Awakened by the Vampire

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Awakened by the Vampire Page 2

by Holly Brookes

  “What’ll you do to me?”

  “You stay here for six days. Part of the process. It’s enough time for you to make your choice.”

  “About what?”

  He simply held her gaze, the gleam in his eyes illegible. “You must be hungry. You were out for four hours.”

  She blinked, shocked by the length of time. “No thanks to you.”

  “I forget my strength can’t be underestimated. I’ll order pizza. Relax, and I may consider releasing you earlier.”

  “Great. And I like anchovies with extra cheese.”

  He smiled and left the room, closing the door behind him. She stared after him, the cold enclosing her in its grip and causing her to shiver. He’d talked about a process and regulations. For what? Nothing sane. The way he’d spoken implied he had done this before.

  Madison pulled at the metal against her wrists and it dug into her skin, a chilling reminder that she had no hope of escaping. She glanced at Trevor, feeling a stab of fear. He hung motionless, but his chest still rose and fell. He was alive.

  Looking around, she discerned it was a basement. Cold concrete walls; a single light. She turned her head to look behind her, tension pulling at her neck as she tried to catch a view obscured by her arm. Thin strips of windows barely showed the dark sky. No way to escape.

  The door swung open and she glimpsed a carpeted hall before it closed. Liam held a steaming box of pizza, the smell igniting her hunger. They had to be within delivery distance to a pizza place. In four hours, he could’ve taken her anywhere.

  “Smells good,” she offered. “Are you gonna feed it to me?”

  “I’ll let you go so you can eat comfortably. Don’t attempt to run.”

  He set the pizza on an empty desk and came to her. With his chest inches from hers, her breathing quickened. She stared at the contours of his muscles, trying to separate thoughts of Liam, her date, to the man who was her abductor. He raised an arm, clasping his hand over the metal. She tilted her head to see him wrench it free from the roof, dust filtering down against her face.

  Her jaw dropped, his display of strength leaving her in stunned silence. Tension left her arms and she hit the ground, her hands still bound together. Not wasting one second, she ran for the door. She grasped the doorknob and pulled but was met with an agonizing click. Locked.

  Madison spun around to face Liam directly behind her. He flashed a wide smile. “Thought you were hungry? Pizza’s getting cold.”

  “W-who are you?”

  “I told you my name. But this is only the beginning of the truth. I have to ease you into this, it may be too much for you to cope with.”

  “Right. Is this your usual way of dating? Kidnap a woman, feed her pizza, keep her locked in a basement while spouting pointless statements?”

  Liam closed took hold of her wrists. She watched as he grasped the metal and it simply broke beneath his touch as if it were clay and not solid steel.

  She rubbed at her wrists, her skin raw. “What the hell are you?”

  “It’s a form of metal manufactured by the Council used only to begin the delicate process of turning.” He reached for the pizza. “Eat. You’ll need a full stomach.”

  “Uh, is it poisoned?”

  “It’s good pizza.”

  He went for the door and turned the doorknob. It unlocked easily, obviously opened by a certain amount of pressure.

  With her lips set in resignation, she looked at him. “When will you explain all of this?”

  “After you’ve eaten. There’s a camera in this room, I’ll keep an eye on you, make sure you’re okay.”

  Madison stared at him, still trying to accept what she’d seen. He broke metal with his bare hands. It had to be a trick. But she couldn’t refute what he’d done. She met his gaze, curiosity melding with a healthy dose of fear. He looked unperturbed.

  “And if I need to take a bathroom break?” she asked.

  “Knock on the door and I’ll come for you.”

  Liam left her in silence. She chewed her way through three slices of pizza, allowing hunger to distract her from the situation. And then it was terror forcing her to eat the rest but once the box was empty, she couldn’t hold back her tears.

  She crumpled to the floor, letting the box fall as she dissolved into a barely coherent mess. Hot tears stained her face as she tried to repress the pain building within her. She was utterly vulnerable…and lusting after her captor.

