Wounded Birds (The Grayson Series Book 1)

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Wounded Birds (The Grayson Series Book 1) Page 36

by Unknown

  “Ariana, you’re over-thinking things. Michael loves you with all his heart. Yes, this will come as a shock to him at first, the same way you’re trying to process this in your head. We’re still uncertain. Let’s do a urine test and proceed from there.”

  He hands me a cup, and I do my thing and hand it back to him. We wait and the blue plus sign appears. Holy crap.

  “Are you okay, Ariana?” Josh asks, caressing my arm.

  “Not sure, I guess the news has to sink in. Right?” I stare blankly out the window and back at Josh. I’m a bit numb at the moment. I had no plans on having a family for a few years, but now . . . we’re having a baby.

  He sits beside me. “You’re not alone, Ariana. You have Michael, all of us Grayson’s, Blake and Joanne . . . . You’re surrounded with love and plenty of support.” He pauses. “Should I call Michael in before he pulls his hair out?” He asks, gesturing toward the doors.

  I nod.

  Josh stands up, walks to the door, pulls it open, and Michael is in the library pacing with anticipation. He turns. “Is she all right?” Michael asks, eyeing me with a cautious look.

  “Ariana will explain,” Josh says, leaving Michael with an expression of fear on his face.

  “Ariana,” Michael calls out. “What is it?” His eyebrows knitted together, searching deep into my eyes for answers.

  “Sit down, Michael.” I point next to me.

  He hesitates at first and finally sits beside me. “You’re scaring me, Ariana. What’s going on?” He asks, glancing between both Josh and me.

  I take hold of his hand. There is no other way to tell him than to just come right out and say it. “Michael, you’re going to be a father.”

  Michael goes pale, ghostly white. He seems tongue-tied, staring at me with vacant eyes. I’m scared. I don’t think he’s taking the news very well. Crap! Who would?

  “Michael, talk to me, please. Say something, blink.” He’s not responding. He’s immobile. Oh, damn. My heart rate begins to increase. I hear the thundering roars of my blood rushing through me. I wait with anticipation for some reaction, words, anything.

  After several minutes, or which felt like an eternity, he takes a breath. “Are you sure?” I relax with relief. I thought he fell into a coma.

  “Yes,” I answer him, looking at Josh for confirmation.

  “Yes,” Josh confirms. “Congratulations, Michael.” Josh gives him a pat on the back and smirks. I think Michael wants to deck him.

  “Michael, are you okay?” I ask. I’m worried. He’s pale and appears to be scared out of his mind. What can I do to ease his wariness? I’m as shocked as he is about the news. I never expected this in a million years.

  “Michael, say something. You’re scaring the hell out of Ariana,” Josh says, scolding his brother.

  Michael shakes his head. He glances at Josh and turns to me. “Ariana, forgive me. This is a shock. I’m . . . I’m . . . euphoric. The news needs to sink in.” He threads his hands through his hair.

  I grab hold of him, pressing him tight against me. “Oh Michael, how do you think I feel.”

  After several minutes, Josh blurts out of the clear blue, “So, who’s going to call Dad?”

  I pull away from Michael and wipe my tears with my hands. Wow, I’m sure Michael would want to tell his dad, but for some reason, I want this to come from me. I’ve become close to his father. He’s been so wonderful and opened his heart to me, showering me with such love and affection. I made my decision. “I want to tell him. Wait . . .” I look at Josh. “Don’t you think we should make sure I’m positively pregnant? How precise are those tests?”

  “They are ninety-nine point nine percent accurate, and with the symptoms you’ve been having, I’m hundred percent sure you’re having a baby. I know a wonderful obstetrician if you want to meet with her.”

  “Yes, please, thank you.”

  “I’ll give her a call this morning. Hopefully, she can squeeze you in today,” Josh offers and walks out.

  “Thank you so much, Josh,” I say still feeling numb.

  “Yes. Josh, thank you,” Michael chokes out.

  I stare at Michael.

  “Ariana, are you okay?” Michael asks anxiously.

