enough to stop Demetrius as he lunged forward with his crystal in his hand. But he staggered, Piotr landing on his back in what had to be a misguided attempt to save his queen from further harm, sending the small sorcerer sprawling on the steps, his precious crystal bouncing away a few feet.

  Maji power crackled around me as I lashed out at Alison, wishing I'd brought my own crystal with me, the opening of my sorcery pulling against my other magicks, linking them together. Sunny fought the echo of my old friend, crashing to her side as the ghostly remains of Alison drank her blood. Uncle Frank tackled the pair of them even as my iridescent power sliced through Alison, distracting her long enough Sunny was able to shake the girl's echo free.

  Alison met my eyes, her mouth sheathed in red, a cackling laugh carrying in the air as she vanished in a flash of light.

  The vampires went nuts, slamming against my shields, trying to reach us as Uncle Frank helped Sunny rise. She stared at me with so much hate, one hand clamped to the gash in her throat, I knew the ghost of my old bestie just made things a million times worse.

  “You think to defeat me so easily?” Sunny pushed Uncle Frank away, body morphing as the vampire inside her took over, skin translucent, claws the length of knives, her face dominated by a jaw full of very scary teeth even as her body thinned and lengthened, a deadly skeleton focused on me.

  Feel it, my vampire sent in a jab as sharp as Sunny's claws just as the vampire queen launched herself at me. I blocked Sunny with creation magic, knocking her back to crash into the stairs where she scrambled to her feet, hissing and snarling like an animal. But I wasn't paying attention to her, not o
n the outside.

  Not while her inside seethed with taint.

  It's been there for centuries, my vampire sent as Sunny threw herself at me again. Soiling the purity of our spirit magic. I felt the shielding repel her like a physical thing, endured the hammering of her vampires against the wards I held. For how long, I had no idea, sweat beading out on my forehead. One opponent I could block. But hundreds? Gram's hand settled in mine on one side, Demetrius's on the other, but I kept them in reserve.

  For now.

  What happened to the taint? My vampire let me feel it before, back when she first emerged. The big difference between her and the undead souls who had come from her. It had never been so black, an oozing layer like oil on a pond, scumming up the feeling of Sunny, blocking out her glow.

  I don't know, my vampire sent. But it's the reason for her loss of self. We must break its hold or she is lost. They all are.

  No way was I going to allow that to happen. I had to save Sunny and Uncle Frank. He had the taint, too, as my vampire traced back through Sunny's connection to my uncle. Dark and fetid, like a slow growing decay, feeding on their creation power, turning it, twisting it into something devouring them from the inside out.

  And Alison fed on it.


  This has to be the Brotherhood. Made total sense to me. And drove my fear spikes even higher as the vampires continued to throw themselves at my shields. I sent out a blast of iridescent magic, flinging them away, hearing them impact stone, the crunch of bone. They would recover, but hopefully I bought myself enough time to focus on Sunny.

  We must free her. My vampire showed me the image of Sebastian in the cavern, Sunny and Uncle Frank hovering over him while Dad and Theridialis watched. You remember?

  Did I. We'd rescued Sebastian from her, my vampire, and Dad and Theridialis took her away.

  To Demonicon. She shuddered. A terrible place void of spirit, too far gone in blood magic and fire.

  I'm sorry, I sent as Sunny slashed at my shields. I felt her slice through, sealed the holes even as Uncle Frank joined her, a few of her vampires returning to fight. Gram looked grim, met my eyes.


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