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Liberation Page 5

by Becca Van

  Maybe if Larry had taken time to scope out the bank and plan, he might have gotten away with a shit load of money, and they both would have been sitting pretty for the rest of their lives. He could just imagine Larry and him sunning themselves on lounge beds under the hot sun on a tropical island, sipping some exotic alcoholic drinks, but now Larry would never see the light of day again.

  Leo had been in town for just over two months now. Yesterday he’d been able to damage the locks on the diner just after the doors opened before the breakfast rush. He’d been able to break the locks on the front and back doors with plans to come back in the early hours of the next morning to kill that bitch, but his plans had been thwarted. He hadn’t expected the cow to find the broken locks and call in someone to fix them that night.

  He’d driven to the diner just after two in the morning and had been shocked to find the place lit up like a Christmas tree. As he’d driven by he’d cursed when he’d seen the logo of the local security company on one of the trucks parked out the front. From what he’d heard, Alcott Security was one of the best of the best in the country.

  Leo headed back home. He was going to have to make new plans if he was going to get vengeance. He would think of something and when he did, that slut was toast.

  * * * *

  Delta groaned when her cell phone vibrated under her cheek. She’d thought about getting one of those flashing alarm clocks that was specifically made for deaf people, but hadn’t bothered. She’d accidentally fallen asleep with her phone under her pillow when she’d been a teenager, and the phone had vibrated when she’d received an incoming text and awoken her. So, from then on, she’d made sure the alarm clock on her cell was set on vibrate whenever she needed to be up at a certain time. Worked like a charm, but she was so tired, today she wished she could just turn the infernal thing off, roll over and go back to sleep. However, since there was so much to do before she opened the diner’s door, she didn’t have that luxury.

  She made quick work of showering and dressing before heading downstairs, flipping lights on as she went. Her first task was to get a pot of fresh coffee brewing, which she did and while she waited for her first cup of the heart-starting brew, she began to get ingredients out of the massive walk in pantry for the muffins she planned to make.

  When she turned toward the kitchen counter, she got the fright of her life. She thought she may have screamed since she felt her throat vibrate and the container of flour in her hands went tumbling toward the floor. Major was fast on his feet and caught the flour before it hit and made a huge mess. Delta pressed a hand over her racing heart and she drew in deep breaths of air.

  “Sorry,” Major signed after placing the container on the counter. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I thought you knew I was here.”

  She shook her head. “I thought you left last night.”

  It was Major’s turn to shake his head. “I couldn’t leave you unprotected.”

  Even though his signed words made her heart swell with warmth, she didn’t let it show. Or hoped she didn’t. Nonetheless she did thank him. “Thank you for making sure I was safe, but there was no need.”

  “There was every need,” Major replied, his eyes firm with resolve.

  She crossed her arms beneath her breasts when he turned his back to her and headed for the freshly brewed coffee. She watched with frustration as he searched out a couple of mugs and then filled them both before turning back to hand her one of the steaming mugs. She couldn’t seem to stop herself from watching his lips as they pursed and he blew across the surface of the steaming liquid before taking a sip. When she realized she was staring at his mouth, she lowered her gaze to her own drink and hoped her cheeks weren’t as flushed as they felt. She watched him from beneath lowered lashes as he placed his cup down on the counter and took a step toward her. She lifted his gaze to hers and frowned when he beckoned her to follow him.

  She trailed after him into the brightly lit diner and gasped when she saw two men packing up what looked like tools and some sort of electrical equipment. She frowned as she brought her gaze back to Major’s. “What’s going on? Who are these men?”

  “Delta, I’d like you to meet Giles and Remy Alcott. Guys, this is Delta Sykes, the new diner owner.”

  Both men smiled and nodded at her. Giles moved closer holding his hand out in her direction. “Pleased to meet you.”

  “You, too,” she signed, aware that Major was interpreting for her, when she saw his lips moving from the corner of her eye.

  “Hi, Delta,” Remy said as he shook her hand. He then turned to gaze at Major. “You’re all set. Do you need us to hang around and show Delta how things work?”

  “No, I’ve got it,” Major replied.

  While she had no idea what they were talking about, Delta was glad that Major was signing everything that was said, including her in the conversation, even if she was utterly clueless.

  The two Alcott brothers nodded at them before leaving.

  “What’s going on?” Delta asked.

  “I ordered you a state of the art security system.”

  “You what? I can’t afford something like that,” Delta signed angrily.

  “Slow down, baby. I can’t keep up.”

  She blew out a frustrated breath and repeated what she’d just said.

  Major moved closer, cupping her cheeks in his hands. He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, shocking her into immobility before he drew back and started signing. “You don’t have to worry about the cost. Me, Rocco, and Ace have it covered.”

  “You had no right!”

  “I had every right!” Major gave her a fierce look of determination. “Do you think I could honestly live with my conscience if I didn’t see to your protection? I’m not about to let some fucker walk in here and hurt what’s mine.”

  The hackles on her nape rose on end. “I’m not yours. I’m not a fucking pet to be told what to do, or be led around on a leash.”

