Anna_The Ever After Series Book 2

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Anna_The Ever After Series Book 2 Page 8

by Stella James

  “Duty calls,” he says. “Enjoy yourselves.” He turns abruptly and heads back toward the hot tub.

  “He seems like kind of a jerk,” Steven says.

  “What? Oh, no he really isn’t, he’s just, well, I think he-.”

  “Anna, you don’t have to make excuses for him.”

  “I’m not making excuses. I thought he was a complete ape when I first met him,” I laugh. “But first impressions can often be misleading, that’s all.”

  We grab a couple chairs and sit near the pool as the sun begins to set. Our conversation doesn’t flow quite as nicely as it did earlier, and I know it’s my fault. I’ve been preoccupied watching Sebastian with the blonde. Why does he waste his time? He doesn’t even look interested in her. He’s been ignoring her for the last thirty minutes.

  “So, you said you have two sisters?”

  “Oh, yes I do. Elle and Dru.”

  It takes me a minute to realize that Steven is waiting for me to embellish. Thoughts of Sebastian continue to linger in the back of my mind and I can’t seem to set them aside. I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I mentally reprimand myself for my less than stellar manners and am about to ask Steven if he has any siblings when he speaks first.

  “Look, I think I’m going to get going,” he says.

  “Oh. Okay, um, let me walk you down.”

  We get as far as my floor before Steven turns to me and takes my hand in his. “You’re great Anna, and tonight has been fun. But I think maybe someone else has their eye on you, and I could be way off base here, but I think the feeling might be mutual.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Your neighbour,” he explains. “He pretty much kept tabs on you the minute we walked into the party until we left. No hard feelings,” he adds. “I really did have a great time with you tonight.”

  “I’m sorry, Steven. I’ve been a terrible date.”

  “Hey, it’s okay,” he says. “I’m happy to chalk tonight up to simply making a new friend.”

  His lips press to my cheek in a chaste kiss before he heads for the stairs and leaves me in the hallway. I unlock my door and kick off my shoes, still not sure what the hell to make of tonight. I don’t like Sebastian. Do I? And he certainly doesn’t like me…does he?

  Ugh, today has been off. That’s it, just an off day. I head to my bedroom, peel off my dress and remove my makeup. I decide to take a shower and clear my head. Once I’ve dried off and put on an old pair of cotton capris and a loose white T-shirt, I find my glasses on the bedside table and curl up on the couch. I flip through the channels and unsuccessfully try to ignore the tiny voice in my head that insists on wondering where Sebastian is and what, or rather who he’s doing.

  I blink my eyes open, squinting at the T.V. I sit up slowly and pull my glasses off, setting them on the table. Checking my phone, I see that I’ve dozed off for the last hour. I also see that I received a text message less than five minutes ago.

  Sebastian: Still on your date?

  Me: Nope. Fell asleep on the sofa, just woke up.

  I try again to ignore the uneasy flutter in my belly. A light knock on the door does nothing for my nerves as I glance down at myself and try to straighten my shirt. I run my fingers quickly through my hair and gather it over my shoulder. Calm down Anna, the lines got a bit blurred, but you and Sebastian are not each other’s type. It will pass and everything will be normal. He’ll continue to eat all your food and tease you about your belief in happily ever afters and you’ll go back to being friendly. Yes. Exactly.

  I exhale a breath and unlock the door, finding him freshly showered and dressed in a pair of his old stained jeans and a grey T-shirt that does nothing but display his nicely tanned skin and broad chest. And I can smell his soap. Dammit. I’m attracted to him. When did this happen? This is not good.

  “Hey,” he says.


  “What happened? You couldn’t close the deal with Steve?” he teases, leaning his large body against the doorframe.

  “Apparently not,” I snort. “Guess I’m a bit rusty.”

  “Is that right?”

  I dare myself to look up into his eyes and find his penetrating stare filled with something that is not friendship.

  “No. I think you need to be active in order to be rusty,” I say quietly. “I don’t know why I just said that.”

  “Because we’re friends?” he offers.

  “Where’s the blonde?”

