The Golden Scorpion

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The Golden Scorpion Page 32

by Sax Rohmer



  Her beautiful face a mask of anguish, Miska cowered upon the _diwan,_watching the closed doors. Fo-Hi stood in the centre of the greatroom with his back to the entrance. Silently one of the lacqueredpanels slid open and Chunda Lal entered. He saluted the figure ofthe veiled Chinaman but never once glanced in the direction of the_diwan_ from which Miska wildly was watching him.

  Without turning his head, Fo-Hi, who seemed to detect the presenceof the silent Hindu by means of some fifth sense, pointed to a bundleof long rods stacked in a corner of the room.

  His brown face expressionless as that of a bronze statue, Chunda Lalcrossed and took the rods from their place.

  _"Tum samajhte ho?"_ (Do you understand?) said Fo-Hi. Chunda Lalinclined his head.

  _"Main tumhari bat manunga"_ (Your orders shall be obeyed), hereplied.

  "Ah, God! no!" whispered Miska--"what are you going to do?"

  "Your Hindustani was ever poor, Miska," said Fo-Hi.

  He turned to Chunda Lal.

  "Until you hear the gong," he said in English.

  Miska leapt to her feet, as Chunda Lal, never once glancing at her,went out bearing the rods, and closed the door behind him. Fo-Hiturned and confronted her.

  _"Ta'ala hina_ (come hither), Miska!" he said softly. "Shall I speakto you in the soft Arab tongue? Come to me, lovely Miska. Let me feelhow that sorrowful heart will leap like a captive gazelle."

  But Miska shrank back from him, pale to the lips.

  "Very well." His metallic voice sank to a hiss. "I employ no force.You shall yield to me your heart as a love offering. Of such motivesas jealousy and revenge you know me incapable. What I do, I do with apurpose. That compassion of yours shall be a lever to cast you intomy arms. Your hatred you shall conquer."

  "Oh, have you no mercy? Is there _nothing_ human in your heart? Did Isay I hate you!"

  "Your eyes are eloquent, Miska. I cherish two memories of thosebeautiful eyes. One is of their fear and loathing--of _me;_ the otheris of their sweet softness when they watched the departure of my guest.Listen! Do you hear nothing?"

  In an attitude of alert and fearful attention Miska stood listening.Fo-Hi watched her through the veil with those remorseless blazing eyes.

  "I will open the door," he said smoothly, "that we may more fullyenjoy the protests of one for whom you 'care nothing'--of one whoselips have pressed--your hand."

  He opened the door by which Chunda Lal had gone out and turned againto Miska. Her eyes looked unnaturally dark by contrast with the pallorof her face.

  Chunda Lal had betrayed her. She no longer doubted it. For he had notdared to meet her glance. His fear of Fo-Hi had overcome his love forher ... and Stuart had been treacherously seized somewhere in thecorridors and rendered helpless by the awful art of the thug.

  "There is a brief interval," hissed the evil voice. "Chunda Lal issecuring him to the frame and baring the soles of his feet for thecaresses of the rod."

  Suddenly, from somewhere outside the room, came the sound of dull,regular blows ... then, a smothered moan!

  Miska sprang forward and threw herself upon her knees before Fo-Hi,clutching at his robe frantically.

  "Ah! merciful God! he is there! Spare him! spare him! No more--nomore!"

  "He is there?" repeated Fo-Hi suavely. "Assuredly he is there, Miska.I know not by what trick he hoped to 'deal with' Chunda Lal. But, asI informed you, Chunda Lal was forewarned."

  The sound of blows continued, followed by that of another, loudergroan.

  "Stop him! Stop him!" shrieked Miska.

  "You 'care nothing' for this man. Why do you tremble?"

  "Oh!" she wailed piteously. "I cannot bear it ... oh, I cannot bearit! Do what you like with me, but spare him. Ah! you have no mercy."

  Fo-Hi handed her the hammer for striking the gong.

  "It is _you_ who have no mercy," he replied. "I have asked but onegift. The sound of the gong will end Dr. Stuart's discomfort ... andwill mean that you _voluntarily_ accept my offer. What! you hesitate?"A stifled scream rang out sharply.

  "Ah, yes! yes!"

  Miska ran and struck the gong, then staggered back to the _diwan_ andfell upon it, hiding her face in her hands. The sounds of tortureceased.

  Fo-Hi closed the door and stood looking at her where she lay.