  “No, you’re not.” Major took another step toward her.

  Delta had to suppress the shudder from showing as the heat of his big, brawny body seeped into hers. Before she could think of anything else to say, he hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her tight up against him. This time she couldn’t contain the shiver from quaking up her smaller frame.

  His hand cupped the back of her neck and he nuzzled her neck with his nose, right under her ear. She felt the vibrations of her voice and realized she’d moaned. Delta planted her hands on his toned pecs intending to push away, to create some space between them, but she didn’t get the chance. He caressed the side of her throat with his fingers and tilted her chin up with his thumb gently pressing on the underside. She blinked with shock as the muscles in her body, in her legs, seemed to melt and she felt as if she was in danger of falling to the floor. Just as she locked her knees in place, his mouth opened over hers.


  Delta had never felt such heat in her life. He was as hot as an electric blanket, his warmth chasing away the cold she hadn’t realized she’d been carrying around inside of her. She couldn’t believe he was kissing her. His lips brushing back and forth against hers felt so amazingly good, she couldn’t help but yearn for more.

  This was her first kiss. Ever. She’d never let anyone get close enough to touch her let alone kiss her. The breath backed up in her lungs exploded out in a rush from between her parted lips. When his warm moist tongue swept over her bottom lip and then delved inside she was lost.

  Major tasted so good. Coffee mixed in with the spiciness of a sexy man. She inhaled through her nose and her chest vibrated on a groan when she was assailed by his delectable spicy scent. He smelled so good, so right, she wanted to keep inhaling his fragrance over and over.

  She was lost in him, his heat, his passion, his taste. She was only vaguely aware of a cool breeze brushing over her exposed skin, but was too intent on savoring her first kiss to think about it.

  His tongue rubbed along and then swirled around
hers. Major licked and sucked on her lips and her tongue before delving in deep again. Delta could have gone on kissing him forever, but a flash of alarm rang inside of her head. She shouldn’t be doing this. She was here to run a business, not get involved with one or more men. There was and never would be any room in her life for a relationship. She wasn’t about to set herself up to get her heart broken. No one wanted a flawed woman in their life. This was just lust on his part. If she gave him what he wanted—into her pants like every other man she’d ever met—he would no doubt turn and walk away without a qualm.

  Delta turned her head and broke the kiss, and shoved against his chest. He released her straight away and she spun on her heels, keeping her gaze lowered, intending to get back to work. She hit a brick wall.

  Hands grasped her waist, steadying her, and when she looked up, heat suffused her cheeks when she met Rocco’s heated gray-green gaze. When she went to lower her gaze with embarrassment, he wouldn’t let her. He clasped her chin between his finger and thumb. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  She nodded, shoving his hand from her face at the same time and hurried toward the kitchen. Tears of embarrassed humiliation burned her eyes but she wasn’t about to let them fall. She’d learned at a very young age that crying never solved anything.

  Her father had abandoned her and her mom when she’d found out she was pregnant. From what she could remember, her mom had been a wonderful woman, but she’d died when Delta was just five years old. She’d been put into an institution for the deaf and blind, and even though she’d been surrounded by other people, she’d always felt so alone.

  The teachers and care workers at the institute had been wonderful, teaching all the kids how to deal with a disability and how to get on in life, but Delta had missed her mom so much, she’d shut down emotionally. That had been her survival mechanism. It had saved her a lot of angst time and time again. Even though sometimes, she wished she could be more open and friendly, especially since there was so much prejudiced in the world against someone a little different. She’d been segregated her whole life and couldn’t see that changing anytime soon.

  She was mixing a large batch of muffin mix when the three men entered the kitchen, but she kept her gaze lowered and ignored them. That was, until the bowl and spoon were snatched from her hands and set aside. She scowled at Ace but he ignored her pique, grabbed her hand, and led her back out into the diner.

  After releasing her hand, he clasped her face between his hands. “You need to learn how to use and activate the security system, honey.”

  Delta was tempted to tell these men they could take their security system and shove it where the sun didn’t shine, but she was also relieved to have it since she was more than a little worried about the damaged locks. She hadn’t believed a word she’d said when she suggested the screws had worked themselves loose to Major last night.

  With a sigh of resignation, she nodded and sat down at the table where all the paperwork was strewn. Major and Rocco sat across from her while Ace took the seat next to her.

  It took over half an hour for them to explain how to use the system, and though she was appreciative, she was also aware of how quickly time was ticking by.

  Finally, when the three men rose, she did, too. “Thank you for staying last night and making sure I was safe.” She locked gazes with Major while she signed, then shifted her gaze to first Ace and Rocco. “Thank you, all of you for the security system. It may take a while, but I will pay you back.”

  Ace and Rocco smiled and nodded at her. Major frowned as he signed, “You’re welcome. I’ve written our cell numbers down for you. If you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to contact us.”

  Delta nodded. “Thanks again.”

  The three men turned toward the door and left without a backward glance. That made her think she was right to not get involved with one of more of the Porter men. They were only being nice to her so they could get her into their beds. Once they had what they wanted, she had no doubt she’d never see them again.