  “Don’t know, don’t really care.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Mmmhm. Anna?”


  Everything around us fades to a blur as he leans in close to me and places his lips on mine. My breath stops, my fingertips itching to touch him, yet I’m frozen in place. What starts as the softest kiss I’ve ever experienced in my entire life turns into a frenzy the minute a soft moan rumbles in my chest.

  His palms land on either side of my face as my arms wrap around his neck. He pushes us all the way inside, pinning me against the nearest wall, our lips remaining sealed. Every part of my body lights up with a desire so strong that part of me thinks this can’t possibly be real. As quickly as the notion hits me, it’s completely smothered when he reaches his hands around and grips the backs of my thighs, lifting me with ease and coaxing me to wrap my legs around his waist. This is definitely real Anna. The seam of his jeans rubs against the ache between my thighs and takes me to an entirely new level of need.

  My fingers spear through his thick hair as I try in vain to get closer to him. He groans into my mouth as my lips search for something that I can’t even describe beyond the word, more. Possessed by it, I can’t stop and I would have let him take me right there against the wall, if I didn’t begin to feel the firmness of his mouth on mine lessen. His fingertips ease their grip on my flesh and when he pulls away completely, looking at me with desire and confusion, the spell is broken. My chest heaves, the thumping of my heart echoing in my ears as he releases me further and I slide down his body on shaky legs.

  “Anna, I’m sorry,” he says, breathlessly. “I didn’t mean, I mean, I did but I j-.”

  “It’s okay,” I say quickly. “Um, I should get to bed. It’s been a long day.”

  “Right. Okay, we’ll talk tomorrow?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  He turns hastily and walks through the wide open door, I take a moment to catch my breath before I close it behind him. I touch my lips, still feeling the bruise of his demanding kiss. Smiling because I’ve never been kissed like that before, and feeling the weight of disappointment because I’m sure that I’ll never feel this way again.

  Chapter 10


  What the fuck did I just do? I kick the door shut behind me and drag my palms down my face, trying to shake off how perfect Anna felt beneath my hands. Jesus Christ. She’s so fucking soft.

  I open the fridge and dig out a bottle of water, twisting the cap off and tossing it in the sink before I chug back the cool liquid. I swear I can still smell flowers. Or vanilla. Or whatever the hell that amazing scent is that I’ve only ever smelled on Anna. I don’t know what the fuck happened to me today, or when the shift happened, but seeing her ready for her date and then having to watch that dud stare at her on the roof like she was the most beautiful thing in the world was too damn much apparently.

  The blonde that was hanging off me all night was a friend of a friend, I can’t even remember her name. She sidled up next to me and I didn’t discourage her, thinking she’d be the perfect person to shake me out of whatever my problem was earlier. Until Anna walked through the door. One look at her and her date, and I knew that blondie and I were done before we even got started. Anna owned my attention and I was pretty sure that I owned hers. I took a gamble that she might still be with him when I texted her, but I couldn’t seem to help myself. I guess I figured that if she was still with him, it was my cue to chalk the entire day up to a lapse in judgement.

  But she was alone. And when she answered the door, sleepy and comfortable, her face bare and her hair a bit messy, I couldn’t help myself. That loose T-shirt she wore did nothing to hide her pretty little tits and the hardness of her nipples. I’m only human and I would have done a lot more than just kiss her. But when she wrapped her slim legs around me and I felt the heat of her on my aching dick, it’s like every possible reason to not take it further crossed my mind and I reluctantly pulled my mouth from hers.

  But fuck if she didn’t taste good.

  I chuck the empty bottle in the sink and adjust myself, knowing full well that sleep will be impossible tonight until I take care of this shit myself. I begin to undress as I make my way to the bathroom and turn on the shower for the second time tonight. My hand is around my cock the minute I step under the spray, my mind reliving the way Anna kissed me back and the soft whimpers that escaped through her full lips while we were tangled together. Fucking hell. I come in a steady stream, hitting the wall in front of me. I clean up and step out of the shower, drying off quickly and not bothering to get dressed. It’s too damn hot for clothes anyways and I’m already half hard again.

