Finding Cyn: Devil's Knights Series

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Finding Cyn: Devil's Knights Series Page 15

by Winter Travers

  “No.’ I breathed a sigh of relief, grateful. ‘But I’m not a saint, beautiful. If you ever come to the clubhouse for a party, you are more than likely going to end up meeting women I’ve been with.”

  I didn’t say anything. I felt my chest tighten, hurt from the fact I would meet women from his past. I was confused, though. Did I have a right to be hurt when I wasn’t Rigid’s girlfriend? Were we dating? Or were we just a hook up?

  Rigid had said he wasn’t going anywhere, but for how long? That was the same problem Meg had when she had first met King.

  She waited for the day he would leave her, because she didn’t think she was good enough.

  Meg had issues that I don’t have though. I knew who I was and, although I knew I wasn’t the most beautiful woman, I knew that I looked good. At least I would when all my bruises faded. My face was basically healed and unless you saw me naked, you couldn’t tell that I had been beaten. My stomach was taking longer to heal, but even those bruises were fading more and more each day.

  “What are we, Rigid?” I hesitantly asked.


  I tilted my head back to look at him. His eyes were pointed down at me and we just stared at each other.

  “Are we anything at all?” I whispered, afraid of the answer.

  “We’re more than I’ve ever had.”

  “Does that mean we’re dating?” I guessed, shocked by his words.

  “It means you’re mine. That first night I saw you at your anti-bachelorette party, I wanted you. It may have only been that I only wanted you in my bed, but I still wanted you. Knowing you now and seeing everything you’ve been through and how you somehow made it out stronger then you’ve ever been, has made me want you forever.”

  “What if I’m not ready for that?” I admitted.

  “Then we do whatever you are ready for. If all you want is a friend right now, that’s all I’ll be.”

  “What if I want more than a friend?” I whispered, afraid to say the words out loud.

  “I’ll be whatever you want, Cyn. Just tell me.”

  “I want you to kiss me.” I didn’t hesitate. I knew exactly what I wanted from Rigid. He wanted me to be his and I wanted him to be mine.

  We leaned into each other, meeting half way. His lips brushed against mine, the breath I had been holding rushed out, relieved to finally feel his lips on mine again.

  He gently pushed me onto my back, his hand coming up, caressing my face. “I don’t want to hurt you, Cyn. If you want me to stop, all you have to do it tell me. I promise,” Rigid vowed.

  “You couldn’t hurt me if you tried, Rigid. You may be rough around the edges sometimes, but I know deep down, under all this muscle, bad assery and blue hair, you’d die before you would hurt me.’ I snaked my hand up his arm, grasping the back of his neck and pulled his lips down to mine. ‘Kiss me.” I whispered, my lips a breath away from his.

  Rigid gazed down at me, not moving. “What did I do to deserve you?” He asked, his eyes going lazy.

  “You were there when I needed you, even though I didn’t know I needed anything,” I whispered.

  “I’ll always be there,” he vowed.

  “Prove it.” I closed the gap, pressing my lips to his.

  Rigid took over instantly, his lips hard and demanding. I ran my hand down his back, grasping the hem of his tee and tugged it up.

  “Fuck, you taste so good,” Rigid rumbled against my lips. I whimpered, missing the touch of his lips even for a second.

  I reached up with my broken arm, trying to reach his face and I can’t bend it enough to touch him. “Put your arm down, beautiful. You’ll knock me out with that thing,” Rigid grunted as he lowered his lips back to mine.

  “I want to touch you.” I mumbled against his lips.

  “Shh,” he whispered, silencing me with his kiss. His kiss was demanding, taking everything I had to give. His tongue slipping in my mouth, tasting and teasing.

  I heard Rigid growl, his hand sliding down my neck, caressing my breast, making my body arch up, begging for more.

  “More,’ Rigid rumbled, ripping his lips from mine. Leaning back on his knees, he ripped his shirt off, throwing it towards our dinner that had been forgotten. ‘I need to feel more of you.”

  I sat up, running my hand over his rock hard abs, traveling up, flicking his nipple. I moaned, wanting more too. I quickly folded my legs under me, so I was mirroring Rigid, both of our hands resting on out thighs, not touching.