  “Me? Are you okay? I mean you just proposed to me, and now here we are about to become parents. How is this sitting with you?”

  “Ariana, I love kids, especially since you are about to become the mother of my child.” Michael scoots across the bed and leans over. He cups my face between his hands, his fingers gently stroking my cheeks. His eyes soften and glisten with pure love and passion. “I love you, Ariana DiMarco, soon to be Mrs. Grayson. I hope to God our demons are gone for good and we can start a new chapter in our lives.”

  “I’m pretty sure they’re all in the past and buried.” I brush my fingers across his face, thanking God for all he’s done.

  Michael stands up from the bed, eyes filled with joy. “Mommy Grayson, let’s make a few calls.” I quiver at his sweet endearment. I’m going to be a mom and their father is the tornado that whirled me into his heart.

  Calling his dad was pure joy. When we gave him the news he was going to be a grandfather again, he was beaming so much the glow came bouncing in waves through the phone. We’ve picked a date, so I asked if it was too soon, and he said, “Nonsense. Valentine’s Day will be the perfect day for a wedding.”

  Since then, Michael’s father and I have been communicating with each other regarding the wedding plans. He and Maria are working on the guest list. He requested I take some time off from work. He wants me to meet with the florist, caterers, band, and photographer. I told him to set the appointments for Christmas week when Michael and I plan to fly out there.

  He mentioned he ordered a large heated tent, enough to fit five hundred guests. I choked, and Michael almost had a coronary as he listened in to the conversation. Now I know where Michael gets his bulldozing personality.

  As for Michael, he was his usual, overbearing self. His excessive protectiveness over me was grating on my nerves. He had gone so far as to have Josh stay with me when he had to fly off to Hong Kong for several days working on the hotel project, which is about to break ground. He insisted I come along. I declined his offer, explaining to him I had no intention of taking any leave from work, especially since I’ll be out a few months when I give birth.

  Which didn’t sit well with him, but he swallowed his pride and held Josh and Trent responsible for my safety and well-being, and treating me as if I were a child. I wanted to strangle him, except I couldn’t because my thoughts rolled back to that moment by the bubbling creek when he bared his soul to me about Tania and the pain he’d endured from losing her. This also gave me the compassion and empathy to understand and adjust to Michael’s personality disorder. I almost laughed aloud at the thought. It’s not easy dealing with an overly protective and controlling man. But I love him, and now that I know what makes him tick, our relationship began to grow and blossom into something more beautiful, as the universe intended.

  This is a two-way street. It took Michael some time and patience to adjust to my independence and feistiness, oh, and the fear and trust issues I had with men, especially intimacy. He never once forced himself on me. I was the one in the driver’s seat when it came to our being intimate. He patiently waited for me to give the green light, and Michael had to deal with the demons from my past, which followed me. I cringe thinking about the time he risked his life for me.

  When Michael returned from Hong Kong, his first visit in my building wasn’t to see me; he marched right into Sean’s office and seemed to be a having a lengthy conversation. I only heard of this when Peggy, Sean’s assistant, informed me that Michael was in with Sean.

  Sean called me into his office, and his laughter echoed throughout the room. At first I couldn’t figure out why. However, his merriment diminished, and he offered me a seat as he read over the list of demands Michael had laid out on the table for him.

  My hours n
eed be cut shorter. I shouldn’t be traveling outside of the United States, or better yet, no more than two-hour flights. I should be able to take additional breaks, maybe work from home, etc.

  When Sean finished reading off Michael’s orders, because that’s exactly how I perceived them, I turned a bright shade of red, not only from embarrassment, but also from anger. My boss, however, found this humorous, I guess from being a father himself, he may have experienced the same anxiety Michael’s having. I, on the other hand, did not find this amusing. I apologized to Sean for my fiancé’s behavior and marched right out.

  I storm into my office, and there he is, my big, overbearing, bulldozer standing there, looking all mighty and powerful, gazing out onto Times Square. I love him dearly, but this time he’s overstepped his boundaries.

  He’s aware I’ve walked into the room and turns, immediately sensing my ire.

