A Curvy Gift For The Alien Warrior: Holiday Novella (Kyrzon Universe)

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A Curvy Gift For The Alien Warrior: Holiday Novella (Kyrzon Universe) Page 4

by Luna Voss

  I laugh. “Yeah, well, that’s a bummer for you, isn’t it? You’re attracted to human women, but you’ve decided it’s... unethical for you to purchase one? So basically, you can just never be with a woman?”

  “That’s... one way to look at it.”

  “What other way is there? Unless one of those seven or eight Kyrzon women happens to open up, it sounds like you’re shit out of luck.”

  He gives me a frustrated look. “You are informing me of things I am well aware of. Believe me. Well aware.”

  The dynamic between us suddenly feels a lot more fun than it did a moment ago. Not just fun, almost flirty.

  I decide to keep pushing. “So... you lead your clan, you fight your enemies, and... that’s it? You don’t ever come back from a battle and wish you had a nice human girl to cuddle up with at home?”

  He raises his eyebrows. “You are needling me?”

  I grin at him playfully. “I’m just trying to understand how a great Kyrzon chief such as yourself can live without ever knowing the touch of a woman. It sounds very... frustrating. You’ve probably never even seen a woman without her clothes on, have you?”

  I could be imagining it, and it’s hard to tell by the orange glow of the fire, but I think I see a little bit of red creeping into Borrik’s cheeks. Is he actually embarrassed?

  “No, I have not,” he admits, his voice low. His eyes jump to my body, and then quickly away.

  Emboldened, I allow my next words to slip out without even meaning to: “Would you like to?”

  Borrik turns quickly to look at me, and my words hang in the air, the tension between us suddenly thick. “You know, not... everything,” I add awkwardly, my own cheeks burning red. I can’t believe the offer I just made. “I just thought if you were curious, I could...”

  My words trail off. Tessa, what is wrong with you? I cannot believe I just offered to take my clothes off in front of Borrik the Kyrzon war chief. I didn’t even mean it in as sexual a way as it came out. I just wasn’t thinking. I meant that I could take off my sweater, or something. But of course, even just thinking about it now, I realize how ridiculous that is. On what planet could offering to take my clothes off possibly not be interpreted as sexual? Certainly not on this one.

  (And yes, I do realize that I am completely lying to myself about the offer not being sexual. Just drop it, okay? I’m already embarrassed enough.)

  Chief Borrik fixes me with his brown eyes, and I see a deep, burning desire behind his gaze, barely-controlled. Suddenly, the energy between us is different. Before, Borrik had been casual, easygoing, if a little reserved. Now he looks at me with the intensity of a predator eyeing his prey. As though suddenly, I’m the only thing in the room that matters.

  “I’d like that,” says Borrik coolly, and I shiver as his eyes sear into me. “You are my present, after all.”

  Chapter Eleven

  You are my present, after all. My face burns at the alien’s words. And truth be told, my face isn’t the only part of me that’s burning. I can feel a certain familiar tingle between my legs at the thought of undressing in front of the Kyrzon chief. The dynamic that now exists between us is exciting. Delicious. It makes me feel sexy in a way I can’t ever remember feeling.

  I’ve always been insecure about my size. About the softness of my body. In my last relationship, I would even go out of my way to avoid undressing around my boyfriend for that very reason. My whole life, I’ve hated wearing clothes that revealed my figure.

  But with Borrik, everything is different. Borrik’s enthusiasm for my body is clearly palpable, his eyes buzzing with excitement as he watches me. He looks like he’s a kid with a new toy on Christmas morning. Christmas Eve, I remind myself. It’s Christmas Eve. But whatever the occasion, I’ve never had anyone make their desire for me so clear through their eye contact, through their body language, through their everything.

  The feeling of being wanted that badly is unlocking something new inside me. A part of myself I’ve never accessed before. A part of me that wants to show off, and feel sexy, and be the center of attention.

  A part of me that wants to be the best Christmas present Chief Borrik has ever had.

  “Where would you like to start?” I ask sweetly, allowing this new, confident side of myself to take the driver’s seat. “Maybe I’ll take off my sweater?”

