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Liberation Page 8

by Becca Van

  Ace held up his finger as he made a call. “Luke, someone’s just broken into the diner. Can you send someone over?”

  “Okay, thanks. Yeah we’re on our way.” Ace was already on the move and didn’t need to look back to know that his brothers had heard his call and were following him.

  Since they worked on the land and encountered snakes and other dangerous animals from time to time, he and his brothers always carried their registered guns. Usually they didn’t take them with them when they went to town, but this situation wasn’t usual. Ace was glad, too, that his brothers were packing their pistols just like he was.

  Major, Rocco, and Ace jumped into the truck and Major took off before Ace had even closed his door. He disconnected the call and tugged his seatbelt on.

  “Talk!” Major ordered.

  “I got a text from Delta asking if there’d been a storm since her power was out. Then she said she thought someone had broken into the diner.”

  “Fuck! Faster, Major.”

  Major didn’t respond, but pressed his foot down harder on the gas. Ace clung to the handle above the door and held his breath as his brother drifted the truck around a ninety-degree turn. Thank fuck they’d all had advanced driving training while they were in the Marines.

  “Did you text her back?” Rocco asked angrily.

  Ace knew that anger wasn’t directed at him. “Yeah. I told her to lock herself in the bedroom and not open the door for anyone.”

  “Why the fuck didn’t the Alcott guys call us? They should have realized something wasn’t right,” Rocco snarled.

  Since Ace didn’t have an answer, he didn’t respond. He wasn’t a security expert, but with a power outage, he suspected that all alarms and cameras would be out of action.

  Ace nearly sighed in relief when he saw the flashing blue and red lights of the sheriff’s vehicle outside the diner, but when he saw the damage done to the building, he was the one seeing red. Rage like he’d never felt before left a haze over his eyes and he was actually shaking. Every single window of the diner had been smashed. Tables had been ripped away from walls and out of the bolts on the floors. The linoleum floor had been slashed as had the cushioned booth seats. The display cabinet had been tipped over and that was just the damage he could see.

  God only knew what had been done to the rest of the place.

  * * * *

  Major was out of the car and running toward Luke and Damon who were standing amongst the destruction. “Where’s Delta? Is she all right? Who the fuck did this? Did you catch the fucker?”

  “Whoever it was is long gone,” Luke answered. The muscles in his jaw were ticking and Major knew he was just as pissed as he was.

  “We’re hoping Delta is upstairs in her room. The door is closed and locked but there’s no way for us to get in there without busting it down. We don’t want to scare her more than she has to be already.”

  “This is personal,” Damon said. “This wasn’t just a random act. Whoever did this wants Delta to suffer.”

  “Why?” Rocco snapped as he moved to stand next to Major.

  Ace moved to his other side. Major was glad for his brother’s support. There was no fucking way they were letting Luke and Damon hedge any longer. Delta was in danger and the only way he and his brothers could keep her safe was if they knew the full story.

  “I don’t know about this,” Luke began. “As far as I know she doesn’t have any enemies.”

  “Well, you’re obviously wrong.” Ace glanced around at the debris. “What aren’t you telling us?”

  “Delta moved here from Chicago,” Damon said.

  Luke scrubbed a hand down his face. “She used to work at a bank and was shot during a bad hold up.”

  “Geezus. Mother fucking son of a bitch.” Major spun around, intending to pace, but there wasn’t a clear path. Instead, he drew his foot back and kicked at an upturned chair, sending it flying. The pain in his foot was minimal since he wore steel-capped cowboy boots, a necessity when working with animals. He had to concentrate on controlling his breathing to get his fury under wraps.

  “That’s why she hides away and has a hard time trusting,” Rocco stated.

  Damon nodded.

  “The fucker who shot her.” Ace clenched his fists. “What happened to him?”

  “He died,” Luke answered. “The security guard shot him.”

  “Thank fuck for that,” Major said in a growly voice. “This can’t be for revenge.”

  “We can’t be certain of that,” Damon said. “The asshole could have had an accomplice that no one knew about.”

  “Was the security footage reviewed?” Rocco asked.

  “With a fine toothed-comb.”

  “So we’re back at square fucking one and have no idea who, or why someone is out to get our woman?”

  “That’s the size of it,” Luke answered. “I’m sorry, guys. I wish I had the answers but I don’t. What I do know is that Delta is in danger. It’s no longer safe for her to be here on her own.”

  “You’re right.” Major nodded. “I just hope she agrees with us.”

  “How are we going to get her out of her room without scaring the shit out of her?” Damon asked.

  Ace held up his cell phone. “Leave that to me.”

  * * * *

  Delta had no idea how much time had passed and though it seemed to pass quickly, it also felt as if hours had gone by. She knew that was because of the adrenaline surging through her blood, and while she tried to keep her fear at bay, she was struggling. Her emotions were warring from anger to fear and back again. She was cold since she was only wearing the usual boy shorts and tank she always slept it, but she was also coated with a fine sheen of perspiration.

  Her hands were trembling and the knuckles on her right hand were aching from holding the can of deodorant for so long and so tightly. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to uncurl her fingers and let the can go. There hadn’t been any vibrations for a while now, and though she wanted to open the door to find out if whoever had been trying to break in was still there, or had left, she was too scared to.

