He made a hot sound and fluid flowed from her to meet his tongue. He lapped at her like he couldn’t get enough of her until she felt ready to burst with joy.
Then he tested her with a finger, never stopping the titillation of his tongue, and she knew what was coming. She could trust in dreams.
She closed her eyes and arched her back.
His fingers were inside her now. One…two…she couldn’t take more even though she wanted it. She would take all of him inside herself if she could.
She spread wider…arched higher…fists tightening in his hair as she tried to hold on. But the intensity of her response as he stroked her was too great to ignore.
Letting herself go, she cried out, and before the sound completed, he was swallowing her, kissing her. And then he was inside her, fulfilling what she needed most…to be one with him.
She reached between them and stroked him with her fingertips, excited again when she felt her slippery fluids on his shaft.
“Luci-i-ille,” he moaned.
“That’s my name…don’t wear it out,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his thighs, and gave him a ride that he could dream about when they came together and tumbled down onto the weathered leather.
Lucy couldn’t think of a thing she wanted more at this moment than to sleep safely in Justin’s arms….
THEY JOINED as one in the sweet-smelling garden where they’d made love the night he’d proposed. Her heart thundered as he kissed her with love and promise.
Applause reminded her that they weren’t alone and her cheeks filled with heat as she looked around at the audience, her gaze stopping at her sister who was wearing a stunning lavender gown.
She smelled her bouquet of gardenias before pitching it—her sister caught it and appeared either surprised or horrified, she wasn’t sure which.
Grinning, she turned back into the arms of the man she would always love and who had promised to love her in return.
Her husband.
ISBN: 978-1-4268-7070-5
Copyright © 2004 by Patricia Pinianski.
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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.
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*Chicago Heat
In Dreams Page 19