  Borrik nods, his eyes glued to me, his attention rapt. His mouth is open slightly. I haven’t even removed a single article of clothing, and already he’s completely captivated.

  I start to take off my sweater, feeling nervous, but at the same time, incredibly elated. I’ve never done anything like this before. Nobody has ever made me feel confident in my body the way Borrik does when he looks at me with those hungry eyes. I slip my sweater over my head and off, putting it down on the seat next to me.

  The Kyrzon stares at me with rapt attention. It’s a testament to how captivated he is that he’s watching me so closely; the shirt I’m wearing underneath my sweater is not remotely revealing.

  “How— how is that?” I ask awkwardly, not sure what else to say.

  “Your shirt does not show me any more than your sweater,” says Borrik, “but you are beautiful nonetheless.”

  I blush slightly. “Would— would you like to see more?” I ask, just barely managing to get the words out without losing my nerve.

  “Yes, I would,” Borrik breathes, not taking his eyes off of me. “The shirt now, perhaps.”

  I can’t help but be charmed by his eagerness. At the same time, though, taking my shirt off feels like a much bigger step than my sweater. All I’m wearing underneath my shirt is a bra.

  But this new, confident version of Tessa doesn’t care. She’s drinking in the attention that this big, handsome alien is giving to her, reveling in the fact that for once, the guy she has a crush on is actually returning her interest.

  Returning her interest, and then some.

  Slowly, trying to make a show of it, I pull my shirt up and over my head. I suck in my stomach instinctively, feeling self-conscious, but there’s no point: Borrik watches me with a look of burning desire on his face, his expression making it quite clear that he approves of every inch of me. His eyes are glued to my chest as I pull my shirt past my breasts.

  I put my shirt next to my sweater and sit there next to him, my upper body now covered by nothing more than my bra. I do my best to arch my back and keep good posture, feeling very self-conscious. Borrik stares at me in amazement, his eyes tracing my cleavage. I feel my nipples begin to harden inside the cups of my bra.

  “What is this garment?” he asks, gesturing to my brassiere.

  I giggle in spite of myself. “It’s a bra,” I tell him. “Human women wear them to support our breasts. Do Kyrzon women not wear bras?”

  “I would not know,” says Borrik, still staring hungrily at my cleavage. “I would like you to remove this piece of clothing next.”

  I feel warmth creep into my cheeks. This striptease is advancing faster than I had expected. Am I really ready to show my naked breasts to an alien warrior who I’ve only just met? The chief watches me expectantly, clearly used to having his way. I can sense a tension within him, as though every fiber of his being is waiting for me to remove the small amount of cloth and wire hiding my breasts from his sight.

  Who am I to deny the chief?

  My heart thumping inside my chest, I reach behind my back and unhook my bra. Slowly, forcing myself to look Borrik in the eyes as confidently as I can, I allow the cups to fall from my breasts, exposing myself to him. I sit there next to him, puffing my chest out, feeling nervously exhilarated to be so on display.

  If there’s one part of my body I’ve never lacked confidence in, it’s my breasts. They’ve always been big, ever since they first developed, and they were responsible for bringing me quite a bit of attention growing up. Usually not from the boys I wanted to be getting attention from, but still, enough to assure me that at least this one part of my body was appeal
ing to the opposite sex. I’ve always dressed around them, usually trying to hide their size, but occasionally featuring them prominently if I wanted someone specific to notice me.

  And Borrik has noticed me, that’s for damn sure. In much the same way that I’ve experienced with human men, the Kyrzon’s eyes remain glued to my chest. I feel goosebumps spreading over my skin, my nipples sticking out hard. I’ve never felt so sexy, so desired, in my entire life. I resist the urge to shiver, and I make eye contact with him, willing my expression to be chill and confident.

  “Your nipples are erect. Does this mean you are cold?” Borrik murmurs, not taking his eyes off me. “I can put another log on the fire.”

  “I’m fine,” I say, blushing brilliantly. “I’m just… It’s nothing.”