  Chapter Three

  Liam sat before the monitor, observing Madison. Shame threatened to overwhelm his composure. Hell, this was part of the siring process. He went through it often and this was no different.

  But this attraction to her couldn’t be denied. He wanted to threaten everything by telling her outright of his origin, yet the Council had set the psychological rules. Humans were too fragile, easily broken once they became aware of a darker world, beings other than their own species.

  He already made a mistake by choosing to free her from her chains. His display of strength was enough to reveal he wasn’t ordinary, but he was right in choosing her. Perhaps, finally, she was the one he’d been searching for. He had no intentions of turning her. She didn’t warrant that fate, but she deserved the truth.

  The existence of vampires had to be kept hidden, and had been successfully for centuries. All were aware that the population had to be regulated and strictly controlled. If not, vampirism would spread; humanity would become aware and that had the potential to start a war.

  He watched her now huddling in the corner, turned in the direction of the other man. He’d gotten in the way of his claim, but he’d serve his purpose. If Madison was the one he believed, the man would be turned instead and handed over to the Council. The process had to continue.

  She would be his. He felt desire flaring to life as a yearning hunger, more powerful than the need to feed. A human emotion that had shaken him powerfully when he first saw her in the diner. He couldn’t abandon this need. He had to understand it.

  Hours passed, yet time meant nothing. He’d been through decades of living to know that an hour meant little, like a speck of sand in an hourglass. Madison was undoubtedly strong, but it wouldn’t last. Many capitulated to their fear within days. Once it eased, they’d be prepared to hear the truth, willing to believe anything if it meant freedom.

  But could he break tradition by telling her sooner? Liam leaned closer to the monitor, staring at the curves of her slim, undeniably sexy body. No, he couldn’t break the process even for her. It was too dangerous to assume she could manage this early.

  When Madison finally went to the makeshift bed, a lone mattress in the corner, he left the room and went to her. The door lay at the end of a sloping hall. The house itself was recently taken from a woman he’d regrettably killed. The room had been specially prepared for monthly conversions and the door only opened under his strength.

  Liam stepped into the dimly lit room, prepared for her to make her move. She lay on the bed, motionless, her back turned to him. He let the door close and went to her, casting a glance at the man she’d called Trevor. He was still unconscious.

  As he stood above her, need hardened his cock. If only she was aware of the pleasures she could find with him. He was willing to confer everything to keep her happy. Right now she despised him for what he’d done, but soon she would understand. Soon she would surrender.

  She turned to look at him, her sharp blue eyes a glint in the darkness. “You like watching me sleep?”

  “Not at all. I prefer the activity that could precede it.”

  She sat up, her eyes narrowing. He saw past her attempt at revulsion to the yearning within and he wanted to kiss her, subdue her unneeded panic. Her lips were full, needing to be kissed and her hair was rumpled as if she’d been fucked. Shit, he’d never wanted someone this badly.

  She leaned back, the movement thrusting her breasts high. “I doubt you get close to your victims.”

  “You’re a guest.”

nbsp; “I’m a prisoner!”

  He gestured to the door. “If I let you go, would you stay? This is the only way. It’s too late for either of us to go back.”

  “Mind giving me an explanation? Or are you going to be vague like a stereotypical murderer?”

  “I’m not killing you. You’ve seen what I can do. I think you’re starting to understand, to believe.”

  “What, that you’re on drugs? Just let me fucking go!”

  He stepped back, aware that while she was livid, it wasn’t the time for conversation. He knew the phases. They’d beg, cry, attempt a bargain and as the days passed, they’d soon realize he had no devious intentions. They’d become complacent, willing to listen and once they understood, they were never the same. Shock would render his actions obsolete.

  Yet Madison…she made him feel differently.

  She stood, her hands balled into fists. “Tell me why you’re doing this!”

  “I can’t until you’re ready.”

  But for the first time, he was unsure of his actions.

