The Billionaire's Paradise (Sexy Billionaires)

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The Billionaire's Paradise (Sexy Billionaires) Page 7

by Victoria Davies

  “Must be sunstroke.”

  “Or maybe you’re realizing that the night of the gala wasn’t a fluke. Nor was it an ending.”

  She lifted her chin. “It had to be.”

  “Tell me why.”

  Because you’ll never be what I need. You’ll never come to care for me the way I’ll grow to want you to.

  But those words were far too revealing. Instead she simply said, “We’re too different, Hayden.”

  “That’s what I like about us,” he replied and pressed his mouth to hers before she could protest.

  She wanted to be the kind of woman who’d have the strength to push him away, but the instant her hands touched the hard planes of his chest, her fingers coiled around the material of his shirt to pull him closer. This was no gentle kiss of an unsure suitor. Instead Hayden claimed her mouth as if he had every right to touch her. He kissed her with the practiced ease of a man used to getting his own way, and as much as she hated his certainty, she craved more.

  Heat roared through her body as it stood to attention, remembering the pleasure he’d delivered the last time he’d kissed her this way. She’d learned first-hand that Hayden was fully capable of delivering on any promises his kiss made. He knew how to make her purr.

  His hands slid down her sides to rest on her hips as he pressed her back against the car. Without conscious thought, she twined her arms around his shoulders as stroked her tongue along his.

  More. Kiss me again.

  They weren’t words she could say aloud, but he knew what to do without any instruction. His tongue invaded her mouth, kissing her with a thoroughness that left her breathless.

  Why does it have to be him?

  Why couldn’t anyone else make her feel the way he did? Her life would be so much easier if she were immune to his touch.

  But Hayden burst past all her defenses. Only he could make her body pulse with need after just one kiss. Her head filled with memories of what else his clever lips could do. She remembered them trailing down her abdomen as she arched beneath him. He’d lapped at her navel before pushing her legs apart with sure hands. The first touch of his tongue against her swollen clit had forced a cry from her throat even as her fingers had delved into his golden hair to encourage him to continue.

  One hand cupped her breast as the edge of the car dug into her thighs. She bit back a moan as her nipples tightened under the thin material of her blouse. He must be able to feel her reaction to him. There was no hiding that, despite what logic and reason whispered through her brain, her body begged for him, wanted him with a desire that shook her with its intensity. Why, oh why, was the only man who’d made her come alive like this the very last one she could ever be with?

  “More,” he ordered, hooking one hand under her knee and hoisting her leg higher to straddle his hip.

  This time she did moan when he rocked his straining erection against her, the skirt riding dangerously high. It would take so little effort for him to be inside her.

  “Stop,” she panted. “We’re in public.”

  “No one is near,” he replied. The wall of trees provided a degree of privacy that made her debate her protest.

  But if she gave in, she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from wanting more. One night would become two, then three, and before she knew it, he’d be on a plane out of her life while she still craved his attention.

  “No.” Drawing on strength she wasn’t even sure she had, she pushed him back.

  Hayden’s blue eyes were dark with need, his perfect hair tousled from her desperate fingers. Right now, he was a far cry from his usual put-together self, and she liked that she was the one able to ruffle his feathers to such a degree.

  “Do you really want me to stop?” he asked, his voice tight. “Just think about it, Avery. We could be back at the hotel in no time, naked in bed within minutes of our arrival. I could spend the rest of the day tracing every inch of your body with my lips, finding every secret way of making you cry out for more. Tell me you don’t want that, too.”

  Her damp panties ensured she couldn’t deny his claim. She wanted everything he said and more.

  “I can’t,” she said. “I’m sorry, but I can’t be the woman you want me to be.”

  “Why?” The word was harsh. “What do you want that I’m not offering?”

  “I want more than temporary,” she said. “And we both know you’re not the man who can give that to me.”

  A hiss escaped him. “You had no problem with one night at the gala.”

  She shrugged. “I told you that was a mistake. You should have listened.”

  Tension radiated through him as he stalked away from her, pacing the secluded parking lot.

  Avery gripped the car, trying to ignore the way her body begged for completion. Closing her eyes, she breathed through the lust pounding in her body, needing to rise above it. She was more than a slave to her desires.

  Unlike Jon.

  Thinking of her ex-husband was a dousing of cold water. Her fingers tightened on the car door. Jon had acted like this, lost himself whenever desire appeared. He’d never cared about the consequences as long as his need was satisfied.

  After what his weakness had cost her, how could she be anything like him?

  Drawing in a deep breath, she straightened her shoulders. She wasn’t a creature of lust the way he’d been. She was stronger, in command of her own body and her own desires.

  Hayden wouldn’t weaken her resolve again.

  He turned back to her, tension in his shoulders. Avery steeled herself as he retraced his steps. She knew how this would play out. She’d heard the words before. Jon had called her a tease any time she’d been too tired or too busy for sex. After forgetting herself so completely with Hayden, she could only imagine the accusations he’d launch.

  He stopped before her, and she lifted her chin.

  Come on. Remind me again how similar you are to my ex.

  “I’m sorry.”

  She blinked.

