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Liberation Page 3

by Becca Van

  She pushed herself upright and winced when her shoulder protested, and then she was gaping in shock. The three men who’d been outside were no longer outside. They’d somehow managed to unlock the door and they were hurrying toward her.

  Ignoring the pain in her shoulder, she pushed backward using her hands and shoe-clad feet on the floor. It was easy to move when she was sitting in a big puddle of water. The man closest to her stopped walking toward her. Delta looked up. And up, and up, and up some more. The man was freaking huge. Even though she was sitting on her ass on the floor, she could tell he was way over six feet tall, probably closer to six-five or over. She couldn’t help but notice his long, denim-encased legs, his thick, muscular thighs, or the bulge at his crotch as her gaze lifted. He had a flat belly, and while his cotton T-shirt wasn’t tight, the material was clinging to him and she could see his abdomen was ripped. His pectoral muscles were bulging with strength and his biceps were huge. Even his neck had muscles. However, it was his face that had her heart arresting in her chest. He wasn’t handsome in that classical-movie, pretty-boy way. He was handsome with a rugged strength and masculinity. There was also an aura of power and confidence that had the breath exploding from her lungs.

  Delta closed her eyes when she realized she was staring like an enamored ninny, and after taking a few deep breaths and releasing them, she met his amazing gray-blue eyes. When he waved a hand in front of her face and pointed at his lips, she realized he knew she couldn’t hear him. She stared at his mouth as he formed words. “Are you okay?” And to her exuberant surprise he signed the words as well.

  Delta nodded.

  He held his hand out toward her after signing. “Let me help you up.”

  She stared at his big manly hand and debated on whether she should accept the offer, but realized if she didn’t, she would seem rude. She’d never been, and never would be, rude to another human being because she knew what it was like to be shunned and disparaged just because she was a little different. Taking another deep, fortifying breath, she put her small hand in his. The moment their hands touched skin to skin, her body lit up like the Fourth of July. A shiver worked up her spine as tingling heat traveled from her hand, up her arm, into her chest, and down toward her sex.

  She gasped when her pussy seemed to swell and moisten, but she bit the inside of her cheek hoping to quell the shudder working through her body as he helped her to her feet. She couldn’t help but wince when pain surged into her shoulder.

  He cupped her face with his free hand, tilting her gaze up toward his face. “Where are you hurting, honey?”

  For the first time in her life, Delta wished she could hear. It didn’t matter that he was signing as well, and while she was grateful to find someone who could speak to her other than Cindy, she wished she hadn’t contracted meningitis as a toddler. Because more than anything right now, she wanted to hear his voice. It took a second or two to get her brain to kick in so she could answer his question. There was no way she could speak the words, so she just shook her head again, hoping he’d understand she hadn’t hurt herself when she’d slipped. She was shaking a little too much to sign, to speak back to him just yet. Other than a bruised ass, that was, and she wasn’t about to tell him, so she shook her head. He was so damn tall, she felt downright small and petite, and she wasn’t short, since she stood five foot six in height. The guy had a good foot or more on her.

  Her breath hitched in her throat when he clasped her chin between his finger and thumb, bringing her gaze back up to his. She quickly lowered her eyes when she saw his lips move, following his talking hands from her periphery.

  “I’m Major Porter and these are my brothers, Rocco and Ace.” He pointed to each man as he said their name.

  Delta couldn’t believe how big, brawny and handsome they all were. She figured their parents must have had great genes to turn out three such good-looking men.

  Rocco was an inch or so shorter than Major, and his hair was a shade or two darker than his brother’s sandy brown hair, but he was just as well-built. His eyes were an amazing gray-green combination, and if she wouldn’t have looked like an idiot she could have stared into those colorful orbs forever. Rocco’s face was clean shaven, but Major had a light gruff along his jaw and chin, and yet both of them were sexy as hell.

