Awakened by the Vampire

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Awakened by the Vampire Page 15

by Holly Brookes

  As much as she hated Ava, she confounded her. She worked for the Council, yet was willing to give them potentially deadly information.

  “It won’t happen. I don’t believe you’ll start anything. It’s a myth. The inevitable war concerns me most. You can read all you want but it changes nothing. I did this out of obligation for the man who sired me, that’s all.”

  She studied her impassive face. “You still love him.”

  Ava smirked. “That’s an emotion we no longer feel. Doesn’t it hurt to know you no longer have a life, your humanity?”

  She flinched, her words delving right to her vulnerability. “He had to save my life. I’m thankful he did.”

  “You caused him to break his loyalty to the Council. Do you wonder if it’s real, the connection you seem to have? Or is it due to the Awakening?”

  She stiffened. “None of this is your business.”

  “There will always be a dark side to him. You know it. You’ve felt the primal instincts of a vampire, his are just much more refined. I can tell you everything he won’t dare to admit.”

  Madison hesitated. It was extremely tempting to hear of Liam’s past. He’d told her some, but not enough to quell her curiosity and deep down, she didn’t want to bring up those dark memories for him. Besides, Ava could easily lie.

  “I’m only interested in knowing how he became a Council member,” she said.

  “When he killed humans, he bled them. He murdered them with brutality.”

  Her mouth went dry. In the several months she’d known Liam, it wasn’t enough to learn of decades of his life. Vampires always had that inhuman, animal side and she felt it herself but never embraced it. Ava was likely embellishing the truth, playing on her ignorance but it ravaged her inside to consider Liam’s murderous past. He was a killer. No better than the men her mom defended in court.

  But…no. She couldn’t think that way. He was her Liam. He wasn’t that way before becoming inhuman. Vampirism had altered him as much as her.

  Ava continued. “It was his ruthlessness which allowed him to enter our service. The Council was impressed but also afraid. You see, they don’t want a vampire to blatantly sire and garner the reputation he’d earned. They ordered him dead. But it all changed when Liam murdered a family member of Daniel’s.”

  She immediately recognized that name. “The one who helped him with his Newborn trial.”

  “Yes. And Daniel left him there for hours in an act of revenge. Liam never knew. Daniel recruited him after the trial.”


  “It’s a matter of control,” Ava replied. “Liam was out of theirs, and they didn’t like his blatant defiance of the Council’s rules. Fear of losing control is powerful motivation.”

  She was stunned. “Why didn’t they just kill him?”

  “Death is too sudden, over in an instant. Daniel wanted Liam to regret what he’d done, and the only way to make him see the error of his ways was to make him a member of the Council.”

  Madison frowned. “And Liam knows this?”

  She didn’t know if he could overhear them, as they were several feet from the car. Ava lowered her gaze. “No. When Liam and I…parted ways, I fucked Daniel.”

  “Oh. That explains it,” Madison murmured, surprised by her bluntness. From the way Ava focused on Liam, she didn’t expect the woman to move on after him.

  “There, you both got what you wanted. I’ll take my leave.” Ava walked back to the limo, her heels clattering on the pavement. Madison stared after her for a moment before returning to the car. Liam joined her not long after.

  “We have everything the Council concealed, even from one of my position.”

  Seeing her shocked expression, he set the laptop aside and pulled her against him. After what Ava had revealed, she tensed, but allowed herself to rest against his chest. She closed her eyes, wanting to shut out the thought of him as a sadistic murderer.

  “I overheard all that was said.”

  “I was curious.”

  He pulled away, searching her face. “Nothing was a lie. I know what I did, and I felt nothing for it. I’d lost my identity, become less of a person and more of an animal.”

  She drew in a breath, aware of what he was about to reveal.

  “I’d been in a frenzy. Reduced to a mindless killer. It happened not long after Cassandra’s death. For endless months, I lost track of what I did, who I killed and hurt. Blood was all that called to me, and the act of killing. The Council recruited me and eased me out of that state. That was how they saved me from myself. Being unable to recall my actions, I think it’s better that way. It would’ve driven me mad with guilt. I could regret it every day of my life but it wouldn’t be enough.”