  “You’ve crossed the line, Michael Grayson.” I glare at him, feeling enraged.

  He holds his hands up carefully. “Now . . . Ariana,” he says cautiously. “I know you’re upset, sweetheart, but this is for your own good. You shouldn’t be traveling long distances. This isn’t safe for you.” He saunters toward me, looking all hot and sexy. I go weak in the knees when he gazes at me with those blazing eyes full of love, and he’s aware of this.

  “Michael, what am I going to do with you?” I take a deep breath and exhale slowly. I want so badly to scream at him, but I can’t, because when he stares at me with those seductive eyes, I melt into a pool of water. This is the Greek god I fell in love with when our souls connected.

  He places his fingers over my baby bump, and I dissolve into his skin. He knows what it does to me. He plays the game well. I stare at his hand caressing me, and I think back to when we had our first appointment with Dr. Morgan.

  We filled out all the necessary paperwork. She drew blood, took a urine sample and, obviously, the results were positive. The nurse escorted us into one of the examining rooms. I lay on the cold table, and Dr. Morgan inserted a transducer. The sonogram screen came to life and so did the sound. Michael and I were in awe. The beeping sounds were loud and uneven. Dr. Morgan whistled and had Michael’s hair standing at attention. “What is it?” we both asked.

  Dr. Morgan went over each little flashing light and sprung the news, hitting us as if a category five hurricane crushed the walls around us. We’re having triplets. Michael paled and toppled over, and thank God Dr. Morgan had caught him before he landed on the floor.

  We had a nurse come in and revive him with smelling salts. He regained consciousness and asked if Dr. Morgan could run that by him again. It took a while for Michael to absorb all of this. So, this is where my problem began. This is why my overly protective man is out of control.

  After finding out we are about to become parents to triplets, Dr. Morgan explained that I could go earlier than my due date, which is late July. Once Michael got wind of this, he decided it would be wise to keep the wedding small, with only the family and a few close friends. He doesn’t want to overwhelm me.

  “Ariana,” he whispers, and I’m back in the present.

  I stare at him, still upset.

  “Michael, you have got to stop this. I understand you’re getting paranoid after receiving the news about the triples. You have to learn to relax. I need you well rested for when these babies are born.” I exhale and pace around the room. I blow out a breath and comb through my hair. Now he has me doing this. Ahhh, this man can be exhausting.

  “Ariana, I can’t help it. I’m scared to death.” He brushes his fingers through his hair as he paces around my office.

  I’m aware and in tune to his anxieties—his mom died at childbirth, his sister, Lara, was killed, and his fiancée died from complications of a car accident, and he came close to losing me because of Danny’s psychotic twin brother. I would be paranoid too if I lost three of the most important people in my life.

  I gaze out onto the twinkling, bright lights in the sky. It’s five thirty at night, already dark, and I’m getting hungry.

  “Michael, you’re exhausting and irrational. I seriously think you need a therapist.”

  He stops pacing and glares in my direction. “I think that’s a matter of opinion.”

  “Who’s? Yours?” I walk over to him and take hold of his lapels. I stare into his eyes, and I begin to cool down, showing him how much I love him. “I didn’t want to consult with a therapist, but I am now. I hate to admit this, but seeing her has been helping me a great deal. I’m begging you to talk to someone about your demons. What are you going to do when the triplets arrive? Will you be sleeping with them?”

  His eyes widen like a frightened animal. He shakes his head. “I thought we would have their bassinets in our bedroom.” His grins and awaits my answer with a cautious expression over his face.

  My jaw drops. “You can’t be serious, Michael. Please tell me you were playing with me.”

  “I guess that would be a no.” He sighs, rubbing his hands over his face.

  Oh, my God, help me, he wasn’t joking. My poor Michael, he seems so lost and scared. He threads his fingers through his hair, causing the strands to stick up. The poor man hasn’t slept well since the news. He wakes up to every move I make in my sleep. The dark circles under his eyes give it away.

  “Michael, honey, you need help. Please,” I beg.

  He plants himself down in my chair and leans back, staring at the ceiling. “Maybe you’re right.”

