Pirate's Price

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Pirate's Price Page 4

by Aubrey Ross

  “I could sell you to one of your mother’s enemies.” The corners of his mouth curved with the beginning of a smile. “There are several who would easily double your fee.”

  She didn’t reply. The hint of humor in his eyes assured her he was simply provoking her. But why was he provoking her?

  He slipped off his jacket and draped it over the back of a chair. “Or I could --”

  “You’re a businessman, not a pirate.” She squared her shoulders and looked into his eyes. Showing fear to a man like this was a serious mistake, yet challenging him would be even more dangerous. “The most cost-effective course was outlined in our contract.”

  “Take off the gown.”

  The softly spoken order sent chills up and down her spine. His expression remained guarded. This didn’t look like a man desperate to fuck. So, what was his game? He crossed his arms over his chest as he waited for her reaction. He seemed more interested in her response than in the actual command.

  She raised her chin and narrowed her gaze. “I’m comfortable as I am. Thank you, anyway.”

  “It wasn’t a request. If you expect me to remain civil, you will do exactly what I tell you without argument.”

  “Nothing in our arrangement requires me to disrobe.”

  “I disagree.” He took a step forward and Rana held her ground, refusing to cower before him. “I never repeat a directive. The faster you figure that out, the better we’ll get along.”

  “You accepted the contract.”

  “And I’m attempting to fulfill it. I personally see to the satisfaction of each of my customers.”

  She didn’t understand the undercurrents in his tone. He sounded amused and challenging, and neither reaction made sense. “There is no justification for this.”

  He closed his hands around her upper arms and pulled her toward him. His warm breath caressed her cheek and the scent of his cologne teased her nose, faint yet evocative. “The contract covers your abduction and eventual release. How will you compensate me for your care and protection during the next six days?”

  She stiffened. This strategy was a little too familiar. Her mother had used Rana’s carnal appetites to manipulate her into Vega’s bed and Vega had twisted the concept even farther. “I don’t barter with my body. Use some of my credits to buy yourself a whore.”

  “You should have explained that to Vega. It would have saved us both a lot of aggravation.” She gasped and raised her hand. He easily caught her wrist. “Surely you can be less predictable than that.”

  Before she could continue the argument, he spun her around and pressed her against the wall. One of her arms was trapped in front of her. With the other she reached back and hit and clawed whatever she could reach. “Talk about predictable,” she snapped. “Is rape the only form of intimidation men know?” Her voluminous skirts hindered her kicking and his fingers quickly slipped the fastenings at the back of her gown.

  She twisted and wiggled, ignoring the firm pressure of his body against hers and the damning heat erupting between her thighs. How could she be aroused by this after what Vega and Umar had done to her? Dread welled within her. Was she excited by her captor’s aggression because of the other incident?

  The stranger immobilized her left side with the weight of his body, while he tugged her right arm from the long, fitted sleeve. “Isn’t this what brides do on their wedding nights?”

  “Not when they’ve paid good money to avoid the event!” With a sudden jerk, she freed her arm from his grasp and turned to face him. “Who the hell are you? You’re acting like this is a personal affront. Why did you agree to help me if my actions are so offensive?”

  He pressed his hands against the wall and glared at her. She’d never seen eyes such a brilliant shade of blue. Or had she? The memory surged, returning to the dancing couple. A dark-haired man guided a stunning blonde across the floor in an elegant series of turns and promenades. The man smiled and the corners of his eyes crinkled, the corners of his “brilliant blue” eyes.

  “I don’t generally explain my actions to anyone, but you are a princess after all. I’m going to sell the gown. It should cover your expenses without revealing your location.”

  She arched her brow. “Why didn’t you just say so?”

  Silence stretched between them, sizzling with awareness and anticipation. He wasn’t really touching her now, just surrounding her with masculine power. Heat radiated off his body. Had their brief tussle made him hard? She’d been edgy ever since the fiasco with Vega and Umar. They’d rattled her composure more deeply than she cared to admit and she wasn’t sure what she needed to reestablish balance in her world.

  Lifting her other arm out of the sleeve, she allowed the bodice to slip to her waist. His gaze descended to the upper curve of her breasts and her nipples tingled. “Give me something else to wear and you’re welcome to this.”

  “I’m welcome to the dress or what’s beneath?” There was a sexy growl in his tone and he traced the scalloped edge of her bra with his index finger.

  She held perfectly still, longing for his touch, needing an outlet for her pent-up emotions. Still, she hated the weakness revealed by her desire. No one should be able to control her with the brush of his fingertips.

  “I don’t barter with my body.”

  “Fair enough.” He moved his hand back to the wall and shifted his gaze to her face.

  She was disappointed by his easy acquiescence. Perhaps she should rebel again.

  “Why did you agree to marry Vega when you had no intention of going through with the wedding?”

  The question confused and annoyed her. “Why do you care?” She gave a little shimmy and the gown slid past her hips, pooling around her feet. “Is he a friend of yours?”

  “Not hardly.”

  Pushing off the wall, he bent and gathered up the dress. His cheek brushed her thigh as she stepped out of the gown and her neglected pussy throbbed. She’d had no idea danger excited her before she came to Peronite. Life on Devaunt had been dreadfully dull, how could she possibly have guessed how stimulating she would find these situations?