  “I want to taste you. I need to feel you on my tongue,” I confessed as I leaned forward, my fingertips touching his nipple piercing.

  I hesitantly snaked my tongue, taking a taste of Rigid. The instant my tongue touched the hard metal, I know I never wanted to touch another man. Rigid growled above me, and goose bumps sprang up all over his body.

  Reaching up with my hand, I played with his other piercing as I licked and sucked, enjoying the control I had over Rigid with just a few touches.

  “Fuck me, I’ve been praying for the day you would do that.” Rigid moaned, his hands caressing my back, pulling my shirt up, bunching it up in his hands.

  Breaking contact with Rigid, I grabbed the hem of my shirt and ripped it over my head, throwing it behind us. “Yes,” Rigid said as he eyes went liquid with desire, his hands clenched at his sides.

  “Touch me, Rigid. I need to know you want me,” I pleaded, knowing if he looked at me for one more second, I would combust from the desire and need he stirred up inside me.

  Rigid unclenched his fists, flexing his fingers as he eyes continued to devour me. He touched my shoulders, trailing his fingers down my arms. “Two more weeks till this comes off?” Rigid asked as he grabbed my fingers that were sticking out of the cast and lifted them to his mouth, kissing them.

  I nodded my head yes, unable to form a coherent sentence. I couldn’t wait till I got the fucking thing off. It had been driving me insane. I couldn’t tie my shoes, along with about fifty other things and now I just added touching Rigid to the list of things it was fucking with.

  I pushed on Rigid’s chest, knocking him onto his back, crawled on top of him and straddled his waist. I heard the sounds of birds chirping and it pulled me out of the moment. “Shit, Rigid! What if someone comes down here?” I shrilled, panicked as I tried to cover myself with my arms. I twisted around reaching for my shirt that I had just tossed off. Jesus, what the hell was I thinking? Whenever I was around Rigid, it was like I forgot about everything else and only saw him.

  “Beautiful, stop. No one is going to come down here. It’s a private drive and lake,” Rigid said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him.

  “How do you know that? The owner might come down here or fuck, I don’t know, drive by on his boat.’ Rigid laughed, his body shaking underneath me. ‘Stop! I’m serious!” I shouted.

  “Babe, Gravel owns this. I texted him, asking if I could come up here for a little bit. He barely comes up here since we’ve gotten the garage going and now with working on the strip club it’ll be awhile till he gets up here. He plans on building a house here in a couple years. We’re the only ones here. Promise,” Rigid assured me.

  I looked around, noticing there were no house in sight and you couldn’t see the main road from where we were. “How the hell does Gravel own a whole fucking lake?” I asked.

  “Something about it being family property. We never believed him till he showed it to us when we moved up here. It’s pretty fucking amazing here.”

  “It is,’ I agreed, as I gazed down at Rigid. ‘You’re sure we are alone?”

  “Yes. Gravel is the only one who knows we are here,’ he said as he placed his hands on my hips, his hands spanning my side and held me in place.

  “So what are you going to do with me?” I asked as I ran my fingers down his chest, flicking his nipple.

  “Ever been skinny dipping, beautiful?” Rigid asked as I tweaked his nipple piercing.

  “No.’ I said as I leaned down and kissed m
y way up his stomach, my final destination his piercings I couldn’t get enough of. I ran my tongue over them, hearing Rigid’s breathing get shallow with every flick of my tongue. ‘Is that why you brought me here?”

  “I brought you hear because I wanted to be with you away from everyone. I love that you have Meg in your life, beautiful, but fuck me, I just want you to myself sometimes.” He ran his fingers through my hair, cupping the back of my head and pulled my lips to his.

  “My sweet Rigid,” I whispered against his lips.

  “Ashly,” he mumbled.

  “What?” I asked pulling away from him. What the hell was he talking about?

  “Ashly. That’s my name, beautiful,” he said again.

  I sat back on his legs and looked down at him. Rigid just told me his name. After a month of guessing and playing around about it, he just spits it out, surprising the hell out of. “Ashly?” I ask.

  “Yeah. Ashly,” he smirked at me. He could tell I was in shock that he had just told me his name. Asshole.