  “Oh, Liam,” she breathed, lost for words at all he’d been through.

  “I couldn’t bring myself to talk of that part of my past. I wasn’t myself, and because of that, I wanted to avoid it. Far as I’m concerned, it didn’t matter. All those I’ve killed since then have been accidental. I no longer feel that depraved hunger. What Ava told you was for the best.”

  “I know. It was hard to hear.” She held his gaze. “Did she tell you about Daniel?”

  His eyes flashed. “No.”

  “She said he was the one who left you during your trial.”

  Liam visibly tensed. “Yeah, shit. He told me he assigned that duty to Ricardo. Hearing that makes me damn glad I’m free from them and their overbearing interference. Wouldn’t be surprised if they’d ordered Cassandra killed.”

  “Did you know you killed someone close to Daniel?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t recall. It was during my frenzy. Fuck, I thought they’d accepted I wasn’t in control of myself. I believed they’d been family to me. All this time it was a façade, a twisted form of torture.”

  He slammed a fist against the door, jolting it from its hinges. She jumped and at her reaction, he softened.

  “Sorry. I have a lot of anger to work out, sweetheart.”

  Recalling what she’d said about frustration, she offered a smile. “I can help with that.”

  Upon arriving home, Liam connected the laptop to power and seated himself.

  “Anything juicy?” Madison asked.

  He’d been silent in a way that she knew his anger was simmering just below the surface. To see this side of him worried her. She wanted to hold him close, kiss away his fury and helplessness towards the deceit the Council had inflicted. She understood that he wanted to feel accepted, part of a family. Something he didn’t seem to have with his own. He’d looked to the Council for that and his safety net had been torn away, shattering all he’d believed in.

  He cleared his throat. “I’m opening them now. See? Hang on…”

  She stared at the screen, noticing an error message. “She gave us corrupted files! The bitch.”

  “They aren’t corrupted, they’re blocked with restricted access. Solving it involves hacking into Council servers or guessing the password. Even with the right program, it’ll take time we don’t have. Shit. Our only advantage and we’ve lost it.”

  Madison thought over their options. “Ethan could help. Maybe werewolves are tech savvy, or he’ll give us their files. It’s a long shot, but it’s something.”

  He stared at her in surprise before his expression hardened. “Okay. Lead the way.”

  Knowing of his aggravation towards werewolves and Ethan’s reluctance to talk, she raised a hand, pressing it against his firm chest. “Down, boy. I don’t think it’ll work. He’ll want to talk to me only. He’s skittish.”

  Liam grinned. “Kittenish, more like. Go then. Be careful.”

  She rolled her eyes and kissed him. He gave her a nod of encouragement before she stepped outside. It hurt to leave him behind, especially when he was recovering from the emotional bombshell dropped on him, but she’d be quick. He trusted her enough to return to Ethan, overcoming his jealous suspicion. Another reason she loved him.

  The night sky
was tainted with light pollution, but the moon wasn’t full. Ethan couldn’t transform. She heard a blood curdling scream that suddenly cut short and she slowed. Hearing voices several blocks away, she quickly ducked behind a building. God, it sounded like she’d overheard a murder.

  “Fucking werewolf! Has to be more somewhere.”

  “Come on, it’s not even a full moon. Probably at their kennels.”

  They were hunting already. They were too late. The thought terrified her, and she felt even more helpless knowing that the Council files were useless.

  “We managed to kill two, let’s call it a night.”

  Their voices faded into the distance and as she emerged from her position, she watched two vampires cross the street, catching a flash of silver. Silver knives. She spun around, concerned for Ethan when she collided with a broad chest. Glancing up, she expected Liam but Ethan stood before her, a frown creasing his face. She stared in surprise. He looked years older than when she last saw him, his cheeks hollow, blond hair more unruly.

