The Divine Creek Ranch Collection Volume 3

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The Divine Creek Ranch Collection Volume 3 Page 67

by Heather Rainier

  “Yes, ma’am. You worked at the Oasis Café in Fort Stockton. I remember you. It’s nice to see you again. I’m Gil James.”

  “Pleased to meet you. Was there something you needed, Gil? Maybe I can help.”

  “I’ve got a headache and we’re out of Tylenol at the house. I was wondering if Chance and Clayton had anything I could take to get rid of it.”

  Eyeing him critically, Lydia went to the cabinet by the sink and got down the Tylenol she’d seen in there earlier. Judging by the way his brows were knit together, the headache must be pretty fierce, and the heat no doubt made it even worse. She opened the bottle and handed him three then gave him a full glass of water.

  Following her gut instinct, she went to work finding what she needed while he took the tablets. “Gil, you live here, right?”

  After gulping the water, he nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

  She found a travel cup and filled it with ice, took down a big coffee mug and poured that morning’s leftover coffee in it then stuck it in the microwave for a minute.

  “Can you tell me what you and the other guys ate this week? I’m just curious.” He looked as though he felt like hell, and she wondered if his diet didn’t have something to do with his headache as well.

  “Well, a lot of us run into town for meals.”

  “Restaurants or fast-food drive-thrus?”

  “Both, but mostly drive-thrus, I think. A lot of hamburgers, sandwiches, and tacos. We eat a lot of frozen food, too. Canned chili and soup. There used to be a guy working here that liked to cook but when he moved on from the area nobody took over the job. None of us is much good in the kitchen.”

  The microwave dinged, and she asked, “How do you take your coffee?”

  He looked at her in confusion but replied, “Black with a spoonful of sugar, why?”

  “I’m fixing you a headache remedy,” she said with a small smile. “Will you do me a favor?” She found the sugar bowl and put two big spoons full of sugar in the steaming mug and stirred it.


  She didn’t bother trying to explain her presence there on the ranch because she didn’t know what Clayton had already told them and wasn’t quite sure how the brothers planned to explain her presence. Gil seemed well enough mannered to not ask.

  “I’m going to be cooking a big meal tomorrow night for all the men here on the ranch. Would you spread the word for me, please? Tomorrow night at seven o’clock.”

  Gil got a big smile on his face and asked, “What are you going to cook?”

  Lydia smiled at she dumped the strong, hot, sweetened coffee over the crackling ice in the travel mug, put the lid on, and shook it gently. “I haven’t decided, but it will not be frozen and it won’t be takeout food. Why? Did you want to make a request?”

  “Are you kidding? If it’s home cooked I’ll eat it. What’s this for?” he asked as she handed him the travel mug.

  “It’s old, strong coffee over ice. It should help your head.”

  He grinned and replied, “I hope that was this morning’s coffee and not yesterday’s.”

  Lydia burst into giggles and said, “For your sake, I hope it is, too. I hope it helps.”

  Gil held up the mug and said, “Thanks, ma’am! I’ll bring the cup back later and spread the word for you.”

  “Call me Lydia!” she hollered as he made his exit.

  From the screened porch she heard him call, “Yes, ma’am!”

  Soon, the vegetables were all chopped and combined into a salad and the sauce and pasta were simmering on the stove.

  She sneered at the loaf of frozen Italian bread she’d found in the freezer, wondering just how old it was. She didn’t mind using spaghetti sauce out of a jar tonight because she could doctor it up with ingredients she found in the pantry to make it special. The bread was another story.

  Opening it, she promised herself that the next time she served garlic bread it would be made fresh. She scraped the ice crystals off, applied the garlic spread she’d made, wrapped it in foil and hoped for the best as she placed it in the oven. That’s where she was when Chance walked in the kitchen.

  He rubbed his belly and groaned in delight. “What have you been up to, baby? And what is that delicious aroma?”

  “Supper,” she said with a giggle. She didn’t hesitate when he offered her a hug. Chance closed his strong arms around her, and she breathed in the manly scent of his clean, honest sweat combined with leather.