  Holy crap, he agrees with me. My heart checks off another accomplishment on the Michael board.

  “I guess after losing my . . . I’m . . . petrified something might happen to you and, or the babies.” He gets up and leans against my desk, looking all tensed and stressed out, with his jaw clenching.

  I pace back and forth, and an idea pops into my head. “Michael, I just had a brainstorm. I think after the wedding.” Which is in two months, God I can’t get over how fast it’s approaching. Thank God for Michael’s father. That man has been diligently planning our wedding down to the last detail with Maria. I don’t know what I would have done without them. They are a Godsend.

  “We should get away from everything, to decompress and wash away the horrible memories of the past. I’m well aware that we agreed to go after the babies were born, and your dad, Maria, and your brothers all volunteered to baby-sit. However, I have a feeling you and I are not going to want to leave the babies. Furthermore, I don’t know how they’ll react when they find out we are not having one baby but three. They might change their minds about baby-sitting.” I laugh.

  His head swings back, and he bursts out with that sweet laugh of his. It is so good to hear the old Michael laughing. The past few weeks have been . . . stressful on him, well . . . since he met me. He crosses his arms over his chest. “Okay, I’m game. Where would you like to go?”

  “Hmm. How does Europe sound?” I ask and cross my fingers this flies well with him.

  “Don’t you think that’s too long of a flight? I told your boss I didn’t want you to fly more than two hours. What do you think he is going to say?”

  “I’ll handle Sean, and this isn’t like the twelve to twenty-four hour flights I’ve been on. I think I can manage six or seven hours. Come on, Michael, please.” I bat my lashes.

  He rolls his eyes. “Where in Europe?” He questions, running his hands over my shoulders, his forehead to mine.

  I gasp in surprise. He agrees to Europe. My heart and soul are dancing away, jumping up and down with exhilaration.

  A big grin appears over my face. Yes, yes, yes! I’m so excited. “How does Monaco and Italy sound to you?” I ask with anticipation.

  He hovers over me, his arms wrap around me, and he separates my fingers, which are crossed, the little stinker.

  “If the doctor gives the okay, then we’ll go, but if she has even the slightest doubt, you’ll have to pick another destination, closer, agreed? One where we could drive.” With a lift of his brow, he smirks an
d flashes me his sexy grin.

  I let out a long sigh. “Okay, deal.”

  “I can’t wait to see the expressions on everyone’s faces when we give them the news of the triplets,” Michael says, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

  “Shall we make an announcement after we marry?” I ask.

  He flashes me a wicked grin. “Yes, at the reception. Now let’s get you home and off your feet. Joe’s been waiting downstairs for us. We also have to discuss buying a house. We will need at least eight bedrooms.”

  I still. “Are you planning on having more children . . . after the triplets?” I choke out.

  “Oh God no, Ariana,” he says with a fearful expression. “We are blessed with three, a perfect-sized family, don’t you think?”

  “Oh, thank God, you scared me when . . .” My thoughts trail off.

  He eases me into a warm embrace. “I was thinking a master bedroom for us, two offices for you and me, three bedrooms for the kids, and two additional ones for when my dad comes and visits with Maria, my brothers, or Blake and Joanne. Oh, and I guess I’ll need to add two more bedrooms downstairs, one for a housekeeper and the other one for the nanny.” He smiles.

  “Where will we find a home like this?” I ask

  “We’ll buy a piece of property, or I can draw up floor plans, of course with your input, to add to the house in Sands Point. That’s if you want to.”

  “Oh, Michael, I love your home in Sands Point. Let’s do it,” I say, kissing him all over his face like a lovesick puppy.

  “Our home, Mrs. Grayson. Now let’s get out of here. You need to eat.” He kisses me, places his hand over my belly, and bends down, kissing my tummy three times, one kiss for each baby, and my heart liquefies.

  Chapter 36

  Always & Forever

  Heat begins to radiate through my chest with exhilaration as I stare at my reflection in the mirror, twirling in circles, feeling the soft material of my wedding dress caress my skin.


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