  "I permit you some moments of reflection," he said, "in order that youmay compose yourself to receive the addresses which I shall presentlyhave the honour, and joy, of making to you. Yes--this door isunlocked." He threw the keys on the table. "I respect your promise ...and Chunda Lal guards the _outer_ exits."

  He opened the further door, by which he had entered, and went out.

  Miska, through the fingers of her shielding hands, watched him go.

  When he had disappeared she sprang up, clenching her teeth, and herface was contorted with anguish. She began to move aimlessly about theroom, glancing at the many strange objects on the big table andfearfully at the canopied chair beside which hung the bronze bell.Finally:

  "Oh, Chunda Lal! Chunda Lal!" she moaned, and threw herself facedownward on the _diwan,_ sobbing wildly.

  So she lay, her whole body quivering with the frenzy of her emotions,and as she lay there, inch by inch, cautiously, the nearer door beganto open. Chunda Lal looked in.

  Finding the room to be occupied only by Miska, he crossed rapidly tothe _diwan,_ bending over her with infinite pity and tenderness.

  "Miska!" he whispered softly.

  As though an adder had touched her, Miska sprang to her feet--andback from the Hindu. Her eyes flashed fiercely.

  "Ah! _you! you!"_ she cried at him, with a repressed savagery thatspoke of the Oriental blood in her veins. "Do not speak to me--lookat me! Do not come near me! I hate you! God! how I hate you!"

  "Miska! Miska!" he said beseechingly--"you pierce my heart! you killme! Can you not understand----"

  "Go! go!"

  She drew back from him, clenching and unclenching her jewelled fingersand glaring madly into his eyes.

  "Look, Miska!" He took the gold chain and amulet from his bosom. "Yourtoken! Can you not understand! _Yah Allah!_ how little you trust me--and I would die for one glance of your eyes!

  "_He_--Stuart Sahib--has gone, gone long since!"

  "Ah! Chunda Lal!"

  Miska swayed dizzily and extended her hands towards him. Chunda Lalglanced fearfully about him.

  "Did I not," he whispered, with an intense ardour in his soft voice,--"did I not lay my life, my service, all I have, at your feet? Did I notvow to serve you in the name of _Bhowani!_ He is long since gone tobring his friends--who are searching from house to house along theriver. At any moment they may be here!"

  Miska dropped weakly upon her knees before him and clasped his hand.

  "Chunda Lal, my friend! Oh, forgive me!" Her voice broke. "Forgive ..."

  Chunda Lal raised her gently.

  "Not upon your knees to _me,_ Miska. It was a little thing to do--foryou. Did I not tell you that _he_ had cast his eyes upon you? Mine wasthe voice you heard to cry out. Ah! you do not know; it is to gain_time_ that I seem to serve _him!_ Only this, Miska"--he revealed theblade of a concealed knife--"stand between Fo-Hi and--you! Had I notread it in his eyes!"

  He raised his glance upward frantically.

  _"Jey Bhowani!_ give me strength, give me courage! For if I fail ..."

  He glared at her passionately, clutching his bosom; then, pressing thenecklet to his lips, he concealed it again, and bent, whisperingurgently:

  "Listen again--I reveal it to you without price or hope of reward, forI know there is no love in your heart to give, Miska; I know that ittakes you out of my sight for always. But I tell you what I learn inthe house of Abdul Rozan. Your life is your own, Miska! With theneedle"--yet closer he bent to her ear and even softer he spoke--"hepricks your white skin--no more! The vial he sends contains a harmlesscordial!"

  "Chunda Lal!"

  Miska swayed
again dizzily, clutching at the Hindu for support.

  "Quick! fly!" he said, leading her to the door. "I will see _he_ doesnot pursue!"

  "No, no! you shall shed no blood for me! Not even _his_. You comealso!"

  "And if he escape, and know that I was false to him, he will _call meback,_ and I shall be dragged to those yellow eyes, though I am athousand miles away! _Inshalla!_ those eyes! No--I must strike swift,or he robs me of my strength."

  For a long moment Miska hesitated.

  "Then, I also remain, Chunda Lal, my friend! We will wait--and watch-and listen for the bells--here--that tell they are in the grounds ofthe house."

  "Ah, Miska!" the glance of the Hindu grew fearful--"you areclever--but _he_ is the Evil One! I fear for you. Fly now. There isyet time ..."

  A faint sound attracted Miska's attention. Placing a quivering fingerto her lips, she gently thrust Chunda Lal out into the corridor.

  "He returns!" she whispered: "If I call--come to me, my friend. But wehave not long to wait!"

  She closed the door.


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