  “They’ve started already. I’m so sorry,” she said. “We want to help stop this.”

  “I know. I hoped to find you. The Council must’ve been monitoring all werewolves. They’re killing us in human forms, finding our homes, our workplaces, with ease.”

  “I heard,” she muttered in disgust. “They’re armed with silver knives. So it’s true silver kills?”

  “In our werewolf form, it does nothing. We’re fast which is why you never hear of a werewolf hunter. Human reaction times are too slow to compete against ours. Even vampires refuse to attack us; our speed is superior.”

  She noticed his arrogant tone and couldn’t help but smile.

  “Our resistance is also extremely high,” he continued. “Silver merely weakens us. But we’re vulnerable in our human state, can only be killed then. Until the next full moon, we can’t fight back at full strength.”

  “We have files on the Awakening.”

  Ethan frowned. “You came to tell me that?”

  “Actually, I need your help.”

  She heard footsteps in the distance. She opened her mouth to warn him, but Ethan lowered behind the dumpster. He gestured for her to join and she didn’t hesitate, crouching down beside him.

  As the stranger passed the alleyway, she stared. It was Olivia, obviously still searching the streets for her.

  “She’s still trying to hunt me. She’ll get killed, and not by me.”

  Ethan rubbed his forehead. “She’s a hunter. They don’t usually think. If they did, they’d know not to try hunting a vampire.”

  “I feel sorry for her,” she admitted. “It was my fault she ended up this way.”

  “You don’t know that,” Ethan offered. “She could’ve been a hunter all her life.”

  “Hunters don’t last very long.”

  He laughed; the low rumbling sound eased the tension over their serious situation. She allowed a smile. Right now, she needed to get him to safety - until an idea occurred to her.

  “Hey, do you know where the main Council building is?”

  “No,” Ethan replied, and his eyes widened when he realized what she was suggesting. “And hell no, it’s only going to aggravate this war.”

  “But you can easily attack it in the light of day! They’ll be unable to fight back.”

  Ethan winced and turned away.

  “I know it’s a lot to ask of you, but something has to be done to shake their confidence. Take them by surprise. Isn’t this something your kind has wanted?”

  Ethan nodded, eyes gleaming. “Revenge. This is unprecedented, you know. Vampires and werewolves working together…many won’t like the change, but fuck that. We’ll get it done. At this point, bloodshed’s inevitable.”

  There was a sudden haze of speed. Something barreled into her and she was thrown back to land hard on the cold pavement. She jolted sharply but ignored the pain and stood, noticing two vampires with silver knives brandished in front of Ethan. They must’ve overheard or sensed them.

  “Don’t!” she protested. They were equally as fast as her and she couldn’t get to them in time to stop them. Ethan glanced at her, eyes wide. He knew what would happen, that she was helpless to stop it. Something settled across his face. An eerie calm.

  She couldn’t let him die. Not this way.

  She flung herself forward, her speed blurring her vision as she reached for him, grasped his arm and wrenched him away. Stumbling out onto the street in view of humans, she felt Ethan slump against her. Touching him, she felt her hands brush against metal.

  “God, no. No!”

  It was too late. She stared in horror at the two knives buried in his chest, puncturing his lungs. It’d been quick. His green eyes looked up at her, but saw nothing. She released him and let him slide onto the pavement. Blood pooled below him and she numbly stared.


  In her shock, she didn’t register someone stride up to her until a boot slammed into her face. Her head snapped back and she swore, instinctively pressing a hand against her nose. Her assailant was none other than Olivia with that comical look of anger.

  Olivia attempted to kick at her again and as her leg shot out, Madison grabbed it and shoved her backwards. She hit the ground heavily, and shouted out in pain.

  “Sandra’s dead. This is too dangerous for you and I don’t have time to waste anymore. If you keep trying to kill me, you’ll only end up like her.”

  “Don’t you dare tell me what to do!”

  She reached for something in her pocket. Madison angrily shoved her back and she hit the ground heavily. She didn’t move. Was she dead? She didn’t care, as childish as that sounded. This was about saving their species, and during this war it was inevitable that reckless hunters would get caught in the crossfire.