  The floor vibrated and the distant drone of thrusters announced their departure. “Shouldn’t you be in the command center?”

  “I procured the ship, but I leave its operation to the crew.”

  He was the owner, responsible for, but not part of, the crew. Like her mother.

  This was not a new ship. It was possible someone had found a way to circumvent the activation protocols. Speculation buzzed through her mind, fragments of information fitting into place. Many of Emperor Torral’s supporters had been exiled after the war. Could her captor be a displaced nobleman? If Kashi knew who he was, it might explain her easy acceptance of the situation.

  “Am I allowed to know your name?”

  “Just call me Pirate.”

  Everything about her captor emanated dominant male. His fierce expressions and strong arms, his careful aggression when she’d disobeyed. Would he know how to finish what Vega started? If she offered her surrender would he… What was wrong with her? She did not want to continue Vega’s twisted game.

  She cleared her throat and shook away the disquieting thoughts. “Well, Pirate, have you ever been to Devaunt? You seem familiar to me.”

  “I’ve been lots of places.” He draped her gown over the chair, on top of his jacket. “I’m pretty sure I’d remember if we’d met.”

  Even subtle as it was, the compliment warmed her. “Were you going to get me something else to wear?”

  He rapidly unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged out of the stark white garment. With his neck cloth dangling from his other hand, he held out his shirt with a wicked grin.

  “That wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.” Unsure how to interpret his mood, she kept her distance.

  “You refused to barter with your body.” After tossing his shirt in the general direction of their other garments, he pulled the neck cloth through his fingers, the gesture sensual, yet menacing.
“I guess that leaves me no real choice.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  He stalked toward her. “The wedding night ravishment will have to be complimentary.”

  Chapter Three

  Rana’s eyes widened with each step he took and Vihlok nearly laughed. She was utterly adorable in her ice pink lingerie. A strapless bra hugged her torso and supported her full breasts. The fabric of her ankle-length slip was filmy, leaving nothing to the imagination.

  Dragging his hungry gaze back to her face, he searched for the haughtiness of her mother or the brutality of her father. Instead he saw determination and wary interest. She couldn’t decide what to make of him and he couldn’t decide what to do with her -- or more specifically where to start.

  Their contract defined his role. He was to “irreversibly sully her reputation through direct or indirect means.” The added obligation hadn’t appealed to him until this moment. “What kind of a ‘pirate’ would I be if I left a bride alone on her wedding night?”

  “The courteous, well paid kind,” she suggested.

  He chuckled. “I’ve never met a courteous pirate. We are by nature self-serving and rude.”

  “But you’re not a pirate. You’re a businessman.”

  “Don’t be fooled by contracts and costumes, princess. I’m very much a pirate.” He wrapped his arms around her and pressed her against his bare chest. She remained stiff and resistant for only a moment then her hands crept up his back. Anchoring her against him with one arm, he cupped her chin with his other hand. “If you’re a virgin, I won’t --”

  “I’m not a virgin,” she assured him, in a breathless whisper.

  His pulse leapt at her eagerness. He’d decided to personally oversee her sullying when he learned her identity. The electric attraction erupting between them was unexpected and inconvenient. This was Princess Rana Jabulayni. If she wanted to be compromised, he’d be happy to oblige. However, he wasn’t prepared to like her.

  He’d known she was beautiful. Outward appearances meant little to Vihlok. But he’d expected her to be arrogant and ruthless, not witty and compassionate. Her concern for the ship’s owner had caught him completely off guard. And the vulnerability he sensed beneath her brave façade captivated him.

  Lowering his face slowly, he brushed his mouth over hers. Petal soft and slightly parted, her lips welcomed him. With just a hint of tongue, he deepened the kiss, guiding her, coaxing and tasting her.

  This was supposed to be retribution, a long awaited reckoning. He would enjoy all the lush pleasures of her curvaceous body, then reveal his identity. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, waiting for a startled gasp and sudden tension in her body. Instead her fingers splayed against the back of his head and her tongue curled around his.

  He swept her up in his arms and carried her to the sleeping station. Not bothering with the bedding, he laid her down and stretched out beside her. She kicked off her shoes and reached for his, without having to be told. This was supposed to be ravishment, not a lusty romp. She reached for the fastenings at the front of his pants and a fresh wave of determination washed over him. If he didn’t control the situation, he might as well lock her in the cabin and walk away.

  Pressing her back into the mattress, he pulled her arms over her head and held them there with one hand. “Not yet. Perhaps not tonight. I’ve barely begun to ravish you.”

  Lust burst like wildfire within her gaze and her slender body shook. The thought of being ravished obviously agreed with his captive. Why was he surprised? She’d written it into the contract!

  With single-minded determination, he reached beneath her and unfastened her lacy bra. She made a throaty sound as he tossed the undergarment to the floor. Her nipples stood tight and needy, begging for attention. He gazed at her quivering breasts and felt his purpose crumble.