  She glanced toward Ace when he shifted on his feet and sucked in a deep breath. His eyes were pure gray and his hair was a chocolate brown hue. He was about an inch shorter than Major and an inch taller than Rocco, but he was also burly in the muscle department. All three men seemed to exude confidence and authority as well as a carnal sexuality that made her breathless.

  When she realized she was once more standing there frozen in place while she checked the men over, her cheeks began to heat with embarrassment. She hoped she didn’t look like an idiot school girl with her first crush, even if that’s exactly what she felt like.

  She brought her gaze back to Major’s when he caressed her chin with his thumb.

  “What’s your name, honey?”

  The heat in her cheeks intensified with guilt since she hadn’t bothered to identify herself, but also because she couldn’t answer him verbally. She’d had speech therapy lessons and knew how to shape words and even speak, but because she didn’t know how loudly or softly she spoke, or what she sounded like, Delta had decided to keep her mouth shut. She stepped back from Major and turned toward the counter. She kept a stack of pens, pencils and pads on a shelf underneath and needed to get one so she could reply to his question. She’d glanced at the other two men and realized from their puzzled looks that they couldn’t speak or understand sign language. It was rude to continue her conversation with Major leaving his brothers on the outside edge, because she knew all too well how that felt, since she’d been there her whole life.

  When she walked across the still slick wet floor she was careful about where and how she placed her feet, but she been so intent on not falling on her ass again, she ended up bumping into a hard, warm brick wall.

  She gasped when strong hands gripped her shoulder to steady her, and she cringed with pain as that gentle grip exacerbated her aching shoulder. She glanced up into Rocco’s gray-green eyes and mouthed, “Sorry.”

  He was frowning down at her, and while all these men were strangers to her, she didn’t feel as if she was in danger like she had earlier, and that was an anomaly to her. Ever since she’d been shot in the bank hold-up she’d been scared of the opposite sex. So why wasn’t she scared now?

  Before she could answer her own question, she was swept off her feet and up into Rocco’s arms. She sucked in a surprised breath and had to swallow down a moan building in her chest. He smelled so good. The fragrance emanating from his skin was a mix of pine and citrus and it was so yummy she had the urge to lean up and lick his neck. She bit her lip instead.

  Delta wasn’t sure what he was doing and was as tense as a bowstring since she wasn’t used to being picked up and manhandled. But when he set her on a chair one of the other men must have removed from on top of the tables and put her in it, she relaxed again. That was until he squatted down in front of her and placed his hands on her bare knees. A fission of heat caused goosebumps to form on her skin and race up all over her body.

  She met his gaze and quickly glanced away again when she noticed he was watching her intently. He cupped one of her cheeks and brought her gaze back to his. Having his large, warm, manly hand against her skin felt so good, she had the urge to turn her head and kiss it or nuzzle into it. Nonetheless, she refrained.

  “Did you hurt your shoulder?” Rocco asked.

  She was about to shake her head no, but gazed over at Ace when he handed her a pen and paper. She’d been so intent on his brother, she hadn’t even realized he’d moved away.

  Delta nodded her thanks to Ace and took the pad and pen. She rested the paper on her lap and started to write. My name is Delta Sykes. I just jarred an old injury, so, no, I’m not hurt.

  The breath in her lu
ngs exploded in a gust when Ace and Major squatted in front of her on each side of Rocco. She inhaled deeply and tried to hold it, but she couldn’t.

  She felt hemmed in and her mind whirred back to the day of the bank hold-up. Sweat broke out over her skin and while she panted rapidly, she could barely breath. The intermittent tightness returned to her chest and dizziness assailed her. She wanted to get up and run, but her legs were trembling and felt as if they were the consistency of Jell-O.

  Blackness encroached on the edge of her vision, and while she tried to get her roiling emotions back under control, there was no stopping them. She felt as if she was on a runaway train without any brakes and the end of the line was in sight. Delta didn’t even notice she was swaying in her seat until Major and Rocco each clasped her upper arms. Just as she thought she was going to pass out, one of the men gently clasped the back of her neck and pushed her head down toward her knees.