  “You’ll be happy to know that Gunther is at Divine Auto Repair in town and that the mechanic thinks he can fix it. He’s going to give it a thorough going-over and see what all needs to be done. We trust him to do a good job on it.”

  She sighed in relief and replied, “That’s good news. I really didn’t want that shady relative of Mr. Cortez’s working on it. I’m so glad I didn’t have to take Gunther to him.”

  “Me, too, baby. Can I have a kiss?”

  His sexily voiced request drew a chuckle from her. “Of course.”

  All of her worries faded away when his lips pressed against hers, and she gave herself to the kiss entirely. Groaning softly, Chance wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her from the floor as she put her arms around his neck. Returning his kiss was a pleasure, and she shuddered when his big hands slid down to cradle her hips against him.

  It felt like the most natural thing in the world for her to do when she wrapped her legs around his waist and hooked her ankles together. As she did so, his hands slid down to grip her ass. Gasping for breath, she released his lips and laid her head against his shoulder.

  “It feels good to have you right here, baby.” He squeezed her and pressed his warm lips against the side of her neck. “I could eat you up. Mmm!”

  Lydia closed her eyes and smiled at his hearty declaration and let him hold her for as long as he wanted to. They stayed like that, and she realized he was rocking her from side to side in a gentle swaying motion. She’d never felt so comforted in her entire adult life.

  That was how Clayton found them a few moments later. He hung his keys on one of the hooks by the back door, and Lydia realized she hadn’t even heard him come in.

  Clayton hung his hat up as well, and his gaze rested on them. She wasn’t able to interpret the look in his eyes before he turned to get a bottle of beer from the refrigerator. In a neutral tone, he said, “Something smells really good in here.”

  “Thank you. Supper will be ready soon.”

  Lydia wasn’t ready to leave the circle of Chance’s arms but didn’t want to make Clayton uncomfortable. She looked up at Chance, and he smiled reassuringly at her as he set her back on her feet.

  Clayton took a seat at the table in the breakfast nook, twisted the top off the bottle, and pitched it into the trash. “I just checked in with Gil. The guys sound excited about supper tomorrow night.”

  “Oh, yeah? Wow, that was fast. I just met Gil earlier.”

  Chance seemed surprised. “You did?”

  “He needed Tylenol and I made him a headache remedy. I talked to him for a minute. I told him that I’m going to cook a big meal for all of you tomorrow night. If what he said is true, it’s a wonder you’re not all sick.”

  Clayton said, “Gil asked me to tell you the remedy worked wonders. He gets migraine headaches but won’t take prescription medication for them.”

  Lydia got them occasionally and could commiserate with Gil. “I’m glad it helped. I’ve had migraines before so I know how they feel.”

  Chance asked, “Baby, are you sure you wouldn’t rather take a few days to get up to speed before you jump into cooking for everybody?”

  Lydia smiled and happily replied, “No. I’m dying to get started actually.”

  Chance said, “Okay. I just don’t want you to think that’s the primary reason we wanted you to come here. It’s been a rough few months for you and a hard day, yesterday.”

  “I’ll go to bed early tonight, but I feel ready to get started. I plan to inventory the kitchen
in the morning.”

  With their help, she washed and dried the few pots and pans she’d used to make supper and then set the table. Both men ate with gusto, praising her culinary skills.

  “Lydi, this is delicious,” Clayton announced. Lydia smiled at his shortening her name into an endearment. Nobody had ever called her that before, and she found that she liked it very much.

  “Thank you. Is there anything in particular that either of you would like me to cook for tomorrow night?”

  Both men shook their heads, and Clayton replied, “I can take you to the grocery store in Divine tomorrow after lunch.”

  Chance said, “It doesn’t matter to me what you cook. I’ll eat anything you serve me.”

  Her mind went straight into the gutter with that comment, and it must have showed in her heated cheeks because the men chuckled but said nothing else. The bread was a disappointment, but the men seemed to enjoy it. She grinned thinking she would knock their socks off the following night. Chance and Clayton helped her clear the table after they were done eating and assisted with the cleaning duties as well.