  “Why did you tell me?” Yup, Rigid finally tells me his name and I ask him why he told me. I don’t know what was wrong with me.

  “I wanted to hear that out of your lips when you asked me to kiss you.”

  “What’s your last name?” Probably something I should have found out sooner but hell, I didn’t know his first name all this time.


  “Middle name?”


  “Ashly Nathan Marks. I like it. Why don’t you?”

  “It’s not exactly a guy name, babe. At least not the Ashly part,” he grumbled under his breath.

  “Can I call you Ash instead? Ash kicks ass.” I smiled.

  “Ash, huh?” He rubbed his chin, his eyes locked with mine.

  “Please,” I pleaded. I wanted a name for Rigid that was all mine. I loved how King only let Meg call him Lo. I wanted that with Rigid.

  “All the guys are going to give me shit about my name if you call me Ash in front of them,” he reasoned.

  “Punch them. That will shut them up.” I giggled.

  Rigid laughed, his body shaking under mine. “Call me Ash, beautiful. If it makes you happy I can live with the shit they’ll give me.”

  “Thanks, Ash,” I said, testing his name out. I smiled, loving that I knew his name. Finally.

  “You’re welcome Cyn.”

  “I’m kind of going to miss guessing your name. Although I was going to have to just start naming objects that started with A. Apple was going to be my next guess.” I laughed, leaning down, placing a quick kiss on his lips.

  “You’re fucking loony, beautiful.” He followed my retreating lips, threading his hands through my hair and pulled me down, flush on top of him.

  “I’m happy,” I whispered before his lips touched mine. He claimed me with that kiss. Branding me, making me never want to feel anyone’s lips besides his. His tongue danced with mine, begging for more. I moaned, wrapping my arm behind his neck, threading my fingers in the back of his Mohawk.

  I pulled on his hair, wanting more. He growled, his hands sliding to my ass, squeezing and pulling me closer. “I can’t get enough of you,” he mumbled in between kisses.

  I ran my lips down his neck, nibbling on his ear. “Neither can I, Ash,” I whispered in his ear.

  “Only you, Cyn. Only you,” he vowed. He rolled us over, my lips sealed to his.

  “I think I’m lying on a sandwich.” I giggled against his lips, feeling a lump underneath my ass.

  Rigid rolled me on my side, pulling the squished sandwich from underneath me, throwing it to the edge of the blanket, and rolled me back on my back. His lips devouring me. I moaned, running my hands down his back, hooking my fingers into the waistband of his jeans.

  “You have too many clothes on,” I said, thrusting my hips up, begging for more.

  “So do you, beautiful, but you need to put your shirt back on. The first time I sink into your lush body, I want it to be in your bed, not on a blanket in the middle of nowhere.” He placed one more kiss on my lips, and pulled away. He grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head.

  I laid frozen, wondering how the hell he just switched it off like that. One minute we were both going crazy and the next he’s pulling his shirt on, telling me we were going to wait. Really? “What just happened?”

  “I realized you’re better than a roll in the hay, or grass, I guess. We eat and then we go back to your house. Just putting our plans on hold for an hour or two, beautiful.” He grabbed my hand, pulling me up.

  I sat there staring at him. “Two hours, tops. That’s all you’ve got till I jump you and take what I know you want to give me.”

  “Deal, darlin’.’ He handed me my shirt and a sandwich. He sat back, grabbing the chips, ripping them open and set them in between us.

  I awkwardly pulled my shirt over my head, once again praying for the day that I would have this fucking cast off.

  Sitting Indian style, I opened my sandwich and took a big bite of it. “Eat fast,” I said, my mouth full.

  Rigid laughed and shook his head at me. “Try that again without your mouth full.” He chuckled.

  I swallowed and grabbed one of the sodas. I popped the top and took a drink. “Fuck, that shit is dry,’ I grimaced. ‘I said eat fast.”

  Rigid also grimaced as he took a bite of his sandwich. I laughed as he twisted around and spit it out. “How the fuck did you swallow that?” He asked, grabbing my soda, downing half of it.

  “It wasn’t easy,” I laughed.