  Madison rocked back and forth on the mattress, her knees pulled against her chest. The movement felt calming, a way to distract herself. What did Liam mean when he said she had to be ready? Begging him for it? With the way he’d stared earlier, she’d struggled not to kiss him. It was messed up. Completely crazy. Yet it felt right.

  After he left, anger consumed her. She’d kicked at the mattress, burying her foot into it over and over until her rage was spent. She’d never felt more helpless in her life, everything she had now in the hands of a man she used to trust.

  First Trevor, now Liam. Her taste in men was unbelievable.

  She turned her attention to the windows. Their height wasn’t an issue, Trevor could easily touch them, but they were too small to fit through. She stared at the darkening sky, the full moon a chunk of gleaming white in the dark. Is this where I die? She fought back her doubts. He promised six days, and that’s what she’d allow.

  Remembering how he’d broken her chains beneath bare hands, she walked over to their remains. She knelt and grabbed one, feeling it between her fingers. It was solid steel.

  What the hell?

  She closed her eyes, trying to shut out the irrational ideas carving through her thoughts. Breaking metal as if it were nothing wasn’t probable. It was…inhuman. Maybe the truth he seemed intent on revealing was something different.

  Madison looked at Trevor. He still hadn’t awoken. She feared he’d suffered brain damage and despite his cheating, they were in this situation together and she needed him alive.


  She slapped his cheek. The sound echoed and brought a brief sense of satisfaction. Silence lengthened and then finally, his brown eyes fluttered, framed by those thick eyelashes she used to love. He looked at her with a blank, confused stare. Suddenly he jolted back, glanced up at the chains and pulled roughly. “What the fuck is this? You set this up!”

  “I didn’t!”

  A flash of movement arced beneath her and she felt his leg bury into her side. The impact left her crouched on the floor, the breath knocked from her body. She struggled to focus, pain throbbing through her chest mingled with surprise.

  The door opened. She raised her head to see Liam step between them, a hand going to Trevor’s throat. “Don’t you dare harm her.”

  She gaped at him, knowing what he was capable of. After a few tense seconds, Liam released him, leaving Trevor to choke and gasp for air. Liam broke his chains beneath one hand. Trevor slumped to the floor and she ran to him, wondering if he was still alive. If Liam’s grip was enough to break metal, it would be strong enough to shatter bone.

  As she met Liam’s gaze, he seemed to understand her apprehension.

  “I can control my strength easily,” he said. “I’ve forsaken the process already. But he…can’t be part of this.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’ll see on the third day.”

  She stared after him until the door closed. Something about him still made her heart race.

  Trevor gasped for air and sat up, a hand at his throat. “What…?”

  “He’s unnaturally strong. And he’s our abductor. Thanks for thinking I had something to do with this.”

  “Women go crazy when they find out they’ve been cheated on.”

  She glared at him. “Maybe he should hurt you some more.”

  Trevor stood, observing the room. He walked around the perimeter, tapping at the concrete walls as if he believed there was a weakness. Then he stopped, his nostrils flaring. “Is that pizza? A cruel way of saying it’s our last meal?”

  “I didn’t leave any for you.”

  He smirked and went to the door, crouching to observe the crack of light along its border. “This door…I can break it down. Stay back.”

  He grasped the doorknob and pulled hard, his muscles bulging. He cursed, slamming and kicking at the door, the heavy pounding echoing loudly.

  “Fuck!” he finished. “He left this room, and I didn’t hear him lock it. That’s the man I saw you with earlier.”

  “Yeah, my potential date.”

  “And this is his way of seducing you? He sure as hell better not be interested in threesomes.”

  Madison smiled, but couldn’t help feel a twinge of sadness. Hearing him talk, the inflections in his voice, it was all pure memory and she had to remind herself that they were over.

  “I doubt it. You should keep calm and not get him mad.”

  “Madison, if we don’t make it through this...I’m sorry, and—”

  She lowered her gaze. “Save it. Now’s not the time.”