  Borrik drinks in my naked upper body with his eyes, looking like there’s nothing in the world he would like to do more than to touch. And the truth is, I’d let him. I totally would. At this point, I’ve completely surrendered to the fact that I’m attracted to this big alien, and that he feels the same way about me. If we’re going to be trapped in a cabin together on Christmas Eve, we may as well make the most of it, right?

  Just my luck that the most appealing guy I’ve met in years happens to be a Kyrzon war chief. What the hell, Tessa?

  “I would like you to remove your pants next,” says Borrik in a soft voice. His tone is measured, as though to distract from the fire raging behind his eyes. It’s as though he’s looking through me, as though in his mind, I’m already naked.

  God, this makes me feel like such a sexy little thing. Instinctively, I start to do as he asks. I’m already starting to unbutton my pants when the imbalance of the situation hits me, and I decide to try to even things out a little bit.

  “You know, it doesn’t really seem fair that I’m the only one taking my clothes off,” I say, raising my eyebrows. “It’s not like I’ve ever seen a Kyrzon without his clothes, either.”

  The chief looks taken aback. “You desire to see me without my clothes?”

  I blush. “No. I mean, yes. I mean…” I try to think of a way to phrase what I’m trying to say without sounding like I’m shamelessly trying to get him naked. “I just mean, I don’t know anything more about Kyrzons than you know about humans. So maybe we should do this together. It’s only fair.”

  Borrik raises an eyebrow suggestively, his expression teasing. “Okay, little human. What would you like me to take off first?”

  My cheeks burn as I consider this. “Your shirt,” I suggest finally.

  The Kyrzon winks. “If that is what you desire, Tessa, then I would not deny you.”

  He reaches for his shirt and pulls it slowly up over his head. I stare in amazement at the chiseled, rippling muscles that this reveals. I’ve never met a human man who looked like that with his shirt off. Borrik’s physique is honestly just ridiculous. He’s so ripped that he could probably use the gaps in between his abdominal muscles as a nutcracker.

  I tear my eyes away from Borrik’s nutcracker abs and force myself to look at his face. He smirks, as though he knows exactly the effect his shirtlessness is having on me.

  “You have now officially seen a Kyrzon shirtless,” he says, his eyes still lingering on my breasts. “Does that make things fair?”

  I nod, feeling a little bit breathless. “Yeah, sure.”

  Borrik smiles, his eyes narrowing as he brings his gaze up to my face. “I believe that means it’s your turn to take off your pants.”

  Blood rushes to my face and my heart starts to beat faster. I know that I want to do what he’s asking, but the idea makes me so incredibly nervous. I shoot him a nervous look, and the raw desire in his eyes fills me with confidence. He looks almost desperate to see more of me.

  I fiddle with the button on my pants, still somewhat hesitant. The Kyrzon’s eyes immediately shoot downward, focusing intently on my fingers as they begin to undo the button. Okay. I’m doing this. Adrenaline rushing through me, I pull down the zipper, revealing the lacy, bright red front of my underwear.

  Shit. Seriously? In all today’s commotion, I had completely forgotten what underwear I was wearing. I haven’t done laundry in a while, which sadly, given my life, means that it’s time to put on the sexy lingerie I never otherwise have a reason to wear. The piece I’m wearing right now is especially skimpy, with a thong back and a partially sheer front. The idea of being seen in it by anyone, much less by this handsome, ripped war chief, is practically enough to make me hyperventilate.

  But I’ve already come this far. It’s too late to turn around now. Summoning every ounce of confidence that I have, I start to take off my pants. Borrik watches me intently, his attention both flattering and embarrassing. My pants drop down to my ankles, and I stand up, stepping out of them. I now stand in between the him and the fire, feeling the warmth of the flames on my practically-naked bottom. The Kyrzon chief stares at me with hungry, predatory eyes, and I look down at the floor, feeling suddenly submissive.

  A shiver runs through me, and it has nothing to do with the temperature. Every ounce of this alien’s focus is completely on my body. And the brutish desire written all over his face leaves absolutely zero doubt about his intentions.

  He points to my red, frilly panties. “Whatever you call that piece of fabric hiding you from me, I want you to take it off,” he growls.