  It was only eight o’clock and still relatively early, but she wanted to get unpacked and have time to wind down before going to sleep.

  After everything was back in its place, she said, “Guys, if you don’t mind, I’m going to make an early night of it tonight. I have a big day tomorrow.”

  Chance hung the damp dish cloth on the oven handle and then turned to her. “Totally understandable, baby. Is there anything you need up there?”

  For some reason, her dilemma of the night before, closing herself in the bathroom without clothes to change into, came to mind. The memory of what had happened next caused heat to creep into her cheeks. She shook her head and resisted the urge to press her hand to her injured nipple, which still ached and throbbed a little.

  “I think I have everything I need.”

  Chance reached for her as naturally as if he’d hugged her a million times, and she went to him easily. “Pleasant dreams then, baby.”

  “You still need towels,” Clayton said. “I brought down all the laundry and meant to put some more in the cabinet and forgot. I’ll bring them up in just a minute.”

  “Okay. I’m going to go unpack.”

  She turned back to Chance and looked up into his eyes, and he gave her a good-night kiss that ended way too soon. “Good night, baby.”

  Clayton said, “I’ll be up in just a minute, Lydi.”

  Chance released her, and she felt as if she was floating as she left the kitchen and went upstairs. She was in the bathroom, putting up her toiletries, when she heard a light tap on the door.

  “Knock, knock.”

  “I’m in here, Clayton,” she said, recognizing his voice. A moment later he peeked in, and she smiled at his handsome reflection in the mirror. She used to think they were impossible to tell apart, but gazing at him now she found that she could make out the difference. Besides being more serious, she could spot Clayton based on how he held his mouth. Chance could hardly keep a smile off his face, especially when he looked her way.

  “Here are your towels. I brought you hand towels and washcloths, too.”

  She sat on the edge of the big bathtub, and he pointed at it as he put the towels in the linen closet. “A nice, hot soak would probably feel good after all you’ve been through the last couple of days.”

  Sighing in pleasure at the thought, she replied, “I might just do that.”

  He hooked his thumbs in his jeans pockets, seeming to not know what to do with his hands and said, “I want you to feel comfortable here. Lydi. This is your home now. I know it must feel kind of strange right now, but…”

  Following her instinct, Lydia went to him and put her arms around his waist. She couldn’t pinpoint the reason for his hesitancy but recognized that he wanted her to feel comfortable with him. She pressed her cheek against his chest and smiled as his steady heartbeat sped up.

  Approaching the subject with honesty, she said, “I just hope you don’t regret me coming here.”

  Clayton rubbed her shoulders and replied, “No matter what, Lydi, I’ll always look upon you coming here as a good thing.”

  “I hope you’re right, Clayton. Thank you.”

  When he’d kissed her earlier, the moment had been electric and intense. The embrace they shared now was for comfort, and she was reassured by his words.

  Chapter Ten

  Clayton did his best to tame the erection that was bulging at her proximity. She probably had no idea how much she affected him.

  She was just as beautiful as he remembered her, maybe more so now that she was away from the draining stress of her job at the café. He’d questioned Chance’s mental capacity, when he’d told Clayton of his interest in the little beauty who worked at the little café in the middle of nowhere, until the day he’d met her himself. He could understand Chance’s attraction to her. She was beautiful, but more importantly she was genuine and kind. In short, she was nothing like the last woman he’d dated and he needed to remember it.

  Seeing her clasped tightly in Chance’s arms earlier in the kitchen, had thrown him for a loop but not in a bad way. He’d actually wanted to join them but had held back in case she wasn’t ready for that yet. She didn’t need to earn his trust. He needed to earn hers.

  Right now he had to keep his libido under control because she’d asked for time and a chance to get to know him better. He was determined to not rush her.

  Reaching for a safe subject, he said, “Your help should get here at nine o’clock Wednesday morning.”

  “Good. Today is Monday, so that will give me time to make a list of duties and get organized.”