  Delta how no idea how long she stayed bent over but it felt as if a long time had passed. She was so ashamed and embarrassed of her reaction she didn’t want to sit up straight and see the pity, or worse, callousness in their eyes, but she knew she couldn’t hide out forever. So, after taking a deep, fortifying breath she straightened, disappointed that the big, warm hand rubbing her back was removed.

  When she met Major’s concerned gaze she swallowed around the unexpected lump of emotion constricting her throat.

  “Are you sure you’re okay, Delta?” he asked.

  She nodded again as she signed, “Fine.”

  When she shoved to her feet Major rose as well. She hadn’t even noticed that Ace and Rocco had moved away, and when she glanced over at them, tears of gratitude burned the back of her eyes, but she quickly blinked them away. The two men had already mopped up the water and were both heading toward the kitchen.

  She spun on her heels to follow them so she could thank them and was surprised again, when Major gripped her elbow so she wouldn’t end up on her ass once more.

  When she entered the kitchen, Ace and Rocco had already dumped the water and put the mop and bucket to the side.

  She shifted her gaze to Major. “Thank you all so much for your help. I really appreciate it.”

  Major smiled down at her, his gray-blue eyes twinkling. “You’re welcome, honey. Since we’re here, why don’t you let us help you finish up?”

  “Oh, um, that’s okay. I’m sure you have things of your own to do.”

  Major shook his head. “No, we’re free for the night.” He eyed her up and down, and the light in his eyes changed to what she didn’t know. When she glanced down, she gasped when she realized her soaked white shirt was transparent. The lacy red bra stuck out like a sore thumb and the top of her breasts were easily visible.

  Delta quickly lifted her arms and crossed them over her chest as she gazed back up at Major again. “Do you have a change of clothes with you?”

  “Yes. I live upstairs.”

  “Why don’t you go take a shower and get into some dry clothes, honey? By the time you come back down, we’ll have everything done.”

  Delta wasn’t sure she wanted to leave three men she’d just met down in her diner while she went upstairs to clean up. It wasn’t that she thought they’d steal from her or do anything bad, she just wasn’t used to being around other people all that much. Dealing with customers and this…situation was totally different.

  The question that had been plaguing her from the second she saw all three men in her diner burst rapidly across her fingers. “How did you all get in here?”

  Major frowned. “We opened the door and walked in. Why?”

  “Cindy always locks the door as she leaves.”

  “Maybe she forgot,” he said.

  Delta nodded as she glanced toward the kitchen door. Cindy was always diligent about locking up after her since the young woman knew she was here alone. A knot of anxiety started to form in her gut. There was no way she would be able to settle unless she checked the door herself. She turned and headed back out into the diner and straight for the entrance. When she grabbed the handle, and turned it, it opened easily. She closed it again and flicked the lock over and then tugged on the handle again. A shiver of apprehension raced up her spine. The lock had worked fine the previous night. Why wouldn’t it be working now?

  Major tapped her on the shoulder and she startled. He clasped her upper arms in his hands to steady her and then guided her to the side of the door and released her. He bent over and studied the lock, turning it around and back again. Then he went down on bended knee and peered at it closely. Delta had no idea what he was staring at, but when he gazed at her from over his shoulder, she saw a hard, angry look in his eyes.

  She took a few steps back as fear once more skittered up her spine. Major held his hands up, palms facing her as he got back to his feet.

  “Don’t be afraid of me, honey. Ace, Rocco, and I would never do anything to hurt you.”

  The tension eased from her muscles and the slight adrenaline surge began to wane. She glanced from him to the door and raised an eyebrow in query.

  The next words he signed to her had the fear surging back to life.

  “Someone’s tampered with the lock.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I don’t know, Delta.” The muscles in the side of his jaw ticked as he ground his teeth. She didn’t understand what he had to be upset about since it was her door. “Most of the screws have been removed from the door. The one holding the latch in place has been stripped of its thread.”

  “What does that mean?” she asked.