  Hayden dragged a hand over his face, shaking his head. “I don’t know what I was thinking, starting this here. It’s not the time or place.”

  “You’re…not upset?” she asked, trying to wrap her mind around what was happening.

  His smile was rueful. “At myself? Hell, yes.”

  He moved forward, his hands gliding down her arms. “I’m not giving up,” he said, his voice soft. “But be warned, next time I get us all worked up, I’ll make sure there’s a bed with a locked door nearby.” He brushed his lips over her forehead in a gentle caress before releasing her.

  “We should get back,” he said, moving around the car.

  Avery had no reply. All she could do was watch him, something deep inside her chest twisting.

  Don’t be better than Jon.

  Because when all was said and done, it was her only defense against him.

  Chapter Seven

  “So, she hasn’t quit yet. Color me impressed.”

  Hayden leaned on the rail of his balcony, his phone pressed to one ear. “Your faith in me is encouraging as always, Wyatt.”

  “I researched a few alternative consultants just in case. I’m relieved to know we don’t need to use them. Yet.”

  “I doubt we’ll find ourselves without Avery’s assistance any time soon. She’s too professional to let our personal games impact the job.”

  “Good to hear. How are things going over there?”

  “Avery and Karen are examining every possibility. They are very thorough.”

  “I always thought so,” his friend agreed. “It’s why I’ve hired them so often.”

  “Yes, Avery mentioned the two of you had worked together on certain projects.”

  “Whenever a problem was serious enough to warrant my direct attention, yes.”

  “Did any of those projects happen to fall around the time of her divorce?”

  There was a beat of silence before Wyatt exhaled a huffed laugh. “Digging for information? Since when did y
ou start to care about your partner’s pasts?”

  “Not my usual sort of questions, are they?”

  “Could it be you’re turning over a new leaf?”

  He snorted. “Unlikely. Avery just piques my curiosity. I’d be a poor businessman not to use every resource at my disposal, and that includes you.”

  “Resource extraordinaire, at your command,” Wyatt said drily. “Though, I’d point out you could simply try asking her about her husband.”

  “I like to know how a situation will play out before I enter it,” he said.

  “Translation: she won’t talk to you, and your curiosity is eating you up.”

  Yes, his friend knew him too well.

  “That, too.”

  More chuckles filled his ear.

  “All right, Hayden. What do you want to know?”

  “Did she speak of her ex with you?”

  “Jon came up a time or two. I’m sure it will be no surprise to hear Avery is not exactly a huge talker when it comes to her personal life.”

  “Do you remember anything of use?”

  Wyatt sighed. “I remember that around the time of her divorce, she stopped smiling so freely. I hate to say it, but her reports might even have gotten better. It was like all her energy became focused on work. She’s always been dedicated, of course, but after she left him, the hours she put in for us got much longer. I never had doubts about booking her services.”

  “Happy to take advantage of the grieving divorcée, hmm?”

  “As if you would have done anything different.”

  Wyatt had a point. Hayden hadn’t even noticed when Avery had gone through this rough patch in her life, but if he had, he doubted it would have made much difference to him. He didn’t pry into other’s lives and expected the same courtesy.

  Except now he wanted to know everything about the woman he pursued.

  “So, she left him,” he said.

  “As far as I know. She never mentioned any specifics. I gathered he did something she found unforgivable.”

  Avery didn’t seem like the kind of woman to throw in the towel easily, especially having made a commitment like marriage. He couldn’t imagine her giving up for anything other than an insurmountable offense.

  What had the bastard done to her?

  His hand tightened on the rail. The idea of her being hurt sent a sharp pain shooting through him that he didn’t want to examine too closely.

  “I believe they were married three years or so,” Wyatt said. “Based on a comment she made once about her anniversary. As far as I know, they met during school. You could try asking Karen for more information. The pair are thick as thieves.”

  “Which means she’s not likely to betray any confidences,” he said, pushing away from the rail and stalking back into his room.

  “This might sound radical, but you could always go directly to the source.”

  “Wine and dine the facts out of her?”

  “You have a particular talent for getting people to talk against their own self-interests.”

  “I’m going to take that as a compliment.”

  He could almost see Wyatt shrugging, unconcerned. “There’s a reason you are so shrewd in the boardroom. Utilize those strengths with Ms. Clarke and see where it gets you.”

  Hayden ran a hand down his face, disliking the idea of using the same tactics to extract information from Avery that he did on a business rival. It seemed…cold.

  And his interactions with Avery were anything but.

  “I have to say, I’ve never seen so you interested in anyone. Romantically speaking.”

  That’s because you never saw me with Sophia.

  Wyatt’s presence in his life had come years later. Though there was little he didn’t share with his right-hand man, Sophia was a chapter of his life he didn’t speak of. With anyone.

  “I’m stuck on an island. There’s not a lot to fill my days.”

  “Yes. Stuck in paradise. It must be such a chore. Do Avery a favor and learn to surf. I’m sure there are a number of activities that can be used to fill the hours so you’ll leave her alone.”

  “I’ll think about it,” he lied.

  “Like hell you will. But while I have you, will you be available tomorrow for a conference call with the board?”