  A sob caught in her throat and she swallowed it back down as she wished she still had her cell phone with her. She had no idea if Ace had received her text or not. Had he called the sheriffs? What if he was still sound asleep and totally oblivious to her predicament.

  She glanced down at her hand when something plopped onto her skin and blinked the blurriness from her eyes. She was crying and hadn’t even noticed that she was.

  When she felt the floor vibrate again, the trembling in her limbs and body grew worse. She covered her mouth with her free hand and tried not to inhale too deeply through her nose. The vibration stopped and she canted her head as if she was trying to listen for noise, but in actual fact she was honing into all four of her other senses. Luckily, her eyes had adjusted to the lack of light a while ago.

  The moon was bright in the night sky and some of the bathroom was illuminated because of the midsized window above the vanity mirror. At least she wasn’t totally in the dark, but since the power was out, she wasn’t about to leave her safe sanctuary. If the person was still out there, they could use the dark to hide in the shadows.

  She might not be the most intelligent person in the world, but she definitely wasn’t stupid.

  When a thud vibrated down her back she knew her time had run out. She rolled onto her hands and knees, tucking the can of spray under her chin, and crawled away from the door. The only semi-safe place was in the bathtub. Hopefully, if this guy started shooting the tub would protect her from getting shot.

  It took her three tries to ease her body over the rim of the bath since she was shaking so much. She pushed herself to the far end, grasped the can in her hand and held it up ready.

  When the door burst open she drew in a deep breath and screamed as loud and as long as she could, hoping that someone would hear her and call the sheriffs. A tall, broad silhouette of a man loomed in the now open entry and Delta scr
eamed again. The beam of a flashlight bounced over the floor, but instead of pointing in her direction the beam turned toward the hulking brute in the bathroom doorway.

  The can dropped from her shaking hand onto the floor and rolled away. Delta covered her face and sobbed with relief.

  She was safe. Ace had gotten her text after all.

  * * * *

  Ace had never been so relieved to hear a woman scream in his life. His ears hurt from the volume of Delta’s loud terror but he didn’t care. All he cared about was that she was safe, unharmed.

  He hated that he’d had to break the door down and frighten her but there was no way in hell he was leaving her locked in that bathroom all alone, in case she’d been hurt. His first instinct had been to shine his flashlight in her direction but that would have frightened her even more. Thankfully, his Marine skills would never be lost and he’d shone that beam of light onto his own face so she could see who he was.

  Ace was at her side in seconds. He dropped the flashlight onto the floor, and grasped her upper arms and lifted her out of the tub. She wrapped her arms so tightly around his neck she was almost strangling him, but again, he didn’t give a shit. She was safe in his arms where she belonged, and if he had anything to say about it, she was never leaving.

  He sank down onto the floor on his ass and wrapped his arms around her slim body, holding and rocking her as she cried her heart out. Her sobs wracked her whole body and while he hated hearing her cry, he knew she needed to get rid of the fear and adrenaline coursing through her blood.

  Major and Rocco knelt on the floor on either side of them, which was a tight fit in such a small room, but Ace knew they needed to touch her, to feel her warmth against theirs, to know she was safe just as much as he did. Finally, her sobs died down until the occasional hiccup jerked her body and she drew in deep ragged breaths.

  Ace continued to caress a hand up and down her back as he nudged her chin up. The room was brighter with three powerful flashlights in the room and he had no trouble seeing her eyes. They were streaked with red and puffy from her crying, but she was still so fucking beautiful.

  He and Rocco had been taking sign language lessons from Major, and while he wasn’t very proficient he was learning and knew enough to get by, but right now, there was no way he was removing the arm he had wrapped around her waist. “Are you okay, darlin’? Are you hurt?”

  Delta shook her head and then rested it against his chest.

  “Let me take her,” Major said, and though Ace didn’t want to relinquish her, he needed to get them up off the floor.

  Ace nodded, gripped her hips as Major clasped her arms, and they helped her up. When she swayed on her feet, Rocco moved in behind her and hooked an arm around her waist while he and Major rose.

  Delta looked up at Rocco over her shoulder, turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around his waist. Ace caressed a hand over her head, hair, and down her back, needing constant contact for reassurance. Reassurance that she was fine other than being scared out of her mind.

  Rocco lifted her into his arms and Delta wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. “I’m taking her to the truck.”

  Ace and Major followed her out into her bedroom. Ace turned toward her closet and dresser, and after rummaging around for a bag, began packing her some clothes. Major was in the small living room talking with Luke and Damon, but he could hear them easily.

  “You taking her back to your place?” Luke asked.


  “We’ll come by first thing to get her statement. Get her settled for the rest of the night. We’re going to be here for a while dusting for prints and taking photos of the damage,” Luke explained.

  “Do you know if she’s insured?” Damon asked.

  “I hope so, but if it won’t matter if she’s not. We’ve got more than enough money to help fix the place up,” Major stated. “Have either of you been able to contact the Alcott men?”

  “Not yet, but we’re working on it.”