  She was incredibly beautiful, passionate and responsive. Another layer of separation disintegrated. He didn’t want to fuck, he wanted to fuck her. Despite all the wrongs he had suffered because of her family, he wanted to pleasure his enemy.

  Frustrated by his weakness, he latched on to one of her nipples and sucked forcefully. She arched and gasped, her arms tugging against his hold. His free hand gathered her slip, drawing it along her legs until his fingers found bare skin. Her stockings ended at mid-thigh. He enjoyed her softness for a moment, gradually working his way toward the juncture of her thighs.

  “Part your legs. Make room for my hand.”

  “I want to touch you too,” she whispered, but obeyed.

  “This isn’t about what you want. We’re going to explore what you need.” His fingertips brushed against the damp silk guarding her folds. Even through the barrier he could feel her heat. “You naughty little princess, you’re already wet for me.”

  “You’re a pirate. I need nothing from you.”

  He smiled against her breast. A pretend ravishment would have to be enough. Regardless of how much he hated her parents, he was going to enjoy the next six days.

  Momentarily releasing her wrists, he rolled one stocking down her shapely leg and then the other. With her breasts bared and her slip bunched above her hips, all that remained was the tiny scrap of material covering her mound. He looked into her eyes and snapped the thin straps connecting the front and back. Then he dragged the silk out from between her legs, watching her reaction closely. Her lips parted and her eyelids drooped. She was already close to release.

  He started to touch her, to trigger the first of many orgasms, but her position drew his attention. Her knees were bent, her thighs parted, and her arms remained above her head just as he’d left them. Despite her feisty personality, her body was docile, open and welcoming. It was all he could do not to free his aching cock and thrust his full length inside her pussy.

  Instead, he took one of the stockings and tied it around her wrists. She made a halfhearted show of resisting, but her gaze burned even brighter. She wanted to be restrained, no, she needed it. His sweet, innocent princess was a submissive. Had she been trained or were these desires new to her? The speculation titillated his already rampant libido.

  With the second stocking, he secured the first to a discreet alloy loop protruding from the wall. He moved her legs farther apart and knelt between them. “I want nothing distracting me from my prize. Lift your hips.” He grasped the waistband of the slip and pulled it downward as she raised her bottom. She drew one leg out and then the other, returning to her original position.

  For a long moment he caressed her with his gaze, enjoying the perfection of her body and the delicate beauty of her face. “I’m not sure six days will be long enough to satisfy my hunger for you.”

  “I couldn’t give you more, even if I wanted to.” All playfulness left her expression and she planted her foot in the middle of his chest. “I’m not a frightened virgin and you’re not a rapist, but this is still a little murky. Let’s clarify our roles before we go any farther.”

  “You defined our roles in the contract,” he snapped, more than ready to continue their game.

  “I paid you to steal me away from my wedding.” She raised her bound wrists. “This is a bit outside the structure of our contract.”

  “You also requested that I ‘irreversibly sully your reputation through direct or indirect means.’ I chose direct.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Her confusion seemed genuine. The trick was getting his lust-addled body to give a damn. “The final clause in the contract. If you don’t want to be compromised, what am I doing here?”

  She licked her lips and stared past him for a moment. “There was a section in the contract dealing with my reputation?” He nodded as her gaze returned to his. “‘Irreversibly sullied,’ that was the phrase used?”

  “Yes.” He rested his fists on his thighs, waiting for her to unravel the misunderstanding.

  “I’m going to kill her.”


  “My handmaiden contacted you. We compiled t
he contract together, but obviously she took some liberties after I approved it.”

  “Why would your handmaiden want me to seduce you?”

  Rana squirmed before her captor. If he’d meant to hurt her, he’d be thrusting between her thighs. Still she was naked and tied to a bed and he was still partially dressed. “It’s a long story. Would you please untie me?”

  His shimmering gaze swept down her body and he rested his hand on her knee. “You didn’t object to being tied up when I restrained you.”

  “I didn’t realize you thought it was part of our deal. I don’t pay for sex.”

  “I’ll refund part of the credits, but I have every intention of finishing what we started. Now explain why your handmaiden would do something so devious. You don’t seem nearly as angry as I would be.”

  “I can’t explain it without talking to Kashi, but --”

  “Your servant’s name is Kashi?” Recognition unfurled within his eyes.

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Kashi Jivan, perhaps?”

  She narrowed her gaze and nodded. “How did you know?”

  “Your handmaiden knows my business partner. We’ve both been set up.”

  “I suspected Kashi knew you. She was too insistent that I could trust you, too confident in your abilities.”

  He shook his head and looked away. “I haven’t seen her since we were children. Her presumptions are dangerous. I could have raped and murdered you before we left Peronite.”

  “How well does she know your business partner? Kashi would never intentionally put me in danger.”

  He laughed. “Is that why you’re naked and tied to a stranger’s bed?” After his gaze searched hers for a silent moment, he asked, “Are you a trained submissive or do you just enjoy playing games?”

  How should she answer? This might be her only opportunity to explore the full range of her sexuality. Once she returned to Devaunt, she would need to focus all her energy on restoring peace and prosperity to her people. She would have to be in control, diplomatic and responsible. But the next six days belonged to her.


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