  “Pack this shit up. We’ll stop and get something on the way home.” He grabbed the plastic bag, holding it open and I threw everything inside. He stood up, looking down at me. Fuck, he was gorgeous.

  “Did we really just almost have sex with our shoes and pants still on?” I giggled, taking in what had just happened between Rigid and I.

  “Yeah, I think so. I was about ten seconds from coming in my jeans, just from having your hands on me.” Rigid marveled, running his hands through his Mohawk.

  “Why a Mohawk and why blue?” I asked, handing him the bag, standing up and started folding the blanket.

  “Fuck if I know. Just cut it that way one day and decided I liked it.’ He ran his hand through his hair, ruffling it. ‘Why blue? Hell, all last year it was green. I just pick a color and go with it.”

  I tucked the blanket under my arm and looked at Rigid. I couldn’t picture him with a green Mohawk. Hell, I couldn’t picture him with a regular haircut. “I like it.” I stated, as if my opinion mattered.

  “Good to know, beautiful.” He smirked and grabbed the blanket and headed back to the bike. He tucked everything in the saddle bags and swung onto the bike and held the helmet out to me. I grabbed it, quickly strapped it on and climbed on behind him.

  “We can just eat at home,” I suggested, wrapping my arms around him.

  “Eager to get home?” He laughed as he cranked up the bike.

  “Just a little.” I giggled.

  “A little over an hour and you’re mine, beautiful.” Rigid promised before heading back the way we came.

  I held on tight the whole way home, realizing things had changed. I guess Rigid hadn’t said the exact words that we were together, but what else could ‘mine’ mean?

  I watched the fields and houses fly by as when cruised down the country roads and never felt more content or safe in my life. I might just have found my happy ending.


  Chapter 21


  I pulled up to Cyn’s house and King was leaning on his bike, arms crossed over his chest with a pissed off look on his face. Fuck, what the hell had happened now?

  I parked next to him and Cyn hopped off quickly, taking her helmet off and handed it to me. I hung it on the handle bars and swung off the bike.

  “What’s up?” I asked.

  “Well, I tried calling you about twenty minutes after you left Meg’s house.’ I reached into my pocket whe
re I always had my phone and felt nothing. I patted down my other pockets not finding it either. Fuck. ‘Called you about twenty times until Remy walked out of the house holding your fucking phone, saying the damn thing was going off like crazy.” He tossed it to me and I snatched it out of the air.

  “Shit, sorry, brother. It must have fell out of my pocket earlier.” I shoved it in my pocket and folded my arms over my chest. I knew something must be up for King to come and track me down.

  “Meg’s in the house if you want to go inside, Cyn. Mickey and Crowbar should be here in a couple minutes.” He said to Cyn, dismissing her.

  Fuck, this was not good. Cyn threw me a concerned look and then headed on the house. The screen door slammed shut behind her, leaving King to tell me what the hell was going on.

  “Got a call from Troy,” he said.

  “What did he have to say? Something going on with the Assassins?”

  “Yeah. He said from the rumblings he’s been hearing around town, it sounds like something is going to go down tonight. He thinks they might be trying to move Asshat. He’s not for sure, but he feels like if we are going to make out move, now is the time,” King said.

  “We leave tonight?” I asked.

  “As soon as Mick and Crow get here, we head to the clubhouse. While you were off the fucking grid with your woman, I’ve been getting things ready. Gravel, Ham, Demon and Gambler are waiting on us to get there. Slider headed up as soon as I got the phone call from Troy. He just called, said things definitely felt off up there. Pack some shit and let’s head out.” King turned to the house and headed in.

  Son of a fucking bitch. Of course, just when I almost get things nailed down with Cyn, I have to leave town. I ran my fingers through my hair and looked at the house. Cyn was standing at the screen door, looking out at me. I motioned to her to come out and watched her walk to me.

  She walked straight into my arms, wrapping herself around me. “You have to leave, don’t you?” She whispered.

  “Yeah, beautiful. I need to take care of things,” I mumbled into her hair. I inhaled deep, burying my nose in her sweet smell.

  “Be careful. I think we just found each other, Rigid, and now I’m afraid I’m going to lose you before I really get to be with you.”


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