  I slide into bed and close my eyes, but still, I only see her. In less than twenty-four hours I’ve apparently managed to become obsessed with the first woman I’ve ever been friends with. I’ll sleep on it. Everything will go back to normal tomorrow, she’s probably lying in bed right now regretting the whole thing. Or maybe she’s not. Maybe she’s touching herself and searching for the same kind of relief that I was. Mother fucker.


  My phone buzzes on the nightstand, waking me up from a restless sleep. It’s the same number I’ve been ignoring for the last month. There’s no voicemail this time, not that I’d listen to it anyways. I delete the call and toss my phone onto the bed. It’s still early but the sun is shining and I doubt I’d be able to fall asleep again even if I tried. I head to the bathroom and replay last night as I brush my teeth and pull on a pair of sweats that I pick up off the floor. Obviously, I fucked up and crossed a line. I need to talk to Anna; I don’t want to lose her as a friend. I need to square this shit up and stay the hell away from her until my head’s on straight, or until I get laid. I’ll go down to Cinder’s tonight and find Jenna. It goes against every one of my rules when it comes to hooking up but she’s an easy target and I clearly need to get something out of my system.

  I walk into the kitchen and put on some coffee. I should work for a bit today and I have a couple commissions to deliver. Maybe I’ll hit the gym. I’m watching the dark liquid fill the pot when there’s a soft knock on the door and I know it’s her.

  I pull open the door and instantly forget everything. Every rule. Every reason to avoid relationships. Poof, gone. One taste of Anna’s lips and my brain has completely rewired. She’s wearing one of her bright flowery printed dresses with a striped black and white button up sweater and the same flat pale pink shoes that she always wears. Her hair is hanging in a loose braid over her shoulder and her face is bare. Regular Anna. Safe Anna. Just as sexy and beautiful as she was last night wrapped in that tight as fuck dress. How did I not notice up until now? I look down at her hands and see a plate full of Poptarts.

  “I didn’t have time to bake anything and I felt weird coming over here to break the ice empty handed,” she explains quickly.

  I step aside and let her in, inhaling quietly as she breezes past. Definitely vanilla. She sets the plate on the counter and paces a little bit before she turns to face me.

  “I’m sorry,” she says. “Last night was weird, I don’t know what happened. Really, the whole day was kind of weird and I think we should just get this whole thing out in the open now before it really becomes an actual thing. So we kissed,” she continues. “It’s not that big of a deal, you probably had a few drinks and I was really tired which as you know I get loopy when I’m tired and I just think th-.”


  “Yes, I’m sorry, please tell me what you’re thinking.”

  “I only had one beer last night,” I tell her, taking a step forward.


  “I had a plan,” I say. “Of how I was going to deal with this.”

  “Me too,” she sighs.

  Fuck it. I lean down and press my lips to hers, refraining from touching her anywhere else until I know for sure that I’m not making an assumption. I pull my mouth from hers ever so slightly and give her the chance to take an out.

  “What are we doing, Sebastian?” she whispers against my lips.

  “Probably ruining our friendship,” I say.

  Her eyes meet mine, hooded and wanting. “Okay,” she says.

  That’s all I need to hear before my mouth claims hers and my hands are on either side of her face, tilting her back so that I can have more. Her mouth is just as demanding, her fingers digging into my shoulders as I guide us toward the bedroom.

  “Bed, Anna,” I gasp against her neck, nipping her soft skin. “I need you on the bed.”

  She hops up and wraps her legs around me, the juncture of her thighs rubbing against my stomach as she trails wet kisses along my jaw.

  “Please,” she gasps.

  My shins hit the bed and I unwrap her legs, sliding her down to her feet. She pulls off her sweater and lets it fall to the floor before turning around and moving her hair out of the way. I unzip her dress slowly and watch it fall to the floor, pooling around her feet. She steps out of it and toes off her shoes, turning slowly to face me in nothing but her lacy blue panties. She keeps her arms at her sides, pulling her bottom lip into her mouth as I trail a finger across her perfect tits. Small enough to fit in my hands but heavy and full with blush coloured tips. Fucking perfection.