  “What time are you going to get started?”

  “I’m an early riser. Probably about five.”

  “Good. We can have a cup of coffee with you.”

  She beamed at him and replied, “You make the coffee and I’ll make breakfast.” She sighed, and her breath tickled against his chest. His cock tingled and swelled at her soft, sexy sound.

  He smooched her forehead and forced himself to step away. He knew if he kissed her again it would be impossible to leave her in there alone. The sweet, little thing had been here less than a day and already he was falling under her spell.

  “I’ll leave you to it, Lydi. We’ll be downstairs if you need us. Pleasant dreams.”

  Lydia’s eyebrows arched slightly at his retreat, but he needed to give her some space before her innocent allure changed his mind.

  “Okay. Later,” she replied before turning on the tub faucet. Under the circumstances, it was the least he could do to give her the time she’d asked for. If she noticed the way his cock was hardening in reaction to her, she’d think he was a horndog.

  He crossed paths with Chance as his brother was about to enter his bedroom and said, “Chance, remember you said we needed to talk if it looked like things might work out between me and Lydia? You got a few minutes?”

  Chance grinned at him and flipped on his light switch. “Sure, come on in.”

  * * * *

  Lydia wondered if she was reading Clayton’s responses to her right. She was a little confused. He’d kissed her earlier but now seemed almost in a hurry to get out of the bathroom. She retrieved a nightgown from her dresser and brought the novel Chance and Clayton had given her into the bathroom with her, thinking it might help her relax. She was ready to find out what happened next to the rancher’s lady as she closed the bathroom door and undressed.

  Lavender scented the air as she poured a capful of bubble bath under the running water. She’d never used it while in Fort Stockton because her tub only held about a teaspoon of bathwater and she thought that would be a waste.

  She gazed critically at her nude body which was reflected from several different angles in the bathroom mirrors. Due to overwork and a shoestring budget for groceries, she’d lost weight while in Fort Stockton but felt fairly satisfied with her body. Losing weight had probably
been a good thing because the women in her family tended toward generous hips and legs.

  She cupped her plentiful breasts in her hands and felt that they helped to balance out her curvy ass and thighs. The nipple she’d slammed in the drawer was still a little inflamed, but the ice pack Chance had made for her must’ve helped because it wasn’t actually bruised. She’d hardly been aware of it during the day, except for when her nipples had hardened.

  Her nipples peaked now, when she stroked them with her thumbs, and she recalled how they’d tightened when Clayton had lifted her against him when he helped her from the truck. The physical attraction was there, at least for her. She just needed to find out what was going on with him.

  She slipped into the tub carefully, sighing luxuriously as the hot water enveloped her all the way up to her chin. Nothing had ever felt so divinely decadent. Allowing the hot water to soak the tension from her, she once again got caught up in the ménage romance novel. The love scenes were sizzling hot, and she soon found that she was very aroused.

  Lydia pressed the button on the side of the tub and the whirlpool jets came to life. Giggling in delight, she got comfortable against the sloped end of the tub and closed her eyes for a minute.

  Thoughts of Chance and the way they’d awakened that morning clasped in each other’s arms came to mind. She also recalled the explosive orgasm she’d had the night before in the shower while fantasizing about being with him and his handsome brother.

  Last night was certainly not the first time she’d ever fantasized about them, but her erotic thoughts now seemed more powerful because they’d more or less declared themselves to her. Chance more so than Clayton, but given time she knew she’d feel as warmly toward Clayton as his brother. Her bodily responses didn’t lie.

  Beneath the bubbles, her hands slithered over her naked body to her pussy. Her fingertips drifted and tickled in the dark curls on her mound for a minute or two, teasing her clit with gentle outer pressure on her lips. Shifting her hips, she moaned, trying to be quiet, as she slid a finger between her inner lips to the slippery heat inside. She remembered that Clayton had said they would be downstairs if she needed them. Knowing she was alone, she repositioned again and felt the strong thrust of the whirlpool jet against her hip bone.


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