  * * * *

  “What the fuck were you thinking?” Rocco snarled as soon as he and his brothers were in the truck heading back to their ranch. He was in the driver’s seat with Ace sitting next to him in the passenger seat and Major in the back. He glanced in the rearview mirror to see Major scrubbing a hand down his face.

  “I wasn’t thinking at all,” Major finally replied.

  “You’re damn fucking right you weren’t. You’re a fucking hypocrite, Major. Last night you were the one telling me to take things slow with her and what do we find when we come to pick you up? You have your fucking tongue half way down her throat.”

  “Calm the fuck down, Rocco,” Ace said angrily. “What’s done is done and there’s no changing it.”

  Rocco gripped the steering wheel so tight, his knuckles were white and his hands started aching. He was going to have the imprint of the wheel in his skin for the next few hours.

  “I know I fucked up,” Major said. “I don’t even remember thinking about kissing her until my lips were on hers.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up, bro,” Ace said as he gazed over his shoulder. “She was kissing you back just as hungrily as you were kissing her there for a while.”

  “She was, wasn’t she?” Major chuckled.

  “Asshole.” Rocco smiled at him in the mirror. “Does she taste as good as you imagined, as sweet as she looks?”

  “No. Way fucking better.”

  “So, what do we do now?” Rocco asked.

  “We go to the diner as often as we can,” Major answered.

  “Do you think someone is after her?” Ace frowned.

  “I don’t know, but it sure as hell looks like it. Why would someone tamper with the locks otherwise?”

  “The question is who?” Rocco asked as he checked the mirrors, indicated, and changed lanes.

  “There are a lot of single men in and around Slick Rock,” Ace said. “Could be anyone.”

  “That doesn’t make sense.” Rocco checked both ways before turning onto the road leading to their ranch. “If members of the opposite sex were interested in Delta, they would have asked her out.”

  “Not necessarily,” Ace said.

  “Ace is right,” Major agreed. “There are a lot of new people in and around town. People have moved away from the cities for a slower paced life. Those two new housing estates have sold like hot cakes, and the third estate is nearly ready to be put on the market.”

  “The sheriffs were going to check into everyone new in town.” Rocco slowed as he turned into the driveway.

  “I have no doubt they will, but there are only so many hours in a day. The sheriffs and deputies are out patrolling, or attending car accidents on the highway, as well as the normal shit they have to deal with day in day out. Doing background checks on the new residents of Slick Rock will be put on the backburner until they have some spare time.”

  Rocco grunted in acknowledgement to Major’s statement. His brother was right, the sheriffs had a lot on their plate. Crime was on the rise in town with burglaries and other misdemeanors. Background checks would be the least of the Sheriff Department’s concerns.

  He headed toward the barn and the horses. After he tacked up his gelding, mounted up and headed out to the far eastern pasture. The cattle needed to be moved to another paddock where there was more feed. Ace and Major would join him soon enough, but Rocco was so agitated he was glad for a few minutes alone.

  He’d never wanted a woman the way he wanted Delta, and while he envied Major getting to kiss her, he was also still pissed at him. If his older brother had fucked up their chances with the gorgeous Delta, he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to forgive him. Especially after Major had told him to be careful with her and then gone and done the opposite himself.

  He also wanted to help with hiring waitstaff for her, but after he’d seen the anger in her stunning green eyes over the security system, Rocco didn’t think any more help from him and his
brothers would go over well.

  He hoped that Carly and Cindy could get the other women in Slick Rock on board with them so Delta could get the help she needed.

  Chapter Five

  Please, please, please, Delta mentally chanted. She was begging anyone who would listen for more staff. If it had helped any, she would have gotten down on her knees and prayed to every single god she’d ever heard of.

  Just before the lunch rush started, Cindy entered the diner’s kitchen and beckoned her out to the dining area. The young girl was smiling from ear to ear and while Delta found herself smiling as well, she had no idea why.

  When she spotted Carly sitting at a booth in the back with a stack of papers in front of her, and a group of women and girls waiting in line, she realized what was going on. Carly was interviewing waitstaff for her. Tears of gratitude welled, and while she tried to blink them back one escaped over the rim and rolled down her cheek. Carly must have heard her coming or maybe Cindy had called her name because the other woman, stood and turned to face her. She was smiling smugly.

  Delta glanced at Cindy when she tapped her on the arm.

  “Carly and her friends have spent the morning interviewing, and with your approval they’ve chosen five girls who would love to work with you,” Cindy explained. “This is Enya. She’s been working for a bakery and has a pastry chef’s college degree. She moved to Slick Rock two days ago.”

  Delta nodded in greeting.

  Cindy pointed to another young woman who smiled and waved at her. “This is Jaylynn. The twins in the back are Katie and Kiara, and last but not least, is Lilac.”

  “Are you sure they’re all happy to work here?” Delta asked.

  “Yes,” Cindy replied. “Katie and Kiara have just graduated from high school. They were smart enough to finish a year early and while they both have scholarships to go to college, they’ve deferred a year to save up some money. Their mom is sick and they’re looking after her.


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