  Chapter Twelve

  His words shouldn’t be a surprise to me, but my eyes still go wide. My, my, he’s bold. I guess that comes with the territory when you’re the leader of an entire clan. I feel nervous butterflies in my stomach as I imagine myself fulfilling his request.

  I try to buy myself some time. “Nope, it’s your turn,” I say. “Now you have to take something off.”

  The corners of his mouth curl up, but he still maintains the same intense focus on my almost-naked body. “Okay.” He slips off his enormous leather boots. “Your turn.”

  “That doesn’t count!” I sputter.

  “Why not?” he asks me coolly.

  “Because— because—” I try to come up with a witty answer, but my mind goes blank. I don’t want to just outright say that I would prefer him to take his pants off. “Fine,” I surrender finally, rolling my eyes. “I guess that counts.”

  He grins and looks at me expectantly. My stomach lurches as the reality hits me of exactly what this means I’ve agreed to do. Warm blood rushes to my face, and I allow my fingers to fondle the waistband of my panties, trying to steel my nerve.

  My eyes flit up to look at Borrik, and on the way up from the ground, they pass over his crotch.

  I can’t resist doing a double take. Even through his pants, I can see that the Kyrzon is hard.

  And I guess somewhere in the back of my mind, I already knew that Kyrzons, as a species similar to very large humans, would have, uh, reproductive organs to match. I mean, it only makes sense, right? Bigger arms, bigger legs, bigger muscles, bigger… you know.

  So in a sense, I already knew what I was getting into with Borrik. At least, I had a vague idea.

  But I wasn’t prepared for this.

  The bulge that I see in Borrik’s pants scares me.

  How fucking big is that thing?

  No, seriously, how fucking big is that thing?

  …I think I need to find out.

  You know, for science.

  My eyes reach the Kyrzon’s face, and he smiles. Just like before, his gaze is predatory. As though the things he’s imagining doing to me are very, very dirty indeed.

  I feel a heat spreading between my legs. The muscles there clench involuntarily, making me uncomfortably aware of how turned on I am.

  “Turn around,” orders Borrik, his voice almost a whisper. “Turn around while you take that off for me.”

  I do as he commands, turning around to face the fire. I don’t know if this makes the idea of removing my underwear any more or less intimidating: I mercifully don’t have to look Borrik in the face as I do it, but at the same time, I c
an hardly even imagine the view of myself that I’m giving him.

  Slowly, I slip my fingers under my waistband and start to pull my panties down past my butt. I’m mortified to notice that the fabric sticks momentarily to my wet crotch on its way down. Finally, I step out of my red thong and stand between Borrik and the fire, completely naked. My mind is a blur, my thoughts fuzzy as I imagine Borrik staring at my ass from behind, enjoying a view of me that I’ve never allowed any man to have before.

  “You are perfect,” I hear him say from behind me. His voice sounds hoarse. “Your body is perfect.”

  I don’t know what to say, so I return to my seat, crossing my legs to keep some semblance of privacy. The Kyrzon watches me, his expression longing. He lets out a slight groan as I sit back down, hiding my rear end from his view.

  “Your turn,” I say to him, raising my eyebrows.

  Without a word, Borrik stands up and begins to unbuckle his belt. I watch in amazement as he drops his pants, revealing the most massive, impressive cock I’ve ever seen. It’s everything that his bulge from earlier promised, and more.

  It looks big enough to split me in half.

  In the good way.

  …I think.

  The big alien smirks at me as I pull my jaw off the floor. He stands with no shame whatsoever, allowing me to marvel at his chiseled physique and enormous cock. The dancing flames cast an orange, flickering light across his skin, putting his muscles in sharp relief. He looks nothing like any human I’ve ever seen. He’s perfect. Every inch of him is taught, bulging muscle, his eyes burning with a singular intent.

  “You’re the reason my cock is hard like this,” Borrik growls, his eyes fixed on my naked body. “You and those amazing fucking curves of yours. That plump, perfect ass that I want to sink my teeth into. You make my cock so hard I can barely think. I want to do things to you that I…”


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