  “Isn’t that what I pay you to do?”

  “Yes, but funnily enough it’s your name on the hotels. That requires the occasional meeting.”

  A smile tugged at his lips. “I’ll make myself available.”

  “Excellent. I’ll email you the agenda.”

  “No rest for the wicked, hmm?”

  “Not when the wicked controls a billion-dollar corporation. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, Wyatt.”

  Hanging up the call, he tossed the phone onto the freshly made bed. Why was he so curious to know about Avery’s ex? It wasn’t like him to want to hear tales of those who had preceded him. Yet, like in all things, Avery seemed to be his exception to the rule.

  He rubbed his jaw, visions of her in his arms filling his mind. Yesterday might have been the wrong time and wrong place, but hell, it hadn’t been the wrong woman. He’d returned to the hotel and immediately treated himself to a cold shower. A long one.

  But though their impromptu make-out session had been ill-advised, it did make one thing very clear. The gala hadn’t been a fluke. The desire he felt for Avery wasn’t simple or brief.

  And though she didn’t want to admit it, she wanted him just as badly.

  Turning, he eyed the space on the balcony. Maybe Wyatt was right. Perhaps he needed to be more direct about the information he wanted to uncover.

  Tonight’s work update might benefit from a slight change in venue.

  With a grin, he grabbed the hotel phone and placed a call to the concierge.


  “How was your date?”

  Avery rolled her eyes. “It wasn’t a date.”

  “Sure,” Karen said, reaching for the financial reports scattered across the big conference table. “Did he kiss you?”

  Avery looked down at her laptop, suddenly engrossed in the information on her screen.

  Karen chuckled. “Totally a date. When’s your next one?”

  “I’m not dating Hayden Wexton.”

  “Hate to break it to you, honey, but it really seems like you are.”

  She glanced up. “Hayden doesn’t date.”

  “Maybe you’re just different,” she said with a shrug.

  Am I? Pleasure flooded her at the thought. Pleasure she had no business feeling. All night she’d tossed and turned, reliving their kiss in the secluded parking lot. The instant his hands touched her body, lust pounded through her veins, demanding she appease it. It had been the same the night of the gala. As they’d twirled around the dance floor, her body had come back to life. When she’d left Jon, she’d never thought that would happen. Yet something about that night and that man had rekindled a part of herself she’d thought she’d lost.

  Which was why when he reached for her hand with the half smile on his lips, she’d allowed him to guide her off the dance floor. She hadn’t hesitated to follow where he led. Even when the destination had been his room.

  Closing her eyes, she remembered how he’d stepped up behind her and caught the zipper of her dress. Agonizingly slow, he’d pulled it down, running his lips along the newly exposed skin until the straps slipped down her arms. In nothing but her panties and heels, she stepped out of the gown and twirled, draping her arms around his neck as she’d lifted her mouth for a kiss.

  There had been no hesitation in her body as he’d waltzed her backward toward the bed. She’d felt powerful when she’d climbed onto the soft white mattress and watched him pull the tie from his neck before his fingers flew down the buttons of his shirt. All the while his burning gaze had stayed pinned on her.

  That night with that man had been like acting out a dream. She’d never been blind to Hayden’s pattern. No
thing more than a few hours pleasure would ever come of that night. And so she’d let go of any inhibitions and simply demanded what she wanted, every which way she could get it. Under him, riding him, tasting him. He’d been her fantasy come to life.

  And now here he was, offering that all-consuming pleasure once more, if she just had the courage to take it.

  “You know, given he’s dating you when he doesn’t ever date, maybe this is more than just a fling to him.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. “He made it pretty clear on our not-date that he wasn’t looking for long term.”

  Karen shrugged. “Sometimes men are the last to know. What do you think?”

  I think if we could have a future, I’d fall into bed with him immediately.

  Which took her aback. Was she ready for a real relationship? Was she healed enough from Jon to really be what a partner would need her to be?

  What Hayden would need her to be?

  Excitement coursed through her before she fought it back.

  “I’m not in the business of trying to change people.”

  “Maybe it’s not changing him. Maybe it’s just helping him see what he really wants.”

  She released a long sigh. You couldn’t predict someone else’s behavior. It was a lesson she’d learned the hard way. Hayden’s inner thoughts were a mystery. If he wanted more from her, he certainly wasn’t saying it aloud.

  Best not to get her hopes up. Not yet, anyway.

  “Our two o’clock is here,” Karen said as a knock sounded on the door. “Ready?”

  “Show her in,” Avery agreed. Time to focus on the reason she was here.

  “Lea.” She greeted the pretty receptionist as she stepped into the room. “Thank you for taking the time to talk to us.”

  “My pleasure,” the other woman said, taking an empty seat at the table.

  “We’re trying to find time to speak with permanent staff. Anything you say to us is completely confidential, of course. We just want to get your opinion on how the hotel is running.”

  Lea crossed her legs, tucking a dark lock of hair behind her ear. “I understand.”

  Karen dropped into her chair, fiddling with the recorder, while Avery took her seat next to Lea.

  “All right, let’s get started. For the record, how long have you been employed here?”


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