  “Don’t freak out, okay?” she says quietly.

  She grabs my hand and brushes it down her stomach and to her side where her skin suddenly feels rough. I look down and see a large collection of various scars, jagged and uneven. The two-toned red and pink flesh is raised and covers most of her hip and the top of her thigh, standing out angrily against her creamy pale complexion.

  “I was in the car too,” she clarifies, her eyes filled with uncertainty.

  I don’t know what kind of assholes she’s been with before, but nothing could take away from how Goddamn sexy she is. Not for me anyway. I sink to my knees and press my lips lightly to her hip before I hook my fingers into her panties and slide them down her legs. With her hands in my hair, I press my mouth to her neatly trimmed pussy and inhale her sweet scent.

  “Lie back on the bed, Anna,” I rasp.

  She sinks down onto the mattress and slides back while I stand and climb over her, taking one pink nipple into my mouth and gently biting down.

  “Sebastian, I can’t wait,” she says, bucking her hips up.

  “I need to taste you Anna,” I say against her skin. “Let me taste you.”

  I nudge my way down between her legs and press her thighs open wide so that I can see every inch of her. I swipe my tongue along the wet seam of her pussy and groan when her flavour fills my mouth. She’s so sweet. Like sugar. I pull her clit between my lips and suck on it gently before letting it go and dragging my tongue down and up again.

  “Oh my God, don’t stop, please,” she gasps.

  “You’re even sweeter than I imagined,” I groan, pressing one finger inside of her slick centre. Christ.

  I work my finger in and out of her as she drips around me, my mouth sucking on her tiny pearl until she’s grinding her hips up. Fuck, I can’t wait. I add another finger and curl them up, sucking harder until her pussy clamps down on them and she’s panting into the pillow beside her. She comes apart and moans, gripping the sheets beneath her. It’s fucking beautiful and for a brief second, I can’t believe that I ever thought of Anna as plain. She’s exquisite.

  I tug down my pants and dig around in the drawer beside the bed for a condom, rolling it down my cock and lining myself up with her tight pussy. She looks up at me and w
raps her arms around my neck, pulling me down to meet her mouth. I sink into her slowly, deepening our kiss when her mouth opens on a moan.

  “You’re so tight Anna, fuck,” I groan.

  “Please don’t stop,” she pleads.

  “No fucking way.”

  I pause once I’m all the way inside of her and watch her furrowed eyebrows until they smooth out and she opens her eyes. She smiles softly, her blue eyes sated. The sunlight streaming in through the curtains dances across her smooth skin. I pull back and thrust in gently, her eyelids fluttering closed as she pulls my body closer to hers. She begins to relax around me, and when I pull back this time, I thrust forward harder. She’s heaven around me, pulling me in and gripping me tight. I’ve never felt anything comparable to this and I know there’s no coming back afterwards. No just friends, no just neighbours. Anna has to be mine, I can’t see it any other way.

  I bend one of her knees up to her chest and quicken my pace, consumed with the need to feel her squeeze my cock. I grind against her swollen clit with every thrust, her nails in my back encouraging me.

  “I need to feel you Anna, come for me baby, let me feel your pussy,” I growl.

  She grinds her hips up to meet mine and tightens her grip around my neck, gasping and panting into my neck, her pussy squeezing me so damn tight. I can’t hold it together anymore and we come together, my heart thrumming in my chest like a fucking sledge hammer. Her hold on me loosens and she sinks back into the mattress, my head finding a spot on her chest. I can hear her own heart beating beneath my ear.


  I look up to see her smiling. “It’s never been like this before,” she says. “For me.”

  I kiss her lazily and pull back slightly. “Damn, me neither.”

  She laughs softly as I roll off her and head to the bathroom to get rid of the condom. When I come back into the bedroom I’m surprised to see her still lying on top of the sheets, on her stomach, her ass on display and her red hair loose down her back. I guess I expected her to cover up, but again, I seem to have Anna pegged wrong. She looks up at me as I lie down beside her, her hands resting under her cheek. I trail a finger down her side, to the patch of her scars.


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