  Ace entered the living room to see Damon running his fingers through his hair. “This would never have happened if Giles, Remy, or Brandon had been monitoring things. They took a trip out of town and decided to stay overnight to give Kayli a night off. Britt, Dan, and Debbie Delaney were looking after their kids for the night.”

  “So who the fuck was watching the monitors?” Major asked.

  “A newbie they trained. The Alcotts are going to be devastated when they find out what went down. The new guy will probably get the axe.”

  “They should never have left the new guy on their own if he didn’t know what he was doing.” Ace glared at Luke and Damon before he sucked in a deep, calming breath and released it. He shouldn’t be taking his anger out on the sheriffs and his friends since none of this was their fault. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t worry, we know what you’re going through. Every man in this town is going to be as angry as you are. If I know the Alcotts, and I like to believe I do, they’ll make a claim on their insurance and foot the bill for the refurbishment of the diner,” Damon said.

  “We’ll see.” Major frowned.

  Luke clapped Ace and then Major on the shoulder. “Go take your woman home. We’ll see you in the morning.”

  Ace shook both men’s hands and headed out. He couldn’t wait to have Delta in their home, needing to know she would be safe while under their protection. He and his brothers weren’t about to let her out of their sight again, no matter how hard she argued.

  When they got her settled, he, Major, and Rocco would need to sit down and talk things over. Even though he knew Delta was going to kick up a stink, one of them would be with her at all times. They’d take turns being with her so they knew she was safe.

  Chapter Eight

  Rocco got into the back seat of the truck, taking Delta with him. He was glad she didn’t protest. When he was settled with her in his lap, he grabbed the jacket Major had left on the back seat and draped it over her. Anger surged anew when he caught sight of the puckered scar where a bullet had pierced her shoulder, and the thin surgical line where a doctor had cut her open to get the bullet out. He wanted to ask her about the injury but now wasn’t the time. It had taken a long time for her to stop trembling, and now that she was resting quietly in his arms, he didn’t want to disturb her, even though he knew she wasn’t asleep.

  She was so fucking small compared to him and his brothers. Delta was curled up on his lap with her knees bent up and her cheek pressed against his chest. Every now and then she’d shiver and tremble, but for the most part she was calm. Ace breathed in her warm, feminine scent, content to hold her for as long as she let him, and hoped she didn’t kick up a stink when they took her home with them.

  Major and Ace walked toward the truck and Rocco was pleased to see that Ace had packed at bag for Delta. When his brothers opened the front doors and got into the truck, she didn’t move. Rocco began to think she’d fallen asleep after all, but when Ace turned to gaze at her, then smiled and winked he knew she hadn’t.

  Maybe she was too exhausted to worry about anything right now. She’d been through a terrifying ordeal and was no doubt sapped of energy. Add in the fact she’d been working crazy long hours with only one wait person to help her out, Rocco wondered how the hell she’d kept going for as long as she had. Maybe the destruction of her diner was a blessing in disguise so she could have some much needed rest. He mentally shook his head. No, he’d rather that she’d been able to take time off to have a break than it being forced on her in such a terrifying way.

  Rocco kissed the top of her head and sighed with contentment when she nuzzled his chest with her cheek. He met Major’s gaze as his brother turned to back the truck out of the parking lot. Major had a new light in his eyes that Rocco had never seen before, and he knew it was all because of the woman in his arms. There was a lightness that hadn’t been there before they’d joined the military.

  He and his brothers had seen so much violence and de
ath, they’d had to close themselves off and become the hard, emotionless men they were today to deal with such things. Sometimes, Rocco thought he’d never be able to feel, to open his heart to a woman let alone recognize the one when she came into his and his brothers’ lives, but that hadn’t been the case. He was so fucking glad about that, and while he wanted to move this attraction they had for each other forward, he was going to wait and see how things went.

  From what Luke and Damon had said, Delta had also had a lot of shit to deal with and they would need to go at her pace so they didn’t send her running. He hoped she didn’t have PTSD, but figured after what she’d been through, she probably did. And then he knew for a fact she did when be remembered how she’d gotten dizzy as she hyperventilated the night they’d first met her. He and his brothers had also had to deal with the after effects of fighting a war, but working on the land had helped ease the consequences. At least they would be able to help her if she had nightmares and flashbacks. They’d been through it all themselves.

  Rocco knew the moment she drifted off to sleep. Her body got heavier as her muscles relaxed and that made him feel ecstatic. She might not realize it yet, but Delta trusted him and his brothers. He only hoped she trusted them enough to hang around and be in a relationship with them.

  “How is she?” Major asked as he turned into their driveway.


  “That’s good.” Ace turned to meet his gaze before looking at Delta. There was a softness in his younger brother’s eyes Rocco had never seen before and he suspected he probably looked the same, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to savor having her in his arms for as long as he could.

  Major parked the truck close to the verandah steps, turned off the ignition, and got out. Ace was already hurrying to the front door to unlock it. Major opened the rear passenger door as Rocco gently and carefully lifted Delta into his arms. He didn’t want to wake her now that she was sleeping. There were still dark smudges under her eyes, and he knew she been working crazy hours trying to keep the diner up and running.


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