  “We probably don’t have much left.”

  She flinched and turned away, welcoming the lingering silence. She went to the mattress and tried to lie down, but the cool air made her shiver.

  “How long was I out?” Trevor asked.

  “Too long. I was starting to worry.”

  Their eyes met, and she could finally accept it was over. He’d torn their relationship apart but despite the animosity and pain, she was glad to be held captive with him and not a complete stranger.

  “Come lie with me. This is our bed for the next few days. We should try and sleep.”

  Trevor closed the distance and sank onto the mattress beside her, his arm against hers. She welcomed the warmth and looked at him, yearning for some semblance of normalcy.

  “What do we know about your unnaturally strong date?” Trevor asked.

  “He can break solid metal. And he plans on keeping us here for a week.”

  “Then what?”

  “I don’t know. But I think it’s something we’ll never be ready for.”

  “Fuck this shit. What is he?”

  She grimaced, not wanting to allow those dark thoughts. If he wasn’t human, how much of the world was truly veiled? “Maybe he’s protecting us from supernatural creatures.”

  That brought a laugh from him. “He tops Wolverine since he can break metal without adamantium claws.”

  “You geek.”

  Their banter brought light relief, but nothing eased her unyielding desire for Liam. She despised herself for it. It was at a level she could barely comprehend, a powerful desire that left her weak. He was dominant and protective and part of her knew she had nothing to fear, but it was this tension making her edgy.

  Even with Trevor by her side, the memory of Liam leaning close, his lips almost on hers, kept every nerve in her body tense. She couldn’t truly hate Liam for what he’d done, but wanted desperately to understand.

  Madison managed to fall asleep but only after hours of tormenting herself with the possibility of Liam’s revelation. Upon awakening, the room was easier to see. The broken chains were scattered across the floor, two holes embedded in the ceiling from where Liam had torn them free. Her gaze fell on the desk.

  Her eyes widened and she jabbed an elbow into Trevor’s side. He stirred, cutting short another snore.

he muttered. “Looks like our captor was feeling generous.”

  Madison studied their surroundings. “The camera has to be somewhere.”

  He glanced at her. “And you forgot to mention that important detail?”

  “Forget it. It’s the second day. Tomorrow he’ll give an explanation.”

  “And what comes after that? You seriously think he’s something…inhuman?”

  The concept didn’t scare her, but made her intrigued. From her mom’s court cases, she believed humans were perceivably as callous as any potential creature. She’d read glimpses of depravity, witnessed delusions of the guilty and it culminated in the hope that anything supernatural couldn’t be worse than humanity’s cruelty.

  If it was true…why wasn’t she truly afraid? And still drawn to Liam like nothing else?

  She left his question unanswered and went to the food piled onto the desk. Sparkling mineral water from Italy. Organic granola bars. Enough to keep them sustained for days and craving real food.

  Trevor came up beside her. “So this is what we have to eat. He wants me to suffer.”

  “It could be worse.”

  “I can’t eat this crap! And this room feels like a damn cage.”

  She sat on the mattress, not knowing what else to do. “Sleep’s the best way to pass time.”

  “Gives him another opportunity to enter while we’re out of it. Who knows what he thinks about doing to you.”

  She didn’t want her thoughts to go there, but luckily, anything sexual involving Liam was completely restrained by dread. The longer they waited for an explanation, the more wary she felt.

  The doorknob turned.

  Trevor stepped aside and leaned against the wall behind the door. As Liam entered the room, he lunged, attempting to move behind him. Liam backhanded Trevor against his chest, sending him sprawling to the floor.


  “He’ll regain consciousness. Eventually.”

  She turned to Liam as he closed the distance between them. He cupped her cheek with his hand, his skin cool to the touch, but it sent a fire of desire through her. She swallowed, her heart racing. She stared up at him, vulnerable beneath his touch, and his dark green eyes lowered to her lips.


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