Lawfully Charmed_Texas Lawkeeper Romance

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Lawfully Charmed_Texas Lawkeeper Romance Page 12

by Kate Cambridge

  He smiled an easy, devastating smile, disarming her. Before she could protest, he kissed her. His mouth covered hers hungrily, demanding, his tongue tracing the fullness of her lips.

  She pushed into him, groaning as the tight control she’d exercised suddenly snapped. She opened her mouth, welcoming his kiss with a groan.

  He tore his mouth from hers, placing both his hands against the bookcase, trapping her in between, as though she were his captive. She found herself shocked at how desperately she wanted just that. It was scandalous and wanton. She mentally shook herself.

  “I’m sorry—I—that’s not how I wanted this to begin.” He apologized.

  She bit her lip suggestively and it was his turn to groan. “I’d say it was a pretty spectacular beginning, myself.” She admitted. Her face hot, her breath ragged, her body trembling.

  He smiled at her, and her eyes widened at the love that shone in those emerald-green eyes, turning the color of evergreen, dark with desire. Was it real, or was she imagining it?

  “Why are you here?” She asked again, hopeful, trying not to lose herself in his eyes. They threatened to undo her.

  He took her by the hands and pulled her down onto the chairs that sat across from her father’s desk.

  “Claire—tonight, I came here to ask your father for your hand in marriage.”

  What?” she gasped.

  “There is much to tell you…” He paused. “I wanted to ask your father’s permission before I asked you.” He looked out the window of her father’s office. “I’ve missed you. All I could think about while I was tracking those bandits—was you. Your eyes, your smile, your spirit, your stubborn determination…” He smiled and turned to look at her, caressing her cheek. She pressed into his hand.

  “I don’t have all the answers, Claire, and I’m not even sure I have the right to ask you to come live the life of a sheriff’s wife—I’m not at all certain where life will take us, which is one of the reasons I’m in Philadelphia right now—but that’s a topic for later. This I do know for certain. I can’t live without you. I want you in my life. There’s so much you don’t know, and much to cover… I—I don’t even know if you feel the same.” He paused for a long moment, his eyes holding hers. “I love you, Claire Marie Hawarden, with a love I didn’t know was possible.” His eyes studied hers.

  “Oh stop!” she moaned. “Just ask…” The love in his piercing green eyes stopped her short. She thought her heart would burst, and she didn’t know whether to dance or cry. Her eyes chose for her.

  Sully moved from the chair, kneeling directly in front of her. He placed his hands on both sides of her face, his fingers trembling, stroking her cheeks, brushing the tears away with his thumbs before they traced her lower lip and lingered. When he moved his hand to his jacket pocket, she nearly cried out in protest.

  He took a small, round green box from his pocket and opened it.

  Claire’s eyes widened. Resting in the center was a stunning ring—that held a sapphire more beautiful than she’d ever seen, nestled between flawless, delicate diamonds. Intricate filigree was woven along the thin band. It took her breath away. She’d never seen anything like it.

  “It was my grandmother’s,” he explained, answering the question before she could utter it, his eyes never wavering from hers.



  “Claire Marie Hawarden,” he paused, “I promise to love, honor and respect you. I will protect you. Will you marry me, join me on adventures, good times and bad, bear children with me.” Desire flashed through his eyes. “Grow old with me?”

  Their eyes locked. “Yes, yes, Sullivan Clarke,” she smiled through her tears. “I love you, too. There is nothing in life I want more than to spend my life with you.”

  He slipped the ring on her finger and wove his hands behind her neck. His thumb traced the front of her throat, resting on the throbbing pulse. His other hand moved down her back, and along her side to rest at her waist.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he breathed, as his right hand joined the left, spanning her waist.



  Every fiber of her body strained against her dress, and she took a ragged breath, cut short, as his lips descended on hers.