  And Ethan…he’s gone.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Madison threw open the door. She was compelled to fall into Liam’s arms and tell him everything. She needed to release her anger about Ethan’s unnecessary death, about her failure.

  But he wasn’t alone. She stared at Ava sitting alongside him. Liam saw her and rushed over, concern glittering in his eyes.

  He jerked his head, motioning to Ava. “She’s here to decrypt the files like she should’ve done. Took my anger out on her, knocked her around.”

  That made her smile. Ava didn’t deserve to be treated civilly.

  “They’re in an encrypted state,” Ava announced. A bruise marred her pale skin and she looked unhappy with Liam’s reception.

  “Deal with it,” Liam muttered. He pulled her close, kissing her forehead. “What happened with Ethan?”

  “Werewolves are being massacred covertly, which is entirely unfair to them. Turns out the Council’s been monitoring them.”

  “Yes, we have,” Ava interrupted. “It’s a precautionary measure in case they choose to attack us and we can retaliate easily.”

  Liam frowned. “Not something I knew of. And Ethan?”

  “He’s…dead,” she managed to say. “I couldn’t stop them.”

  He stood back from her, running a hand through his dark cropped hair - a gesture she realized meant frustration. “Shit. I should’ve come with you.”

  For once, she didn’t disagree. “Perhaps it would’ve saved his life.”

  His eyes widened. “Don’t start with the speculations, sweetheart. It happened. This whole situation’s a damn mess.”

  “The Council believes it’ll benefit themselves,” Ava explained. “They’re taking steps that will ensure the survival of us in the long term. The desired results: a reduced vampire population and a weakened enemy.”

  She moved off the couch. “The files are ready for you now. I’m taking my leave.”

  Liam had been glowering at the floor before he raised his head and cut her off. “You’ll stay. The Council have shown their ruthlessness, we’ll show ours. I’m confronting Elijah and ending his reign.”

  Ava spluttered. “What? That’s crazy!

  “You can source the layout of the Manhattan tower. Find Elijah.”

  Madison’s eyes widened. “Liam…”

  Ava stared for a long moment. She didn’t look convinced, and it meant turning completely against the Council. Madison didn’t know how Liam would convince her to go that far. Confronting the central Council was ludicrous but judging from the wild gleam in his eyes, he was aware.

  “The Awakening’s a last resort,” he said. “Ava will disable security to allow us to enter during an opportune time.”

  “There are many things I’d agree to, but not this,” she snapped.

  “You owe me. Besides, once Elijah’s taken out, you’ll get that promotion you wanted. Jonathon’s had his eye on you for years.”

  Ava’s anger dissipated. “Ah. That sweetens the deal. Security can be disabled from within, but I’ll need to escort you inside. Guards check every vamp who comes through, and since you’re considered my privileged guests, they won’t look twice.”

  Madison had to smile. She was more selfish than she’d thought, but right now, it was helpful.

  “So it’ll be just you and me?” Madison looked at Liam.

  He nodded. Ethan would’ve been a great asset. It was a suicidal plan; they needed more people, even if they proved to be distractions. And there was that analytical side of her, picking apart something for flaws.

  “What if we get vampires from the havens to help us?”

  “They may be rebellious against the Council, but they won’t dare to confront them otherwise it would’ve happened years ago.”

  Madison sighed and ran a hand through her hair. Wanting to avoid Ava’s unwelcome presence, she gestured for Liam to follow her to the bedroom and they took a seat on the bed. Finally, privacy and a moment to relax.

  “How are you, Madison?”

  She let out a weary sigh. “This plan is the definition of desperation.”

  “I promised I’d do anything to keep you safe.”

  “I know.”

  “Losing Ethan must’ve been…Hell, I didn’t like you seeing him anyway.”

  She smiled and met the green gleam of his eyes. Liam was jealous even without needing to be, but the concern in his taut expression warmed her.


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