Hard To Handle

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Hard To Handle Page 24

by Kylie Brant

  He shoved away the memories before they could settle and concentrated on the present. And the future. “I love you.” He lifted one of her hands, pressed a kiss to the palm. And when he saw the shimmer of tears in her eyes, a little slice of peace settled in his heart. After a lifetime of dodging ties, he found himself craving ones that would bind her close to him. “I want us to be a family. You, me and Danny.” He thought of his mother then, and mentally included her, as well. Meghan wasn’t the only one who had to learn to trust. “I’m talking forever.”

  Joy was tap dancing in her chest, but there was trepidation, too. “Forever? With our backgrounds do you think we can pull that off?”

  He ran his hand down her spine, pleased by the way she instinctively arched against him. “I know we can. I’m crazy about you. Cal says I’m smitten.”

  She smiled, slow and secretive and feminine. “Smitten. I like the sounds of that.”

  He brushed her mouth with his. “I thought you would. When do these monsters go home? I intend to show you just how smitten I really am.”

  “Well, there are the presents to open.” She leaned forward, to punctuate each phrase with a kiss. “Cake and ice cream to eat.” Another brush to his mouth. “Games to play.” Her lips touched his, moved away too quickly. “I’d guess…four more hours.”

  “Four hours?”

  Her eyes laughed at the dismay in his tone. “Yes. And then Alex has an overnight.”

  He lowered his face to hers. “What are the chances of me wrangling an overnight, too?”

  Meghan linked her arms around his neck and smiled brilliantly. “I’d say your chances are growing better by the minute.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-6296-0


  Copyright © 2001 by Kimberly Bahnsen

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  *The Sullivan Brothers

  *The Sullivan Brothers

  *The Sullivan Brothers

  †Charmed and Dangerous




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