  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for reading Lawfully Charmed! Several advance readers emailed asking for more details on Sully and Claire’s story—they wanted to know why Sully was in Philadelphia, details of the wedding, and details on where they will end up living. They also asked why those details were not included in this book.

  The simple truth is—this book is longer than planned. Why does that matter?

  Each book in any/all of THE LAWKEEPERS series will typically be between 25,000-30,000 words. Lawfully Charmed is already over 34,000 words; in an effort to keep this book close to the agreed limit, this book had to end where it did. Yet there is more to Claire and Sully’s story!

  In light of this, I am writing an Epilogue that will answer these questions, and more. Click this link to be notified the moment it is available via free download: Lawfully Charmed Epilogue

  The Epilogue will be delivered through my email autoresponder. If the epilogue isn’t finished just yet, you’ll reach a form. Simply submit your name and best email.

  If you enjoyed Lawfully Charmed, please consider leaving a review on Amazon to help other readers discover it—even if only a sentence or two—I truly appreciate it! You can leave a review here: Review Lawfully Charmed

  It’s Not Quite The End & Notes!


  Please note that Bareglen Creek, TX is a fictional town created for this series. As a reference point, towns outside of San Antonio were used as a basis.

  In Chapter Thirteen, Claire asks Mary, “Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?” The Big Bad Wolf reference was first used in 17th century folklore. The Grim Brothers used it around 1812. There are quite a few references used before 1885. This reference does not refer to the song written in the 1930’s, but rather is intended as folklore.

  Did you enjoy Lawfully Charmed? You won’t want to miss the next one in the series from Kate Cambridge.

  Tap here to get your copy: Lawfully Commissioned

  About Lawfully Played from Annie Boone

  Fort Worth, Texas; 1883

  “Mr. Hornsley, are you sure that’s what it says?” Tess Bonner pursed her lips as she looked hopefully at the smartly dressed man sitting across the desk from her.

  He removed his half-moon spectacles and looked her squarely in the eye. His gaze made her insides squirm, and she felt tears pricking at the back of her eyes. She was determined not to let him see her be so weak and womanly, so she held her head high.

  “You may read it yourself, Miss Bonner.” He handed the document to her. His eyebrow raised slightly, almost as a challenge.

  She took it from him. “But Papa always said he’d done everything he could to ensure that Mama and I would be provided for should something like this ever occur. He worried about that, especially when we moved here to Texas. Papa was so careful in such matters. I cannot, and will not, believe he could possibly have left his affairs in a mess like this.”

  Tess jutted her chin out defiantly. When Mr. Hornsley didn’t respond, she looked down at the sheaf of documents in her hands. Scanning through the long pages of legal language she barely understood, she took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  Hubert Hornsley folded his hands primly on his desk. “Miss Bonner, I am sorry to be the bearer of such tidings and can entirely understand your shock at finding out the truth about your father’s estate. I wish I could have given you better news.”

  “I am sure,” Tess said waspishly, sure she saw a glimmer of amusement in the man’s cold eyes. “This will not be the last you hear of me,” she assured him as she stood up and fastened the buttons of her coat.

  He stood and gave a shallow bow, more of a discourteous nod than a show of respe
ct, but Tess didn’t care for niceties any longer. A well of anger was surging inside her, and she wanted to be long gone from this man’s office before it escaped. “Good day.”

  * * *

  Tap here to get your copy of Lawfully Matched by Annie Boone

  About Lawfully Loved from Jenna Brandt

  Late Spring of 1887

  Outskirts of Abilene, Texas

  The sun was stretched low across the late-day sky as Deputy Sheriff Jake Bolton pushed his horse through the prairie flats. A herd of Texas longhorns grazed on the thick fields of golden grass along the road as Jake galloped past the livestock.

  He heard the screeching sound of a bird above, causing him to raise his hand over his brow to scan the horizon for the creature. Just as he located the white-tailed hawk, it swooped down and snatched up a small creature from the ground. Such was the cycle of life in the rural Texas countryside.