  “It means that the door can’t be locked. It means that anyone could walk in here in the middle of the night or whenever they wanted.”

  Delta had no idea what to do. The thought of being so vulnerable had terror coursing through her blood. She had no idea why anyone would have any interest in her, would want to get to her, but that’s exactly what it looked like.

  She didn’t know anyone except Cindy and now Carly, as well as Major and his brothers. Carly, Major, Rocco, and Ace were still all strangers to her, and although she was skittish around most people, she felt as if she could trust the Porter men and Carly.

  Major moved closer to her. “You can’t stay here, honey. It’s not safe.”

  “This is my home,” Delta signed quickly, glad that anger was replacing the fear. “I’m not letting anyone run me out of my home.”

  “I understand, Delta, but you could be putting your life on the line. Are you willing to do that just to save a building?”

  “This”—she waved her hand around toward the diner—“isn’t just a building. It’s my livelihood. My lifeblood. My dream. I’ll be fine. There’s a deadlock to the door leading to the upstairs apartment.”

  “Show me,” Major commanded.

  Delta was still angry but with a nod, she turned and headed out through the diner, into the hallway, past the kitchen and to the door that led to her upstairs apartment. She pointed and stepped aside so he could see the lock. He tried to turn the handle, but since she always locked it when she came down first thing in the morning, it didn’t budge. He glanced toward the rear entrance to the diner, brushed by her and opened the door.

  “Why isn’t this door locked?” Major asked.

  “It should be,” she replied. Goosebumps rose over her skin as Major once more studied the deadbolt.

  “You can’t stay here,” he said over his shoulder and then he stood and faced her.

  “I have to.” Her voice would have risen with agitation if she’d been able to speak. “I have a delivery first thing and food preparation to see to.”

  “What time do you need to be down here?”

  Delta didn’t want to tell him she had to get up at four in the morning because she had a feeling he wouldn’t be very happy about it, so instead of answering, she shrugged. There so much still left to do tonight, she didn’t have the time to be dilly dallying the time away. Before Major could grill her some more, she hurried ba
ck toward the kitchen. Tears pricked the back of her eyes when she saw that Rocco and Ace had scrubbed and dried all the pots and pans and were just unloading the last things from the dishwashers.

  They both straightened and smiled at her as she walked farther into the room. “Thank you.”

  Rocco nodded and Ace’s grin widened.

  Delta turned toward the fridge, hoping if she ignored the three handsome men, they’d get tired of being around her and leave.

  Chapter Three

  Rocco glanced from Major to Delta and back to his brother again. He could see by the way Major’s fists were clenched and the way the muscles in his jaw were flexing that something was wrong.

  “What’s going on?” Ace asked before he could.

  Major watched the beautiful woman pull her hair up onto the top of her head before she washed her hands. Delta then began to pull ingredients from the fridge, carry them to the large counter, and start chopping. He sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Someone’s tampered with the lock on the front and back door to this place.”

  “What the fuck?” Rocco asked angrily. “Who the fuck would want to do that?”

  “The more important question is, why?” Ace barked the last word.

  “I don’t know, and I’m not sure Delta does either, but she’s scared.”

  “Of course she is. What woman on her own wouldn’t be?” Rocco asked rhetorically. He couldn’t keep his gaze from Delta even though her back was turned to them. She was so fucking gorgeous. She was of average height, and had the sexiest hour glass figure he’d ever had the privilege of seeing. Delta was slim with pert breasts, a narrow waist, and curvy hips. Although she wasn’t overly tall, her legs were long and toned. He’d seen her cargo shorts pulled tight over her sexy ass and wanted to see if those peachy globes would fit into his hands as perfectly as they looked as if they would. Her light blonde hair was slightly wavy and hung down below her shoulders. It was also kinked at the back as if she’d just released it from a ponytail or bun or something. He loved the gold blonde streaks in the strands that hung down beside her cheeks. Her skin was pale and looked as smooth as silk and he’d had to resist the urge to find out for himself.


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