  In his head, Jake went over the details of the investigation he was working which brought him to the outlying small towns that dotted the northeast corner of Taylor County. The third general store in two weeks had been robbed by the infamous Grimes Brothers.

  Jake was tasked with following up the newest lead after a local stagecoach company telegraphed the sheriff’s office. One of the drivers had seen two men fitting their descriptions on the road between Woody and Rockwood Springs. The brothers were armed and dangerous, and Jake wanted nothing more than to free the county of their threat.

  In the distance, clouds were rolling into sight and the smell of rain was in the air. It wasn’t surprising since sporadic showers were common during this time of year. He needed to get to Woody before the sun set and he got caught in the downpour.

  * * *

  Tap here to get your copy of Lawfully Loved by Jenna Brandt

  About Lawfully Matched from Lorana Hoopes

  Boston, Massachusetts 1883

  Mary Katherine Whidby grabbed the local paper and strolled to a corner to read in private. While she hated to leave her beloved Boston, she was quickly approaching the spinster age, and all the surrounding men seemed intimidated by her brains or more likely her strong-willed spirit as her brother Robert liked to remind her.

  Mary Katherine, or Kate as her family called her, had always held a grand notion of love, so agreeing to marry a complete stranger caused distaste in her mouth every time she thought about it, but her options had run out when her parents died.

  She opened the paper and scanned the offerings:

  ‘Forty-year-old widowed rancher looking for wife who can be a mother to three kids.’

  Three kids? Kate shook her head and drew a line through that one. While she wanted kids one day, she did not feel confident stepping into the role immediately.

  ‘Fifty-year-old Pastor seeks wife for companionship and to lead women's socials at local church.’

  A pastor's wife wouldn't be too bad, but the age difference was more than Kate could stomach. After all, she was barely twenty-five, which would make this man twice her age, and wasn't the lifespan shorter in the west? Knowing her luck, he would die shortly after she arrived, and she’d be left all alone.

  ‘Thirty-year-old saloon owner seeks wife and possible waitress.’

  While this one was closer in age, Kate had no desire, or skills for that matter, to work in a saloon.

  The pickings were slim this month it seemed. Just one ad left.

  ‘Thirty-two-year-old farmer in search of brave woman to help on homestead.’

  Well, she didn't know much about farming, but no one would say Kate wasn't brave. She had even taken shooting lessons with her brother and father.

  Crossing her fingers this man would not be a con man or an abuser, she made her way to the counter.

  * * *

  Tap here to get your copy of Lawfully Matched by Lorana Hoopes

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  Also By Kate Cambridge


  Contemporary Romance:

  Lawfully Commissioned

  Lawfully Challenged

  Historical Romance:

  Lawfully Claimed

  For additional books visit

  About Kate Cambridge

  Kate Cambridge is a bestselling indie author writing cozy mysteries, sweet historical romance, and contemporary romance—all with a thread of faith, hope, and suspense intertwined. Her debut series, The Choice Brides Suffragette Series, has been a bestseller with three books yet to be released, as well as her cozy mystery series, A Hannah and Callum Cozy Mystery. She has participated in several multi-author collaborations, including Sweet Americana, The Burnt River Western Romance Series, and the latest a multi-author western romance series, The Lawkeepers. She is also an author in the Kindle World, First Street Church.

  She has been an avid writer since middle school and has always loved living adventures vicariously through books; as a result, she pursued a degree in Liberal Studies because, well, nothing else quite fit. Before writing full-time, she ran her own boutique marketing agency, and prior to that wore several hats in the corporate world including: negotiating six and seven figure real estate deals, writing training programs, and project management for a major supermarket company.

  Writing is her passion, but she also loves animals and hopes to open a shelter for abused and homeless dogs some day. Her greatest joy and blessing is her faith, being married to her favorite person on the planet, and being a mom; she also enjoys sailing, photography, music, kayaking, and spending time with friends and family at their home on Sebago Lake.

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